A Welcomed Guest 4 by pars001

The man was hesitant; the first two were hard enough to believe but this? Sighing the man continued. “Yes doctor, I noticed a third set a little while ago. On my lower stomach a red disk wrapped by a uraeus (cobra) and to the right of them is another ankh.” Again the man heard her gasp, then whisper Sekhmet.

“Sir, I would appreciate it if you came in and let me examine them.” The doctor finally said, “It seems you wear the marks of three of the ancient goddesses.”

“Uh doc, I don’t think that’s too good of an idea. Since these have appeared on me members of the opposite sex have been almost uncontrollable around me. I have been attacked at times, so I am far more careful. First I have to ask you aren’t a follower, or priestess, for any of these three are you?” The man asked.

“No sir, I am not a follower of any of the ancient religions. Wait you said ALL members of the opposite sex? I am at a loss right now is it possible that we meet somewhere? At least to talk if you are that afraid.” The doctor suggested a little concerned.

“That would be possible but doctor please tell no one and come alone or it is off.” The man advised her.

“I will I am truly interested in what you have told me. Please meet me at the library downtown, would that do?” The doctor suggested.

“Alright I’ll meet you in two hours; it will give me time to prepare.” With that the man hung up as did the doctor.

In the next room the assistant smiled, so all three were present now. She needed to inform the followers though they would have to go extremely careful or they would miss the chance. The doctor got up to leave telling her assistant that she was gone for the day. The assistant told her good bye the a minute later locked up and followed the doctor.

An hour and a half later the man had to make sure he was going to be safe. Watching from nearby he watched the coming and goings at the public place. Near the appointed time the man saw who he thought was the doctor park and slowly walk inside. Not more than five minutes later several more cars pulled up as a multitude of people started to surround the building.

Shaking his head the man called the front desk asking to speak to the doctor.

“Yes, this is doctor Markov.” Came the woman’s voice.

Trying to hold his anger the man spit into the phone, “I thought I told you to come alone! You lost your and my last chance! You can kiss my ass…?”

“I came alone,” the doctor interrupted the man. “The only other one you spoke to was my assistant. Oh my god! I am so sorry! My assistant mentioned something the other day about Sekhmet! Tell me where else we can meet? No I don’t, yes but, alright.” Hanging up the phone with a deep sigh, the doctor left the building twenty minutes later heading to her house. Disappointed, she would have to get another assistant tomorrow. She hated that, the young woman was an asset but it seemed she also had an extremely loud mouth.

The doctor could almost feel the people following her; that is ’til she started to head to her home. Pulling into her garage the doctor sighed, this had been a real chance to study actual proof of three female deities of ancient Egypt. Now thanks to the meddling of her assistant the chance was lost forever.

Getting out of her car the slender, tall light brown haired woman collected her mail and headed in. Inside she just laid everything on her counter and removed her coat when she felt a hand cover her mouth.

“I suggest you don’t scream when I remove my hand. I felt that this was the only way you and I could help each other. Now then,” the man removed his hand then lowered his eyes as the woman doctor spun to face him.

At first shocked, ‘who in the hell did he think he was breaking into her home? She had half a mind to call the police,’ though, she really DID want to get a good look at the symbols. At least the ones that the man claimed were now on his body. “Alright let me turn…” she started as she reached out for the light switch.

“NO! Please as little light as possible, I need you doctor to help me. Not a brainless, sex starved female.” The man said a little forcefully.

“A brainless… look here! How in the hell do you expect me to examine the supposed symbols if I can’t see them?” The doctor told the man a little pissed off.

“Trust me doctor, it only takes a good look at my face for you to become that way. Honestly I prefer you the way you are right now. Though I do have to admit, you are a beautiful woman.” For some strange reason the woman actually blushed at the man’s words. “I need your help doctor, you as I stated, are the last hope I have.”

The doctor was shocked, the last hope he had? What in the hell was going on? What precisely was this man mixed up with?

Sighing the woman nodded, “Alright I’ll see what I can do, but it will be difficult in the dark.”

Nodding the man told her, “I’ll do all I can to help but as I said it only takes one good look then nothing I have seen will break you out of it short of uh…”

The doctor looked up from across the room, “Short of what?”

“I hesitate to tell you it seems farfetched but I tell you it is all true.” The man stated. The woman nodded then indicated for him to continue. Sighing the man continued. “When this first happened it was just once a year one night of passion. This year it all changed Bast appeared and told me I was her husband and that I needed to uh…”

“You needed to what?” The doctor inquired.

“That I needed to spread my seed. Doctor,” The man inquired as he sat forward looking at the floor. “Just how old would you say I am?”

The doctor looked at what of him she could see smooth young skin, no wrinkles anywhere. No grey hair, “I’d say you are young possibly 22, 23.”

The man only shook his head no, “no doctor I turned 55, 3 weeks ago.”

The woman’s face showed her shock. “Now sir I think you are playing a prank on me.” The man shook his head no and pulled his wallet out handing it to her. The license was for a 55 year old man but this was impossible. “When did this… regression start?”

“After the first time last week with Bast. That’s when the symbols on my thighs appeared and Bast told me I was her husband. A few nights later another woman appeared claiming to be Isis. That’s when the second set appeared. Bast said that her mother had marked me and I was safe. The other set appeared today after I met Sekhmet yesterday. She was mad that Bast claimed me and shouted to the air that she claimed me also. A booming voice said so be it but she had to procure also.” The man quieted as the doctor was in shock.

“My god,” she whispered. “It’s the foretold second awakening of the Egyptian gods!”

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