My Life Behind Paul’s Back Chapter 1 by barbie97

“Fine stay, I’m going, I’ll call you, tomorrow. I want to go to bed early, I have a busy day tomorrow.” Paul said sounding angry.

I couldn’t comprehend why Paul, was leaving me, only, concerned about tomorrow and going to bed early. That’s when my stubbornness, kicked in yelling. “Go ahead Paul. Go then. I’ll see you tomorrow. Maybe? Maybe not.”

“I’m sorry Barbie. I Love you Barbie, but I have to get home. You can’t stay here by yourself get dressed I’ll take you home.” Paul said, sounding sincere.

“Okay then.” I answered finding my clothes, getting dressed as quickly as possible. Paul put the blanket in the car, helped and then we were heading to my house. We kissed at the door before, I went inside. The house was quiet, walking in the empty living room, sitting down a sense of feeling lost, my body remained feeling hot especially my pussy. I felt like stripping and fingering my pussy.

I hadn’t been home long before dad came in the living room. “How was the church social, Barbie?” He asked sitting in his favorite arm chair. “Your brothers, Daniel, Evan and Leroy have gone upstairs to bed. Have you seen your mother?”

“It was okay but left me confused about a few things.” I answered, not totally lying. I was confused, but it had nothing to do with a church social that I hadn’t gone to. “I haven’t seen mom since lunch, she’s probably in the basement with a group of black hoodlums, helping them with controlling their anger and aggressive behaviors.

“I am proud the way your mother dedicates herself in releasing tension and anger helping the young, black, hoodlums. I’ve seen black young men, hoodlums, thugs full of anger, tensed up, full of lust walking past the den window, leaving hours later smiling, relieved of anger, tension and lust. I know I’d never achieve miraculous changes, like your mother can.” Dad said pride in his voice.

“You’re right about that dad. Bill, Alex and the other dozen volunteers told me they were heading downstairs today. They told me they had been feeling tense, full of lust the past week and glad mom could fit them in today. Oh yes, mom told me Tony was dropping by and bringing a bunch of guys who learned about mom helping release tension and lust. I don’t know about Tony but he sure must have a lot of tension and lust built up he is over two, sometimes three times a day. “I know how proud you are about mom’s ability to comfort and release the young men of their tension and lust.”

“That I am Barbie, she’s always full of energy.” Dad answered with a far away look in his eyes. “She’ll be down stairs most of the night with her thugs and hoodlums and heading to the college gym first thing in the morning. She told me she has to calm the out of town basketball players of their tension and lust before they play the black, college basketball team.”

“I’m curious about something dad.” I said.

“What is it dear?” Dad asked.

“I know what tension is but I’ve heard mom and the guys mention lust a lot. What is lust dad?” I asked, really not knowing what lust meant.

“I actually don’t know Barbie. I never heard anyone talking about lust before when I was in College, going through to be a priest. The first time I heard it was when your mother said it. I’ve never asked her, not wanting her to think I was stupid.” Dad answered. “Lust probably has to do with intense anger I suppose. It doesn’t really matter as long as your mom helps the hoodlums and thugs. I only came in to see how your evening went. I should get back working on Sundays sermon.

“Okay dad. I’m going for a walk to clear my head before I turn in.” I’ll see you later dad, I’m taking a walk to clear my head.” I said walking down the hall to the front door. I headed for the park, taking the short cut. I reached the park heading to the secluded part of the park, Paul and I had been in earlier.

“No one will be around this time of the night.” I whispered undoing my dress, taking it off, trying to cool off some. My bra felt tight enclosing my large breasts so I unfastened it taking it off. I was only wearing my panties so I took them off as well. I laid back spreading my legs, without thinking I found myself pushing my fingers into my hot pussy.

I was lost, fingering my pussy, when some shouting brought me to reality. “Fuck Tony look what I found.”

I looked up and saw a tall blond young man, nineteen or twenty followed by five other guys. I should have grabbed my discarded dress, covering my nudity, instead, I spreaded my legs and stretched my arms revealing my large breasts and hard nipples. “Hi guys!” I shouted.

I took a good look at the six young men wearing jean shorts, sandals and white T-shirts running toward me. I was impressed by their tanned muscular bodies the closer they got to me. The hot blond, who had yelled was the first to reach me followed by a guy with dark hair, the other three had sandy hair. The blond looked Swedish, the dark haired guy Italian and the rest average Canadians. None of them were top heavy with muscular chests, stomachs or biceps but still they were evenly toned.

“Fuck Todd look at the slut.” One of the Sandy haired men yelled approaching me tugging his T-shirt off revealing his tanned muscular stomach and chest, tossing it on the ground.

“Do you want some of this.” He yelled, grabbing his crotch. “I want some of what you’re advertising, bitch.” Unbuttoning his jeans, pulling the zipper down pushing his jeans along with his boxers down his muscular legs, sitting down and pulling them off. I was impressed looking directly at his thick hard seven or seven and a half inch cock not to
mention low hanging balls, making Paul’s five thin inch penis tiny in comparison.

“She’s waiting for us to fuck her Kevin.” The other sandy haired six foot tall, nude muscular guy yelled, his cock duplicating Kevin’s seven or seven and half inches thick cock.

“That’s right Sid.” Todd at least six-two staring at me his approximately eight inch rock hard cock pressing against his wash-board stomach and his balls hanging very low between his muscular legs. “What do you think Matt?”

“She’s hot alright.” Matt, the third sandy haired, six foot tall guy said smiling his duplicate cock and balls of his friend Kevin, pressed against his muscular stomach. “Looks like you’re hot for her, Sven!”

“I agree.” Sven the blond Swedish, tanned six foot hunk said, his approximately eight inch cock pressed against his wash board stomach. “What about you Tony?” He asked.

“Hold on guys.” I turned looking at the six-two muscular Italian. His cock was the most impressive. It had to be at least nine thick inches pressed against his wash board stomach. “Let’s decide who fucks, the slut, first.” Tony said.

I was caught speechless, surrounded by the hot muscular, nude young men. I realized my fingers were clawing at my drenched pussy and hard clit.

“I have a pen and paper in my jeans, we should write our names on pieces of paper, put them in Sid’s cap, draw them out who’s first etc., taking turns fucking her. What do you think guys?” Kevin suggested.

None of the guys talked directly to me, just about me.

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