Chapter 5: Schoolgirl Offers a Naughty Reward by mypenname3000

“Those redheads you’re dating?” she asked.

“The two redheads I’m dominating.”

“And let’s straighten,” said Coach Bennett. She straightened up with perky energy. “And now the left foot. Let’s get down there and hold those stretches.”

“Can you prove it?” the athletic girl asked as I reached for my other toe.

“Name your challenge?” I said.

“I’ll think on it and let you know,” she said.

“Just make sure my prize for winning’s worth it.”

“Oh, it will be,” she promised, her voice liquid heat.

Steam pumped through my veins as I stretched. I felt limber and ready for our hour. Coach Bennett ran us through the last few steps and then she was clapping her hands in excitement, bouncing in place. I bet she was a cheerleader once upon a time.

“All right, girls and…” She blinked. “Well, Mr. Derrickson, you are definitely changing things up. Boy and girls, let’s go for a run. We’ll go through the neighborhood. It’s an easy route that we’ll be running once a week, so you’ll get used to it. We just go up the street leading to the college until we hit the busy street with the gas station on the corner. Then you go right and head three blocks. You’ll take that residential street all the way down to where you can only make a right turn, and that takes you right back to the front of the school.”

Some of the girls groaned but I felt eager excitement coming from the athletic girl. She slipped up to me and, her voice low, said, “I’m going to run as fast as I can. You catch me, and I’ll make it worth your while.”

“You better,” I said and boldly cupped her ass, giving her a squeeze.

“You are exactly what all the rumors buzzing about you claim,” she said and then moved away from me.

I groaned as she put a sauntering sway to her steps. Her glossy waterfall of black hair swayed behind her as she followed the other girls outside. I grinned and jogged after them, eager for this race. I was in good shape. After the accident, I started running. The exercise helped with my headaches.

I’d show her.

Coach Bennett led the way at a stately jog across the yard towards the main gate. The athletic girl glanced behind me, then she broke into a full sprint. I grinned and ran after her, my legs pounding. I flashed past the coach.

“It’s not a race, you two!” she called. “Please, don’t get lost!”

The athletic girl was fast. Her hair was a dark streak behind her, twisting and flowing in a sinuous fashion. Her legs flashed as they stretched out. She had a long stride. Lust flowed through me as I pounded after her, my feet thudding on the grass.

Then we were on pavement and racing out the college’s gate. A road ran in front of the college while a street led off ahead. She ran across the road without stopping, heading into the center of the current street.

I ran after her at full speed. She had a head start, but I was inching up on her. The terrain passed us. I drew in breaths and felt the start of the burn in my thighs. That fire blazed in my legs, but it was nothing compared to the steam building in my balls.

I wanted this girl.

This was my last period to have fun at school. I ached to sink my cock into her hot, juicy cunt. She surged down the sidewalk, as unstoppable as a churning flood. I would have to catch her on my own. I would have to be faster than her.

She had great stamina. We were two blocks from the college, and she was still at her full sprint. I didn’t relent. My long legs carried me after. I closed the distance, but she was still twenty feet ahead.

I wouldn’t lose.

I would get in her jogging shorts.

My dick led me on, almost dragging me after her. My lusts tumbled around me, a torrent that propelled me onward. The burning in my legs built and built, but I pushed through the pain. The euphoria of my exertion swelled through me. I approached that runner’s high.

I closed the gap to ten feet.

We reached the gas station. She cut through its parking lot, leaping over a small wall only a foot high. I jumped it and pounded after. We ran through the pumps. Someone shouted in surprise. Then she was on the sidewalk heading to the residential road three blocks away.

Every heartbeat brought me closer to her. She looked so graceful as she ran. So beautiful. I closed it to five feet when we reached the residential street. Her hair flashed before me as she rounded the corner onto the quiet road, leaving behind the bustle.

Houses flashed past us with hedges and picket fences. The terrain was all a blur to me. My attention was focused on her.

Four feet.

My lust beat harder and faster.

Three feet.

I could reach out and grab the back of her ponytail if I was a dick. I wasn’t.

Two feet.

I was moving up beside her. She glanced at me, face flushed, eyes steamy.

One foot.

We were practically abreast now. She grit her teeth and put her all into it, a final burst of speed.

I matched her.

Legs screaming in pain, I pushed through my limits. I smashed them and stretched out in a last burst of speed that pulled me alongside her. I glanced over at her, our feet landing at the same moment. In sync.

She smiled. Then, to my shock, she darted to her left for a little gravel alley. I changed course and followed her. High, wooden fences flashed beside us. An old car parked by a back gate. The alleyway dead-ended at another fence. She kept running until she reached it and turned around, facing me.

I slowed to a stop.

We both panted as I stared at her. Then I planted both my hands on the fence, looming over her. She stared up at me with those steamy, hot eyes. Her body quivered as I grinned at her. She had this wicked smile on her lips.

“You caught me just where I thought you would,” she said.

“Oh, you had this place in mind?” I asked her.

“Mmm, yes,” she said, her arms sliding around my neck. “You have stamina, Corey. I like that in a boy.”

“I like a bold girl,” I told her. “What’s your name?”

“Nadia Rivers,” she answered, her breasts rising and falling in her t-shirt.

I kissed her hard.

Her lips melted against mine. She tightened her grip on me as our tongues dueled. She felt so sweet and delicious in my arms. She trembled against me. I pressed my body against hers, feeling the shape of her breasts. Her lips had a delicious flavor to them. Hot and refreshing.

Her hand slid down my back. Her fingernails scratched down my t-shirt. I savored kissing Nadia. Her hands moved lower and lower. Then she was grabbing my rump. She squeezed my ass through my shorts, pulling me against her. My cock throbbed against her writhing body. The fence creaked behind her.

Her hand slid up my shorts to the waistband and then shoved into them. I groaned as she pushed into my boxers, grabbing my ass directly. She kneaded my rump as her lips devoured mine. My blood flashed to steam, searing through my veins.

She was so exciting.

I broke the kiss and groaned, “You really like my ass, huh?”

“I thought it looked cute in those slacks, but… Mmm, it’s sexy in those shorts.” She had this wild look in her eyes. “Best part of a guy is a nice ass.”

“Not my cock.”

She giggled. “I think guys are more fascinated with them then girls are. I mean, we do love them, but that’s when they’re in us. But if you want to stare at a guy. A great chest and a fantastic ass are where it’s at. And a handsome face.”

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