My Life Behind Paul’s Back Chapter 1 by barbie97

I hated watching the hot six studs getting dressed and ready to leave. “When will I see you guys again?” I asked looking from hot stud to stud, finished dressing standing side by side with Tony towering over his friends.

“Next week is the last week of school. How about meeting us in your school locker room, after your prom?” Tony answered smiling. “What school do you go to?”

“Sylvester Marten’s High School. It’s my last year. I’ll be graduating next Friday. What school do you guys attend?” I asked. “If you don’t mind how old are you guys? I had my eighteenth birthday last week.”

“Kevin, Sid, Todd and I go to Reg’ Holden Secondary School. I failed a year, that’s why I’m nineteen in grade twelve. Sid, Todd and Kevin are eighteen in grade twelve.” Matt answered. “Tony’s nineteen and works at his dads, gas station, working on cars. Sven’s eighteen attending community college the other side of town.

“You better get dressed and head for home Barbie. We’ll walk you home. We wouldn’t want anything happening to our great fuck girl, now would we.” Kevin laughed.

I moved to a clean grassy area, laid down rolling around attempting to clean my body. “What am I going to do guys. I don’t think my dress will fit me because of my extended, cum filled stomach?” I asked looking down at my extended stomach before picking up my bra and panties.

“Is it possible for you to sneak in your house without being seen by your parents, sisters or brothers, if you have any?” Todd asked.

I thought for a moment before answering. “Yes there is. I can go through the back door, mom usually doesn’t let me use the back door but since she’ll be busy in the basement, she’ll never know and there’s a shower beside the kitchen for the volunteers that help around the house.” I managed to answer trying to clear my voice, my throat clogged and coated with cum. I guessed my bottom lips and chin would be covered in scrapes and I might even have some bruising by morning. My knees ached after being on them for hours. I didn’t bother telling them the volunteers were black guys and why mom was in the basement. I didn’t think it was any of their business. “I only have brothers and they’ve probably already in bed or in the basement with mom.”

“Hurry up and get dressed and we’ll walk you home.” Sid said. “We will walk around you, if your dress doesn’t fit, anyone seeing us, won’t be able to see you, Barbie.

“I doubt any one will even be out this late.” Todd said.

I put my dress over my head slipping my feet into my loafers before picking up my discarded panties and bra. I couldn’t button or zip my dress up. My dress wide open in the back and the front pulled tightly around my extended stomach. “I’m ready guys.” I said holding my bra and panties.

“Lead the way Barbie.” Tony said letting me take the lead and following close behind and beside me. It didn’t take long to arrive home. “Thanks for the great blow jobs, Barbie.” Kevin said winking.

“Yeah! Thanks Barbie.” Matt said also winking.

“You are one hot slut, Barbie.” Todd winked.

“Yes thanks Barbie.” Sid winked.

“That goes for me as well.” Sven nodded his head smiling.

“What can I say, Barbie. You’re the best cock sucker I have ever known. Don’t forget to meet us in your school locker room after your prom. Make up some excuse to your parents you’ll be out all night. Maybe telling them you’ll be spending the night with one of your school friends.” Tony suggested.

“We’ll watch you go to the back yard before we take off Barbie.” Kevin said as I was heading to the back gate and waved to the six studs before going in the back door. I showered in the in the wash room beside the kitchen, wrapping the bath towel around me and heading upstairs going to bed. I went over everything that happened, day dreaming what the future may hold.

End of Chapter 1.
With more exciting adventures in future chapters.

Mom is still thinking about allowing me to write about her experiences and for me to post them on this site. If anyone is interested in reading my mother’s adventures, please let me know. If enough request me to write about her adventures I will write them as Mom dictates to me..

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