The Maintenance Man 7 by pars001

Mark just hoped it was fast enough at 2 kilometers he still didn’t feel safe at 5 kilometers he began to breath a little easier. Once the bot had reached 10 kilometers he felt better, when suddenly there was a brillant flash, the nuke going off. Mark grabbed the three women and secured them waiting for the shook wave. Shit! the bot hadn’t been wrong it was high yeild, Mark covered all their heads as the wave rocked them and the ground.

Finally the shaking had stopped, as his sister and Nissie got up to help Trina to her feet. Her jaw almost healed from the nanomites, she lowered her eyes and turned towards Mark, “I must apologise to you, then I will leave you alone, I know it will be a long time for you to forgive me if you ever do.” She shook violently as she continued, “I have a condition that I know you aren’t aware of, your sister has seen it breifly.

It can cause brief flashes of anger and irrational behaviour.” she sighed utterly defeated, “That time, when you walked in I was at the start of an episode. They can last 10 minutes or ten hours. This one lasted almost an hour, by the time your father came home you were gone.” “Why in the hell didn’t you seek treatment? why didn’t you tell me? Does Father know?” Mark looked incredulous at her. “Yes, your father knows he’s always known, but I couldn’t tell you I was so embarassed.

You concidered me the perfect mother I couldn’t tell you that your perfect mother was flawed.”she almost in a whisper “I didn’t think you were perfect, close, but not perfect,” he said “I was told there was no treatment at least not yet,” Trina was having a hard time explaining, this was something she had hidden from almost everyone.

“Fifteen years ago your father and I were awarded the first nanomites, that was the last time I had an episode.” Tears began to fall from her eyes, ” I never knew what I said that day, I never have memory of it,” she lowered her head and her voice, “I have never had to apologise for an episode. Your father was usually there when I had one.

That time with you was the only time that he wasn’t there” Mark watched as the tears began to fall freely now, no shame, no remorse she bared her soul to him. “Had I known, I might not have left, I loved you and sis, what you said hurt me. It hurt me extremely bad, I thought you were going to kill me. I was gone from the house less than 5 minutes after it happened.” Mark replied “Your father showed up 10 minutes later, he was running late from a useless meeting.

It was the next day they we were honored, Earth elevated us to interstellar dignitaries and we left empire, without you. Your father took it hard, I was afraid that you hard rebelled like you did when you were younger but no you went to that maintenance school.” she paused to collect herself before starting again.

“I tried many times to contact you, but you had left instructions that you didn’t want to see anyone” Mark nodded, he wanted no contact with the outside world, It was the only way he felt he could stay safe, The taunts and jeers of the other students were nothing to him compared to what he had experienced at home. “So…

are you cured now, or do you still have it?” Mark asked “I honestly don’t know, after that last one 15 years ago, I didn’t get checked.” Mark called his med scanner which arrived moments later. Knowing what here condition was he programed in and began to scan her. What he saw astounded him, she had been healed from 3 cracked ribs, a shattered vertebrae, her knee had been broken twice in 2 different places, her left leg had at least 5 healed breaks her right at least 6.

Scanning higher he saw her skull had been cracked at least twice both arms had been broken. Mark shook his head, “how many sets of nanomites have you had? I am reading numerous injuries.” “I believe I am on the fourth set, I almost died last year when our cabin lost air, the nanomites kept me alive but used themselves up. This resulted in a high fever til new upgraded ones were added.” Trina shivered then looked at Sam, “I know that you missed your brother.

I heard you crying at night for him, blaming yourself for him leaving. I am so sorry Sam, I hope that one day you and your brother can forgive me.” “I can see the condition that you have mother. According to this up til this set of nanomites, they were only suppressing it. This advanced set has actually started to heal the condition another year and I’d say that you’d be clear.

It’s a neurological condition that is rare.” Trina showed a sad smile, nodding her head, “I’m glad you know the truth now. Maybe someday I’ll be able to share in your joy. Please watch your sister I feel she’d be safer with you than with me. Protect her as a big brother should. I have to go and make sure everything is ready. Your father is due in on the next liner.” With that she left leaving three astounded people in the room.

“Oh my god Mark, she has never apologised to anyone not even father!” Sam exclaimed, “she must really love you, she used to tell me that the only people she’d apologise to was family” Sam’s mouth was agape the realization of her actions hitting home. Mark himself was amazed, the amount of damage that she had taken to her body was amazing.

“Mark,” Nissie spoke for the first time since Mark’s arrival, “You said you saw my sister?” she said shaken, “and that she shot Tantka!? what the fuck was she doing here? excuse me Mr. Mark I didn’t mean to curse in front of you.” “It’s alright concidering the circumstances, yes I believe that it was her.

A rather tall woman, slender I believe that she had red hair also.” Nissie’s face lit up, “That’s sounds like her, did she say anything?” “No, I saw her on the scanner before I came here, she was chasing Tantka, they climbed into small shuttles and left she was hot on his heels.” “Holy shit! she was here with her personell shuttle! Damn she was serious.” “She seemed deadly serious, I am going to have to thank her, the next time i see her.” Mark said in after thought.

“I don’t think you’ll have to” Nissie spoke up, “I think it’s her way of thanking you. also knowing my sister she won’t let up til he’s dead and she knows for sure he is.” Mark only nodded helping the two women to their feet. Going to their room mark called all the tech back and started to pack. They had been here way too long and the city was as good as new. the bots were still repairing and had found another hundred bots that soon joined in.

Boarding the liner they had met Arthur Doraland coming off, they passed swapping pleasantries, their father giving them a strange look as Sam kissed her father and boarded the liner. Sighing Mark went through the computer files updating all the programs. Moving on he was almost disappointed when he didn’t find any sabotage. Just the usual worn fittings, fried lines, diconnected power couplings just the normal. “Mark?” Sam asked, “Oh I’m sorry, Mr.

Mark.” “Yes Sam, what is it?” “You’re not mad at me are you? for the deception?” she lowered her eyes to the floor “No, you are quite capable I told you your knowledge is that of a second year student if you had a little more I might let you help make a few repairs.

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