Stripped of his Morals by JustSomeWords,JustSomeWords

This is the first story I have ever written so I hope you enjoy it. Intelligent constructive criticism is welcomed. Everyone in this story is 18+ and fictional.


My name is Dave Warren and I used to be the most trusting, honest, naïve, clueless man on the planet. Really not my fault though. I blame my childhood. You see, I was raised in a loving family. My parents were fairly conservative and expected us to behave, be honest and treat others with respect. My mother and father demonstrated their love and dedication for each other on a daily basis. My two older sisters were calm, mature and true to their upbringings. Even my extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins followed the family trait of honesty, trust and respect for one another. Indeed, the majority of the people in my very small midwestern town pretty much followed the same time-tested principles of honorable people. So naturally I thought this was how everyone everywhere was and how everyone could expect to be treated.

Boy was I wrong.

After high school, I finished my two-year degree in Electrical Technology at a local community college and began working alongside engineers at a small tech company in a nearby city. Turns out I’m a bit of a wiz with technology and my coworkers encouraging me to go back to school and get a BS in Electrical Engineering. After working for a few years and saving up as much money as I could, I enrolled at our State college which has a nationally top ranked Engineering department. Not all of my tech credits would transfer for engineering so it was going to take me at least 3 years to complete my degree.

My first semester was pretty much spent with my head in textbooks! Calculus and Statistics were tough classes with no nonsense professors so I spent long hours studying at the library. To help my savings last, I took a part time job at a local engineering firm working as a tech in the lab. Consequently, I had zero free time for going to the bars or meeting girls that first semester.

The second semester became a bit easier as most of my classes were focused on practical engineering application with plenty of the type of lab work I thrive on.

My life took a dramatic turn that second semester when I met Tina. I was at a bar with three friends, all engineering students. We found a good table near the dance floor and quickly noticed the pretty young women one table over. Accidently bumping the back of my chair into one of the ladies, I used my profuse apologies as an excuse to initiated a conversation. Turns out they were all nursing students and they were impressed to learn we were all engineering students. We were impressed that they were all beautiful and willing to talk to a bunch of nerds!

Tina was the one I had bumped into and we seemed to really click. We danced several times and as the evening went on, she seemed more interested in talking to me than to her friends. That was fine by me because I had never spent that much time with someone as beautiful as she was. Most of the other guys seemed to have paired up with their own nurses as well.

First Red Flag

I noticed Tina had what looked like an engagement ring on her left hand. This would be a dealbreaker for me as I have very strong opinions about not horning in on women who have made commitments. I asked Tina about the ring and she glanced at her hand and immediately took off the ring and handed it to one of her friends. Her friend rolled her eyes and pocketed the ring.

“I was engaged but I recently broke it off.” she explained.

I accepted that as the truth but it later turned out she only broke it off because I looked like a better option.

Second Red Flag

We all left the bar together and Tina asked if they could see where I lived. We got some beers and all walked the half mile back to my apartment for some great conversations at my modest abode. As the evening wore on, some of the gals needed to get home so they left as did most of my friends leaving just Tina, her friend Debbie, my friend Bob and me. Bob lives one building over and Debbie decided she wanted to see what his apartment looks like. By this time, Tina and I were cuddling on the couch so we were more than happy to see them go. After a little more affection from Tina, she teased me that she hadn’t seen the entire apartment yet so I walked her to just outside my bedroom door. I wasn’t going to be so forward as to take her into the bedroom, but as we stood in the doorway, she suddenly planted a deep passionate kiss on me and pulled me in.

Now, I had always been a somewhat shy kid, especially around girls. I had dated some but had never gone past second base mainly due to my passive, nice guy personality and not wanting to overstep the bounds of what I had been raised to believe was a sense of respect for women.

But when Tina grabbed by crotch and pulled me by my cock into the bedroom, all sense of right and wrong completely left my brain and I devolved into an animalistic fervor! We whipped each other’s tops off and I found myself looking at naked breasts for the first time in my life. Tina isn’t huge but she has very nice full firm tits with very hard pointy nipples. I squeezed those tits for all I was worth while our tongues did a deep tango together.

Tina suddenly dropped to her knees, yanked down my pants, pulled out my cock and started licking the head while looking up at my face. I’m sure my eyes where as big as saucers and my jaw was wide open in shock as she began to suck on my rapidly growing length! She quickly got me rock hard and, to my amazement, proceeded to lick up and down my entire 7-inch rod. She sucked on the head my cock while stroking my shaft with one hand and rubbing my balls with the other. It wasn’t long before this newbie blurted out “I’m gonna cum!” as I started to lose all control. Her eyes smiled at me as she pulled my cock out of her mouth, directed the head to her breasts and continued stroking my cock while milking my balls with her other hand. I unloaded what must have been a gallon of jizz on her lovely breasts! She lifted my deflating cock out and licked the tip. Then using two fingers she scooped up my cum off her chest, tasted a tiny bit and then played with it with her fingers.

“I don’t like the taste of cum but you can spray my breasts anytime!”

My mind was in a daze as she stood up, wiped off her chest with a towel, stripped off her pants and pulled me onto my bed.

“Finger fuck me!” she demanded.

I did my best but it was soon obvious to her that I was both clumsy and clueless.

She laughed as she said, “You have no idea what you’re doing, do you?”

I was a bit embarrassed at my own virginity and tried to recover by honestly stating, “Your pussy is new to me and I’m simply exploring it.”

I’m pretty sure she wasn’t fooled but played along and told me how and where to rub her. I listened carefully and kept mental notes for future reference! She noticed how playing with her wet pussy was making my cock begin to recover.

Seeing I was hard again, Tina spreading her legs wide and pulled me on top of her. I think she expected me to immediately plant my cock into her pussy but I had other plans. I’d read articles describing how to properly make love to a woman so I slid down and started to lick her pussy. Knowing where the clit is located and finding the clit are two different things but I must have done okay because Tina was soon grinding against my mouth and convulsing into a major orgasm. Pleased with myself, I started working my way up kissing her belly, then lingering on her breasts and hard nipples before finally caressing her face and softly kissing her lips. It was now time for the main event and again I wasn’t completely sure what to do. Fortunately, my cock seemed to know exactly what to do and found its way into her slit. I started slowly than gradually increased my pace while continuing to caress her face and kiss her a bit more passionately. I was worried about coming too fast so tried to focus on some difficult statistical variance and standard deviation problems from class. When I felt her reaching a climax I stopped thinking about statistics and shifted focus to my cock!

She came. I came. We all came together. I was hooked!

Tina gave a questioning look at me and said, “You were so tender with me! Thank you, that was probably the best sex I’ve ever had.”

“Well, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever had sex with!” I truthfully replied as I tried not to look to surprised and pleased.

If my brain had still been functioning, it would have recognized that a woman who goes straight to a thorough blowjob flowed by bareback sex with a man she just met a few hours earlier is fuckbuddy material not relationship material. Unfortunately, all I could think about was how good she looked and how fantastic our sex had been.

