The Master’s Cabin by PJ Wolfwalker

The Master’s Cabin, Pt #3

The memories of summer & the warm sunshine that dried our naked bodies on the floating dock are long past now. As Summer turned to Fall and Fall to the first frozen chills driven over the land, you knew wherever we were, it certainly wasn’t tropical… The air took on a decidedly chilly nature, and we harvested our garden that grew in the clearing between the side of the cabin & the woods where sheltered from the wind, in the fullness of the southern light you became aware why I’d built the cabin where I had.
As Fall deepened and the leaves from the deciduous trees fell, you noticed the pines & firs wrapped around our location like a huge green hand, the only low growth at the edges of the open ground that faced south over the surface of the lake. You realized too that I’d made the cabin with only a single west & east facing window, two small permanently sealed ones looking north as the main ones all faced south.
When I brought the big Plexiglas sheets from the shed to fasten over the screens of the roofed veranda on the front of the cabin, you realized even more… That place where we sat with the warm breezes flowing around us on hot nights as we lay out with the stars all around was not just decorative. The wood-box that stood next to the door was moved & filled to the top with kindling.
You discovered I’m not into the “helpless female” thing, as you wheeled wheelbarrow loads of dry, split firewood to the doorway, propped open now the flies had left, so you could stack most of our wood inside, out of the weather. The frames that held you on summer evenings as I flogged you just so you could experience the night air on bare flesh while I used the flogger in the starry, moonlit darkness. You shivered as you stacked the wood, knowing this was vital to survival in the long cold months ahead.
You found out why I’d refer to Myself as a “pragmatic realist” sometimes, as we prepared & bottled green or wax beans, peas, some of the smaller carrots & potatoes for late in the season until the first crops of the new sowing was ready to eat. All sorts of vegetables, fruits & berries were preserved or canned, those big sturdy deep shelves you’d wondered about, stocked with our homegrown goods.
Then while I left you inside with work to do, your leg manacled to the sturdy chain that allowed you access anywhere in the cabin except past the edge of the veranda, I left in the boat, using My outboard motor this time, telling you to expect Me to not return until next day.
You watched as I zipped the bulky flotation vest on with the rain jacket, as you kissed Me once I’d allowed you to stand to show Me your affection. That night was the first time you’d been left alone in the cabin, & it was a shock to your system that you missed Me very much. Not the being leaned over the quilt rack to have your bottom smacked with the crop or the time in the stocks that always meant flogging, followed by rough entry from behind, either your snug pussy or in your butt, often the one followed by the other. You missed My breathing as you curled your lovely country girl beauty against me to sleep at night.
You felt so out of place you couldn’t sleep in the bed, and slept on the couch, covered with a big blanket that was waiting to be washed because it smelled of our sex. That comforted you enough you fell asleep after having cold leftovers. You knew I was gone to get one of the loads of things we couldn’t grow or find in the wild near the cabin, cheese, tinned goods, fresh milk, other things we lacked the equipment to prepare or the means to have over the long haul.
You’d asked once about fresh eggs and a hen-house. I agreed, but asked when you wanted to kill & clean them before winter’s frost claimed them, & would you cook them before bottling or smoke or dry the meat to preserve it for winter? You decided you were not up to dispatching & cooking them, that you’d become too attached to them to do it, so Master had brought eggs with the ‘bought’ groceries every couple of weeks.
Next morning an hour or so after sunrise, you heard an approaching boat under power, breathed a sigh of relief as I rounded the point toward the dock. You noticed quickly that I was towing a second aluminum boat filled with boxes & bags behind My boat. I entered, stroked your hair as you showed your submission for Me, rising as I indicated I wanted to unlock your leg manacle. I hugged you, about to walk to the dock, but I stopped you, passed you a bag with fresh fruit & bacon to prepare breakfast. You’d come so far, making delicious home-made bread & other baked goods, so that I’d long ago stopped bringing the prepared foods with Me, and brought ingredients instead.
As you prepared our food, I began to lug the boxes up in the wheelbarrow…Tinned meats, cans of soup, pasta in sauce, browned beans… convenience foods I didn’t usually indulge in, case after case of long life fresh milk, canned milk to use as coffee cream, two cases of coffee, two cases of tea bags, another of various herbal tea, extra batches of medicinal ones like peppermint or ginger, a case of honey, since with both of us allergic to bee stings, we were not about to try harvesting wild honey. Sugar, brown, white, sweetener, a few large sacks of rice, sacks of flour, baking powder, baking soda, & on & on it came… The stack on the floor seemed much more than two small boats could have held.
You were surprised to see two boxes of dried egg from a military surplus warehouse store, more & more food. Then the other items, like two huge cases of toilet tissue, another one of paper towel & two cartons of facial tissue. Then came boxes filled with aspirin, cough syrup, cold remedies, band-aids, disinfectant & antibiotic cream, antihistamines for allergic reactions, even prescription medicines like antibiotics, strong pain relievers, special boxes marked ‘eye care kit’ & other things you marveled at. Everything for a small, well-stocked clinic was there, as you recalled Me telling you I trained as a field medic while in the army many years before. You realized I wasn’t about to let anything bad happen to us if I could, seeing the First Aid, CPR & other emergency medical handbooks I’d brought.
By the time I was done bringing the supplies up at a fast pace, you had breakfast ready, and set on the table for us. We ate together, as we normally do, much of our daily life woven together. “I have to return the second boat & bring up the rest of the supplies if I want to get it here before dark I told you. Have something nice for supper, I’m going to be starved.”
You stopped stock still as I zipped up the floater vest & headed for the door. I hadn’t locked the manacle to your ankle. “Do you think I can trust you enough not to need that?” I nodded toward the manacle & chain. You blushed with excitement as you knelt and bowed, raising your head just to nod affirmation to my question. “Good, I have to start being able to trust you, today is a trial of sorts for you. Bring in some more firewood & check for any late berries on the bushes near the cabin, but don’t go beyond sight of the cabin or you could end up lost in the woods.”
You nodded, heart racing & cheeks flushed, as you realized you would be free for the first time in about six months, on your own & if you chose to, able to run away. Run away to where? You didn’t even know where ‘here’ was, much less how to get away from it. You spent the day foraging for late berries, checking the garden that we’d missed nothing in our harvesting.
You sat on the end of the floating dock to rest as you ate bread and cheese with a mug of tea at lunch-time, looking far away up & down the lake, across at the distant shore. The wild ducks had started to leave for their flight south, as a flight of geese soared high overhead in their honking V formation. You looked at the birds flying free as you thought of freedom, & realized with a slight start, that you didn’t want freedom, all you wanted was to be at the cabin in the woods with your Master, living a healthy life – outdoors working, indoors cooking, cleaning washing, etc, serving My needs, sexual or others, learning to serve from Me, receiving pain as well as tenderness.
You had to be true to yourself, that a cabin in the wilds, without regular ‘grid’ electricity, no telephone, internet or TV… Just a simple existence that served well to take away the distractions of the outside world. Clean air, clean water, no nosy, noisy neighbors gawking, nobody judging the life we lived, no one to condemn what we are.
There are thousands & thousands who list this as their fantasy as you did when you filled out the questionnaires for the online dating site, a year or more ago. Who’d have thought it would lead to this? That Master would have chosen you, taken you here… To His personal, special place, built with His own hands, share His world, all that mattered, far as you were concerned, with you & you alone.

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