Who’s Watching the Babysitter by 2stfauther

We laid there awhile resting and then I suggested that she get up and take a shower. She slowly got to her feet, grabbed her panties and the rest of her clothes and walked to the bathroom covering her nakedness from my view. I silently laughed at the thought of girls not wanting to be seen naked by the men that just made love to them but I wished that I had the opportunity to see that wonderful young body one more time before she left.

As she walked towards the door to leave, she asked, “See you Monday night?” as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened tonight.

“Sure thing,” I answered. “See you on Monday at the regular time.”

I wondered what just happened. I mean I knew what just happened but what would be the ramifications of what happened tonight. I felt that she would not say anything about it to anyone but I wished I knew. I went in to take a shower and to try to unwind.

The next Monday night I was almost apprehensive over her arrival but as the time came to greet her, Maggie was the first to greet her smiling face as she walked through our doorway. She acted just the same as she always did; smiling and full of excitement over anything that Maggie was saying. I told them goodnight as they went to Maggie’s room and I went out to work. Nothing had changed or was different in any way, I was sure of it. Nothing had changed at all.

I came back to our apartment a little after 9 and as I came in, I noticed that all of the lights were out except the one coming from Maggie’s bedroom. I hesitantly walked down the hall towards her doorway and opened it just a little to peek my head in. Once again I was shocked to see the two girls, Maggie completely naked and Katy with just her panties on, lying on the bed asleep. Maggie was splayed out on her back with her leg bent at the knee and her bare little crotch open to the world to see while Katy was on her side facing my daughter. Katy’s hand was resting right on Maggie’s bare pussy as if she had just got through playing with her vagina. My heart skipped a beat seeing this exposure but I was suddenly drawn to get a closer look.

I tiptoed over to the two sleeping girls and look down at my daughter’s most private parts. Under Katy’s finger was Maggie’s hairless lips, clinging together tightly in a puffy resemblance of a vertical clam shell. I had the urge to reach out and touch it just this one time but I shook myself back into reality and turned my attention back to Katy. I reached out my arms and scooped her up in one fluid motion and carried her into my room. She looked into my eyes and asked me where we were going and I told her to my room. She just wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her face into my chest and said, “I don’t have to be home until 10:30 tonight so we have a lot of time to make love.”

I took her to my bed and laid her out on it and then returned to close and lock my door. I turned back to see her taking off her panties and lying flat on her back. I smiled and looked down on her naked body and said, “I’ve got a condom tonight so I don’t have to pull out.”

She just smiled and said, “What ever,” and welcomed me into bed.

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