The difference between lust and love is a fine line but a significant one. If only then I had had clarity of mind to appreciate the difference.

Third Red Flag

Tina and I started dating on a regular basis. I’m not a complete idiot. I knew that Tina had obviously been with other men. We went out most Saturday nights but she always seemed to have a reason she couldn’t go out on Friday nights. We hadn’t discussed being exclusive so I just assumed she was dating other people on Fridays. She also only wanted to go to bars and restaurants near campus never in the city. I was okay with this because I didn’t have a car and the city bus didn’t really seem like a romantic way to date.

After a couple of months, I told her if we were going to keep dating that I wanted to be mutually exclusive and she agreed. I then asked her to move into my apartment with me which she did. Tina said that all of this meant she was now available on Friday nights as well.

We usually had sex at least three or four times during the week when our studies didn’t take priority. Although I had nothing to compare it to, sex with Tina was phenomenal. She taught me a lot about how to please a woman and she would have multiple orgasm each time we made love. And that’s exactly what it seemed like to me… love! I was always tender with her, taking my time to cuddle before and afterwards, brushing her face, kissing her neck and basically taking time to show her my love was more than sexual. She always told me she appreciated the time and loving attention I gave her. Our sex had a profoundly deep emotional effect on me so naturally I believed her when she said it had a deep emotional meaning for her as well.

My life was going great! My grades were excellent and my life with Tina was everything I could have hoped it would be. We would often study together sometimes at the library and sometime at the apartment. She was kind, loving and always fun to be around. The sex was mind blowing.

I had quit my part time job when my good grades had gained me some scholarship grant money. This also gave me time to help Tina with some of her school reports. I didn’t think Tina was a stupid person so I was surprised at how poorly her papers were written. I spent a lot of time correcting grammar and basically rewriting entire sections of her reports to make them more coherent. I also tried to help her study for some of her medical classes. Honestly, I was a bit worried at how much she struggled grasping some of the core material a final semester LPN student should know. While appreciative, she was clearly embarrassed and didn’t ask me to help her again with any of her classwork. I trusted that she was doing well enough so backed off.

We had been dating for about 8 months when I asked her to marry me. I think I caught her off guard because she initially laughed, then looked at me as if she was trying to figure out whether I was serious or not before she smiled and said “Yes!”.

We discussed whether to wait until we were both done with school or get married while still in school. Tina was expected to complete her LPN degree that semester but I would still have one more year of school remaining. Tina insisted we get a better apartment than the somewhat cramped one I had. A bigger apartment with a second bedroom would be useful for me to use as a study room but would cost a lot more money. The money I had saved plus grants and student loans was enough to get me through the next year alone but not enough to support both of us in a nicer apartment. Tina said she would have her LPN and could get a job at the local hospital while I continued with my studies. Her income would allow us to afford the better apartment.

We decided to go ahead and get married at the end of the spring semester instead of waiting until after I graduated. We would take a two-week honeymoon in Florida and be back in time for the start of my summer classes.

Tina’s behavior started to change about two months before we were to get married. She became more withdrawn and seemed depressed. I frequently asked her if she was okay and if there was anything I could do to help her. Each time she claimed everything was fine. She was just stressed about school. She then surprised me by saying she wasn’t going to her graduation ceremony and didn’t want any family to come either. I remained concerned but trusted she would come to me if she needed to discuss anything.

We had just finished another round of awesome sex when Tina kind of threw me for a loop!

“Starting now, I think we should abstain from sex until we are married.” she said.

After the awkward pause of letting that nugget sink into my head, I replied, “Why would we want to do that?”

“This way, our honeymoon night will seem that much more special. I will seem more like it was for the first time.”

I knew by now that once Tina got an idea into her head there wasn’t much I could do about it.

“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” I asked.

“Yes! I think it will make our wedding night that much more fun.”

“Okay, it won’t be easy, but if that’s what you want then that’s what we will do. Or rather, NOT do!”

We continued to spend lots of time together but didn’t end the nights having sex. Lord was that tough for me and initially it seemed pretty tough for Tina too. Fortunately for me, I had lots of reports and exams to study for which gave me something to focus all my pent-up energy on those last few months. About that time, Tina started going out with her nursing student friends every Friday. She said they would soon all be going their separate ways after graduation so she wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. I needed the time to study for finals so I was okay with it. We continued to go out on Saturday’s and even started going on double dates with Bob and Debbie.

The semester was coming to an end and Monday night was the last time I would see Tina before our Saturday wedding. I was immersed in finals the week before the wedding and Tina said she would be staying with her parents the week before the wedding, “because the groom isn’t supposed to see the bride until she comes down the aisle.” She said she planned to celebrate with her other nursing friends the Friday night before our wedding. Tina gave me a big grin and laughed when I warned her not to get so hung over that she couldn’t enjoy our ‘special’ honeymoon night.

Our small and simple wedding day went off without a hitch. Tina looked beautiful, if not a little tired, as she came down the aisle. Everyone from both families got along fairly well even though Tina’s family was clearly much flashier, louder, drunker and a bit more obnoxious than my family.

The wedding night, on the other hand, was a major disappointment. By the time we got to the hotel, I was practically in a fever pitch in anticipation of the sex I had been missing. Tina, not so much!

“Dave, I’m really sorry but I must have drunk too much at the reception. I feel a bit nauseated and I’m really tired. Even though it’s our wedding night, I’d prefer if we waited to have sex.”

“Tina, that’s okay (I lied). I want you to enjoy our first time as a married couple so let’s wait until you are feeling better.”

“Thanks, Dave. You are already showing me what a great and considerate husband you are!”

So much for a ‘special’ wedding night!

The next day we started our two-day drive to Florida. Unfortunately, on the second night at a hotel in Kentucky, Tina still wasn’t feeling well so we didn’t have sex that night either. In fact, we didn’t have sex until 3 days later. By then I was almost a raving sex maniac and pumped her hard and fast. I felt guilty for not being more loving on our first time as man and wife but Tina seemed to enjoy it.

Fourth Red Flag

By mid-summer, I was fully immersed back at school but Tina hadn’t found a job yet. That led to a strained conversation we had after moving into the better apartment that I was expecting Tina’s job to help pay for.

“Tina, the local hospital shows opening for nurses. Did you apply for those?”

“Yes, I saw those jobs but they are all in pediatrics or senior care and I don’t want to work with babies or old people. I’m waiting for an Emergency Room job to open up. ER has the fast-paced action I like and thrive on.”

“Couldn’t you start out in one of the other positions and transition over once an ER position opens up?”

Tina turned red, stared bullets at me and practically shouted, “Listen, Dave, I don’t tell you what classes to take so don’t try to tell me what jobs to take, okay?”

“I’m not trying to tell you what to do, but we had talked about the need for you to get a job to pay for this apartment!”

“If you’re so worried about money, then why don’t you go get back your second shift job?”

“Tina, I’ve told you how important this last year is. The classes are harder and I’ve got to keep my GPA high if I’m going to get a good paying job. So, I won’t be able to work a second shift even if my classes were easy! Which they are not!!”

