Chemistry Between Nerds and Sluts – Chap 4 – by BlewWater69

“Okay,” Cole readily agreed, not wanting to see the evening end so soon either.

Stef smiled to herself as she noticed him brighten and start the car. She tried to look inside his mind to see what he might be thinking at that moment. Was he thinking like the typical male and believing he might get lucky. After all it wasn’t like he didn’t know her to be a willing participant in sex matters. She nearly giggled aloud at her own dirty thoughts.

The drive she took Cole on headed towards a place she had been to with Jordan several times. It was a scenic overlook off one of the interstates. The first time she made out with Jordan had been there. It was also the place he had first fucked her in the back of his car. It was a short fifteen minute drive from the golf place to the turn off. Cole glanced at her questioningly when she suggested they take the exit and check it out.

Cole wheeled the car to a stop between two other cars already parked atop the hill. Fortunately the space between cars was considerable. The open expanse and view before them looked out onto the suburban towns below. One could see miles in each direction and a whole mass of lights twinkling below. It was a clear warm night and it felt good to be able to park and sit with the windows down. Even with the many lights from below, the heavens still offered up an impressive array of stars to gaze upon too. They tried looking for shooting stars as they leaned back in their seats.

Cole was just laying back and looking at the stars as Stef looked over at him. He wasn’t nearly as aggressive as Jordan had been each time they had come here. One time Jordan had just pulled his long semi-hard cock out and wiggled it back and forth while smiling at her. Chris was not as aggressive but even he knew how to push her sexual buttons and start things off. With Cole acting more gentlemanly, she would need to be the aggressor if things were going to progress quickly and before she needed to be home tonight. ‘But how to do it properly?’ she thought.

They continued to look for shooting stars. Stephanie watched the skies but couldn’t see any. She glanced over at Cole again and he was intent on finding one, it seemed. She finally decided to make the first move by reaching across to him but, just as she started to move, he yelled to her.

“Stef, over there!” Cole shouted, pointing to the sky to the right. “Do you see it?”

“Yes, there you mean,” Stef said, pointing too.

“Hurry! Make a wish,” Cole shouted.

“What? You believe that’ll work?” Stef kidded.

“Yes! I hope so anyway,” Cole admitted.

“Okay,” Stef said, and in another instant the shooting star was gone.

After a few moments Cole said, “Well, did you make a wish?”

“Yes. Did you?”

“Yes,” Cole replied.

“Tell me what you wished for?” Stef asked.

“I can’t do that. It won’t come true,” Cole stated.

“You really think these things come true?” Stephanie chided.

“I certainly hope so,” Cole claimed.

“That’s cute,” Stef said, taking the opportunity to pull on his sleeve.

Cole looked at Stef, who was now sitting sideways in the seat facing him. The skirt she had worn was showing plenty of white leg in the dim moonlight. She looked at his face and her expression was even clear enough for Cole to gage. She seemed to be beckoning him to her. He sat up and took her hand that had been pulling gently on his sleeve. Their other hands came together too and now they were only a short distance apart facing each other. Stef smiled at his cute face which was strained with confused emotion.

Stef leaned in closer and Cole reacted by meeting her more than half way. Their lips came together and they kissed tenderly. Her lips felt so soft and tasted like strawberries to Cole. They kissed again and soon were making out ardently. After many moments of kissing, they finally took a break, to breathe, and to gaze at each other.

“I guess you’re right,” Stephanie said.

“What do you mean?”

“I wished that you’d kiss me,” Stef claimed, with a huge smile.

“Oh, you did, huh? I guess it’s true then…well, hopefully anyway,” Cole offered.

“Why? What did you wish for,” Stef asked again.

“I still can’t…,”

“I told you mine,” Stef proclaimed.

“Yes, but that was after the …,”

“Come on, Cole! Tell me, please.”

“But it might not come true…,”

“I know,” Stef announced with a giggle. “You wished to have sex with me.”

“Well, not exactly,” Cole said.

“Not exactly! What then?”

“Hey, did you get a prom dress today?” Cole asked, changing the subject.

“You didn’t answer me, butthead, but yes, I did get a prom dress.”

“I guess you’re going then?” Cole stated.

“Yeah. Chris and Jordan asked me,” Stef said.

“Both of them?”

“Yes. But I haven’t given either an answer yet though,” Stef said.

“Why not?”

I don’t want to hurt either of them,” Stef stated.

“Oh,” Cole responded.

Stef was going to say something else but stopped. ‘Was he leading up to asking me to the prom,’ Stef wondered. “Cole?”


“Are planning to go to the prom?”

“I hadn’t planned on it,” Cole replied.

“Do you want to go?” Stephanie asked.

“It’s too late,” Cole said.

“No, it’s not, you can still go,” Stef stated.

“But…I don’t have a…you’re already going with one of those…,”

“I haven’t given either of them my answer yet. Maybe I was waiting to see if someone else would ask me?” Stef offered.


“Yes,” Stef stated, knowing he only called her that name to be funny or very serious.

“I don’t suppose you’d consider going to the prom with me?” Cole asked.

Stef caught herself as she was almost too quick to answer. She thought about the best response. Cole studied her face with mounting worry as she looked at him.

“Of course not,” Cole stated quickly. I’m sorry I asked and put you…,”

“Cole, be quiet a minute,” Stef said.

He stopped talking and just looked at her looking at him. After a few seconds Stef leaned in and kissed him again. One kiss led to two, and soon many that gained in passion each time until they were both breathing heavily.

“Yes,” Stef muttered, as she pulled back away from him.

“What?” Cole queried, not sure he heard her right.

“Yes, I’ll go with you,” Stef stated.

“Oh, my god!” Cole exclaimed.

Stephanie smiled and kissed him again. The kisses grew more urgent with each passing moment. Cole’s hands held her shoulders as they kissed and their tongues danced. Stef’s hands had been on his sides but soon one drifted into his lap. The tenting of his pants told her all she needed to know about his current state.

“Shall we climb in the back?” Stef asked, half out of breath.

“Sure,” Cole readily agreed.

They shut the windows and scurried into the back and immediately started undressing each other. Cole’s shirt was open and off in a few seconds, followed by Stef’s moments later. Cole then tried to reach around her back for her bra but she stopped him to show him the clasp in front. When he undid her bra, the cups fell off her breasts causing Cole to suck in his breath. He had never seen a more beautiful sight than Stephanie’s tits at that moment in the moonlight. The nipples were distended and begging to be touched. He didn’t wait.

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