A Modern Harem – Part 3 – by kathrynmburke

A Modern Harem – Part 3 – by kathrynmburke

Within two weeks, Gerald had all but moved into Joyce’s house. He had yearned to get out of his cramped little apartment, especially since a lot of his stuff had to be placed in a storage unit. Joyce was secretly ecstatic at his arrival: she realized how much she missed having a man in her bed, and in the house generally. Both of them regarded the move as only temporary or tentative, but they were confident that it was likely to become permanent.

Hilary was also pleased at having a quasi-father figure in the house. She herself had been unaware how much she’d missed her father; and while there was no way Gerald could ever take Richard’s place, he was a genial, generous older man who seemed to fit right into the household. Hilary regretted that she’d have to leave the house herself in just over a month to take up quarters in a tiny dorm room on campus.

It was on a Saturday afternoon, when Gerald was out taking care of some business, that Hilary sat her mom down on the living-room couch for a little talk.

“So,” she said, “Gerald’s great, isn’t he?”

“He certainly is,” Joyce said in a dreamy voice.

“You guys getting along?”


“Glad to hear it. I’d like to ask you something.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

Looking straight into her mother’s eyes, she said, “Do you think he could take my virginity?”

Joyce at first thought she had surely misheard her daughter. Then, as Hilary continued to glare intently at her, she felt herself getting dizzy–maybe close to fainting.

“Excuse me?” she said in a choked voice. “You–you want him to do what?”

“I want him to deflower me,” Hilary said, emphasizing every word as if talking to someone who didn’t understand English very well.

“Hilary, are you out of your mind?” Then another thought occurred to her. “You’re a virgin? With all this sex talk that you engage in, I figured you must have . . .”

“Mom, I’m afraid it’s been all talk and no action. So that’s what I want now.”

“Wait a minute,” Joyce said, holding out her hands as if she was on a boat that was swaying from side to side. “Might I ask why you want to be–I mean, not to be a virgin anymore?”

“Mom, look,” Hilary said with a big sigh. “I’ll be going to college in about a month, and I don’t want to get there without some–experience. I’d feel like a dope. What if I end up liking some guy, and then he does me? He might get all freaked out–you know, the blood and the mess and stuff.”

“Somehow I thought boys liked deflowering virgins. It’s a point of pride with them, isn’t it?”

“Maybe some guys do. But a lot of guys just don’t want to deal with all that. And I think they like girls who kind of know what they’re doing in bed.”

“Okay, fine, but there’s one small point you’re overlooking.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s that Gerald is MY BOYFRIEND!” Those last words came out as something close to a shriek.

Hilary gave out her usual chuckle. “You know, I’ve always felt it was odd for people of your age to call yourselves boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“Then what, pray tell, would you call us?”

“How about ‘lovers’? That basically means you’ve had sex.”

“It means a lot more than that!”

“Sure, I know that. Does that mean, by the way, that he’s said he loves you?”

“No–but I think he will soon.”

“That’s great. So–”

“But the question remains: why do you want Gerald to–to deflower you?”

“Mom, you’ve said he’s a real nice guy, right?”

“Of course he is.”

“Well, I honestly don’t know any really nice guys, so he fits the bill. I’ve heard that it’s super-important for a girl to have a good first experience. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yes.” But the way Joyce said that single word made Hilary look keenly at her mother.

“What was your first time like, Mom?”

It took Joyce a long time to answer: “Not so good.”

“Gee, I’m sorry to hear that. You wanna tell me about it?”

Now it was Joyce’s turn to sigh. “It was in my college days–early in my sophomore year. I guess I was nineteen at the time. As a freshman I’d been so terrified of failing that I did nothing but hit the books, write papers, and take exams. I had, like, no social life of any kind. The next year I felt better about myself, so I started to do a little more socializing. So I went to this party–”

“You had sex at a party?” Hilary said incredulously.

“Yes, but just listen, will you! It wasn’t what you may be thinking. I have to admit, I’d felt a little irked that no boys had taken an interest in me freshman year. I mean, I was pretty good-looking then.”

“Still are, Mom. Beautiful, in fact.”

“Thank you. So when I got to this party–well, I was thinking maybe it was time.”

“Mom, didn’t you want some privacy for the occasion?”

“Well, dear, it’s not as if I did it in front of everyone! In fact, all I wanted was a little cuddling in some quiet corner. Somehow I ended up being alone with a guy in a room on the second floor of this house, and we did start cuddling. But pretty soon he made it clear that he wanted more than that.”

“He started pawing you all over?”

“Pretty much. That was okay with me–it felt good. I’m very sensitive in certain places.”

“I can imagine. Just go on with the story.”

“Well, we actually didn’t take our clothes off. He–”

“You had sex with your clothes on? Jeez!”

“Will you listen? This guy–I don’t even remember his name, if I even knew it–was hugging and kissing me, and then he slipped a hand onto my bottom, and then under the hem of my skirt, and then he pulled my panties down to my knees. I felt all goose-pimply–I really liked the feel of that hand on my body! So I made efforts to unzip his pants and fish out his cock. It wasn’t all that big–what a relief!–but it was really hard.

“Well, this guy seemed to be in a real hurry: he just wanted to stick it in me. He didn’t even bother to check whether I was wet. I was, but not as wet as I should have been. Anyway, he put it in–or I should say he started to put it in when he reached that absurd little barrier we have.

“His eyes got all big. I think he wanted to stop, but I whispered in his ear, ‘Please, just go on in.’

“That’s all the permission he needed. He burst through my poor little hymen and pounded me pretty hard. It took him all of about two minutes to come. Then he pulled out in a hurry, and when he saw his cock streaked with my blood, he did seem to freak out. I mean, there really wasn’t all that much, but he couldn’t stop looking at it. He quickly snatched some Kleenex from a nightstand, wiped his cock, and then said sheepishly, ‘That was great–see ya later!’ And he bolted out of the room.”

“I don’t believe it,” Hilary said. “You lost your virginity standing up, with almost all your clothes on, and it was all over in a couple of minutes. That can’t have been very nice for you.”

“It wasn’t. I just mopped myself up with some Kleenex, pulled my panties up, left the party, and went home.”

“I’m really sorry, Mom. But that just proves my point! Thus guy went bananas when he saw you were a virgin. I don’t want anything like that to happen to me.”

“I get that, but I still don’t know why you’d want Gerald–“

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