“Oh boo-hoo for you. Don’t worry. I may or may not get a job at the hospital but I’ll find a way to bring in some cash so I can support my jobless husband!”

That really pissed me off. I had saved up several thousand dollars, had several grants for thousands more and had a student loan for even more. I had more than enough money to finish the year if I was still single living where I had been. But it wasn’t enough to support two of us at the nicer, more expensive apartment Tina insisted we get.

“I’ve got a paper to write. I’ll be at the EE building.”

“Run along college boy. I’ll be fine here alone thinking up ways I can support you!” she tossed at me as I left.

I was confused by this seemingly new level of disrespect which caught me completely off-guard.

Fifth Red Flag

Summer classes ended and fall semester of my last year started up. Tina started a new job which brought in enough money to cover our additional expenses but she refused to tell me what the job was.

I brought up the subject again right before heading out for my Monday morning class.

“Tina, can’t you at least tell me the name of the company you work for? What are you embarrassed about?”

“Don’t worry college boy. Tina’s going to bring some bread home.” she said dismissively.

“Great, but why can’t you just tell me what the job is?” I asked as calmly as possible.

“Christ, you are such a baby. You bitch at me for not working now you’re bitching at me when I do work. I guess you just like acting like a little bitch, don’t you, college boy!”

“Forget it. Let me know when you want to talk to me like an adult.” I replied as I headed out the door. This disrespectful attitude was really starting to grind on me.

Normally, Tina was the loving wife I had always expected her to be. But anytime I brought up the subject of her job she immediately got on the defensive and would talk down to me in remarkably disrespectful ways!

Tina’s job meant she was gone every Friday and wouldn’t get back until very late at night. On Fridays, when she came home around midnight, she would often wake me up and initiate sex. But on those Fridays when she returned after 2 am she would sneak in quietly so as not to wake me up.

This went on for several months until one early spring day I overheard some engineering students in lab talking about the bachelor party they had been to the previous Friday night. I knew all the students from various classes but Bob was the only one I was close friends with.

“Ya, you wouldn’t believe these chicks at the strip club!” said the student I knew as Alex.

“Seriously, dude, they were some hot babes and they loved to come down from the stage to give you lap dances.” responded the student named Phil.

Alex laughed and said, “Those lap dances cost you $10 but you wouldn’t believe what you can get for a little more in the back room! This one chick whispered to me what she could do. I didn’t believe her until she took me to this little room behind the stage. She gave me an incredible blowjob for 50 bucks!”

“Holly shit! Did she swallow you whole and swallow your cum?” and amazed Phil asked.

“Oh, she swallowed my whole cock but not my cum. She says she hates the taste but she did let me cum all over her bare tits while she milked my balls! Not only that, but she said if I was interested, she would let me fuck her for 300 bucks after they close. Man, if I had a job instead of being a poor student, I would have taken Tina up on that offer!”

I had barely been following along with what was said until my ears perked at the mention of a ‘Tina’. I glanced over at the group and that’s when I noticed Bob was remaining silent. I was more than worried when Bob quickly looked down straight faced when he saw me looking their way.

I felt compelled to find out more so I walked over to the group and said, “Sounds like you guys had a wild night for a bunch of engineering students!”

Alex continued, “Dude, you wouldn’t believe how attentive these chicks were. Bob, you were there. Tell Dave how hot and horny those babes were!”

Bob blushed and said, “Ya, there were some attractive women there. I’ve got to get to the computer lab. I’ll catch you guys later.” Bob then rather abruptly headed out to the hallway leaving the other guys looking confused.

This all obviously looked bad so I hustled out to the hallway to catch up with Bob.

“Bob, wait up. You looked a bit nervous about last Friday nights fun. Care to tell me why.”

Bob silently looked at me with a sad, blank stare.

“Bob, we’ve been through 3 years of engineering together, worked on many projects together and partied together. I consider you a good friend. If there is something I should know I hope that you, as a friend, would tell me.”

Bob sighed, “Look Dave, I don’t want to get involved with things that are none of my business and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

I looked him in the eye, “It was my Tina, wasn’t it.”

Bob, looked down and nodded.

“She was the stripper Alex was talking about, wasn’t she.” I asked, trying to hide my anger.

Bob continued to look down and quietly answered, “Yes, I’m so sorry Dave. I didn’t know she worked there. She saw me but didn’t seem to care. I pulled her aside and asked if you knew about her job. She laughed and said she was a big girl who could do what she wants and no college-boy is going to tell her otherwise. Then, as she led Alex from our table to behind the stage, she looked back at me with a smirking laugh. I didn’t know what to think or do! I never went to those back rooms so I have no idea what they do there. Alex is a bit of a blowhard so he’s probably bullshitting about what they did back there.”

“Bob, I appreciate your honesty. What’s the name of the strip joint and where is it?”

“It’s called ‘The Lumberyard’ and it’s located in the downtown area of the city. Dave, what are you going to do?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I probably need to confirm what you’ve told me. I wouldn’t be happy but I could probably deal with the situation if she just strips. Anything beyond that would be a deal breaker.”

“Dave, don’t cause any problems there. They have some big ass bouncers that will not have any problem whipping your ass!”

“Don’t worry, Bob. I’m not stupid. I just need to see it for myself.”

Final Technical Foul

I know what you’re thinking. How many fucking flags does this idiot need to see he married a slut???? Well, you’ll be happy to know I finally hit the limit.

Tina got ready to go to ‘work’ that next Friday. As usual, she was dressed casually. Nothing sexy or revealing. She gave me a nice kiss teasing as she went out the door saying, “One of us has to go bring home the bacon. You have fun with your books!”. I waited about an hour before heading out to take the bus downtown. I wasn’t sure how big a place The Lumberyard was or how well I would be able to stay hidden so I wore a hat (I never wear hats) and some fake glasses in hopes that I wouldn’t be recognized.

The Lumberyard is probably typical of most strip joints. A long bar is near the entrance and the well-lit stages are in the back. Lots of tables in between the stages and the bar so I had no problem staying out of the bright lights while sitting at the bar. Waitresses were skimpily dressed but not nude and worked the tables and the bar. Dancers would come on to the stage from the right were I assumed the dressing rooms were located. The dancers would perform for about 15 minutes stripping down to their G-strings then spend another hour or so working the tables. The performances were pretty standard pole work with some athleticism but not much imagination. The women were all quite attractive and picked up lots of tips on the stage and from grinding lap dances at the tables. I paid close attention as occasionally one of the women would lead a customer through a door to the left of the stage where I assumed the small private room was located.

It was still early and there weren’t many men sitting at the bar so the bartender wasn’t terribly busy and kept my glass filled. I realized after the second beer that I knew the bartender. It was Pete, an upper classman from back home. We weren’t close friends but everyone knows everyone in a small town.

“Pete! Pete Hawkins! Hey, it’s Dave Warren. We went to school together back at Fulton High!”

“Oh ya, I recognize you now. How are you doing. What brings you to the big city?”

“I’m taking engineering classes at State. Just knocking off some steam between tests.” I lied.

