Principal Urges by Twistedguy

“Yea, I’ll give you your privacy. Just yell if you need something. They aren’t girlie like your stuff but help yourself to my shampoo and soap.” He said. She look back over her shoulder, “thanks” she saw him turn away as she bent over picking up her bag and headed into the bathroom.

Justin froze in surprise for a second looking at the mirror as he turned to leave. When she bent over to pick up her bag her skirt flew up revealing her thighs and smooth slit from behind. The girl wasnt wearing panties. Just the hint of peach fuzz at the top. “That must have been what all the fuss was about back at the trailer.” He thought. He left the room as the shower started. He went to the living room turning the TV on. He flipped through the channels as the shower down the hall shut off. A few minute later the door opens and he saw a shadow moving down the hall.

“Hey Justin”… “hey” he responded without looking over at Jenni. “What’s for dinner? I can cook something, but I don’t know what you have”. He looked over at the smiling girl as he tried to respond to her question. Justin was in slight shock, there was Jenni standing in a tank top and short shorts. Both were so tight it was pretty obvious she wore nothing underneath. She felt his eyes on her.

The top hugged her what he guessed to be C cup breasts at the very least. His eyes moved down to the shorts that hugged her hips and showed off her prominent camel toe. He got hard instantly. With no running water at home they couldn’t do laundry so the girls were down to few clean clothes left. She didn’t think he would notice she wasn’t wearing a bra or panties but she saw she was wrong. She noticed the bulge immediately.

“I…I was thinking of ordering a pizza. Will you girls be ok with that? ” He stammered at his words. She nodded, “yea, I’ll go ask Katie what she wants”. She stared at him for a few seconds, “everything ok?”. He nodded and shifted in his seat, “yea, fine”. Jenni smiled and turned back down the hall. He could help but watch as her tight shorts hugged every curve. Her cute butt jiggling as she walked purposely swaying her hips a little.

Jenni walked into the master bedroom. She could hear the shower still running so she tip toed over to the door and slowly and quietly opened it just enough to slip in. The bathroom was full of steam. She crept over to the shower about to jerk the curtain back to try to scare Katie when she heard something. She pause a second and heard a wet slapping sound then a soft moan. She very slowly reached up pulling the curtain just a little to peek in. Jenni saw her sister leaning against the side of the shower her hand was buried between her legs, moving furiously. She smiled to herself as she watched. Finally she chuckled, “you keep that up and your fingers will fall off”.

Katie jumped and screamed. Her hand moving away from her crotch and then covering herself, “Jenni…. what the hell”. She was breathing heavy. Jenni heard foot steps then Justin’s voice, “everything ok?”. She called back, “yea its fine, I just scared katie that’s all”. When she heard the foot steps disappear she turned back. Katie turns the shower off, “you’re such a bitch sometimes. Why didn’t you knock?”

Jenni laughed, “I was just playing. I didn’t know you were…. busy”… “Shut up. I was hoping for some damn privacy finally” she snapped back. Jenni saw the rage in her sister’s eyes. “I’m sorry Katie. I didn’t mean to interrupt” she grabbed the shower curtain, pulling it back as she continued, “Justin wanted to know if pizza would be ok for dinner.”

“Yea, that’s fine”, she said as she grabbed a towel drying off. “Good, well hurry up and put some clothes on”. She turn leaving and bound down the hall to the living room to tell Justin.

Katie was furious as her sister. It wouldn’t have been so bad if she wasnt seconds from cumming. Now she stood there drying off and really needed a release. She shuddered as she dried her aching pussy. Once she was dry she grabbed a pair of panties and quickly stepped into them and pulled them up. She looked at herself in the mirror. The old panties hung loose on her body. The cloth so old it was almost see through. She grabbed an over sized shirt and pulled it on letting it fall to her mid thigh.

She picked up her uniform and stepped out of the bathroom just as Justin stepped into the bedroom, “sorry Jenni said you were done. Shes in the living room watching TV. I just wanted to change before the pizza got here” Katie nodded, “its fine. I’m done”. She walked past him and took her clothes to their room. She saw Jenni’s clothes in a pile and tossed her’s with them then headed to the living room.

Justin closed the door as Katie left. He took off his pants and dress shirt throwing them in the hamper then went into the bathroom. Figuring he had a little time he decided to take care of the hardon he’d had, on and off for most of the day.

He pulled his boxers down and stepped out of them standing in front of the sink. He started to stroke himself as he closed his eyes, imagining Jenni and Katie naked in the shower. “Boy am I such a perv.” He though. “These girls are my friend’s daughters but I just cant help myself.” He started to speed up, jerking his hand up and down the shaft faster and faster. Justin hadn’t jerked off all week. He knew the load his balls carried was going to be big.

He felt the pressure building as his hand moved. He was just about to blow when he heard the doorbell, “shit” a few seconds later he heard the pitter-patter of feet coming down the hall then a knock. Katie called through the door, “Justin, pizza is here”. “Oh ok… be right there”. He said with a sighed as he quickly grabbed a pair of sweat shorts and an old t shirt pulling them on as he grabbed his wallet then headed to the door.

He adjusted himself in an attempt to hide the bulge in his shorts. Justin got to the door seeing Jenni standing there with the delivery man. He payed and thanked the guy as he left. Justin carried the boxes into the living room setting them on the table, “dinner is served”, he laughed. They giggled as they sat down on the couch. “I’ll get us some sodas” he motion to the boxes, “ones cheese and the other is pepperoni. Help yourself”.

He turned heading to the kitchen. He grabbed them each a bottle of soda and walked back in a minute later, “here we go” he smiled looking at them. He set a bottle in front of each of them then sat down on the floor across the table from them. Justin grabbed a slice and began eating. Justin froze for a second. Jenni was absent mindedly sitting with her legs apart and from this angle he could see the tight shorts clinging to her and showing the curves of her vulva. Katie was sitting cross legged with her shirt pulled to her knees make the shirt tent like. But when she shifted he got a quick glance at her obviously old and wore light blue panties. He did his best not to stare but Jenni noticed him looking and it gave her a little thrill.

She knew a little teasing wouldn’t hurt. Not like he’d ever cross the line and touch her or Katie. Katie had no clue he was staring right at her crotch. He only looked for a couple seconds at a time as not to make it obvious. Jenni wiggled her hips letting the tight shorts pull up into her a little more. She tried to act casual as she felt the cloth pull up into her slit slightly. She wanted him to look. Seeing Katie masterbating in the shower earlier got her kinda horny and she just wanted Justin to look at her… To silently say she was sexy with his eyes.

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