Edward's Halloween Costume by nudedude03,nudedude03

Everyone in this story is 18 years old or older.

Janet, Edwards mother, was a stickler for authenticity. This became obvious while she was describing the plans for her Halloween costume party. “Every detail must be perfect down to the last one. Oh speaking of details, Mrs. Webster, the best seamstress in town, has been under the weather. She will be unable to come here to measure you to make your costume.”

“Since you couldn’t be bothered to be here when the rest of the family was measured, fitted and already have their costumes, you will need to go to her for that,” Janet informed him.

“Oh I’ll pick something up at the store to wear,” Edward stated.

“Like hell you will,” Janet replied. “I’ve invested too much time and money to make everything perfect for you to mess things up. Our themed family costumes will be coordinated down to the thread color.”

Edward gave his mother a snide eye as if, whatever. “Well if you’re going to throw one of your hissy-fits then I’ll go. You know she lives on the ‘other’ side of town, right?” He asked.

“I know perfectly well where she lives. You know you’ve grown up to be quite the snob young man. I don’t know where you get the idea that we are better than anyone else. True, we’ve had advantages over others but that’s no excuse to look down on anyone,” his mother said. “And just because her house isn’t as nice and it is located in a less desirable neighborhood should not make any difference.”

“Ok, ok, get off my back, I’ll go, mainly just to shut you up,” he said in his best superior tone.

The next day Edward hopped in his convertible sports car and raced to the ‘other’ side of town to Mrs. Webster’s modest ranch home. After knocking on the door several times he was turning to leave when the door opened.

“Hello, can I help you?” A girl, similar in age to his 19 year old self, said.

“Yes I’m Edward Van…” She interrupted him saying, “I know who you are and mom is expecting you. I’m Cora, her daughter,” she said, introducing herself. “Please come in, moms not been well so that’s why I answered the door.”

“Oh I’m sorry she’s been unwell,” he said, but she could tell it was just as a courtesy, it had no real meaning.

“Please follow me to mom’s sewing room. She does everything there. I mean measuring, fitting, sewing, everything.” Cora informed him as they made their way through the house. Upon entering the room he noticed how bright it was. The outside wall was nearly all windows. One wouldn’t need electrical lights except at night it was so filled with natural light.

Seated at her sewing machine Mrs. Webster was busy at work. She was probably in her late fifties, from Edwards determination. She was not overweight but pudgy. She sported a kind face but it was worn from time.

She turned and greeted Edward, “Well here you are. It’s about time. I was beginning to worry we were running out of time to get you costumed up for the party,” she said. “I’m sorry you had to come to us. It’s a shame you couldn’t have been available when the other family members were at your beautiful home for their fittings.”

“Oh me too, I hope this isn’t too much of an inconvenience for you,” Edward said again in such a nonchalant tone, nobody bought it.

Just then another girl burst into the room. “Oh Edward, this is my other daughter Beth. Of course you met Cora already,” Mrs. Webster said. Cora was a 20 year old girl neither beautiful or ugly, she fell somewhere in the middle. Beth, the 18 year old was the more attractive of the two. Both were “common”, at least that’s the term Edward would use to describe them.

“It’s so nice to meet both, well all three of you lovely ladies,” Edward said again in the same condescending tone as before.

“Well girls now that all the introductions are over scoot on out of here so I can get started with Edward,” she said. “I’m sure you’ve got better things to occupy your time. But don’t go too far just in case. I’m still not 100% well, as you know.”

Edward thought this a bit strange but then he wasn’t acquainted with how Mrs. Webster worked so the thought left as quickly as it appeared.

“You know of course you’re to be a young caveman to match your mother, father and sister, right?” she asked him.

“I had no idea what kind of costumes mother had picked out this year. I do know she likes the family’s costumes to have the same theme,” he answered. “It makes no difference to me what ridiculous costume she chooses,” he said in an insulting manner, or that’s the way Mrs. Webster heard it anyway.

“Well this years ‘theme’ is cavemen family’s,” Mrs. Webster noted.” Now let’s get started. Please stand right here,” as she pointed to a spot in the center of the room.

Edward strode over to the spot and stood there uninterestedly looking around the room.

“Ok Edward, I’m going to take some measurements. Relax, this will only take a few minutes,” she said. She started with his neck and arms, stopping only to write down her findings. When she was measuring his chest she felt something odd. “Edward are you wearing a unusually thick shirt?” She asked.

“No not really but I am wearing several layers of shirts. I’ve got my t-shirt, a pullover polo and then my button up oxford cloth on top,” he answered.

“Oh dear, that’s a problem,” she replied. “I need a more realistic measurement if your garment is to fit the way your mother likes.”

“Is that really necessary,” he asked.

“Well, yes it is. If I don’t get accurate measurements, the costume will not fit correctly. And we know your mother would not be pleased, with either of us, if that were to happen,” she emphasized.

“What do you need me to do so that your measurements are ‘accurate’?” Edward asked.

“For the very best results I’d prefer you to step behind that screen, as she nodded toward it, and disrobe down to your underwear,” she answered.

Edward somewhat taken a back said, “Is that really necessary? Do your measurements need to be that precise?”

“As you are aware your mother is a very detailed and exacting woman. She uses my services because she knows she can depend on my ability to please her. I must have the correct measurements to do that.” Mrs. Webster said.

“Fine, let’s just get this over with,” he spouted and huffed off to behind the screen. It took him a while to take off all the garments he was wearing. Before stepping out from behind the screen he looked down to observe himself.

He’d worn a pair of white bikini briefs. Why oh why had he not thought about it and worn a pair of boxer briefs. That would have given him more overall coverage. But it was what it was, so off he trekked back to his spot in the center of the room.

“Ok let’s get this done and done,” he’d blurted out. He realized now he was standing in a woman’s sewing room, he barely knew, in just his briefs. This realization made him shudder for a second.

Mrs. Webster restarted her measuring duties again with his chest. The tape measure felt cool against his warm tanned skin.

“Oh dear,” Mrs. Webster remarked. “It’s a good thing we did this. I’m getting a significant difference from before with your clothes on.” She smiled up at Edward thinking he would be pleased. His resting bitch face indicated he could care less.

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