“Well, this is a good place for that.”

We chatted some more about people and places from back home. I told him I was married now but obviously didn’t tell him my wife was potentially one of the strippers here.

The place was filling up when about an hour later the regulars in the crowd let out a rousing cheer after the DJ had announced the next dancer would be “Titillating Tina”. Oh great, I thought, she’s not only a stripper but she’s a crowd favorite!

Tina came on the stage with her hair tied in a bun and wearing a geeky outfit complete with nerdy black glasses, a white button-down shirt with pens in a pocket protector, black slacks, high black stiletto shoes and carrying a laptop. She strutted onto the stage as the DJ cranked up Styx Mr. Roboto.

Tina danced around the pole while spinning the open laptop on her right arm. I wasn’t close enough to see clearly but I swear the picture on the laptop screen was one I had given her of me working in the lab. After a couple of sexy squatting and bending moves, Tina stood up straight, slammed the laptop shut and tossed it to the back of the stage. Standing defiantly facing the crowd, she bent over deeply then quickly stood up while simultaneously ripping off hair clips, glasses and pants in one quick motion thus releasing her long brown hair and exposing her beautiful legs all to the delight of the men in front. Tina then moved to the pole and began gyrating up and down its length. With one hand holding the pole, she would spin all the way around pausing each time to unbutton just one button of the shirt. After her shirt was completely unbuttoned exposing her lovely cleavage, she moved to a chair in the middle of the stage and sat down with legs spread. She arched her back over the chair exposing more of her cleavage under the opened shirt. Picking up a slide rule, she slowly, sensually rubbed the full length of the slide rule up and down over her deeply camel toed G-string. The crowd was going nuts and dollar bills were flying onto the stage. Tina flipped herself over and leaned over the back of the chair pointing her sweet ass to the crowd. A series of slow pumping squats while rubbing the slide rule underneath her twat and wiggling her ass backward had the gentlemen closest to her doing their best to reach out and touch that sweet ass! One guy started to climb up onto the stage and was immediately grabbed and manhandled out the door by a beefy security guy. Tina looked back, blew the man a kiss and waved goodbye. She then moved back to the pole and inched her way up about 6 feet. With her legs hooked around the pole for support, she lowered her head down below her feet which resulted in her unbuttoned shirt cascading down, finally, fully revealing her bouncing tits to the grateful crowd! She removed her shirt and slid down the pole to the stage floor then rolled over and started lustily licking and sucking on the slide rule!

I was flabbergasted. I was amazed. I was horny. I was pissed. I had to admit she was not only the best looking of the strippers but she put on the best show as well. No wonder she was bringing in so much money! She was wrapping up her act so I wanted to pay close attention to how far she went next with all the horny men who had just been lusting for her. She came down off the stage and strutted over to a table of well-dressed businessmen. After a brief discussion, one of them handed her a bill as she turned and sat on his lap and proceeded to grind away in a very disconcerting (to me!) manner. After a couple of minutes, she moved from him to the next businessman who also handed her a bill. The first man had kept his hands to his side as she rubbed her ass on his cock. The second man reached around and squeezed Tina’s tits because he was either too drunk or too stupid to know you are not allowed to handle the merchandise on the floor. Tina screamed and one of the bouncers was immediately on top of the guy and dragging him out of the place. Tina appeared to laugh it off and moved on to the next table. I was getting more and more pissed about the lap dances but was mildly relieved she was staying in the main room.

I had just finished another beer when the Pete asked if I was waiting for anyone or if I wanted a table closer to the stage. I lied and told him I was intentionally staying back at the bar as I had an agreement with my wife that I could look but not touch. He laughed saying, “The stage show is great and the girls do give nice lap dances, but if you are only here to watch maybe you would be interested in watching an even better show in the back.”

“And what would that be?” I inquired.

“Maybe you’ve noticed that some of the girls take guys back stage for some private consulting where they can make a little extra money.” He said with a smirk. “They don’t know it, but the full-length mirror in those rooms is actually a two-way mirror. The boss is a real pervert but he lets the bouncers and me go back and watch sometimes if we aren’t too busy. You wouldn’t believe what some of these slutty strippers do back there!” He laughed as he said this not noticing that I wasn’t laughing along with him.

Looking around for the boss, he adds, “I’m not supposed to do this but I don’t see many people from back home. I could actually let you have a view of the action without you being observed. For a price, of course.”

“Sounds interesting. How much.”

“20 bucks gets you a seat for a half hour.”

“I’m in. Lead the way.”

After I handed Pete a 20, he called one of the bouncers over and spoke to him briefly. I could tell the bouncer wasn’t happy with Pete but after some animated discussion he came over and motioned me to follow him. The bouncer guided me along the far left of the room to a very dark hallway which appeared to wrap around to the very rear of the building. I was starting to get concerned that I was being led to an ambush when we turned the corner and stopped at a nondescript door. He scowled at me for a second, then explained that the rooms had a chair and I would be facing a window that was actually a two-way mirror. The people in the privacy room would not be able to see me. I would be able to see and hear those on the other side.

With emphasis, he poked me in the chest and added, “There is some sound padding but they could still possibly hear you so you needed to be absolutely quiet. If you make any noise that results in the girls finding out about our room, two things will happen. All of us guys will get in trouble and probably get fired. And all of us guys will find you and kick the living shit out of you. I can’t even promise you will live through the beating. We got a good thing going here so don’t fuck it up! Is that understood?”

I nodded I understood as he opened the door and I walked through a short zig zag hallway like film developers use to keep outside light out. The only soft light was coming through the two-way mirror. I quietly took my seat next to the window and watched as a pretty blond woman with huge tits was already in the other room giving a lap dance to some guy.

Rubbing her tits like crazy, he said, “Baby, I love your tits and your lap dances are great, but I want to hear more about what else can you do?”

“Sweety, I can do more for you if you can do more for me!”

“And how much more do you need me to do for you to relieve my pressure?” he asked as he grabbed his crotch.

“For you? 50 bucks!”

He pulled out a Grant and stuck it in her g-string. She pulled down his pants and stuck his cock in her mouth! After getting his cock wet with saliva, she placed his hard cock between her huge tits and let him tit fuck her for a few minutes. He then moved his dick back to her mouth as she sucked him in completely. It only took a few more strokes before he unloaded completely into her mouth. She wiped up while he pulled his pants back on. She gave him a quick hug and they left the room together.

As they left, I realized I had a raging hard cock. This was probably the most amazing thing I had ever seen in my life until a few minutes later when the door opened again and my loving wife walked in with one of the businessmen. My heart dropped as fast as my blood pressure rose! My dick immediately went limp.

Tina guided him to a chair and sat sideways on his lap. She played with his hair as he played with her tits.

“Your tits are phenomenal. You got me so hard out there grinding on my cock. Now I want you to follow through with that blowjob you promised!”

“I’m sure you also remember I told you it would cost you 50 dollars, right?”

