New Year's Eve Pt. 01 by lawnut,lawnut

Note: A huge thank you to my editor neuroparenthetical for his patience and tremendous help as my life-long battle with tenses continues.

New Year’s Eve: Part 1

Looking at himself in the mirror, Sam smiled. He was pleased with the reflection that met him. Though still a modest 5’8″ in height, in the past few years he had transformed from a gangly teenager into a surprisingly well-put-together young adult of 18. Since starting high school, his formerly wiry frame had filled in with a fair bit more muscle, and, thanks to varsity football, it was well-toned and not overly bulky. Short-cut, dirty-blond hair and piercing blue eyes accented a smile that was known for being innocent or mischievous – whichever most befit the situation Sam found himself in.

Pulling on his favorite Star Wars T-shirt, Sam admired the way it now hugged his torso and drew attention to his decently developed biceps and pecs. Not a gym rat by nature, Sam was much more at home reading or playing Nintendo, but after having made the football team (barely) in his junior year, he had decided to spend more time training, if only to be taken more seriously by his teammates.

That’s how he had met Eve.

Back at the tail end of the summer, Sam had been at a football training camp that had included players and coaches from around the city. During a break, Sam had jogged off the field, over to the nearly empty stands, to take a seat and adjust the straps on his pads. As he’d gotten to the foot of the stands, he had spotted a girl 4 or 5 rows up, reading a book. It had been the cover of the book that he had noticed first. It was one of his personal favorites: The Last Command by Timothy Zahn.

Looking at the reader, Sam had noticed just how cute she was. Medium length brown hair, slightly wavy and tied back in a short ponytail, had revealed an oval-shaped face, a slightly upturned nose, large, intelligent eyes, and soft, gentle lips that had that naturally pouty look to them. Wearing some generic runners’ shorts and a purple tank top, her body was lithe, with just the right number of subtle curves to it.

Without much thought, Sam had said to her, “I always thought that Thrawn was the best villain to come out of Star Wars. Vader was always about strength and intimidation, but Thrawn is just so calculating and manipulative… in my mind, much more intimidating.”

The girl had looked up, slightly startled, obviously not expecting anyone to notice, let alone speak to her. She’d smiled nervously at Sam. “A bold statement, but one I can absolutely agree with.” She’d lowered her voice and added in a conspiratorial way, “I always thought Vader and the Emperor were a bit too over-the-top as villains. But don’t let the fanboys hear you say that.”

Sam had winked back. “Your secret is safe with me.” They’d both chuckled for a moment before he’d added, “I’m Sam, by the way.”

Smiling back, the girl had replied, “Eve. Nice to meet someone who knows their expanded universe.”

And that had been it. The rest of the week they’d chatted on and off whenever they’d had a chance. It turned out that Eve’s brother, Stu, was coaching with one of the other teams, and she had decided to tag along if only for a change of scenery, and to get out of the house. Once the camp had ended, Sam and Eve had exchanged contact info and agreed to hang out soon.

At some point in the fall, they had transitioned from friends hanging out to boyfriend and girlfriend, sharing their first kiss one evening while out at the movies. That first kiss had been tentative, yet mutual, with both of them leaning in to press their lips against the other’s. As with so many teenage first kisses, it had been uncertain and a bit awkward. Excitement mingled with fear at how the attempt would be received by the other. There’d been an undeniable electricity as their lips had touched. Both of them had opened their eyes to look at one another as they’d realized it was something that they both wanted.

Later, neither of them could even recall which movie it had been, as they had ended up spending most of it making out.

Smiling as he recalled the past few months, Sam turned from the mirror, grabbing his phone and wallet as he headed out of his room.

It was New Year’s Eve, and the plan was to spend the night over at Eve’s place. Her parents were headed out for the night, and her brother was planning on having a get-together in his basement apartment. That would leave the house to Sam and Eve for the night.

“Are you guys staying at Eve’s tonight?” his mother asked him as he walked into the kitchen.

“Yeah, Stu is having a few friends over tonight. Nothing crazy, just some movies and snacks and such.”

“Alright, have fun and see you next year,” she said, laughing at her own joke.

Sam shook his head, smiling despite himself. “Every year. You make the same joke every year…”

“And you laugh at it every time, anyways,” she replied. “You kids have fun.”

