Some Education by Ashson,Ashson

The year she turned twenty Angela, my daughter, moved out of home and into an apartment. She was sharing with Jenny, a friend of hers of about the same age. I had no real objections. I’d known Jenny for a few years and she was a reasonably sensible girl. Both girls worked and could afford the rent so why shouldn’t they be more independent?

After a few months they seemed to have settled in. They did complain every so often about a lack of money at the tail end of the working week but they managed.

One Saturday afternoon I was passing close to their apartment and decided to drop in and say hullo to Angela. I knocked on their door and Jenny answered.

“Oh, hi, Mr Bries,” she said, turning and walking back into the apartment. “Come on in.”

“Afternoon, Jenny,” I replied, enjoying the sight of her walking.

Why wouldn’t I? She was twenty, stacked, and her behind was twitching in a beguiling manner as she walked.

“I was in the vicinity so just dropped in to say hullo to Angela,” I said.

“Uh-huh. Then in that case you’re out of luck,” Jenny happily informed me. I don’t know why she would be happy about it but that was definitely the impression she gave.

“Angela has gone out with Mickey. I doubt that she’ll be home until this evening. I was in the middle of making some coffee. Like some?”

Why not? I had no objection to having a cup and chatting to a pretty young thing. I assented and Jenny insisted that I sit down in the front room so she could serve it properly.

I sat on the couch and very shortly Jenny was there with the coffee, settling down onto the couch next to me. We drank our coffee and Jenny chattered away and I could tell she was leading up to something. I just patiently waited to find out what.

Finishing her coffee Jenny started regaling me with a very convoluted story. It started with her doing something that morning that was illegal in a civil way, ie, not criminal, and being caught by a cop and she had a fine and she had to pay it that afternoon and she was a little short and could I please let her have twenty to pay off the fine or she’d have to go to court and cop a bigger fine and she’d be in so much trouble, and it was only twenty she wanted so could I help out.

I reached for my wallet and extracted a twenty and held it up. Jenny brightened up tremendously, her eyes fixed on the twenty.

“So, let me get this straight,” I said as I passed it over. “You want to go out tonight but need twenty to cover the door fee and a couple of drinks, relying on male friends to buy additional drinks. As a matter of curiosity did you really expect me to swallow that load of codswallop you were spouting?”

She blushed rather fiercely, but that didn’t deter her from taking the twenty.

“No, honestly,” she protested. “It was the truth.”

“Really? Explain it to me again. Maybe I wasn’t listening properly the first time.”

She looked rather taken aback at that but she was game. She started telling her story all over again and I interrupted before she got very far.

“Sorry, Jenny, but that’s not the same story you told me earlier. You’re getting your facts all mixed up.”

“Well, if you don’t believe me why did you give me the twenty?” she demanded, sounding irritated.

“I have no objection to letting you have twenty to buy a couple of drinks,” I told her. “Really, if you’d just asked I’d have let you have it, as long as you don’t make a habit of it.”

“Oh,” was all she said, blushing just a little.

“However,” I continued, “I do object to being thought a fool. I think I’d better educate you regarding that.”

She was sitting on the couch next to me on my right hand side. It was simplicity itself to take her arm and pull, draping her over my lap.

“Your education starts here,” I said softly, lifting her dress clear of her behind.

She made a sound of protest at what I’d just done but she made a much louder one when I pulled her scanty panties down, leaving her with a bare bottom. I was amused to see a pair of fat lips peeping between the gap. I would bet Jenny wouldn’t feel the same sense of amusement if she knew about it.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?” she demanded, then gave a small scream as she found out, my hand coming smartly down on her bottom.

I’ll be honest with you. I really expected Jenny to explode and start struggling, whereupon I’d have let her go and laughed at her. I’d actually expected that when her panties started sliding down. What did I get instead?

Along with the small scream she seemed to twitch convulsively, but apart from that she stayed right where she was, laid across my lap, bare bottom waiting for my hand, a pair of fat pudenda still on display. I decided that this warranted a second spank and delivered it.

No scream this time, more of a gasp, if anything, but no other reaction. Wait, I lie. I do believe that her legs parted a little more. I gave a mental shrug and decided to keep on with the spanking to see what developed.

I kept on spanking and Jenny was making erotic little noises as I did so. Her legs were drifting further apart and her pussy was flushing, her lips swelling and parting, her inner lips protruding. The spanking wasn’t hard enough to actually hurt her but I have no doubt whatsoever that her bottom was smarting.