The man looked peeved but quickly stood, reached into his pocket and pulled out three 20s tossing them on the floor while at the same time dropping his pants and pulling out a very hard cock. “Here, you can keep the change if you drop to your knees now, bitch!” He said this as he shoved her head down.

“No need to be crude.” replied Tina as she did as she was told, dropped down and started sucking on the head of his cock.

“Take it all slut.” He said as he grabbed her head and shoved his cock deep into her throat.

I was about to launch myself through the window when Tina pushed him back off, stood up, put her hand in his face and yelled, “Listen, if you put your hands on me again, I will scream for security and have them rough you up much worse than your buddy got. Do you understand?”

I felt an odd sense of pride followed immediately by disgust as she added, “I promise to get you off but it has to be my way! Either way I’m keeping the money. So what’s it going to be?”

The man shrugged and nodded okay so Tina knelt back down and started sucking his cock again. Her method was very familiar to me. One hand on his shaft stroking his cock into her mouth and the other hand massaging his balls. As soon as his balls started to tighten, she took his cock out of her mouth, pointed it at her chest and stroked him dry. She then started wiping off as he pulled up his pants. He walked out of the room alone while Tina looked herself over in the mirror making sure she had wiped off all of his cum.

For a bizarre several seconds I sat there just a few feet away from my loving wife who was looking straight at me while wiping a stranger’s cum from her neck, shoulders, breasts and stomach. I took scant comfort seeing she had refused to swallow his load which gave some me hope I had never unknowingly tasted another man’s cum in her mouth.

Clinching the bills, Tina looked herself over on more time then left the room. I’m not sure how long I sat there quietly crying at the death of my marriage. Several minutes passed before the door opened again and damn if it wasn’t Tina arm and arm with a college age man I did not recognize. She acted differently, seemingly with more familiarity with this one than she had with the businessman.

He moved to the chair and Tina laughed as he pulled her straddling onto his lap and started rubbing her nipples. But instead of just rubbing his hair, Tina pulled his head up, kissed him deeply and said, “Greg, you are by far my favorite regular. Now let me take care of that huge cock of yours!”

She slid down to the floor, unzipped and pulled down his pants. Tina laughed again as Greg’s amazingly large, thick cock sprung up, poking her in the face. He was thick and veiny and had to beat least 10 or more inches. She immediately latched her mouth completely over the head and began stroking his cock with both hands. She allowed Greg to put his hands on her head as he gently stroked his cock into her mouth. She could barely fit his huge head into her mouth as she worked it in and out while stroking his cock.

I glanced up to see Greg looking straight at me with a big smirking grin on his face. For a split second, it felt like he actually saw me and was mocking me while he pumped his cock into Tina’s mouth. Knowing he wasn’t really looking at me but instead was watching Tina suck on his cock in the mirror’s reflection didn’t make me feel any better.

I thought my emotions couldn’t get lower or my blood pressure any higher. I was wrong once again.

Greg smiled down at her and said, “When do I get to fuck that tight pussy of yours again?”

Again?!?!?!? What the fuck?!?!?!

Tina popped his cock out of her mouth. “Sorry Greg. That was a onetime free offer. As much as I loved fucking this big beautiful cock, you need to pay now like everyone else.”

“Oh, come on! You couldn’t get enough of my big cock that night. I was amazed at how loud you came once I’d managed to ram my entire shaft into your sweet pussy. I know you’ll never have another cock as big as mine. Your blowjobs are great but I really want that tight pussy again!”

“Greg, I can’t be giving it out for free. Your cock is the best I’ve ever had and I would love to feel you in me again, but I need the money. My husband is a poor student who can’t support us so paying for it is the only way you’re going to get back in my pants!”

“Tina, that first time was just mind blowing! I don’t know if it was your tight pussy or the fact you were getting married to that cuck the very next day.”

“I hadn’t worked in almost a year and I wasn’t even supposed to be working that night you came in. I only worked because I wanted some spending money for our honeymoon. I wasn’t going to fuck anyone before my wedding but when you pulled out the biggest cock I have ever seen in my life…well I just knew I had to know how it would feel to have that big dick filling my pussy.”

Stunned. My marriage had been a sham from the very first day. The reason we didn’t have sex on our honeymoon was because she knew I’d be able to tell her pussy had been stretched out by Greg’s huge cock. The realization that I was a such a naïve, clueless cuck was almost too much to bear. I wasn’t even crying anymore. I wasn’t even aware of my surroundings anymore.

Dazed, I rose slowly from the chair and opened the door. I looked back to see Greg jerking his cock off and shooting his cum all over Tina’s smiling face!

A face I would no longer be kissing and no longer be longing for.

I left the room, left The Lumberyard and started home looking like a dead man walking, which I was.

It took a while to walk all the way back to our apartment. I got home, got undressed and laid in bed. How could I have been so trusting. Wiped out emotionally and physically, I fell asleep.

It was a little after midnight when Tina came into the bedroom. I’m guessing she couldn’t get a customer to pay to fuck her. I woke up as she undressed, climbed into bed and pulled my pants down. Tina looked at me and smiled. In the soft light, she could see my eyes were open so she knew I was awake.

I didn’t move or say a word.

Tina started sucking on my cock and the little traitor got rock hard. I was surprised how disconnected I felt from my cock. My own cock, full of itself was standing tall while I was completely flat both emotionally and mentally.

Tina rubbed her pussy as she sucked and stroked my cock. She then moved up and lowered her wet pussy onto my shaft.

I didn’t move or say a word. With the exception of my disloyal cock, I remained motionless.

Tina began rocking up and down on my cock while rubbing her tits. Her pace quickened as she neared an orgasm.

I didn’t move or say a word, watching her emotionlessly.

She was close when she finally came to the realization that I wasn’t moving. In fact, not only had I not moved my head or my thighs or a leg or an arm or a hand or even a finger, but I also had not made a sound even though I was obviously awake. She stopped mid stroke with my cock still in her pussy. A confused then concerned look came over her face.

I looked blankly at her and said with a flat monotone voice, “This is how you make me feel.”

A look of horror rushed over her. She didn’t move for a few seconds, then hopped off and ran screaming out of the room.

I rolled over onto my side as me and my cock both deflated into the fetal position. I realized at that moment that something had changed in me. A switch had been thrown and I was no longer the good man I had been previously. My core code of ethics was in disarray. I no longer sensed a moral compass. I was adrift. And at the moment, I didn’t know and didn’t even care whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. But the change was definitely real.

The sound of Tina’s sobs coming from the next room meant nothing to me. I slept.

When I got up the next morning, Tina was already sitting at the table eating a bowl of corn flakes. I ignored her and went to fix myself some breakfast. As I stood at the refrigerator, her bowl of corn flakes came flying across the room, skipped off my shoulder and shattered against the fridge sending milk and soggy corn flakes everywhere.

I looked back at her angrily and barked, “I’m not cleaning up your fucking messes, bitch.”

She had never heard me speak to her in anger or using vulgar words. Her angry look momentarily shifted to scared and confused. Her anger recovered as she yelled, “What the fuck was last night about? You had no right to treat me like that!”