“Thanks, Mom. See you next year.” Sam winked at her, headed out to the driveway and hopped into his car.

It took Sam about forty-five minutes to drive across town and out to the subdivision Eve’s family lived in. Pulling up to Eve’s house, a large two-story with a brick façade and dark brown siding, Sam parked his used Corolla in the driveway behind Stu’s truck.

There were a half dozen people milling about the kitchen, dining room, and living room. Stu and his girlfriend were mixing drinks and laying out food, while several of their friends were chatting and hanging out. Stu spotted Sam as he came into the kitchen from the central hallway, “Hey man! Glad you made it.”

“Hey Stu, thanks.”

“Help yourself to a beer from the fridge.”

Opening the fridge, Sam grabbed himself a beer. “Thanks. Where’s Eve?”

“Think she went out back to uncover the hot tub. You brought your suit, right?”

“I sure did. I’ll go see if she needs a hand,” Sam replied as he opened his beer and headed out to the back deck.

Despite it being winter, Eve’s family prided themselves on being brave enough to hot-tub year-round. Sam had to admit that he didn’t blame them one bit; they had a great set up. The backyard was like its own little oasis. It boasted a large inground pool, complete with slide and diving board, which was currently covered and winterized, and then, closer to the house, a stone patio with a large hot tub, which could easily seat eight people comfortably.

As he exited the back of the house, Sam immediately spotted Eve taking the cover off the hot tub. From his vantage point, Sam had a perfect view, as Eve was facing away from him. Tonight she was wearing a pair of tight black yoga pants which hugged her hips and ass perfectly.

After taking a moment to appreciate the view, Sam stepped forward and cleared his throat, “Hey gorgeous, can I give you a hand?”

Reaching out, he ran his hand along the curve of her firm ass, cupping and giving it a squeeze.

“Mmmm…I love where your hand is right now,” she purred, smiling as she pushed her ass back against his hand.

Leaning in close, Sam kissed the side of Eve’s neck and up to the back of her earlobe, all while massaging her ass.

“But I wouldn’t mind if you grabbed the other side of the cover and helped me wrangle it.”

Sam stepped to the side, moving over to take hold of the opposite side of the hot tub cover. Together they quickly removed it, folded it up, and set it in a corner of the deck. Eve turned the hot tub on, warming it up and getting the jets bubbling.

Turning to Sam, Eve smiled and said, “Thanks babe, you got here at the perfect time.” She leaned in and planted a kiss on the lips, lingering as it quickly intensified. Sam pulled her body against his while their tongues pressed and twisted together.

A moment passed and they reluctantly separated. “I could kiss you all day,” Eve said, “but it’s pretty cold out here.”

Nodding, Sam led the way back into the house, with Eve following right behind.

“Hot tub’s heating up!” Eve called to Stu as she moved through the kitchen, grabbing herself a drink on the way to the living room and joining Sam on the couch.

Setting her drink down on the side table, Eve sat down on Sam’s lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, and leaning in to kiss him. Looking up, Sam smiled, welcomed Eve’s slight frame onto his lap, and eagerly accepted her lips against his. They spent the next few minutes making out, their tongues mashing together as they pressed hard into one another. Sam ran his right hand across Eve’s back, tracing his fingers along the straps of her bra through the thin material of her t-shirt, and then down to the small of her back.

Eve moaned softly, Sam’s hands caressing her body as they continued kissing deeply. She pulled back ever so slightly, biting and tugging his bottom lip softly. She broke the kiss for a moment, then leaned in and peppered fresh kisses all over Sam’s neck and jawline. Sam smiled, his eyes closed as he relished the feeling of Eve’s lips moving across his face, neck, and ears.

His right hand caressed the stretch of bare skin below the hem of her T-shirt and above her yoga pants, while he took his left hand and sensually rubbed her stomach, angling upwards to gently cup the underside of one of her C cup breasts. He felt Eve push her chest forward, pressing the soft mound further into the palm of his hand. He brushed his thumb across the front of it, pressing against the quickly-stiffening nipple concealed beneath her t-shirt and bra. Eve stifled a moan, wiggling her hips and rubbing her ass down against the quickly growing bulge in Sam’s pants.

