Tony Meets Nan Pt. 02 by mollycactus

He strolled around her, studying her. “You have very dainty toes, Nan,” he complimented when behind her, slowly stroking across them with a fingertip. The touch was so gentle that some goosebumps formed on her legs. As he came around in front, his palm caressed her neck as he said, “Such a lovely neck, too.” Her heart accelerated from the contact and his manner. Continuing his slow circling, he leaned over and murmured, “And such sexy calves,” as he stroked them. “You have so many fine features,” he stated as he again appeared in front of her. “Such smooth shoulders,” he commented as his warm hands glided over them. Again, Nan felt goosebumps rising as her anticipation and arousal grew.

Behind her again, Tony let some strands of her tresses slip easily off his fingers. “Your hair is so silky, and I love its scent,” he informed her. By now, Nan was drooling from her open mouth, unwilling to disobey him by closing her mouth to swallow her spittle. As he continued his circling to come back around front, he observed her drool dripping on her chin, tits and chest but made no comment about that. Instead, he stroked her nose with a fingertip, stating, “I love this pert little nose of yours, girl.” Her eyes widened, since no one had ever commented about her nose, let alone praised it. She was amazed at the continuing completeness of his examination of her. The night before, he’d touched her all over, too. But that was done in darkness, and this time it was in broad daylight, which made it feel more salacious.

Moving behind her back, his hands cupped her warm, firm buttocks. He could feel their internal muscles quivering, since this upright kneeling posture put quite a strain on them after a period of time. “I can’t tell if I should kiss your flesh here, or spank it, my little slut,” he said. “Perhaps I’ll do both.” Nan made a strange sound in her throat that easily escaped her still open mouth. In front again, he whispered his hands across her breasts. “Such perky tits and nipples you possess. I imagine they’d like to be suckled,” he murmured. At that touch, Nan felt a tiny, telltale trickle on one of her inner thighs.

Interestingly, her thighs were now his focus as he moved behind her once again. She was having a very difficult time holding the pose now. His hands briefly kneaded the backs of her thighs. “And these strong thighs. Mmmmm. I think they’d be great for gripping my waist as you settle on my erection.”

Nan wanted to cry out, “Yes! Yes — plant me on your erection! My pussy is aching to be filled! These tender, intermittent touches are driving me crazy!” But she said nothing, and only made a soft keening sound in her throat.

Now he stood before her, catching her eye. “You’re drooling all over your chest and tits. Is this arousing you, Nan?” he asked with a grin.

Remembering she had to keep her tongue sticking out of her open mouth, she forced some air through her vocal cords and managed to make a sound that resembled, “Ethh thurr.”

Interpreting that answer as ‘yes, Sir’ Tony smiled. He scooped up some drool, and smeared it on her cheeks, watching them redden with humiliation. “We’ll have to do something about that,” he stated. He walked out of sight behind her and bound her wrists together with a silk scarf that he pulled from his pocket. As she felt that action, Nan’s arousal shot up a thousandfold since he was starting to fulfill his promise to tie her up. Once he’d secured her wrists, he told her, “You may put your tongue back inside and close your mouth now.” She did so gratefully, making an embarrassing slurping sound as she swallowed the droll still pooled in her mouth. Her tongue was happy to be moistened again, since out in the open air it had not benefited from the drooling.

Still behind her kneeling body, Tony straddled her calves and grabbed her waist. “I’ll help you up onto your feet,” he told the tied woman. Unable to use her arms, Nan was grateful for his assistance as he lifted her up onto her wobbly legs and feet. He helped hold her steady as he briefly toweled the drool off the front of her body. “Over here,” he ordered, walking her to one side of the sofa. It was the type of sofa that has a large padded armrest at each end, and Tony bent Nan at her waist so that her pelvis was atop the arm rest, and her head and chest were down against a seat cushion.

The front and rear legs on that end of the sofa already had ropes tied to them, so Tony was easily able to pull Nan’s ankles close to each leg and secure them there, forcing her legs and thighs to remain wide open. Nan was aware that trussed up like this, her pussy and ass hole were clearly on display, and she was unable to do anything about that. She wasn’t struggling, because this was like a dream — or a fantasy — come true. She was tied up, and hopefully about to be fucked, and oh so ready for it. Her pussy was lubing copiously from her heightened state of arousal. And she moaned softly as she heard the unzipping sound and the rustling of his clothes as he stripped. She tried to look back to where he was standing, but her current placement prevented that.

After what seemed like an eternity, but was really only a few minutes, she felt his hands at her sex, opening her pussy lips. Her body instinctively reacted with a deep flush over all her face as she felt the cooler air enter her intimate opening. That sensation of coolness was almost immediately replaced by one of heat. She thought, “That’s either his thumb, or the head of his cock… Oh… I hope it’s his cock! I really need to get fucked hard now! But I’m not going to beg or ask or demand. I’ll just see what he does.” This pose… naked… bent over the sofa armrest… wrists tied with a scarf behind her back… ankles secured to the sofa feet… was triggering a deep sense of acceptance — of submission — in her core. Her heart was racing, and her breath was whistling through her nose as she waited.

Tony also was immensely aroused at this point. Having toyed with her, touched her, fondled her, teased her, and inhaled her exciting scent, his cock felt to him as if it was more engorged than he could remember. He needed to fuck her now, and he wasn’t going to hold back. With the head of his cock now poised at her open vaginal entrance, he grabbed her hips, and thrust the full length of his manhood into the hot wet sheathe that was made for it. He grunted at the delightful sensation of her cunt walls enclosing the length of his cock as his hips slapped against her ass cheeks. But his grunt wasn’t heard, because Nan ululated her delight at that sudden sensation of being stretched and filled in an instant! Her toes curled reflexively.

Tony fucked her with abandon, pulling almost all the way out and then slamming back into her depths, over and over. The armrest cushioned some of the impact, but his hands were pulling back on her hips each time he thrust forward, so Nan barely felt any pressure on the front of her pelvis. As fast and hard as Tony was fucking her, she completely lost control of… of any resolve to try to hold back her orgasm to preserve a modicum of respectability. She shrieked and came! Seconds later she came again! She was a wanton slut now, eager to be drilled by his magnificent rod of flesh! Of course, she was not coherently aware of this. She was trying to say something like ‘yes, yes, yes’ but her voice was muffled by the seat cushion, and she was not articulating any intelligible words… just sounds of joy.

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