“Oh, I think I had every right to treat you however the fuck I want to after learning about you being a whore down at The Lumberyard!”

Her face turned beet red.

“That’s right, I know you’ve been stripping. I even caught your act last night. Very good performance I must admit. And I’ll bet you gave an even better performance with the customers after your dance.”

“You were there?” she screeched both with shock and concern. “But I only stripped and gave lap dances. It’s just a job! It’s no big deal!”

She decided to take the offensive, yelling, “This is all your fault. You wouldn’t get a job so I had to do those terrible things just so you could go to school.

“Bullshit! The only reason we needed money is because YOU had to have a better apartment and YOU didn’t get a job at the hospital! Why the hell didn’t you just work at the hospital like we talked about?”

“I couldn’t get a job at the hospital because I didn’t get my LPN diploma! I flunked my finals but was too embarrassed say anything.”

I was surprised and saddened to learn this. “Why didn’t you tell me? I’m sure there are options. Couldn’t you retake some classes and retake the final?”

“That’s easy for brainiacs like you to say. I’m just tired of proving how stupid I am compared to you and your engineering buddies.” she sobbed as tears streaked her face.

“Why didn’t you just get a job as a clerk somewhere? There are plenty of jobs out there that don’t require you to get naked.”

“Those jobs are boring. I know I have a sexy body. Debbie used to work at The Lumberyard and she said I could make good money just dancing for men. It just seemed like the easiest way to get enough money quicky. I can make more money there in one night than I can working 40 hours a week at some stupid clerk job!”

I shook my head, “You know, I suppose there was an outside chance I could have let this slide if it had only been stripping and rubbing your ass on hard cocks for money like a slut. I wouldn’t have liked it and wouldn’t have let it continue, but I might have been able to get past it. But once I learned that you were sucking cocks and fucking for cash, well, let’s just say I’d prefer not to be married to a fucking whore!”

Tina looked pale, “I didn’t do any of that. You didn’t see me do any of that.”

“I didn’t need to see it. I saw your act and talked to some of your customers. They told me all about your $50 blowjobs and $300 fuck sessions.”

“No, no, no! I never did any of that!” she lied.

I couldn’t tell her about the two-way mirror so I made up some crap I knew she wouldn’t be able to disprove. “That’s not what I’ve been told. One of my fellow students even took a picture of you with his cock in your mouth while you weren’t looking. I’m sure I can get a copy. Maybe you can use it for advertisement!”

“You have to believe me.” she sobbed, “I didn’t want to do any of that. It did it all for us…for YOU! How could you think I would even enjoy doing those things?”

I unleashed on her, “If you didn’t enjoy it then why did you fuck Greg the night before we were married?”

The stunned look on her face was priceless.

“That’s right. I know about Greg and his huge cock. Some of the people you think are your friends don’t really like you as much as you thought.” I couldn’t tell her how I really knew but I assumed she would have had to brag to somebody and I was right.

“Debbie, that bitch!” she screeched.

“No, but thanks for confirming you did indeed fuck that bastard!”

Having been caught in a lie and with no defense, the pleading started. “Dave, it didn’t mean anything. I just wanted to have one last fling before we were married.”

“I guess your whole plan of abstaining from sex for two months to make our wedding night ‘special’ was just more bullshit. I realize just how special that night was now. I got to spend the first night sleeping with my new loving wife while her pussy was stretched out and still filled with cum from some bastard’s big fucking cock. I guess I should be thanking you for not giving me sloppy seconds!”

Tina ran crying to the bedroom and slammed the door.

I screamed, “I’m going to the lab. I want you out of here by the time I get back. I don’t care if you go home, go to Debbie’s or go to hell for all I care. But you will be gone from here. Understood?”

A week ago, the sound of her sobs coming from the other room would have shaken me to my core. Now, I just didn’t give a shit. I left.

When I got back that night, Tina and her things were gone. I contacted a lawyer and started getting the divorce paperwork going. We hadn’t been married very long so the divorce would be very quick and easy. I contacted the school’s financial aids center and got set up with an additional student loan to get through the end of the year.

Tina tried to delay the divorce and called a week after she was served with the divorce papers.

“Dave, can’t we talk. I love you and I don’t want a divorce.”

“Tina, there is nothing to talk about.”

“Dave, please, I was stupid. I want to make it all good again. You are the best thing in my life and I don’t want to lose you!”

My newly warped mind had an evil thought.

“Let me know when you have a clean report from your doctor. Then you can come over to my place and we’ll see if we can’t even things out.”

“Thanks, Dave. I won’t let you down again.”

Two weeks later, Tina came over looking especially nice. She handed me the clean report and tried to give me a kiss but I turned away from her.

“Dave, I know I hurt you. But please, can’t we get though my stupidity?”

“Tell you what, Tina, if you do everything I tell you to do, then I will consider us even.”

“Thanks, Dave, I’d do anything to get us back together. With those other boys it was just fucking, but you are the only man who has truly made love to me. I miss that and want that again! What do you want me to do?”

“Strip naked right now.”

Tina got a big grin on her face. She wouldn’t have if she knew what I had in mind. She started to do a slow striptease I front of me.

“Knock that bullshit off.” I barked, “You’re not at The Lumberyard and I’m not one of your fucking businessmen customers! Get naked and kneel in front of me.”

She lost her smile and quickly undressed, walked over and got on her knees in front of me. She nervously looked up at my face expectantly.

“Now put your hands behind your back. If you touch me with your hands, we are done. Understood?”

She nodded yes.

“If you bite me or pull back from me, we are done. Understood?

Again, she nodded yes.

I dropped my shorts and stroked my cock in front of her. Tina obligingly opened her mouth and out of habit started to bring her hands forward.

“NO! Hands stay behind your back!” I snapped. Her hands quickly went back.

I held her head with my left hand and worked my cock into her mouth using my right hand. Then, unceremoniously, I started to shove my cock down her throat. Her eyes got wide and she started to gag. Her hands instinctively started to come forward as she tried to spit my cock back out.

I pulled my cock out and slapped it hard against her face. First one side and then the other.

“If you bring your hands up one more time, we are done! Keep them back. If you bite me, we are done! Got it?” She nodded. “Good. Now take my cock all the way down your throat, you stupid bitch.”

Hearing me talk to her that way made Tina start to tear up.

I didn’t care.

She tilted her head back to give her a better angle to consume my cock. I grabbed her hair with both hands and shoved my cock back down her throat. I started pumping my cock in and out of her throat. Each thrust in was done harder and faster than before. I was pounding her face hard now.

This was not love. This was not even hate. This was pure rage.

I continued to facefuck her until I finally exploded deep down her throat. She tried to pull her head back but I held her mouth tightly against my pubic hairs as my cock unloaded a huge amount of cum down her throat. I kept my cock shoved all the way back until I was completely done. She looked up at me with imploring eyes while I looked down at her with disgust. After waiting what for her must have been excruciating long seconds, I finally pulled out of her mouth. She gasped for air and started turning her head to the side.

“Don’t you spit my cum out. Swallow it! NOW!”