Sam moaned as he felt Eve grind down on his still-concealed cock.

Leaning in, Eve whispered into his ear, “Is that for me? I was thinking tonight might be the night to introduce your not-so-little friend to my kitty…”

Before Sam could respond, several of Stu’s friends entered the living room, turned the television on, and loaded up one of the many streaming services to look for a movie. Eve remained on Sam’s lap, gently grinding down on his raging hard-on, but the heavy make out session was done for the time being. Eve seemed content to instead lean against Sam as the movie began – quite the change from what they’d been doing and talking about just moments prior.

As he thought about the implication of Eve’s words, Sam found it difficult to focus on the movie. In the few months they had been seriously dating, Sam and Eve had taken their time getting to know one another and what they enjoyed. Early on, they had sat down and discussed the situation. Both were virgins, though not completely without experience. Neither had had a serious relationship. Much to their delight – and relief – they’d learned that neither of them had been hoping for a ‘veteran.’

A little less than a month ago while out at a movie, things had already progressed past make out sessions and heavy petting.. As Sam had fondled Eve’s breasts, she’d reached out and begun stroking his cock through his pants. That hadn’t been the first time she had done it, but it had been the first time she’d followed it up by unzipping his pants and reaching in to let his cock spring free.

In the back of the nearly-deserted theater, Eve had taken hold of Sam’s exposed cock and begun to stroke it. Her approach had been timid at first, and a bit awkward. After a moment of exhilaration, Sam had taken his own hand and wrapped it around Eve’s. He’d guided her as she’d stroked his cock, showing her how he liked it. She’d gotten better and more confident very quickly; soon enough, she’d been milking precum from him. Then she’d surprised him by changing up the style and firmness of her grip, keeping him excited and pushing him closer to the edge.

In a brief moment of panic, he had looked around the theater, but the only other patrons had been way down at the front near the screen and had been paying zero attention to them. “Oh lord Eve…. Where did you learn to do this…” Sam had moaned between tightened lips.

Eve had blushed in the dark and replied, “I may have watched a few videos online. You seem to be enjoying it.”

“Mmm Eve, that feels so damn good. I’m not going to last much longer though…”

Encouraged, she’d sped up her stroking, purring at him, “Yes baby, cum for me…”

Sam had grunted; his cock had throbbed in Eve’s hand as he’d shot a large load of cum against the back of the plastic seat in front of them. Eve had leaned in, placing her mouth around the head of his cock, and had sucked hard as it had spurted several additional loads of cum. With her lips sealed around his cock, she’d sucked the last of his cum from it.

As she’d sat up, licking her lips, she’d smiled at Sam. “I have to admit, that didn’t taste nearly as funky as I had expected; I actually liked it.” She’d winked at Sam, watching his chest heave as he’d regained his breath.

The next few weeks leading up to the Christmas holidays had seen Eve sucking Sam’s cock whenever she could, and, after an awkward first attempt, Sam had figured out how to return the favor properly. Eve had been both forgiving and encouraging, showing Sam exactly what she needed to get off. Sam had been very nervous that he wouldn’t enjoy the taste of Eve’s, given the horror stories some of his teammates had bandied about in the locker room. It had turned out he’d been worried over nothing.

A month after that first surprise oral session, Eve was hinting that it might be THE night. Feeling his sexy girlfriend sitting on his lap, curled into him, Sam smiled to himself.

While some attending the small party watched the movie with Sam and Eve, others were already outside enjoying the hot tub. Drinks flowed freely; music floated up from the downstairs rec room where many of Stu’s friends had set up for the night. All told, everyone seemed to be having a great time.

As the credits on the movie rolled, Eve turned her head to Sam and asked, “Hot tub time?”

Sam nodded. “That sounds great to me. Let me grab my bag and I’ll go get changed. Can I use the upstairs bathroom?”

“Sure, I’ll meet you down here in a few minutes,” she replied as she stood, getting up off Sam and stretching out the kinks from being in the same position for nearly two hours.

Sam grabbed his stuff and headed up to the bathroom to get changed. It was a typical suburban bathroom: a pair of sinks, a toilet, and a combination bathtub/shower on the opposite wall. Eve’s parents had their own ensuite bathroom, leaving this one almost exclusively to Eve now that Stu had moved downstairs and taken possession of the bathroom in the basement. Sam changed quickly and left his bag in Eve’s bedroom, looking at her queen size bed and smiling at the thought of returning to that bed with Eve later in the evening.

