The Forgotten Heroes Chapter 6 “The falling blade in the.dark.” by Interesting Reed

You see the Ma’dam of the house sitting behind a desk. She was a really attractive talviallny woman appeared to be short and had long blue braided hair wearing a expensive dress with the mid section cut off and appeared to be tight on her making her breast look more ample and thickening her hips. “Yes is someone there?” The talviallny Ma’dam asked from behind her desk. As you walk in you see her close a ledger of some kind. “Miss greetings.” You whispered under your hood. “I’m hear to settle my debt.” The talviallny Ma’dam pushed her chair away from the desk and stood up behind her desk. “Laurie you are free to go.” She adjusted her dress and another talaviny woman popped from under the desk smacking her lips together and giving you a seductive look as she left the room. You took care not to show your face to the whore or the Ma’dam. “What debt do you have with me? You don’t look like anyone I would lend fiesta to or who owes me anything.” She stood with good posture and looked like she would fit right in the Talviallny royal court. You got a strange feeling from the room almost as if your being watched. Lifting you head a little you gave the room a quick scan you saw a few expensive paintings on the wall a bookshelf filled with leather covers and a few statues posed in a provocative embrace one had her fist in between the others legs deep inside the others vagina while the other had her mouth on the statues breast. The room smelled of sex and sweat probably from the talviallny whore who was lapping up the Ma’dams vagina. “Well what is your business here?” She asked as she stepped around from behind her desk. “Like I said I have a debt to settle.” You said as your hand grabbed the blade tucked inside of your river rat coat.

She stepped closer to you and with a quick grab she had your arm bent behind your back taking you by complete surprise. She had training in the Talviallny hand to hand combat. “What is that tucked inside of your coat?” She asked as her cool breath was falling on your ear. “My coin pouch of course.” You strain out. “Oh I’m sure…won’t mind if I grab it then.” The Ma’dam said as she placed her hand in your coat. She felt up your hard abdomen then placed her hand on your coin pouch. “It’s not very heavy now is it?” With a slight chuckle she ripped the coin pouch free from your belt. “I don’t think this will be enough to buy yourself a decent meal on the human part of the city. Let alone pay off any debt you may or may not have with me.” The Ma’dam then reached to pull your hood off.

You pulled you head down denying her curious eyes. “Please miss you shouldn’t have to see my face it’s been deformed from bestial flames.” You say with a calm tone. “Bestial flames? My a warrior then that’s why you carry a axe and blade?” You nod your head. “I’ve seen bestial flames before it’s quite painful to watch if you don’t die from the burns or infections they go insane from the pain.” She said while her hand trails down your spine. “Thanks to the help of a few eastern monks I was put into a deep sleep while my mind and body healed.” Then you saw it the statue across the room blink. “Yes I also heard the eastern monk have discovered that slipping into deep sleep will cure the mind.” She loosen her grip on your hand. “Well what debt do you owe me?”

“I owe you a life.” You say while you prepare for a fight. A scream echoed from below probably Flank and his men getting rough with a few whores and the guards. “What the hell?” The Ma’dam said turning her head to look at the door. You used this as your moment while twisting your wrist you managed to break free. Throwing your elbow into her stomach you got some distance and pulled out the blade. The statues let go of there embrace and charged at you. It turns out there not statues but well trained assassins coated in paint from head to toe to make them appear as statues. You noticed there fighting stance as the ancient Har’shashin unarmed martial arts. “Mistress hold off while we finish this intruder.” One painted talaviny said and charged at you with her fist turned over and her feet ready to strike. You fought with a traveling monk who used this style to defend himself back when you were a knight in training. You remember the beating you got not able to land a single blow on the monk.

While one threw her feet the other rolled on the floor waiting to strike. Blocking the kicks with the blade you never saw the other sweep your feet from under you. You crash into the floor with a heavy thud. The Ma’dam has a cruel smile spread over her face enjoying your pain. One of the painted assassins jumped on you and delivered three quick strikes to your left eye. The other held your arm and tried to wrestle the blade off you. Thinking quickly you roll on your shoulders with your legs tucked you drove your knees into the assassins back. That sent the assassin flying off you. Rolling on your shoulders you flip over on your feet. The assassin never lost her grip of you and used her sharp nails to scratch at the nerves on your wrist. That caused you to drop your blade. The assassin then tried to go for your eyes. As you move your head out the clawing assassin the other assassin landed a kick at your head. Rolling with the blow you manage to turn yourself around and place yourself under the leg of the kicking assassin.

Using your shoulder you lift her up and slam her onto the desk. The other assassin disoriented tried to sweep your legs but you expected this and jump up dodging her leg sweep and land on her leg instead. She yelped in pain while the other assassin grabbed a feather blade out of her hair. A classic assassins weapon a long but thin blade folded over so many times if held sideways it seems like it’s disappeared. Thrusting it’s tip into you river rat coat penetrating all the way threw but not piercing your skin. Quickly you move away as the assassin tries to drive the feather blade into you. A burning sensation on your skin let’s you know the feather blade is poisoned. You grab her arm and use your strength to snap her arm in half.

You pull the blade out of your coat and fling it at the other assassin on the floor. Her eyes roll in the back of her head and starts foaming at the mouth in seconds she dead. The remaining assassin tries to charge at you again broken arm and all. With a quick jump she throws both her feet into your chest. The blow threw you into the bookcase. The assassin fall back and lands on her good arm and then spreads her legs and starts to spin on her hand. You manage to see a fury of feet coming right at you. Throwing your arms over your head you block her kicks. Soon she slows down an balances her weight on one finger and with amazing strength she bends her knuckle and uses it to bounce herself up in the air.

You catch your breath and charge at her in mid air. You dive but miss as she lands on her feet. She tries to stomp at your back but the thick river rat coat absorbed the devastating blow. Now you push yourself up throwing the assassin into the bookcase. With a grunt she cracks her head on the bookshelf. Dazed she never saw you coming at her with your axe. A sickening bone crushing sound echoed in the room as your axe was deep in the side of her neck.

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