Harry Potter and the Shrieking Shack 2 by Primality

Harry Potter and the Shrieking Shack 2 by Primality

Second installment, sorry for the length of time in between. Hope you enjoy! , Harry awoke on the Monday a little sore, but exhilarated, because school was going great! Not in the sense that he had suddenly become the most accomplished wizard and as a result found all of the work really easy. On the contrary, he was still plugging away at his studies, was an able wizard, but by no means fully accomplished or beyond anyone else. No, the reason for his upbeat attitude is that he is now going out with the girl of his dreams, Ginny Weasley. This is also why he is feeling a little sore, because, last night he had had the best sex of his life with his best friends having the same right next to him!

Harry got out of bed and woke Ron up so that they could go down for breakfast before school started. Ron was always rubbish at getting up, but today, he bounded out of bed and stood there, proud, right up to the point where Harry said warningly,

“Err mate. You’ve got a boner.”

“What? Oh shit!” Ron quietly exclaimed and sat down again so as to hide himself.

Ron looked around the dormitory and saw that luckily there was no one there, and he wasn’t that uncomfortable about Harry seeing him is that state because they had both seen it all yesterday. They both got ready for the day and went down to the common room, where upon arrival, they saw Hermione and Ginny talking animatedly. Ginny looked over Hermione’s shoulder and bolted from the seat that she had once occupied and straight at Harry.

“Harry!” She cried out, causing everyone in the common room to look round at the noise. Ginny paid no attention to anyone in the room and jumped into Harry’s arms and started kissing him passionately. As Harry caught Ginny’s light frame, he spun her around in a circle, but he could feel all of the eyes on him. Harry, being “the Boy Who Lived”, was very used to people staring, but in this instance, he didn’t mind one little bit. When Harry and Ginny had finished their embrace, Harry gently placed her back down onto the ground and composed himself. Ginny meanwhile had just noticed that she encapsulated the attention of every Gryffindor in the room.

“Ahem… Shall we go down to the Great Hall?” Ginny asked so as to be able to leave the prying eyes.

“Good idea.” Harry backed. Harry and Ginny walked towards the portrait hole and disappeared through it. Ron walked over to a beaming Hermione, took her hand and helped her to stand from the sofa which she had been occupying.

“Morning beautiful!” Ron addressed Hermione. Hermione, completely dumb struck by Ron’s courtesy, was only able to stand there for a few seconds before she managed,


Hermione finished her address with a smile and leaned in and gave Ron a kiss on the lips. Without another word, they followed the path set by Harry and Ginny to a few stares of their own, but not nearly as many as the flamboyant Ginny had attracted. When Hermione and Ron had got to breakfast, they could see Harry and Ginny sat next each other, both eating toast and holding hands under the table. Ron and Hermione both sat opposite Harry and Ginny, where he pulled everything edible to his plate and set to with his usual gusto.

“Some things never change I see.” Laughed Hermione. When Harry had finished his toast, he turned to Ginny and asked,

“So where did you two learn to do those things last night?” Referring to the antics with which they got up to previously. Ginny had a mischievous grin and answered,

“You’ll have to wait before will both spill that little secret. Far too many people about!” Ginny finished with a whisper.

They all finished their breakfast and had to go to their classes. Harry’s day was dragging because he could help but think of getting together with Ginny again and having his way with her. In fact, that was all Ginny, Ron and Hermione could think, and there was very little attention being paid to any of the classes that they were in for that day. Except of course for Hermione, who was having trouble keeping a clear head, but managed to do better than the other three. Ginny had spent her entire day with her hand in her crotch rubbing her sopping wet pussy so as to get rid of the itch that only Harry could scratch. More than once, she had been told off for day dreaming, and at one point asked if she was feeling alright and did she need to go and see Madam Pomfrey, which Ginny repeatedly turned down.

When the school day had finished, Harry rushed to the common room so as to meet up with Ginny. Hermione and Ron were a little more subdued as they had spent the day together in the same classes, but were itching to get at each other. Harry almost burst through the portrait hole and made a beeline for Ginny, who lit up as soon as she saw him. Hermione and Ron got into the common room where Ron lead them to a single seated sofa chair and sat down. Ron then proceeded to pull Hermione onto his lap and began kissing each other.

“Urh!” Exclaimed Ginny after her and Harry had greeted each other. “I have been given loads of homework today because I couldn’t pay attention to the lessons. This is all on top of the normal homework given.”

“Why couldn’t you pay attention?” Asked Harry.

“Well… I might have been trying to get myself off over you all day.” Said Ginny in a whisper, placing her hand on Harry’s cheek and rubbing close to his nose so that he could smell her scent on her fingers.

Harry inhaled the heady aroma of Ginny’s pussy and instantly became hard. Ginny noticed and giggled whilst trying to inconspicuously rub Harry’s crotch. Harry, feeling that he couldn’t take anymore before he would have to ravish Ginny then and there, rearranged his package into a less embarrassing position and stood up.

“Shall we get some dinner before I give you a hand with your homework, as some of it is my fault.” Harry said with a wink. “Mine can wait until tomorrow.” Hermione, over hearing Harry’s suggestion, broke away from Ron and said,

“That’s a good idea, we should get some dinner before we get on with our homework.” Ron grumbled but agreed.

He also had to rearrange himself before he could stand as well. When he was ready, he got up and Hermione lead him out of the common room and towards the Great Hall. As they all made their way down to get some dinner, they were all talking about how horny they all were.

“How about we all give each other some relief before we get to the Hall?” Suggested Ginny, who pulled Harry into the nearest girls toilets.

Hermione following Ginny’s lead did the same with Ron. They both went into separate cubicles and embraced each other once again. Hermione and Ginny having once planned this before with each other knew what to do. Speed was of the essence as this was to just be a quickie.

Ginny then pulled back from Harry and started unbuttoning her robes so that they were open, but she didn’t take them off. Hermione did the same in the cubicle with Ron. The girls both then pulled their pussy juice stained panties off and stuffed them in their pockets and unzipped the boys trousers. Hermione grabbed a hold of Ron’s hard dick and started jacking him off and with her other hand, pulled Ron’s hand to her pussy for the relief that she needed. Ron slipped his index finger into Hermione’s pussy and started moving his finger in a “come hither” manner, which soon had Hermione swooning to the effects.

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