He paused, grabbing a few towels from the linen closet. Then he headed back downstairs, out to the deck and the waiting hot tub. Moving quickly, he set aside the towels and stepped into the waiting hot water. He quickly immersed himself, leaving just his head above the surface. Eve surfaced as Sam entered, smiling at him while the warmth on her head turned to steam in the crisp winter air.

Crossing the large hot tub, Eve gave Sam a quick kiss before taking a seat beside him, thankful that the depth allowed them to submerge themselves almost entirely. A few others were in the tub, and the group chatted for a little while, telling stories and swapping jokes. In general, all of Stu’s friends were welcoming of his ‘little sister’ and her boyfriend. The agreement for the night had been that Eve and Sam would stay upstairs, and the heavy partying would be down in Stu’s basement apartment. That was fine by Eve and Sam, as neither were huge partiers. They preferred this sort of hanging out to the serious drinking and craziness Stu’s friends would usually end up getting into.

As they were talking, Eve leaned her head onto Sam’s shoulder. Beneath the water, she reached out and placed her hand on his leg, slowly stroking from knee to mid-thigh. Her fingertips dragged softly up and back on his bare flesh, teasing ever so slightly beneath the leg of his swim trunks.

Smiling, Sam wrapped his right arm around Eve. He could feel the sparse amount of fabric that made up her swimsuit – a bikini, from the feel of it. He ran his fingers across her side and waist, feeling the other part of her suit. Dipping his hand slightly beneath her, Sam cupped her ass cheek and gave it a playful squeeze. After a moment, he traced his hand upwards, rubbing along the side of her right breast before moving it back down to her ass once more.

Eve let out a soft moan, clearly enjoying the feel of Sam’s hand moving from her ass to her breast and back. Between that, the warmth of the water, and the smell of Sam’s aftershave, Eve’s head was swimming. She felt the familiar tingle between her legs grow. Her stomach performed flips as she thought about the possibility of having sex with Sam for the first time that very night. She squeezed her thighs together tightly to emphasize the sensitive sensation as it continued growing rapidly in her most private of places.

Stu stuck his head out of the patio door and called out, “We’re doing shots downstairs. Mariah brought a huge tray of Jello-shooters!”

“Whoo! Shots!” came the reply from a few of the other partygoers. They stood up from their spots in the hot tub across from Eve and Sam, water cascading off them as they hopped out. They grabbed their waiting towels, wrapping them around themselves as they headed inside. Just like that, everyone had left Eve and Sam alone in the hot tub on the cool, dark winter’s night.

As the patio door closed, Sam turned his head and pressed his lips to Eve’s. Their joining began as a slow, sensual kiss, but soon their mouths opened and their tongues began to press forward, twisting and mashing together. As their kiss continued, Eve’s hand moved from massaging Sam’s thigh to rubbing over the crotch of his trunks, feeling his cock quickly grow larger and harder.

Sam moaned into her open mouth.. After several long, slow strokes of his cock, he took his arm, which had been wrapped around her, and brought it back around to her chest, cupping her left breast fully. He gave it a firm squeeze as his thumb traced around her stiff nipple, eliciting a happy moan.

Sam worked his hand under the material of her swimsuit and took her hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger. As Sam rolled the nipple firmly between them, Eve sucked in her breath, breaking the kiss. Her eyes scrunched up; a mixture of pleasure and pain shot through her.

She moaned softly at first, but it quickly grew in both volume and intensity as she focused on the attention her boyfriend was giving her left nipple. Panting, she said, “Oh God, Sam, I love when you do that to my nipples.”

Smiling, Sam reached around with his other hand, quickly giving her other nipple the same treatment. Even groaned, an her head fell back as she thrust her tits out into Sam’s wonderful hands.

A wave of pleasure swept over her, following a direct line from Sam’s hands on her nipples down to her pussy, where it amplified her desire exponentially. As Eve opened her eyes, she reached down and snaked her hand beneath the waistband of Sam’s swim trunks. She took hold of his long, hard cock, now fully erect. Her smallish-sized hand strained to wrap around his thick shaft. She clearly felt his blood pulsing through it as she began to stroke.