She meekly complied.

“Now lick my cock completely clean. DO IT!”

She frowned but again meekly complied.

I put on my shorts and sat in my recliner. “Stay naked and go get me a beer.”

“Can I at least wipe my face off?” she asked.

“Sure, but don’t use the good towels. Use a rag.”

Tina wiped the tears, mascara, sweat and cum off her face then went to the fridge pulled out a beer and brought it to me.

“Sit on the floor and stay quiet.”

She complied. I sat there quietly reading for a few minutes then stood up and took of my shorts.

“Suck me hard again.”

She took my cock into her mouth and I again grabbed her hair and started to roughly facefuck her. Once I was sufficiently hard, I pulled out a condom and rolled it onto my cock.

“You don’t need to use a condom! I showed you I’m clean!”, Tina cried.

“For all I know, you fucked some filthy bastard last night. I don’t trust you and I’m not taking any chances. Now stand up and lean over the table. GO!”

Although disappointed that I was wearing a condom, Tina looked pleased to know I was going to finally make love to her. She was wrong.

As she got to the table, I didn’t wait and shoved her head down as I parted her cheeks. I unceremoniously shoved my protected cock into her surprisingly wet cunt. And that is all it was to me. A stupid cunt.

I pounded her pussy hard with all my rage. I could tell she was about to cum so I pulled out and slapped her ass. I pulled her ass cheeks apart and pushed my cock against her bung hole.

“NO!” she cried! “I’ve never done anal and I don’t want too!”

“Well then, I guess we are done here. Get dressed and get the fuck out!”

“Wait, will you at least be gentle?”

“I will be as gentle with your ass as you were with my heart. Make a decision now or leave.”

“Okay, but please take it slow.”

I rammed my cock into her ass. Fortunately for her, the condom was slick from her pussy juices. Unfortunately for her, as promised, I was as gentle with her ass as she had been with my heart. In other words, I rammed into her ass hard and deep. I saw some blood so there was definitely some tearing.

I didn’t care.

After pounding her ass for a few minutes, I could tell her shit hole was adjusting and was somewhat surprised that she was actually getting close to an orgasm. So I pulled out and shoved my cock back into her pussy. Each time I sensed she was approaching an orgasm, I would pull out and switch holes. Each time pounding her holes mercilessly and lovelessly.

After what seemed like an hour of relentless pounding without letting her reach a climax, I could tell I was getting close so I pulled out, turned Tina around, pushed her to her knees and shoved my cock into her mouth. I left the condom on, soaked in her pussy juice and ass slime. She gagged and teared up.

I didn’t care.

After a few deep pumps into her throat, and after the slime on the condom had been cleaned off, I pulled out, stripped the condom off and shoved my now bare cock back into her throat and continued to brutally facefuck her. I unloaded my seed once again deep into her throat. She swallowed it all without waiting for me to order her to. I wiped off and started to get dressed.

“You can leave now.” I stated emotionlessly.

Wiping the tears from her face, she whined, “I was hoping you would make love to me like you used to do. Instead, you just fucked me!”

I looked at her, shrugged and sneered, “Loving wives get loved. Fucking sluts get fucked.”

“But I ‘ve done everything you’ve asked me to! You said you would forgive me if I did everything you asked.”

“No, I said if you did everything I asked you to then I would consider us EVEN. You treated me like shit. Now I have treated you like the shit you are. So now we are even. But trust you? Forgive you? That’s never going to happen. Now get your things on and get the fuck out of my apartment!”

“Can’t I at least shower? I’m filthy and drenched and I need to clean up!”

“I’ll give you 5 minutes to get yourself together and get the fuck out or I throw your naked ass out to the street.”

Tina starting sobbing uncontrollably as she gathered up her clothes and dressed quickly.

The old Tina then emerged again as she yelled, “Fuck you, Dave. I don’t need this abuse from a whiny college boy. You think you are so great. Well, you can go to hell!”

“Already been there. It’s called learning I’m a cuck married to a slut.”

Dressed, she stomped past me and opened the door to leave.

“Wait, Tina. There’s one more thing.” I reached over and handed her a check. It was made out to Tina for $300 with a note in the memo reading ‘for services rendered’.

“I don’t want to owe you anything. Let me know if your fucking rates have changed.”

Her face contorted as she looked at the check. Her face moved from sadness to shame then back to anger.

“Fuck you, Dave!” she yelled as she ran to her car. I noticed she kept the check. Sure enough, she cashed it the very next morning.

I’ve always been able to compartmentalize and when I’m on campus I’m able to stay focused on studies. But what little free time I had was driving me crazy so once my homework would be done, I started hitting the bars regularly like I had never done in the past.

I tried to tell myself I would be okay, but I knew I had been broken and the resulting me was not good.

The only woman I had ever loved had lied to me and demeaned me in the worst possible way. My emotions were all over the place. Whereas before I saw women as people to be trusted and respected, I now saw each woman as something to be used in the same way I felt I had been used. I had a huge vendetta with no direction and, unfortunately, I now saw all women as justifiable targets of that vendetta.

I would hit the bars and pickup women. I’m an attractive enough, physically fit guy but had always been passive in the past when women have shown interest in me. I was a different guy now. If a woman came on to me, I would butter her up with lies about how attractive she was. We would go back to her place (always her place) and I would roughly take her. Never rape, mind you. This was always consensual but I would treat her like the skank I thought she was. Typically, as soon as we got to her place, I would lead her straight to the bedroom and start stripping her. I would shove her down and demand she suck me. I would jack off on her face and then have her suck me hard again. Then I would fuck her….HARD… doggy style (always from behind, I didn’t want to see their face)! There was nothing gentle about it. I didn’t try to make them cum. I just fucked them until I came, pulled out, wiped off, got dressed and left. Needless to say, there were no second dates. I didn’t give a fuck. They were all just bitches to me! This happened several times over the next few weeks.

My first reawakening was when I took this 30 something ‘divorced’ brunette back to her house. She was on her knees eagerly sucking my cock when I noticed a picture frame turned around on the dresser next to me. I’m not sure why, but I reached over and turned the frame around. The picture was of her smiling while hugging a happy man with two young children hugging them on either side. Nobody keeps happy family pictures after they are divorced. I realized that she was still married and just fucking around on her husband!

Looking down at her, I pointed the picture at her and said, “You’re still married, aren’t you.”

Popping my cock out of her mouth, she shrugged, “Yes, but that doesn’t matter to you. My husband is a good man but I need some young cock now and then.”

The shock of her statement hit me like cold water. For the first time in weeks, my core values resurfaced. I was the very bastard I despised. I literally became nauseated as my cock quickly deflated. I was distressed and humiliated at the realization of what I had become. I silently backed away, got dressed and walked out on a very confused woman.

My second reawakening was when I met Sue. She was in one of my management classes where we often wound up sitting next to each other. She was a pretty blonde about 5’4″ tall with a nice but not hot body. Even though she had not come on to me, my still warped mind was toying with the idea of making her the target of my next vendetta. I started sweetly talking her up. She responded to my advances and agreed to go out for lunch. That went well so next we went to a movie and a meal. She was always sweet and fun to talk with. Occasionally I would forget that she was just another tool I was going to use but my ethical sickness continued to dominate.