I finally swung her to her feet, rising to mine. Her dress dropped back into position and her hands went behind her to hold her bottom – lightly. Because she slipped her hands under her dress to hold her behind the front of her dress natural rose, revealing her vulva. I wasn’t sure if she realised that or not, but I wasn’t going to bet on her not knowing.

“I guess I’d better be going,” I said genially. “You will let Angela know I dropped past, won’t you?”

“You’re going?” She sounded shocked. “You deliberately got me worked up and now you say you’re going?” Now she sounded incensed.

“Yes, I think I’d better,” I said in what was supposed to be a soothing tone. “I’m somewhat older than you and it wouldn’t be fair for me to take advantage of a young virgin.”

“Virgin?” She sounded shocked that I might consider her to be one. Hell, for that matter I very much doubted that my own daughter was still one.

“Mm, virgin,” I agreed. “You know, a young girl who doesn’t really know what this is for.”

Her vulva was still on display so I sort of reach over and slid my hand over it, cupping it and squeezing lightly. The look on her face told me I’d scored.

“Tell you what. You finish taking off your clothes and I’ll educate you a little.”

“Educate me?” She sounded scandalized now. She did have a nice range of emotions. “I don’t need an education, thank you very much.”

“Then it’s examination time. Take off your clothes.”

She gave me a rather hot look and started taking off her things. Her dress went first, followed by her top. Seeing she wasn’t wearing any panties, courtesy of yours truly, all that remained was her bra, and that didn’t remain for long.

There’s something about a naked young lady that really takes the eye. I’d already been a little horny and a little erect but now I was totally horny and very much erect. At least, I’d be erect as soon as my trousers stopped cramping me.

I pulled Jenny closer to me, holding her against me. My hands were cupping her bottom, pressing her groin against my crotch and she’d have had to be a fool not to know what the bulge that pressed against her was.

I released her, took a step back, and dropped my trousers. As expected my cock leapt into full erection, waving slightly as if to attract her attention. If that was its intention it certainly succeeded. Jenny sank very gracefully onto her knees, a hand capturing my cock.

“Let me give you a start,” she said, and her mouth closed over me.

I like to think I have my share of courage and I promptly demonstrated it. I let her do as she wished without letting out a peep. Mind you, I very nearly expressed my feeling in a loud and vulgar way, but better manners prevailed.

I let her go for a while, enjoying the feel of her mouth moving on me, her tongue hot and moist as it explored me. When it felt as though she was going to drive me a bit too far I pulled away.

“My turn,” I said, hands covering her breasts and pushing her back and down. She finished up lying down, legs spread, knowing what was coming.

It turned out she was in error. I sank down onto my own knees and she gave a startled scream when my mouth closed over her. My tongue was fully as mobile as hers had been and I used it to tease and tantalise. She continued to make startled little noises as I did that, especially when my tongue brushed against her clitoris. Very sensitive things, those.

I lifted my head and winked at her. She was looking shocked at what had just happened. She looked even more shocked when I moved quickly over her, my cock making contact and driving fiercely home, sheathing itself in her hot silky passage with one powerful thrust.

I held myself still for a couple of moments, letting her adjust to the new reality. Finding her starting to relax a little (just a little) I set to in an attempt to destroy any idea she might have about really relaxing.

I was pulling right back and driving home again, building up to a nice rhythm with Jenny humping underneath me just as hard as she could. Her legs came up and wrapped around me and I reciprocated by latching onto her breasts, fondling them roughly, while all the time I was driving, driving, driving into her.

We were both totally ready for this, the foreplay having given us both a head start. Jenny was squealing excitedly as her arousal was carrying her with it as it built to greater heights. I just listened to those squeals, trying to judge where she was in her excitement, which is harder to do than you might think, being majorly distracted by my own arousal.

Hearing a catch in her voice as I drove in I decided the time was right and redoubled my efforts, a shorter stroke meaning a faster pace, and then Jenny was climaxing noisily, my own climax driving her on.

Jenny lay on the floor looking up at me as I redressed.

“Um, you won’t mention this to Angela, will you?” she asked, blushing a little.

“Certainly not. A private matter between us. Perhaps I’ll see you again some time.”

“Perhaps. If you need to further your education.”

Cheeky wench. I winked at her and departed.

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