Truths and Betrayals of a Young Man’s Heart Chapter 10 Final by Hawkrider

I was close so close. I kept my hands on her hips as Mina kept grinding on me. At that moment I pushed down on her hips and erupted deep inside here. Feeling her cervix open with the head of my cock. She gave out a moan and spoke.

” Oh yesssss…I feel you cumming inside me. Feels so very good.” Mina said smiling on my left shoulder

We stayed like that enjoying the moment and relaxed. The water started to get cold and we got out. I dried her off as she dried me off. We cleaned the floor and went to bed naked. Mina wanted to feel skin against skin as we snuggled up together. Holding each other we told one another our hearts love the other. I told Mina I was so proud of her. She exclaimed to me we vowed to protect one another and she was just protecting what was hers at the start. We kissed and relaxed in silence listening to the other breath. Sleep took us both as we laid there in the arms of our love.

14 years later…..

I am sitting at a intersection watching a young man help a older lady across the street with her bags. I smile at the gesture the older lady gives him a smile watching his good deed. I take a sip of my coffee when I get a call on the radio. Thelma my dispatcher tells me there is a fight in progress at Candy’s Diner. I tell Thelma i’m on it and turn my sirens on. I am going down the street fast as I can. About 5 minutes later I pull up and see a old familiar face that I just can’t get rid of. David is backing up from a unfamiliar face. Chase and Eric let the young looking man go and back away from him. Seems old habits never die. I get out of my car and walk up to the young man and see he is roughed up a little. He looks 18 or 19, about 6’2, 198 lbs, with long red hair that is in a braid. Candy comes out after seeing me and starts telling me what happened. That the young man was defending one of her waitress’s and David and his goons started harassing the young man. I tell her thank you and please check on her customer. She agrees and walks over to the young man. Another car shows and I just shook my head. Getting out of the car is Maya she followed in my foot steps in being a police officer. She graduated from high school early and went to the academy to graduate from there early. Mina and I found out all three of our kids were smart and we are so proud of them. Maya asks what was going on. I filled her in and she looked at David, Chase, and Eric and shook her head saying bad habits don’t die I give a chuckle thinking I said the same thing. I ask her to check on the young man and she does. David asks what I intend to do. I answer by saying it’s up to the young man him and his buddies were beating on. I tell them to stay and they do. I walk over and kneel down as Maya his checking his face and ribs. I notice his jacket on the ground and reach for it. I notice the patch and my eyes go wide. I ask him where he got such a patch. He tells me it was his birth dad’s and he handed it down to him saying his dad met two guys when he was his age and they were friends until one went to college and the other went to Vietnam. I think of what Uncle Damien told me and it hits me. I hand the jacket to the young man with a smile thinking we are kindred spirits. Maya asks if he wanted to press charges against the three that beat on him. He explains no that his birth mom is a successful lawyer and his dad is the leader of a biker club. That he be saving David and his two buddies from a brutle trial or a brutle beating. I agree with him , Maya and I help him up and dust him off. I apologized for how he was treated. He just grins and says it’s ok. That any other time it would be them on the ground. I guess David caught wind of what he said and went wide eyed.

” What’s your name son.” I ask with a smile

Maya seems to be lost for how tall this young man is. She notices I am looking at her and just glances off at David giving him a cold stare. The young man extends his hand in which I accept and he answers

” Nick, my name is Nick.” He says with a grin


Writer’s thought’s

Well that is the end of Alex’s Truths and Betrayals of a Young Man’s Heart. As for the young man Nick well he may have a story that needs told. I hope everyone enjoyed my first series for I enjoyed writing it. For those that thought different well you just made me want to keep going. I may not be the best, but I never give up. I would like to give a big thanks to the ones that supported me through the whole series. I would like to think I made some friends along the way. Some were anonymous, but some left their names. To them I say watch for future stories that may catch their eyes. As for the ones I know by name Thank you and this is who I know of.

HM downunder
Dino Aris

To those I didn’t name thanks as well. And keep a eye out I have another story in my mind to write. Until next time peace and have a great day…….Hawk

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