Harry Shagg’s Privet by tripleaaa

After dressing Harry decided to make breakfast he heaped the table with food for his relatives who would be back from Marge’s any minute. Harry carried three loaded plates up to his room . The three of them ate dressed then Amelia apperated them one at a time to Diagon Alley. Harry made his way to Gringotts. Entering the bank the Trio made their way to a free teller. Amelia and the others waited patiently while the goblin finished counting rubies. Morning Master Teller could we set up a meeting with the Potter amount manager. The goblin looked shocked then asked did you get the letter Lord Potter? Looking bewildered Harry asked what letter. The Goblin pressed a button and escorted the Trio into a conference room.

An older Goblin entered Amelia stood up and bowed Harry and Hermione copied her. The Goblin bowed back the sat down When Amelia sat so did Harry and the others. The aged Goblin looked at Amelia and said congratulations to you Amelia I see you are going to finally be a mother Shocked Amelia looked to Harry and grabed her stomach oh her face then lit up in a radiant smile and said thank you Lord Ripclaw but were is the Potter Account Manager? The Goblin pulled a severed head out of a bag and said the thief was dealt with. The and several of his partners has embezzled over fifty million Galleons from the Potter account we have just discovered this when his vault came up in the random accounting I personally do which brings me to another problem his clan is shamed and his daughter given to Lord Potter as a slave or as a concubine Hermione looked outraged but Amelia whisper to pick the second option it would win him the respect of the goblins.

Harry of course followed Amelia’s advice while she talked Hermione about the third option which was beheading the daughter also. The furious teen stood quite not liking the bass akwards world. The female goblin was brought in she looked little different than a normal person except with pointed ears and copper skin. Figa (feega) swore to be one of Harry’s wives and bring honor to him and his clan Harry accepted her oath it was sealed in joining their blood. She then sat by Harry side while Ripclaw and Harry talked over his finances they unsealed the Potter will and read over the stipulations and who got what. Harry received everything except two houses a cottage and a million galleons

It turned out the Flamels had just passed and left him the heir status because he stopped Voldemort from using the stone to return. He added several houses and billions in unprocessed gold to his vault along with the multi-millions of galleons the couple had stored away. The sum of money he received made up for his losses and then a shit load more. What really took the cake was that Lucius Malfoy and Cornelius Fudge were the ones to corrupt his account manager and still his gold.

To say the least he and Amelia were furious she asked and received certified copy’s of the transactions were the money was placed She now had the two of them by the balls and they were going to rot in Azkaban real soon. After going through the six marriage contracts one being the niece of the witch he had knocked up, another for Daphne Greengrass,Katie Bell, Pavarti and Padma Patil, Ginavera Weasley, and lastly Hermione Jean Granger. How is it that I have a marriage contract, I know my parents would not sign one. Ripclaw smirked. Well Miss Granger do you owe Lord Potter a life debt? The Troll Hermione gasped out. Tom breathed Ginny. Harry grabed both of their hands and squeezed. Ok now here is the Potter head of house ring and the Flamel head of house ring. Now we will set up a date for an inheritance test for the lot of you say a week before Hogwarts resumes. Harry nodded his head

One more thing since you have accepted your Lordship your emancipated that means the contracts kick in and you have to start marring you have a year and a day to fill said contracts. Harry nodded again thank the Goblin for his time. The group left the bank after Harry got a bottomless money bag and a debit card to pay for his transactions. Harry stopped at Madame Malkins to be fitted for robes and other day were. The middle aged witch was training her niece the tricks of the trade and left the couple to attend another couple.

Her niece named Tasha quickly dropped to her knees fished out his cock and blew him in the fitting room. Her aunt re-entered the room and smiled at the sight of her teenaged niece giving head. She joined them for a quickie. Harry thrust into the slender teen and brought her to an orgasm pulling out shagging her aunt spilling his seed deep into her womb. Harry bought several of everything he needed and left a big tip for the duo they just smiled and told him to Cum back again giggling.

Harry finished his shopping trip picking up a custom wand from Jags wand in Knockturn alley Yew and redwood thirteen inches long core of Nundu heartstring twined with a unicorn tail hair horntail heartstring around a Phoenix feather soaked in Phoenix tears and a liquid core of Basilisk venom. To say the least the wand was expensive over a forty-five thousand galleons Harry also bought Hermione and Amelia a custom wand. Hermione’s Vine and oak seven¾ inches with Griffin feather and powered Acromantula eyes and venom of a Peruvian Vipertooth. Amelia picked Willow ans Ash woods with cores of Cerberus tailhair twined with thestrial hair with a liquid core of Felix Felixes. Amelia checked her watch and led the two to fireplace pulled out floo powder and sent the two of them to her home.

Arriving home Amelia called for her niece to come to say Susan was surprised to see two of her school mates she was stupefied to see the glow around her aging aunt. Felling something was up she questioned her guardian. Stunned,elated,honored,horrified,and sick were the thing Susan was feeling when her aunt finished the story. She was going to Marry Harry freaking Potter the boy-who-lived the man who was so much more than that. The group stayed up late hammering out wedding plans since Susan’s contract was first. That night Harry and Figa shagged for the first time the two of them found erotic in having sex with a different species. Harry creamed in her womb several times and Figa used a special brand of goblin magic to make sure she got pregnant.

After setting the date and sending out invites Harry and Amelia flooed to his solicitor’s office Harry and he bantered back and forth with Richard with the questions and Harry the answers. After getting every nugget of truth out of Harry he asked now what about the Prophet Slandering you Lord Potter? Harry hoped he would ask that. Well I say we sue them for all we can. The man smirked the said ok Lord Potter we shall, I recommend you demand a million for every offense I my assistance have been keeping tabs so far over four hundred and fifty offenses have been found and that’s his past two years alone. Harry smirked then said well cheers to us owning a paper then.

The twelfth of August dawned a chilled day. Amelia fearing a ploy by Fudge awoke the teens early. Harry dressed in his business robes as did Hermione they met up with Richard in the ministry atrium. After having their Ollivander wands weighed them trio picked up Auror’s Tonks and Swanson.
Amelia received a notice of the hearing’s time-change from one pm to eight thirty am seeing as they had little more than thirty minutes Amelia ran to courtroom ten wondering what the fool Cornelius thought up now.

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