Now it was Sam’s turn to moan – a deep, guttural noise – as he felt his beautiful girlfriend’s fingers grasp his rock-hard penis and then begin to move. “Oh god Eve…yes.” Sam moaned. “That feels so amazing.”

Biting her lip playfully, Eve sped up her strokes, knowing just what Sam liked.. He leaned forward, removed his hand from her nipples and breasts, kissed her neck, and reached down between her legs. He rubbed his right hand along her upper thighs. He felt her legs relax in response, easing apart and offering herself to his roaming hands.

Sam rubbed upward, feeling his fingertips brush against the tiny strip of fabric that covered her pussy. Even in the warm water, her pussy was hot. She pushed her hips forward to grind it against his hand.

Sam took the not-so-subtle queue and pressed his thumb against her pussy. He dragged it between her lips, pushing the fabric against her sensitive skin. After a few strokes, Sam pulled the tiny suit bottom to one side and rubbed his fingers across her naked pussy. He smiled as he felt his paired fingers rub along the warm, slippery interior of her lips. Sliding deep inside of her tight teenage pussy elicited another guttural moan.

Eve’s breath hitched as she felt her vagina stretched slightly by the intrusion of Sam’s fingers. Then she moaned as she focused on the sensation of them rubbing the inside of her canal. She loved every second of it. After a moment, she resumed stroking Sam’s cock, quickly adjusting her speed to match that of his fingers.. They found their rhythm: jerking and fingering together, thrusting their hips together, and even moaning together.

They masturbate one another like this for a few minutes, each grasping onto the other as they continue to pant and moan. Sam’s cock throbbed in Eve’s hand. Precum leaked out, only to be immediately carried away by the warm water of the hot tub. As they kissed deeply, Eve pushed Sam’s fingers out of her and moved back, standing up momentarily to move in front of him in the large hot tub. She smiled at him seductively and lowered herself into the water, where she quickly wrapped her mouth around his swollen cock, sucking him deep inside of it letting the underside of his shaft rest upon her tongue.

Sam leaned back and moaned loudly, overwhelmed by the sensations. Eve was stroking the base of his shaft while sucking the top half of his cock. He felt her tongue flicking over his spongy cockhead as she lapped up the precum, now freely flowing. Sam ran his hand through her hair while she was submerged just beneath the surface of the water.

After nearly a minute of this, Eve pulled off of Sam’s cock and came up for air. Still stroking the length of his cock, she found Sam’s eyes and gave him a mischievous grin. She disappeared once again under the water and immediately latched onto his cock with her hot, wet mouth. She sucked hard on his throbbing cockhead, never letting up with her expert handjob. It wasn’t long before she felt Sam’s body begin to tense, betraying his impending orgasm. Like an Olympic swimmer, Eve surfaced just long enough to get fresh air through her nose, not letting his cock leave her mouth. As Sam’s moaning gained intensity, she sped up her pace and reached down with her left hand to lightly cup Sam’s balls. No sooner had she begun to caress them did Sam crash over the edge and into his orgasm.

He moaned loudly despite his best efforts to control his volume. He thrust his hips forward, which pumped a large first shot of cum deep into Eve’s throat. He reached out to hold her head in place as he fired twice more, both of which Eve eagerly swallowed in their entirely. After the third spurt, Eve surfaced, letting Sam’s cock slip from her mouth; a fourth spurt splattered across her chin and neck. Leaning in, she kissed Sam on the lips, her tongue quickly pressing in and against his.

She had always been surprised by how unphased Sam was when she kissed him after taking his load in her mouth. Her few close girlfriends all seemed to believe guys simply would never taste themselves like that. Sam didn’t seem to care.

“Oh God Eve, you are so good at that,” Sam said panting, recovering his senses from the post-orgasmic bliss. “But I think I need to return the favor.”

“Mmmm… yes please,” she responded with a purr.

Smiling wickedly, Sam pushed out of his seat and moved to the middle of the hot tub, turning Eve and pushing her back against the edge and down into the seat. As he kneeled neck-deep in the water, he reached out to grasp Eve’s hips. Sam pulled her forward on the seat while pulling her swimsuit bottoms down and then off her toned legs. Moving forward, he placed his hands on her knees, pressing her legs apart and putting his body in between them..

