Harry Shagg’s Privet by tripleaaa

During this time the ministry got a complete overhaul several people were fired and many for were hired on. Apparently Amos did not mind having muggle-born’s working of his Ministry.

Sitting in Gringotts Harry looked over his inheritance test

Harry James Potter
Head of House Potter
Head of House Flamel
Heir apparent House Black
Heir apparent House Gryffindor
Heir apparent House Le Fay

Harry received his headship ring for all except Black. Seeing as Sirius’s paperwork for his pardon was being completed.

Hermione Jean Granger

Heiress apparent House Dogworth-Granger
Heiress apparent House Puckle
Heiress apparent House Ravenclaw

Ginavera Molly Weasley
Heiress apparent House Dewitt
Heiress apparent House Prewitt
Heiress apparent House Emrys

Katie Anna Potter

Heiress apparent House White

Daphne Ann Potter nee Greengrass

Heiress Greengrass
Heiress Slytherin

Susan Amelia Bones

Heiress apparent House Crouch
Heiress apparent House Hufflepuff

Pavarti and Padma Patil

Heiress apparent House Patil.

Needless to say everyone was surprised about Harry and Ginny’s test’s. Everyone received their ring if they did not already have them. Ok Ripclaw could you look into buying about fifty acres of land just outside of Surry and building a large manor their and make it so Muggle electronics works in the house. It should have a ballroom a extra-large library. The goblin nodded and asked wards? Best you have got.

Several pregnant females were sad to see their stud leave but he had a romp with each one before leaving. He gave each of them a credit card that let them spend two thousand a month for expenses each vowed to only use it if they had to.

Harry polished off his shopping trip with the last few desired items then apperated(he Had passed his test earlier that day) to Bones Manor were He and his were still staying until Potter Manor was renovated by his new House-Elf’s with Dobby acting as head elf.

On the train Harry and Hermione made their way to the prefect meeting receiving their orders the duo patrolled the corridors until they heard familiar sounds coming from behind a closed blind. Pulling it open Harry was Ron getting a b.j from Lavender smiling Harry gave a shocked Ron a thumbs up sign and closed the door. Back in his compartment Harry cased a strong locking charm on the door disrobed and started an all out orgy. Sheathing his cock in Susan Harry started going at it. Hermione smiling pulled out a brand new bag and passed Ginny the extra strap on. Hours later the all exited the train limping their way to the carriages.

Malfoy who was wearing secondhand robes sat alone in a carriage looking at Harry scathingly he was joined by the less influential Slytherin students still keep eye contact with Harry until his carriage set off.

After stuffing themselves in with a Luna (a odd blonde girl that had joined their orgy ) the carriage sat off. Luna who was sitting in Harry’s lap fished out his cock ans stuffed it into her quim, they each got off before arriving at Hogwarts.

After the sorting ceremony Albus introduced the new DADA teacher Professor Sirius Black who had the day before received his pardon plus a million Galleons. Harry was one of the only ones who cheered beside Fred and George. Harry was shown to his private quarters by a house elf the group made their way to the giant bed not even bothering to look around and crashed into the mattress asleep before their head even hit the pillow.

Prepare we leave in a hour we shall free my followers tonight and recruit some more and dont forget kill all Aurors on the island.

Harry awoke grabed the Mirror and yelled Tonks get off the island He’s coming.GET OFF THE ISLAND.

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