Harry Shagg’s Privet by tripleaaa

Harry Shagg’s Privet by tripleaaa

Harry has a good summer for once , Harry Potter Shag’s Privet Dr.
Disclaimer: I don’t own or make any money form this story


Harry James Potter sat in his tiny bedroom at # 4 Privet Dr. counting the days until he could go back to Hogwarts school of Witch craft and Wizardry he marked another day down and sat contemplating as to why Lord Voldemort has not moved out into the open. Rolling over Harry fell into an uneasy sleep.

BOY WAKE UP MRS.WENSON NEEDS YOUR HELP MOVING HER FRIDGE GET OVER THEIR AT ONCE. Harry dutifully rolled out of bed and made his way to # 6 and knocked. Kimberly Wenson a middle aged knockout opened the door in her bath robe. Hello Harry, she said with a sultry smile, I need you to handle something for me untiring her robe and raveling her nude form underneath Harry’s eyes bulged out in surprise. The blonde giggled at the tent in his paints and pulled him inside .

An hour later Harry left with a goofy grin and a limp. Mrs. Gamble from # 5 watched to whole show from her second story window rubbing herself off as the young boy pleased her neighbor thinking I have go to get me some of that, Arriving home his uncle grunted out did you handle it boy? Oh yea uncle I did. Well here is the chores I want done before I get off work.

Harry had his shirt off just finishing the last coat of stain when he heard Dudley walk up boasting to some girl. I tell you Beth I beat up a seventeen-year old in boxing I did, mimicking a punch. I am sure you did now leave me alone. But don’t you want to date me? Hell no. Beth noticed Harry. Who is that? She asked, pointing at Harry. Oh that is my freak cousin. That’s Harry? Yes look at him so thin and puny. Yes of course muttered the girl.

Dudley walked into the house to eat while Beth walked up to Harry. Hello Harry long time no see. Harry looked up and noticed an old school mate Beth Conway. Hello Beth how are you? Just fine why have I not seen you at school? I know you don’t attend the school you aunt and uncle say you do cause I have a cousin that attends their an I have never seen you their on visitation Sundays.

Yea I got into my parents old prep school in Scotland. Oh dear me so far away for everyone you know. It’s not so bad I actually have friends now that Dudley cant chase them away. Yea Dudley said the teen looking Harry up and down. Say this is the longest conversation we have had without you insulting me. Yea sorry about that but Dudley threatened me to not be nice to you. Say could you come over and help me lift a few boxes into the attic I am such a klutz and don’t want to accidentally break something.

Four hours latter after getting caught by Beth’s mum which joined the duo, Harry limped home again ate his meager meal. Vernon walked up to him and said Mrs Gamble need you to help her tomorrow she sprained her ankle and needs someone around to fetch things for her and maybe move some stuff. Harry nodded then showered before falling into his bed and sleeping without nightmares for a long time.

The next day the young hero woke changed into his day clothes and made his way to # 5 Harry entered the yard and Mr. Gamble passed him on the way to his car not before stopping and telling Harry not to scuff up the floor moving the table and couch Harry nodded and went inside. Mrs. Gamble was descending the stairs wearing tight fitting workout clothes ,no sprained ankle, she made her way in front of the tv and started her workout tape. Harry enjoyed watching her modest sized tits bounce as she danced around Harry felt his cock rises. He continued moving the requested items around until Mrs. Gamble noticed his problem.

Harry tried to hide it but the buxom lady grabbed his crotch Harry latched onto her giant d cup breast until she dragged the poor lad upstairs and had her way with him. Harry left her house six hours later after eating a big meal and drinking power-aid. Mrs. G as he now called her had a smile on her face and a ice pack on her rear thinking wow a bum shagging is great, maybe I can get Gerald to try it.

Returning home Harry was sent to the kitchen to fix lunch which he got to eat a decent portion of. After eating His aunt said Mrs. Pollkiss wants your help lifting something or another so get to it . Shagging Peirs mum was like taking sweat revenge on the wanker that helped make his life Hell. But shagging his sister and Girlfriend was the icing on his revenge cake. Harry desperately in need of some sleep crashed as soon as his face hit his worn out pillow.

The Boy is going to wear himself out if he keeps it up said a grinning Tonks. Sirius bust out laughing at the situation his Godson was in. You thinking about hitting it Nymphy, Sirius yelped when a stinging hex impacted on his crotch. Grinning from ear to ear she said maybe but call me that again and feel my true wrath.

Harry woke did his three s’s ,(shit shower shave,)and cooked breakfast. His uncle grunted handed him a list and said do these chores before going to help the lezzy bints Ms. Taylor and Ms. Cooper over on Wilkins walk. Harry nodded and said yes uncle. Harry could only imagine what the two of them wanted him to do.

After weeding the garden and planting the new rosebushes Harry finished his last chore on the list. He joyfully made his way to # 14 Wilkins walk to help out the beautiful twenty year olds…Harry stuffed his cock in Kelly and started roughly banging the young woman’s twat as she munched on her lovers quim. After bring the woman to orgasm Harry grunted and forced himself past her cervix spilling his seed into a very fertile womb. Harry still hard quickly drove his dick into Alex’s snatch and went at it as the woman squealed in pleasure grinding on her first real cock she kissed her lover mentally congratulating her on the plan to get them the children the couple wanted, seeing the gay couple could not adopt a child of their own her girlfriend came up with this plan after hearing that Potter had a nice sized cock and was very vigorous in the sack.

Harry left the house after another round leaving two satisfied and pregnant women even if he nor they did not know it yet.

Harry arrived at # 4 to see Vernon waiting at the door step. Boy Mrs. Smith need her garden worked on get down their and get to it. After spending over two hours “gardening” Harry wolfed down the sandwich’s Mrs. Smith made for him on the way to # 4. When Harry got their he ate the meager portion of supper the Dursley’s had he ran upstairs showered and slept.

Felling a little conniving Sirius sent a letter to Hermione the only one who had not agreed to Dumble’s plan to keep Harry in the dark Sirius had helped her along by giving her a book, via Tonks, on Occulmency and knowing the teen she would have already read it twice. He watched the owl fly away with a smirk. Now time for me to tease a naughty witch by the name of Hestia.

Hermione was sitting in her bed rubbing one off thinking about her best friend and best girlfriend. Hermione discovered that she was bi-sexual the year before when she and Luna Lovegood, a Ravenclaw in Ginny’s year, were using the loo the strange blonde crawled under the stall and planted her mouth on her twat sucking licking and stabbing her tongue into her womanhood. After shrieking in orgasm Hermione felt obliged to return the favor. A peak at her window interrupted her trek into bliss. Groaning Hermione opened the window and read the letter she quickly got dressed and grabbed the post it’s she had engraved with several runes onto and her book bag then ran to the road to summon the Knight Bus.


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