Tom’s parallel world – 7 by Nellymcboatface

Tom’s parallel world – 7 by Nellymcboatface

Tom discovers a conspiracy and a possible threat to the cove & village, whilst expanding his `super sex toy’ reputation.

He also meets the three kittens, who are full blown female replicas of Sarah. , Reader, If you haven’t already caught up with Tom by now, you need to or some of the references won’t add up in this chapter. You need to go back to chapter 1 or at least a chapter or two….

Once again, leave a comment if you have any constructive criticism or just want to know more?

Chapter 7: Tom meets the kittens.

Captain Brown fired the boat’s engine up and they headed out along the cliffs to return to the cove.

Tom was feeling braver now he had saved the day rescuing Pisces. Had he impressed the captain enough to push his luck?

“Captain, how thin is the ice I am walking on now?”

“Don’t push your luck, but okay, certainly not thin ice, well pretty thick in fact.” Captain Brown thought Tom now deserved some credit, “Thank you, Tom. If you hadn’t been here in this world today, I would have been with the fleet when they left earlier today. We all would have sailed by oblivious, with none of us noticing the buoy.”

Now they still had some time to kill. Tom asked Captain Brown about the human family’s request to go fishing on a boat that afternoon.

“Ha, we don’t do day trips for tourists, these are working boats.”

Captain’s reply was quite a rebuff, but Tom thought a while before his reply.

“Yes, but a brief trip will help people to experience the traditional life of a fisherdog. It could attract visitors to bring a little extra money into Kitty’s pub and B&B. Above all, it could help any retired fisherdogs to earn some extra cash, without them having to resort to a full-time job. It could take only a few hours a week depending on bookings, and if the weather turns foul, you can cancel any trips. No one will want to go out in a storm. The boats finish by 4 pm, on their way home one could drop a few pots off with some catch in them nearby by, to be recovered by the tourists an hour later. It will give any retiree a chance to relive his life at sea and the tourists would love to hear a few old sea dog stories.” Tom wasn’t sure if he could convince the Captain.

“Hmm, food for thought, I know who I can ask and let them decide.” Captain Brown said, starting to talk on the radio.

Tom left the Captain and went to the rear of the boat to sit and enjoyed the passing scenery.

After a short while Captain Brown came to the back of the boat, “Thomas is going to talk to his father Bob, he is a retired captain. Thomas agrees with your idea and he thinks his dad will enjoy it. Captain Bob will find your human family and make arrangements with them before Thomas returns, allowing them to have their fishing trip.”

“Wow, thanks, Captain that is great, they will be pleased.”

Soon they caught up with the other boats, almost herding the flotilla of tiny boats along the coast. Tom could hear Captain Brown talking again in the wheelhouse. Then the Captain appeared with a plate full of mussels and scallops to share, all cooked ready to eat.

“Eat up. It’s been a busy day.”

Tom wolfed down his share, loving the freshly caught tasty shellfish sitting on the back of the boat in the sunshine, enjoying the boat trip home.

At the headland, before they turned into the cove, Captain Brown pointed out Thomas’s boat, dropping three pots into the water with buoys. They then continue around to disappear into the cove. Tom and Captain Brown soon rounded the headland and saw the cove busy with boats and fisherdogs.

Most of the boats were already beached. Thomas’s boat was just half beached as their catch was being unloaded and the human family stood close by. The father stood by an old grey dog, looking the spitting image of Captain Brown. The father was now wearing a buoyancy aid and slipping a buoyancy aid for their young son. The spare crew member on the beach gave the father a leg up into the boat and then lifted his son to him. The old grey dog was obviously the retired Captain Bob. He showed his experience as he deftly leapt up into the boat to greet Thomas, his son.

Thomas gave a signal. The rope was released, and the boat slipped back into the ocean. The father and son waved at mother and daughter on the beach. Captain Bob lit up a pipe, getting into character. As Thomas spun the boat around to leave, Captain Bob started to tell tales of a fisherdog’s life to father and son. The mother and daughter watched for a short while, then turned and made their way up the beach to Kitty’s pub.

Captain Brown was still holding his boat off, waiting for a signal that would announce his turn. As soon as he received a wave from a fisherdog on the beach, he ran his boat onto one of the timber railed slipways. A fisher dog was waiting and clipped a wire hawser to the front of the boat. The winch then pulled the boat up onto the beach.

Tom could see Sarah stood on the small grassy point by the bench. She waved and lifted a large shopping bag that she was carrying, pointing at him, then the bag. Insinuating whatever was in the bag was for him. Standing alongside Sarah were three cats. All stood out by being dressed in clothes. All in 1950s style dresses, as if they have just had ice creams from a soda shop and were waiting for James Dean to ride up on his motorcycle. He saw Kitty standing in front of her pub, frantically waving with relief seeing him return safely.

Finally, the winch stopped bringing Captain Brown’s boat to nestle between two other beached boats. Captain Brown jumped down and Tom passed him his gear bag and then jumped down onto the beach himself. He made his way up towards Sarah and what must be her kittens.

The news of his saving Pisces the Mermaid seemed to be common knowledge now. Fisherdogs slapped him on the back as he passed, giving affirmative comments such as ‘Well done’, ‘Top man’ and even one ‘Top Dog!’

“Sarah, lovely to see you, when you said kittens I wasn’t expecting three grown cats!” Tom said as he reached the grassy knoll to meet with Sarah and her kittens.

“Mum does that, she just can’t lose the kitten moniker, but we’ve had to grow up with it. Hi, I’m Lucy,” said the kitten closest to Sarah as she held her hand out to shake. The three were identical, smaller copies of Sarah.

“Afternoon ladies, I’m Tom.”

“Hi, I’m Chrys with a Y. We’ve all heard that you are quite a hero today Tom, that is quite something saving a Mermaid,” Kitten number 2 said, holding her hand out to shake.

“So you must be Clair?” Tom said, holding his hand out to the smiling kitten number 3.

Sarah said, “Tom, whilst I was in Turo to meet the kittens, I got you some clothes, as you are in dire need to change now!” Wrinkling her nose up in mock disgust and passing Tom the large bag she held. Inside he found a pair of his signature combat trousers and shorts, with several T-shirts in his favourite colours, plain black and navy blue. At the bottom of the bag were half a dozen boxer shorts, Tom looked at Sarah questioningly, who smiled in return.

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