Sam leaned in to kiss Eve, letting their tongues touch briefly before moving his kisses down her jaw and neck, to her collar bone, and then across her breasts, letting his tongue linger over her rock-hard nipple before continuing downward. Taking a deep breath, Sam dipped beneath the surface and pressed his lips against her puffy labia. He ran his tongue between them from the bottom all the way up to the top, flicking the tip of his tongue lightly against her clit at the end. He repeated this several times, bottom to top, ending with another flick of her clit. Despite all the water surrounding them both, he could taste her intoxicating juices. Like a swimmer in a race, Sam surfaced for a quick breath before dipping below and continuing to lick Eve’s delicate and delicious pussy.

Eve rolled her head back, squeezing her eyes shut, and moaned loudly as she focused on the feeling of Sam’s tongue lapping at her pussy. Every time his tongue flicked across her swollen clit, Eve couldn’t help herself; she pushed her hips forward in a desperate attempt to get more stimulation. With her thighs clamped tightly around Sam’s head, she kept thrusting like that, over and over, grinding her pussy on his eager lips and tongue.

Sam tapped her legs as he tried to surface. Panting, Eve released her hold on him, feeling herself already starting the climb toward her climax.

Sputtering, Sam surfaced and said, “Damn near drowned me!” They both laughed. “Although I can think of worse ways to go.”

Eve, her chest rising and falling rapidly, replied, “True, though how would I explain that to my parents?” This started them laughing even harder. “Here, let’s try this.” She hopped up onto the edge of the hot tub, her bare pussy exposed. She reached over, grabbed one of the fluffy towels, and wrapped it around her torso, which was exposed to the crisp winter air..

Sam moved forward and pressed his face once more into her soaked pussy. He licked vigorously, placing his tongue onto her pussy and then running it back up to her clit. Switching things up, Sam formed a tight ‘O’ with his lips and started sucking directly on Eve’s hypersensitive clit. As he sucked, he flicked the tip of it with his tongue, swirling tightly around and across the tip. Simultaneously, Sam spread her labia wide with his fingers. He rubbed along the glistening lips a few times before pushing three fingers into her welcoming pussy. He felt her stretch around the additional finger as he began to pump them in and out of her.

Eve could feel the wave begin to crest. She grabbed Sam’s hair and pulled him even tighter onto her clit. The delightful intrusion of Sam’s fingers, combined with the constant assault on her throbbing little button, sent a wave of intense pleasure crashing over her. Within moments, Eve’s pussy clamped down tightly on Sam’s fingers, squeezing and spasming. She thrust her hips against his face and fingers with wanton abandon as she came hard. As her body convulsed from the intense orgasm, she panted, moaned, and even let out a muted growl. Wave after wave That first wave of intense pleasure was followed by at least half a dozen others, each rippling through her, and barely fading out before the next one crested. It took Eve close to a minute for her orgasm to start to subside, during which time Sam applied near constant suction on her clit. He tried his best to hold on for dear life, and was only a little worried that her spasming pussy might fracture a finger.

As Eve finally regained a sense of the world around her, she smiled down at Sam, her cheeks flushed. “Oh God Sam, you’re so good at that.”

“Now,” he replied. “I seem to recall the first time I did it wasn’t exactly memorable.”

Eve giggled. “But you’re a quick study. That was amazing. Mmm.” She shivered – in part from the passing orgasm, and in part from the cold. Sliding back down into the hot water, she pulled Sam over beside her and cuddled up against him.

They sank down into the warm water so that only their heads were above it. They kissed each other, then both leaned back to look up at the stars overhead.

They remained like that for what seemed to them like an eternity, but was really only 10 or 15 minutes. They leaned against one another, occasionally stole kisses, and relaxed in comfortable quiet. Eve kissed Sam’s earlobe, then ran her tongue up along the ridge. She whispered seductively, “I think they’ve moved the party downstairs.” She reached down and squeezed his semi-erect cock as she added, “Why don’t we head up to my room?”

“I like the sound of that,” Sam replied.

He kissed her on the lips, then stood up and found Eve’s towel. He passed it over to her, and then found his…


Thanks for Reading! The second part is already well under way.

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