My Wild Princess by bravebombadier

My Wild Princess by bravebombadier

Discover the tantalizing tale of "My Wild Princess" by bravebombadier, where passion ignites and boundaries are pushed. This erotic sex story will immerse you in a world of desire, adventure, and romance. Dive into a captivating narrative that promises to seduce your senses and leave you yearning for more. Perfect for fans of steamy fiction!<br/>

In the wilds of Africa, a ranger faces death. He has to confront a wild warrior Princess.

Aggression slowly turns to trust and leads to love and much more. , The short stabbing spear lunged at me once again, I danced aside and the deadly point just snagged my bush jacket. I made a grab for the spear but she was too quick for me and had already pulled it back out of my reach. It seemed we had been like this forever, stab, parry and again. Lunge and jump.

I stepped back out of range of her deadly weapon, I was getting tired, sweat poured down my face and my shirt stuck to me like a second skin.

The girl had now also paused, perhaps to take a rest. Although she didn’t look as though she needed to. The break gave me time to study this African girl who was scowling at me with intensity.

She was tall and slim, almost as tall as me and I’m six foot and two inches. She was certainly considerably younger than me, I thought she looked to be eighteen or thereabouts. Her bearing was very erect and proud. She was a warrior of that there was no doubt.

She wore only a skirt of some sort, of what I’m not sure. There were bangles with large white beads around each ankle and a similar band around her head but with smaller beads. Her skin wasn’t the deep black of the local tribes, more a light chocolate colour. Neither was her hair typical, as it hung straight and long to her shoulder, it was a rich black with a velvety shine to it.

Her breasts were high, tight and pert with quite large nipples. Her legs and arms were long and slim but rippled with muscle.

She watched me studying her, the scowl had turned to a frown. Suddenly she spoke and in English. “I see you look, white man, you think you will rape me as all your kind do before you kill me.”

“You attacked me” I pointed out “and I have no intention of raping anyone. And I certainly don’t want to kill you, why should I?”

“I attack you because I think you hunt me,” she said raising her spear again.

” I’m not hunting you, I have been trailing a gang of raiders but have lost their trail in the rocks. I’ve been searching about trying to pick it up again.”

She studied me while she seemed to consider my words, “Why should I believe you, all white men lie” she snapped back.

She changed her position and I thought “Here we go again.” as she took a step forward. I raised my rifle but not to shoot, I could have done that ages ago had I wanted but I only used it to fend of her spear.

I realised I perhaps should have pointed that out before now but suddenly had no time as she charged. This time I was not quick enough, the spear hit my arm, my sleeve ripped and blood poured from the wound that she cut across my bicep.

But, before she had the chance to pull back, my other hand had grabbed and got a grip on the shaft of her weapon. She heaved back but I was able to pull her in towards me and as she came close, too close to wield the spear, I encircled her with my arms. She struggled, tight against me.

Then I saw her hand reach for the knife at her waist. She pulled it free but as she raised her arm to strike, a rifle shot rang out and a bullet ricocheted off the rock next to us.

I pulled her down with me diving for the ground, as more shots rang out. We lay with her still in my arms for a moment. “It must be the raiders,” I said. “Quickly follow me behind these rocks.”

I scrambled on all fours, seeking shelter and a quick glance told me that she was following.

Bullets continued to hit the rocks, causing dangerous splinters to fly through the air, one hitting me square in the forehead. I wiped the blood away, desperately trying to keep it from my eyes. I peered through a gap, keeping my head low. I could see the smoke from at least three rifles, maybe four.

Easing my rifle into the gap I aimed for where I had seen one of the puffs and there he was. A head just came into view as I took aim. I saw his rifle come up as I squeezed the trigger. I heard the scream and saw a hat go flying.

Taking a quick look behind me to see if the girl was okay I was surprised, she was nowhere to be seen. But I had no time to ponder the matter as more bullets hit close to me. I rolled side over side to take up a new position.

Another bullet ricocheted off where seconds ago I been but this time I saw where the shot came from and was ready and waiting when I saw the rifle next appear. Although I couldn’t see the gunman hidden in shade, I aimed directly at his gun. I don’t suppose I hit the rifle, I’m not that good a shot but I did see the man behind it jump up and then fall.

For what seemed ages but was probably only a few seconds, everything went quiet. Then a guy came staggering from behind a rock and as he fell I saw the spear between his shoulders.

The remaining gunman then made the mistake of turning to look for this new source of attack and in doing so, gave me a clear shot. Which I took and saw him twist and fall.

The girl slowly raised up and moved into full view, carefully looking around. I stood with rifle ready and walked out to meet her.

At that moment another figure rose from behind a rock close to her, a pistol rising in his hand. Without thinking I snatched the rifle to my shoulder and fired.

She dived to the ground glaring at me but then she heard the sound of the body hit the ground. She turned her head to look and then back at me, she just gave a small nod before climbing to her feet. She stopped in front of me, staring intently. Then spoke, “It appears you were telling the truth then, white man. You are wounded,” she stated somewhat matter of factly, looking at the blood running into my eyes, that was now really hampering my vision.

She took my arm and lifted it to inspect the wound there. She said to wait as she went and retrieved her spear, before going to check the gunmen.

Returning with four rifles hanging from her shoulder and a pistol in her hand. She simply said “All dead”

I found a good spot and buried the rifles, She said that she would remember where they were.

We left the dead lying where they were, let the animals clear them away I thought., it’s what they deserve.

She took my arm again and said: “Come there is water and shade near, I will fix your wound before arm goes bad.”

After walking for ten minutes or so we came to a little hollow amongst the acacia trees and a couple of giant boababs. A small stream ran through the hollow and had created a pool of crystal clear water. “Wash,” she commanded.

I bent and scooped water to my face.

“No, need to be in water to clean properly, take clothes off and wash.” I hesitated and then saw the impatient look on her face, so I just complied, undressed, then gently eased into the water.

“No crocodiles here, it is safe,” was her only observation.

To my surprise, she removed her skirt and waded in until she came behind me. She scooped water and surprisingly gently washed the now drying blood from around the wound on my arm. “Lucky I not stab good, wound is not bad,” she said.

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