The Succubae Seduction 2: The Twins Chapter 27 by SSelxuyt

“Shlee? Are you all right?” he asked, unable to interpret the look on her face.

“Oh, yeah,” Oberon chuckled as he destroyed the barrier and flew through. “I should have mentioned that it hurts like Medusa’s snakes are using your nutsack like a punching bag.”

Eldon ignored the annoying little man as he stared at his girlfriend, afraid of what the null-magic screen did to her.

“She ran through right after you,” Brock said in a flat tone. “If it did the same to her that it did to Oberon, it removed Gloria’s geis to love you. I’m sorry, Eldon.”

“Oberon?” Eldon looked up at the smirking Faerie, then to the pitying look on his brother’s face. With horror filling his chest, he turned back to Shlee. He still couldn’t identify her facial expression. Somewhere between shock, nausea, and anger, and yet none of those.

Part of him, the part that always worried if she loved him for him, or because of Gloria’s manipulation, felt relieved. While he couldn’t identify the look she gave him, he knew it wasn’t a loving one. The other part—the part that took comfort in having her there, and knowing that she cared deeply for him—shattered.

“Shlee, I’m…” he trailed off as he tried to find words to say. What do you say to someone who just woke up from being forced to love someone they didn’t care about? It made him understand Becky’s attitude earlier, even if she was tricked into believing that her love was false.

“Kind of liberating, isn’t it, Bitch?” Oberon cackled.

“Don’t call her that!” Eldon snapped at the Faerie King. “She could pick you out of her teeth if you piss her off.”

“No,” Shlee gasped, still trying to catch her breath. “I doubt he’d taste good, and I can’t think of what wine he’d pair well with.”

Eldon stared at her, surprised that she was capable of making jokes. She met his eyes and grimaced.

“Damn it, that was tougher than I thought it’d be,” she said next, while Eldon waited for the hammer to drop all the way and shatter the remnants of his heart. “I had to be sure, though. Sorry, Eldon.”

“It’s…” He swallowed the lump forming in his throat and tried again. At least he knew that he loved her for her and that Gloria hadn’t cast a spell on him. His eyes closed as he fought back the tears. When he was confident his voice wouldn’t break, he opened his eyes and met her beautiful blues. “I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’ll understand if you never want to see me again, but I hope you’ll at least still help us escape.”

“Never…” Shlee stepped up to him in two quick movements. Her hand moved with blurring speed, slapping him hard. He knew he deserved it for taking advantage of her while under Gloria’s influence, but it hurt all the more because he still loved her. “Eldon, I… Do you no longer love me?”

His head snapped up to meet her fiery gaze. “I was never under a spell. At least, I don’t think I was. I meant what I said when I told you how deeply I love you. I guess you’re thrilled you didn’t marry me now.” He tried and failed to keep the bitterness out of his voice.

He saw the second slap coming, and braced himself for it, rather than dodge or block. If this was what she needed to recover and move on, then he would endure. What he didn’t see coming was the way her lips pressed against his before she pulled back. Tears filled her eyes as she grabbed both his hands. He noted that her hands were slightly furred, and from the warmth dripping down his cheek, he guessed that her claws were out.

“Eldon, I still love you,” she told him, though the words didn’t make sense to him. He must have misheard. Those two slaps, plus getting thrown against the wall, must have genuinely rung his bell. “I’m sorry for making you wonder, but I had to be sure. I fell in love with you for you and for who you are. You’ve proven yourself as a worthy mate time and again with your actions, how well you’ve treated me, and your bravery. Honestly, the only part of you lacking is how little you’re interested in geeky stuff, but I’m more than happy to convert you to the dark side. I know I hurt you—I can see it in your eyes—but some part of me worried my love was still because of the spell, and so I had to be sure. I hope you’ll forgive me. I know now that I love you for you, Eldon.”

“Forgive?” he asked, still trying to get his thoughts in order. “There’s nothing to forgive. You have the right to be free and love as you choose. I’m sorry if I subjected you to anything you didn’t really want.”

“Um… While I confess that I never thought of myself getting into a poly-amorous relationship, I admit that I still love Mandy as well,” Shlee said, worry filling her blue eyes. Her hand came up to cup his bleeding cheek before she gave him a quick peck on the lips. “Eldon… Are you hearing me? I’m telling you that I still love you.”

She… Still… With a shake of his head, everything she’d said finally sunk in. His heart leaped into his throat, cutting off any chance of further speech, so he picked her up and hugged her close.

“As touching as this is,” Oberon’s voice cut in, “and as unexpected, I believe we’re still in the middle of an escape.”

“I’m so sorry for your cheek,” Shlee said as Eldon put her back on her feet. He could see some of his blood smearing her cheek and used his sleeve to wipe it away. He felt giddy inside and invincible. She still loves me! Shlee Olsen loves me for me, and not because of some spell!

Then his eyes fell on Brock, and his heart broke again. The merman stared at Oberon with a longing that went ignored. This also explained the Faerie King’s current attitude. If he was released from Gloria’s geis, then he no longer cared for Eldon’s sibling.

Why then was he helping them escape?

Eldon didn’t know, but considering the carnage behind them, he was glad the little man was on their side.

“Dunk your head in your brother’s water, and let’s go,” Oberon commanded without looking at them. “It has healing properties. I can feel a powerful sorceress approaching. She’s no match for me, but I’d rather not expend the strength to destroy her.”

“That’s Becky!” Lyden said, stepping in front of the powerful-yet-small man. “We need to capture her and take her with us if we can. Don’t harm her or my unborn child.”

“Mother-fucker, you’ve got some balls on you Lyden Snow,” Oberon growled. “Few men would dare order me, Oberon, King of the Fairies, Keeper of the Cup, Lover of Ladies, and Soulkeeper of the Fay like that. Too bad you didn’t teach your child that gumption.”

Eldon saw Brock wither into himself at that comment, but he didn’t have the time to help his brother out. Becky arrived, coming down a set of carved stone steps with a coterie of Knights behind her.

“Well, I guess I know why you were so calm the last time we spoke,” Becky smirked as she looked at them. “And I see you wasted little time in replacing Arethusa. Tell me, Lyden, how is the little statue? No matter. We’re prepared to fight fairies. Even if they are uglier than your last lover. I know all your tricks, and you won’t be escaping our justice.”

“Ugly?!” Oberon spat and charged forward. “We’ll see who’s ugly after I—Hey, let go!”

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