Harry Shagg’s Privet by tripleaaa

Harry, Richard,and Hermione made their way down to the courtroom. Arriving at the entrance Dumbledore was waiting until he noticed the Potter signet ring and Harry’s defense solitaire. Richard how good to see you again it has been to long. You to Albus I see your in excellent health as always. How is Abe doing? Very well thank you now if I am not mistaken you have a minister to embrace good luck.

Harry sat in the chair and it bound him, Objection why is my client being treated like a common Death Eater? Fudge huffed and the chains fell away. Fudge slung questions at Harry not letting him fully answer until. Enough Minister you are violating my clients rights, let Lord Potter answer the questions fully. After the questioning of Harry Hermione, Kim and Tonks were questioned all told exactually the same story as Harry but Hermione told them how she was almost kissed. All said that they would willingly take Vertisurm to testify again. Fudge scoffed and said” That is a highly expensive potion and we will not waist it on a trial for underaged magic.

Harry pulled out his money sack and pulled out a roll of Galleons Madame Bones will this be enough to cover the costs of the potion? Amelia nodded and said Yes Lord Potter and then sum. Harry nodded passed to gold to her. Weasley bring Vertisurm. He returned with a phial which Amelia tested. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS WEASLEY. TAINTED TRUTH SURM. Aurors arrest him. Percy shock written on his face did not even put up a fight.

After Tonks ran to fetch an untainted phial. Arriving back Tonks handed the serum to Amelia and tested it. Harry willingly took three drops of the potion and felt the effect take hold.

Is your name Harry James Potter? Yes
Did you break the statue of Secrecy on August first? Yes
Did you do it because Dementors attacked your group? Yes
Have you broken the statue previously? Yes
One on July 29th? Yes
Again on July 31st? No
But you received a official notice who preformed the charm? A house-elf named Dobby.
Did you murder Cedric Diggory? Asked a toad-like woman. No
Who did? Asked Amos. Peter Petagrew many mutters broke out at this.
But Petagrew is dead is he not? Asked Amelia No framed Sirius Black cut off finger blew up street with wand behind his back.
Black betrayed your parents did he not? Asked Danial Greengrass. No switched secret keepers to Petagrew to throw Voldemort off trail.

The serum wore off and Harry’s eye returned to normal. Ok should we waist more truth serum or go ahead with the voting. Harry won by a land slide the only ones to vote against him were Fudge and Umbridge. Leaving the court room Fudge greeted Lucius Malfoy and started to walk upstairs when Kingsley Sackbolt and several aurors Cornelius Fudge Lucius Malfoy you are hereby arrested for fraud and theft from the Ancient and Noble house of Potter surrender your wands now.

Harry pulled out his wand waiting for Malfoy’s move when it came Harry cast a severing charm the rendered the death eater armless. Fudge gaped at his friend bleeding on the floor and threw down his wand. An Auror circularized the wound and they were hauled back into the courtroom for a emergency trail. After a hour of deliberation Umbridge was too arrested and charged with attempted murder. Malfoy’s arm was bared showing the dark mark He was force feed Vertiserum he admitted to being a death eater raping murdering. It was he that murders Edgar Bones while his sister and brother in law were raped and murdered right in front of him. He also helped Kill Gideon and Fabian Prewitt Molly’s brothers. And many horrendous crimes Amelia got the truth about Voldemorts’s return from him and were a base was. He also confessed to taking Harry’s money and having several Muggle and muggle-borne in his hidden room beneath his drawing-room floor.

Fudge confessed to taking bribes and illegally imprisoning Sirius. He knew Crouch feed Sirius Vertiserum then oblivating him afterward. Malfoy was sentenced to the Demetors kiss Harry would receive all his money taken plus interest. The rest would be given out to the families he harmed as compensation. Fudge got twenty years in Azkaban in a cell with Dolores as well as his money confiscated and given back to Harry who took just what was owed to him and the rest went to the fund the Aurors.

Amos Diggery was voted in a Minister Arthur Weasley was promoted to senior Under-secretary to the Minister. Percy was released because his did not know the truth serum was tainted. All in all things were starting to look up.

CRUCIO Bellowed Voldemort striking Yaxley. The man convulsed on the floor. Thar I know how you love little squirmy bitches well there you one said his Lord pointing at the fallen man. I smile walking up to him loosing my trousers freeing his twelve incher,his arse is tight as he bellow for mercy Thar knows his master get off on watching his and grins as the man passes out in pain.

Harry wakes up early on the day of his wedding to Susan he dresses then prepares to take the plunge Ginny had arrived the day before wanting to see her betrothed she jumped his bones in the living room were he happened to be reading up on charms. Amelia joined when she saw them. Ginny rolled out of bed and looked at Harry. She smiled and said I cant wait for our wedding but Hermione and I are thinking of a joint ceremony. Harry nodded and asked do you resent that you have to Marry this young Ginny? The red head looked at him. No I am marring the man of my dreams even if I have to share him. Harry smiled and kissed her.

Waiting at the alter Harry watched as Damien Abbott walked Susan down the aisle. And hour later the couple were dancing their first dance three hours later Harry was working her dress off the buxom woman. Harry slowly introduced her into the joy’s of sex she bellowed in orgasm as Harry licked her twat ferociously. After creaming twice he slowly feed her his cock until he reached her maidenhead. Her forcefully broke passed that and waited for her pain to ease. After the pleasure took over Harry found that she was a gusher cum squirted out of her pussy like a torrential downpour at first she was embarrassed until Harry ensured her he liked it. The two made love several time during the night until the we hours of the morning. A two days later Harry was weighlaied by Fleur the two of them had tea at her apartment and it progressed into some fun. Fleur forcefully kissed him and rode his cock rotten several time’s for some reason she could not stop. When she finally tired out Harry decide to punish her some more and he robe her twice more. The witch soaked in a bath while Harry dressed the beautiful Veela thanked him then sent him on his way.

Six days after His and Su’s and his wedding Harry and Daphne were on their honeymoon shagging like their was no tomorrow. The couple stayed in Paris a week and even ran into Gabrielle who now for some reason looked closer to Ginny’s age. She drug them to her home and had her grandmum explain what was happening.

In a nut shell Harry was told that Gabrielle owed him a life-debt and her magic was forcing her to become of a marital age so Harry chalked another wedding on his calender for the winter solicitous. The couple made wedding planes for when and were their marriage would take place. Returning to England Harry and Katie married she too wanted it over with.

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