Harry Shagg’s Privet by tripleaaa

Harry ran his cock-head up and down Ginny’s dripping slit before forcing it in. Hermione quickly closed the door and engaged the runes when Ginny screamed as Harry made her a woman . Waking up a few hours room time Ginny sullenly got dressed made her way to Mrs. Figgs house and flooed home.

Harry continued to make leeps and bounds in Occulmency He also continued shagging. Over the next three weeks Harry had shagged almost every female in a five block radius and Tonks even stopped by for more. Ginny keep coming around for a quicky when she could get away from her overbearing mother. Mrs. Plokiss keep getting him to come over for a shag hell she even shaged him while her husband was in the other room in front of the tube. Mrs. G had called him over several times. Harry had also shagged one of his teachers form his old school several times. Hermione would join them if the woman would allow but a few would not hear of it.The twins keep coming back for more and their mother even joined the fray a time or two all in all Harry was having the time of his life.

Professor McGonagall and her life long friend were discussing Harry. At least Miss Granger and Weasley are still under the contraceptive potion you give out but all the other women could get pregnant. I hope Sirius told him about this. Minariva flooed to Grimauld Black did you teach Harry the contraceptive charm? “…”

Sandra Gamble now you have done it muttered the woman looking at the pregnancy test, Beth looked at the strip and tears came to her eyes pregnant at sixteen mum’s going to kill me thought the teen until she looked in the trash and found… another positive test

The twins and mother sat watching their respective sticks all groaned when the turned up positive damn boy is potentate muttered their mother. Alex and Kelly were jumping for joy when the results came back both positive, we will have to invite the boy over for another round muttered Alex. Alania Pollkiss watched her test turn pink she moaned thinking mummy going to murder me until she saw her mother emerging from the half bath near her room pale with a positive test in her own hand..Piers was pissed he was not getting any from his girl and his mother kept bring that freak Potter over but at least she did not bug him the day’s he was over she just sat their with a smile on her face staring at something unseeing.

Emma sat nervously watching the strip she had just broken up with Peirs and was hoping she was not pregnant the test turned up… negative she felt empty inside for some reason then it hit her deep down she wanted a child growing inside her she resolved to find
Potter and shag him senseless until her filled her with his batter and impregnated her.

Four hours latter Emma stumbled out of the Dursley home seamen dripping from her snatch as she walked home hopefully with a baby growing inside her. I am telling you Kim the boy is a machine he shagged most of the females in a five block radius form his house Tonks boasted to her friend unknowingly letting Fleur know who was listing in when she heard Harry’s name. Tonks apperated Kim to #4 Fleur following. That night Harry had four sexy witches to himself and filled them all at least once until Tonks pulled out the potions the group all downed them and went at it again somehow forgetting the contraceptive potion altogether.

Harry was walking the group to the ally were he had first seen Sirius when the night became cold Harry realizing what was coming pulled out his wand just in time to see a dementor grab Tonks to pull her in for the Kiss EXPECTO PATRONUM Harry bellowed Prongs spring out his antlers destroying the demon before it trampled the other dementor holding Hermione the dementor burst freeing all the souls it had taken. Seeing Hermione’s he reached out with his love and magic and forced her soul back into her still living body.

Tonks watched open mouthed at the magic Harry just done no one in the last three hundred years destroyed a dementor no one in fact could pull a soul about to depart and force it back into the body and Harry just accomplished just that. Several pop’s signaled the DMLE arrival Dawlish strutted up to a weak Harry and threw him to the ground but before he could snap the wand the had taken Tonks stunned the arrogant prick and sent a Patroni message to Madame Bones and another to Albus.

Another Fudge toadie tried to attack Tonks when her back was turned but Kim took care of him the other wisely waited until Madame Bones arrived with several trust worthy Aurors. The formidable woman started barking out questions Tons went into report mode as did Kim Amelia’s molecule fell off when she heard about Potter destroying the dementors Tonks wisely did not say wnything about putting Hermione’s Soul back into her body both would end up in the department of mystery’s the rest of their lives.

Amelia revived Dwalish and questioned him. She revoked his badge and fired when she heard how he attacked the head of a Ancient and noble Family and tried to snap his wand without due cause. A letter arrived telling Harry he was expelled but another arrived a few minutes latter saying he would have a trial soon

Albus Dumbledore was furious he knew the dementors were not outside the ministry’s control yet Severus would know. So that leaves Fudge our one of his cabinet members. The only other one with control of the Dementors was the Senior Undersecretary and the head of the department for control of magical creachers and Amos was a friend so that left Umbridge. Albus sent a letter to of his suspicions to Amelia. Amelia stayed with Harry and Hermione that night talking to them about the trial and what Fudge my try. “Your best bet Mr. Potter would be to go to Gringotts and clam your family vaults.

To hear that he had more vaults was a shock to the teen but to hear that he was a heir apparent of a Ancient and Noble house was astounding Amelia told him of his family and his family’s solicitor Harry asked could you go with us to Gringotts tomorrow. Amelia nodded and transfigured the bed into something bigger for the teens then did the same to the desk. A few hours later Amelia awoke to strange noises, what she saw shocked her Harry had Hermione on all fours rutting with her like a dog. Amelia felt her knickers get wet and striped naked the thirty-nine year old was still a knockout her breasts barely had any sag and her teat was still tight because her husband Edger was killed before she could get pageant. Harry creamed in Hermione then noticed Amelia he smirked pulled out and walked over to the older beauty.

Harry softly kissed her and Amelia responded in kind then got forceful. Slowly making his way down her body Harry kissed and licked all the appropriate places until he was licking her quim. Hermione was vigorously fingering herself watching Harry eat the older woman’s twat until she pulled out the dildo she had borrowed and shoved it into her own cunt. Harry slowly feed his throbbing cock into Amelia’s pussy getting excited moans and squeaks from her. Amelia delirious from pleasure rolled on top and started ridding Harry for all she was worth, loving the feel of a nice cock in her quim thinking it has been to long since the last. Harry fell in love with her tight twat it was as tight if not tighter than Hermione’s love box. He meet her thrusts with his own until Amelia came with a shrie taking her young lover with her.

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