Good neighbourhood Chapter 1 by Naughtyrusguy

Good neighbourhood Chapter 1 by Naughtyrusguy

A girl met her new boyfriend , Chapter 1. Dreaming of her boyfriend.

A usual family that consisted of three persons moved from a small town into a big city. They were Clair, Tom and their 15-years-old daughter Kate.

The life in the big city was much harder that they had ever expected. The family had lived well at their home town but here, in the big city, everything was out of control. Like Clair, Tom couldn’t find any work at all. it seemed that everybody wasn’t interested in their skills. No matter how hard they tried, nothing made it. On top of that, their daughter Kate had always been a popular party girl and she was constantly requiring some money for clothes, parties and so on. She just didn’t want to live like a poor girl. In the end, Kate was given whatever she wanted.

Anything had its end and soon the family almost ran out of the savings. They were starving and they totally understood that they were on the verge of getting homeless people if nothing changed. Even their 15 years old looked for a work but they always got the same answer: “We’ll call you back.” But there were never any calls.

The family was lucky. If there was not their good neighbor, they would walk the streets many months ago. Mike, the neighbour, helped them with money whenever they needed it but Tom knew that it couldn’t last forever.

One day their neighbour Mike visited them. He worked in a big financial company and said that there was a free vacancy in one department. His companion agreed to hire Tom but Clair’s husband would have to work as a bull.

The family knew that it was the only chance and they couldn’t miss it. Tom immediately said “Yes”.

That day, on his way out, the neighbour came up to their 15 y.o. Kate and whispered to her, “Sweetie, I’m doing it only for my son JD. He had such a crush on you and I hope you’ll be nice to him. Otherwise, you would have walked the streets, searching for customers!”

Although it sounded like some warning, Kate liked what she heard. Mike’s son JD liked her and he was the guy of her dreams. Every time she dreamt of the best boyfriend the girl thought about him but in reality they hardly said “Hi” to each other.

Mike was a prosperous businessman who ran his department. He was 30-something and he looked handsome especially for his age. The man was tall, broad-shouldered and in a good shape. His voice sounded nice and stern at the same time.

But his son JD was the other dish. He was 17 and he dropped out of the school for beating teachers and students to death. JD had a really bad reputation and everybody on the block was woundily afraid of him.

The guy was a real badass but Kate had a crush on him and everybody couldn’t help but notice it. JD just teased the girl more and more, trying to make her so desperate that she was ready for anything. The guy was tall and broad-shouldered, the body was well pumped-up and covered with several tattoos. It wasn’t surprising that nobody wanted to be in his way. Kate noticed that even her parents were afraid of him a little, too.

One month passed. Kate’s father Tom had been working so hard that he had little time for his family. He got paid for the first month and he managed to pay few bills.

The family had moved here months ago and there was still no a moving-in party yet. Like a good person, Mike helped them again. He offered to celebrate it in his huge backyard and defray the expenses. Hesitatingly, Tom agreed but he promised to pay back every dollar to him as soon as possible.

The celebration day had finally come. Like father and son, Mike and JD were in the backyard, trying to arrange everything for the party.

“It’s amazing to watch how desperately our neighbour’s daughter wants you to date with you. She’s literally ready to spread her slutty legs for you. I think you should have fun with that lil’ slut Kate there,” the father said.

“I’d love to, dad!” grinning, JD replied. “But I guess she’s too shy for it, even though she looks like a cock-teasing bitch!”

“Bullshit, sonny!” Mike said. “The party is a good chance to get laid. I think you should come to her now.”

“But the slut’s probably in classes right now,” JD hesitated.

“Let’s go to her mom and ask,” Mike said.

Like any father, Mike wished his son well. He knew that JD liked sex. It wasn’t a secret that some of his female employees had sex with JD to keep their jobs. They were ready for it, although they knew it was illegal, JD was still 17. But Kate was another thing. Mike’s son liked the girl and he didn’t want to make her do anything. It was obvious that Kate would do anything on her own free will if she had a chance. The party would be that chance.

Father and son had much in common: Mike liked Clair, Kate’s mother and wife of his employee Tom, but his son JD liked Tom and Clair’s 15 years old daughter Kate. Father and son hoped that their dreams would come true at the party.

Mike knocked on the door but there was no answer. So he opened the door and they stepped inside. The man was sure that Clair was at home and he walked up to the kitchen. He was right, she was there. Clair stood at the stove, cooking something as two horny males, Mike and JD, said hello to her.

Clair turned around and smiled at them. The woman was happy to see them. Mike helped her family with money many times and she was very grateful for it. She welcomed him with open arms. Then Clair turned her head to JD and said “Hi” to him.

“Is Kate in, Clair?” Mike asked in a friendly tone.

“Yes, she just came in. Has anything happened?” Clair looked alarmed.

“No, no. Just my son wanted to spend some time with her before the party. Well, like arranging some tables and chairs in the backyard, you know,” Mike explained.

“Of course, JD,” Clair replied, playfully smiling. “She’s in her room. Go upstairs.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Sperling,” the guy said and walked away.

Mike and Clair heard him going upstairs and they were happy. Their children got along with each other well and they were going to spend some time tet-a-tet.

JD wanted to take Kate by surprise and went upstairs stealthy. But she wasn’t the one who was going to be taken by surprise.

The room’s door was cracked open a little and he could see Kate’s bed. The teenager was lying in the bed and covered with a light blanket. The guy immediately remembered how hot her body looked in those revealing outfits she wore whenever he saw her. It seemed that she only waited to get stuck.

JD didn’t let anybody know how much she had a crush on her but that girl had been driving the guy crazy. He wanted to spy on that little cock-teasing slut a little. He strained his ears and JD could hear a quiet slurping noise. Kate’s head was pulled back and her tiny mouth was open a bit. The legs were spread and slight moves under the blanket became obvious. Kate was masturbating at that very moment!

JD had fucked many female employees from his dad’s work but he had never witnessed anything like that. Kate was fifteen only! She was a real naughty girl, he guessed.

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