Challenger or Challenged by tdallyn,tdallyn

Diana Rheem smiled as she looked at the caller ID on the screen of her ringing cellphone. “Elizabeth! You must have ESP. I was just about to call you.”

“Of course you were. Are you free for lunch today?”

“Reading my mind again. Our usual place in an hour?”

“Of course.”

“You’ll wear that new skirt you were telling me about; the one you said shows off your legs so well?”

“I wouldn’t dream of wearing anything else.”

One hour later Diana parked her car in front of a small Italian restaurant that was the perfect place for an indulgent midday meal. The food was excellent, and the atmosphere was one of understated elegance, with white table clothes and well-dressed waitstaff. She sat at a small table for two in the back and ordered a glass of white wine. Elizabeth entered a few minutes later, draped her jacket over the back of her chair, and sat down.

“You look terrific,” Diana said.

“Thank you,” Elizabeth replied. She motioned to a nearby waiter that she wanted what Diana was drinking. “You look great as well.”

“Not bad for an old broad.”

“Don’t undersell yourself.” The waiter placed a glass of wine in front of Elizabeth. She raised it up in toast to her companion. “Here’s to two fantastic forty-plus year-olds. We’ve worked hard to keep ourselves healthy, fit, and fun.” They smiled, clinked glasses, and drank. Elizabeth sat back, “You’re doing it again, aren’t you?”

Diana smiled coyly. “What makes you say a thing like that?”

“I’ve got ESP, remember? Besides, it’s written all over your pretty face.” Elizabeth stared into Diana’s eyes daring her to disagree, which she knew that her friend couldn’t do. “I’m starving. Let’s order, then I want you to tell me all about your latest man project.” She waved the waiter back to the table. After placing their orders, Elizabeth said, “I assume you’ve picked one that’s younger and devastatingly gorgeous.”

“You know me well. Yes, he is younger, but not a child by any means. He’s a rising star in general contracting and wears business attire more than a toolbelt, but he still gets his hands dirty swinging a hammer. And of course he’s gorgeous,” Diana purred. “Six feet tall, a hundred and ninety pounds with just a little bit of padding where it counts, nice wavy brown hair, and warm eyes that make me melt.”

Elizabeth snorted, “Melt?”

“Like warm chocolate. You know, the kind that drips off your fingertips and has to licked off.”

“I’ll bet it’s not fingertips that you’re licking.”

Diana flashed her coy smile again. “You do know me well.”

Elizabeth laughed. “That I do. Tell me more.”

“I found him at work three weeks ago when he came to my office to set up an account at the end of the day. Since I’m the IT person at the real estate agency, everyone has to see me sooner or later. I’m glad that it was sooner, so that I got to him before anyone else could. His ass looked awesome even in the baggy jeans he was wearing – made me almost soak my panties. I had to spend an extra long time with him that day, you know, making sure that all of his vital information was correct in the firm’s system.”

“And in your system too, I’m sure.”

“Of course. I did discover a few mistakes after the office closed, so I called him on his cell phone to get everything fixed up. We met at Angelo’s Tavern to go over his paperwork.”

“Was he really so dense that he didn’t know what you were up to?”

“He saw right through me and wasn’t shy about saying so. We laughed about it, then had a few drinks and a wonderful dinner. And then…..” She stopped as the waiter brought their food. Elizabeth finished her wine, put a forkful of salad in her mouth, and raised her eyebrows encouraging Diana to continue. “And then we fucked like rabbits.”

Elizabeth swallowed. “I hope that you at least made it out of the parking lot.”

“We went to my place for the fucking part. But I did give him a blowjob in the car before we left. He’s got a Goldilocks cock. You know what I mean.”

“Not too big, not too small, juuuust right.” Elizabeth recited the familiar phrase in sync with her friend.

“It really is perfect; nice and thick, about seven inches long with just the right curve. It stretches me out, fills me up, and hits all my good spots. He needs the usual education, like they all do. But, there is something about him that I can’t quite put my finger on. He’s a unique one for sure.”

“Diana Rheem, Ms. Lion Tamer extraordinaire, are you falling for this man?”

“Not a chance,” Diana scoffed. “That’s not going to happen, ever, especially after… well, you know.”

“Yes I do know, and I remind you once again that not every man, or every woman for that matter, is going to break your heart.”

“You’re right, but I’m not going to give my heart away… ever. I’d much rather spend my time and energy preparing men for a person like you. And I do not think of myself as a ‘tamer’. Who wants a pacified playmate? I prefer to think that what I do is more like breaking wild bronchos; making sure they’ve got good manners and technique to go along with plenty of spirit.”

“You love doing that, don’t you?”

“Yes I do. You of all people should know.”

A flush of red spread up Elizabeth’s neck. “I do.”

Under the table Diana slipped off a shoe and rested her foot against Elizabeth’s ankle. “Shall I tell you more?” She stroked her bare toes up along the inside of her friend’s leg. Elizabeth shuddered at the stimulation and nodded. “It’s still early in his education, but we’re making good progress. I’m doing the welcome-back-from-work foyer-blowjob thing. You know, he comes over to my place, I greet him at the door, drop to my knees, and do him before he gets into the house. Like I said, most of the time he’s in a suit. But when he comes in after working on a job site, and I can smell his musky man scent through his jeans, it drives me crazy. I can barely get his zipper open fast enough.” Diana took a sip from her glass keeping her eyes on Elizabeth while her toes traveled upward. “I only had to tell him once how to wrap his fingers in my hair to get a good grip on me. He’s learned how to fuck my mouth just right; not too hard, not too fast, and to also let me have the control I need to take him in good and deep until he explodes. We call my foyer greeting pre-drink cocktails, with an emphasis on cock of course.” Diana smiled. “I can be a little accident prone and sometimes I spill all over my chin and tits. But like I said, he’s a quick study, and has learned to clean up his messes.”

“You’ve already got him doing that? I am impressed.”

“It took you husband how long to learn to do that?”

Elizabeth flushed crimson again. “Not too long. He had excellent teachers.”

Diana’s foot continued up Elizabeth’s leg, past her knee to the inside of her thigh. “Yes, he did. And I recall how you as my A-plus student, were instrumental in helping me educate him.” Elizabeth was breathing deep as Diana’s toes reached the crease between her thigh and labia then crept under the edge of her panties. “I can tell that remember well.” The aroma of arousal wafted up from under the tablecloth as Diana’s big toe stroked the wet flesh of Elizabeth’s labia. “And I’m very glad that you do.” She prodded open her friend’s engorged lips. “Tell me, how is Robert these days? How’s his education coming along?”

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