I asked if we could go to her place and she said, “No.”

“Why not?” I queried.

“If we go to my place and you become a jerk, then I have to figure out how to get somebody twice my size out of my apartment. If we go to your place and you become a jerk, I can just get up and leave.”

“So you think I’m a jerk?”

“I think you are a nice guy with some personal problems. I don’t know you well enough yet to know what those problems are or whether you can recover from them.”

This was a very perceptive woman.

After a few more dates, I finally brought her back to my place. We were sitting on the couch cuddling and kissing when I made my move, reaching over and rubbing her breast. She immediately moved my hand off her breast but continued kissing me. I waited awhile then moved my hand down to her leg and slowly moved it up intending to rub her pussy. I made it halfway up before she again took my hand and moved it away.

“Dave, if you keep doing that I’m going to have to leave.”

“Why, I thought you liked me.”

“I like what I know of you, but I’m not sure I like the you you are showing me tonight.”

“So you’re just a big tease, is that it?”

“If keeping my honor and dignity means being a big tease to you then maybe I should just leave now.”

I sat looking at her for a long awkward moment as my true core values fought for control over my still sick mind. She continued looking closely at me as if trying to figure out just who was inside me. That made two of us.

“I’m sorry, Sue. Sometimes I don’t show good control. I’ll behave.”

We continued to get along well together and started dating regularly. We were enjoying some nice spring weather on a blanket at the park when my improved but still sick mind decided to pull out all the stops. I rolled over to her, looked into her eyes and said, “Sue, I love you!”

Sue looked at me, paused, then laughed, “No you don’t! You’re still just trying to get into my pants!”

I was stunned speechless by her blunt direct response.

Finally, she said, “Dave, I like you and I think you like me too. But we need to get to know each other a lot better before we can ever tell if we are truly compatible enough to call it love. I can’t love you until I know we share the same values and that is not something I can learn in just a few weeks. And its definitely not something I can learn by having sex with you. Can you understand that?”

Her words resonated with the core values I had discarded since Tina shit on me. I knew she was right. And I knew right then that Sue was special and needed…. No…. deserved to be treated with honesty, respect and decency.

In that moment, I could feel myself starting to heal. But I knew I still had a long way to go. The first step was honesty.

“Sue, I think you are a special person that I would like to get to know better. I think I can become the man you deserve but you need to know about my past, both the good and bad, so you can decide for yourself. Will you give me that chance?”

Sue nodded yes and gave me a big hug.

The next few weeks were not easy. I confessed everything to Sue. She was very sympathetic when learning what Tina had done to me. I was terrified she was going to dump me as I told her about how I had subsequently behaved and treated women before meeting her and that I had originally intended to treat her in the same way.

“Dave, I appreciate your honesty. I know you’ve had a rough time and I’m not too happy about how you responded and treated those other women. Please give me some time to think about all of this. Okay?”

I understood and agreed hoping that not too much time would pass.

A week later, Sue set up a time for us to meet back at the park. I waited anxiously to hear what she had decided.

“Dave, I really like you and I think what you endured from Tina was horrible. But you have to know that your behavior afterwards was atrocious and unacceptable. I can’t be with any man who treated even skanky women that way. And I can never be with a man who even hinted at treating me that way.”

My head dropped. “I understand, Sue. And I agree. I’m thankful for the time we had together and I hope you find a man you deserve.”

Defeated, I started to walk away.

“Hey, you big dummy. Where are you going? I could never be with the man you were, but I want to be with the man you’ve shown me you want to be. Now come back here and give me a kiss!”

I turned and picked Sue up and gave her a big kiss. I could feel the last of my sickness melting away and for the first time in months I felt like I was capable of becoming the man I used to be.

Sue and I continued to date. We both graduated and got good jobs in St. Louis. Our love and respect continued to grow until I finally asked her to marry me.

Sue screamed ‘YES!’ then paused. Holding my face firmly between her two hands, she looked seriously into my eyes and stated, “You know that we still will NOT be having any sex before we get married, right? I want you to take my virginity on our honeymoon!”

“That’s the best idea I have ever heard!” I exclaimed excitedly!!

Epilogue – 15 years later

My job at a major engineering company is going great. I am now the Senior Design Lead heading up a team of chip designers on some cool high tech military grade hardware heading for the moon (that I can’t talk about).

Sue is a stay-at-home mom with our three children. We have a nice 5-bedroom house on 40 acres just outside the city. We’ve never been happier. Life is good.

Last week some salesmen stopped by to talk to me about a new software update they claim could speed up the processing time it takes for our chip development. Their software was already one of our primary tools and I had already read up on the upgrade so I expected this to be a short meeting to merely confirm price. I already knew and got along well with the two senior sales reps but I wasn’t prepared for who the third rep they brought along would be. It was big fucking cock Greg. Apparently, he had recently joined their company and they were bringing him around to introduce to people.

Of course, Greg had never met me before and had no idea of our common past. It was all I could do not to vomit on Greg’s hand as he extended it in greeting. The senior reps could tell I was more subdued than usual and I ended the meeting with no commitment on my part for purchasing their upgrade. After guiding the disappointed gentlemen out of my office, I asked Mark to stay back for a minute.

“Mark, you know I’m interested in the upgrade but there is no way I’m going to allow Greg Martin to support my team. I have personal experience with Greg. He is not a man of honor and integrity and I do NOT trust him around my team. He’s nothing but trouble and I’m a bit surprised you guys even hired him.”

“You’re preaching to the choir, Dave. I didn’t want him but was overruled by management. Our sales team has become demoralized ever since he was hired. Upper management seems to love that he’s an ass kisser and smoozer. At our social events, he spends way too much time flirting with the ladies and bragging about ‘how much of a man’ he is! If you are willing to direct your comments to upper management, maybe they will see the light.”

“I’ll do more than that, Mark. I’m saying to you and your management that I am unwilling to do business with any company that would hire someone of Greg’s character. You have competitors that have very good software. I’ve stayed loyal to you because of the support your team has always provided. But I will NOT work with any company that deems someone like Greg Martin worthy of their employment.”

Mark knew I was a man of my word. He nodded his head and left.

Two weeks later they returned without Greg and we signed the contract.

Now that I knew what Greg was up to, I put the word out to the tight community of chip designers. Word spread around to other tech sales teams. Greg would never find a sales job in the tech sector. I heard later he was selling used cars in Calumet City.

I kept in touch with Bob. He broke up with Debbie after learning about her past work at The Lumberyard.

I ran into Pete the bartender at the Fall Festival back home. I had told him a few years ago about my real reason for being at The Lumberyard. He tells me Tina still strips there. She hasn’t aged well and is no longer the crowd favorite. She now needs to work 5 nights a week to earn what she used to make in one night.

Yes, the two-way mirror is still in place.

No, I am not going anywhere near The Lumberyard.

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