Reparations by rogers1962,rogers1962

“Bonus checks have arrived!” my boss Terry announced. “Rick, you have maxed out every quarter this year, so the annual bonus in my hand is 15 grand.” I had a great year at work. My quarterly bonuses had been spent spoiling my beautiful wife, Leah. I gave her some expensive jewelry, I gave her a huge gift card at her favorite clothing store, and we took a vacation to Europe. Leah told me in no uncertain terms that this bonus was for my own pleasure, but I had no clue what to do. I’m 30 years old and feel like I have everything I could want.

My best friend at work, Kyle, crept up to my desk, “So?”

I smiled, “15 G’s.”

Kyle smiled widely, “OH SHIT!! What are you doing with it?”

“That’s the problem, I have no fucking idea. I’m supposed to spend it on myself and I have no fucking idea.”

Kyle looked a little jealous but gave me a big pat on the back. “Rick, you deserve something nice, you work really hard. Think about it, you’ll think of something.”

I was tired and relieved the day was over. I strolled out the front door and waved at Kyle as he drove away on his Harley honking back. Kyle was a great guy. I’d like to spend more time with him outside of work. My drive home was boring until I got about a mile from home. I live in the suburbs of Lowell, Massachusetts. In the driveway of a home not far from my house sat a beautiful Harley for sale. ‘That’s it!’ I thought. ‘I’ll get myself a Harley so I can hang with Kyle more.’

When I arrived home, Leah was making dinner in a flowered sundress and singing to herself. She saw me come in the front door, “How was you’re day, baby?”

I smiled, “Great, I got my bonus today!”

“Really? That’s great, how much?” she asked staring at me intently.

“15 thousand”

“No way!!, that’s great, any idea what you’re going to do with it?”

“I think I got an idea today, I want to buy a Harley-Davidson so I can hang with Kyle more.”

Leah looked happy for me. “That sounds exciting, you have the whole weekend to start looking.”

I did just that. My weekend was spent calling and going to look at some bikes. By Sunday evening I had decided on a 2017 Dyna Street Bob an older guy was selling across town. It wasn’t the biggest, fanciest, or anythingest, but it was newish with low miles and that was good for me. I registered it on Monday and drove it home illegally since I didn’t have my motorcycle license yet. I used to have one years ago but it had long since lapsed. Three weeks later I had a license and I could legally ride.

Kyle took me around with him on some nice rides on winding roads in the country. He eventually introduced me to some friends that he rode with from time to time for the last couple years. I joined them on a couple rides with a group of six of us. Doug was an older guy, maybe mid 50s, who had invited Kyle into the group. Roy seemed to be the leader of the group. He’s a big guy at like 6’2″, at least 250 lbs and he is intimidating. He looks like he’s a seasoned biker even though he may only be like 30. I have yet to see him smile and I don’t think he likes me. He has tats on most of his visible body and well broken in leather. His 103 Twin CamB is an impressive and loud machine. He is always in a lead position with his best friend, Manuel, on his fatboy. Manuel is also very quiet, not as big as Roy but still formidable. Manuel however seems friendlier and smiles often even if I sometimes can’t understand his accent. The last guy in the group I only met once, his name is Joe and he only rides with us occasionally.

At the beginning of June, Kyle came to ask me if I wanted to go camping with the group in New Hampshire for Bike week. They go riding, sightseeing, go to bars, get drunk, smoke weed, and go to bike week events. I told him I would go if I could bring Leah along. Kyle didn’t think anyone would have an issue with that. “There’s only one thing, a couple of these guys are married and this is a chance for them to get out and ‘have some fun’ if you know what I mean.”

“Hmm, You mean they cheat on their wives? Nice friends you have.”

“Just make sure Leah is cool with that, they don’t want to be ratted out,” Kyle explained.


The day we left was great weather. We brought a tent and a few days worth of clothes and toiletries. Leah and I rode over to McDonald’s to meet up with the others. As the others arrived I introduced Leah. When Roy met Leah I saw him smile for the first time and he actually talked to me for the first time. “How did a pansy like you land a hotty like Leah?” Leah giggled like a giddy teenager.

I probably looked a little hurt but tried to respond in a masculine way, “Fuck you, Roy.”

Roy chuckled, “I bet you’d like that.”

I wasn’t looking forward to the rest of the week already. We got on the highway and as usual I got to bring up the rear. It didn’t bother me at first but then Roy would make fun of me for being the newb. We traveled into New Hampshire before stopping at a big rest area for a quick restroom break and a drink. Leah got off the back of my bike and rubbed her ass exclaiming, “Whew, my butt is getting sore.”

Roy strolled up to us with the whole group gathered around and said, “You can ride up front with me, I have a custom seat that is soft as a pillow. We wouldn’t want to mess up that perfect ass now would we?” He smiled at her as she blushed and he looked over at me with a similar hue to my face but it was due to rage.

“Oh, you don’t mind honey, do you? It really does hurt,” she said like a little girl while hugging my arm. I pursed my lips but didn’t say anything. “Thank you, honey, and my butt thanks you, haha.”

‘Fuck,’ I thought, ‘my fucking wife just abandoned me.’ My eyes turned green as a jealous rage ran through me as I watched my wife get on the back of Roy’s bike. We continued north and got off at exit 20. Each time we hit a red light, Leah and Roy would talk and laugh. Bike week around here can get pretty crazy. Tons of bikes everywhere and lots of debauchery.

We were still about 15 miles from the campground. At the next red light, Roy yelled, “Go ahead, do it now!”

Leah laughed loudly then lifted her shirt and bra over her tits. She was flashing her tits!! Cars heading the other direction honked and yelled out the window at her. “Keep going,” Roy yelled. So Leah just ripped her shirt and bra over her head and off. She turned to stuff her clothes in a saddlebag and shot a big smile in my direction while waving her arms in the air. I didn’t smile back. She rode 5 miles and three lights without her top on.

Before we got to the camground, Leah had put her shirt back on (without the bra) and had her arms wrapped around Roy. The campground was pretty full with mostly bikers. We had to find sites, claim them, then go back to the gate to put our money in an envelope and drop it in a box. This campground has over 200 sites and very few were available. We would need 2 sites. As we slowly rode through, a pickup truck with a full bed was pulling out of a site.

Kyle and I pulled in to claim the site. When the others came back they said they would go get another site and come back. Leah jumped off Roy’s bike and strolled over. She smiled at me and again I didn’t smile back. “What’s got your panties in a bunch?”

I rolled my eyes and said, “It’s bad enough you abandoned me to ride with Roy, but you took off your top while you were with him. How do you think I feel?”

She sighed. “I was just having a little fun, besides, he dared me.” She pulled out the tent and walked away swaying her hips. I wasn’t sure if it was meant for me or someone else.

Once everyone had set up their camp the others came to our camp to hang out until dinner. I got a fire started and we all drank, smoked weed, and talked. I started to feel like this was going to be fun after all. Leah behaved herself and we went to bed late that night.


The next morning, we went for a ride through the mountains. Leah asked nicely if she could still ride on Roy’s bike. I was feeling a little less insecure so I let her go. The ride was beautiful. We stopped at a few attractions where things started to bother me again. It seemed like Leah spent more time walking and standing next to Roy than me.

That night was a repeat of the first except that I was not in a talking mood. In fact I was starting to become agitated. Roy and Manuel started back in with their insults and innuendos. After the long day on the road, drinking too fast, and being high, I decided to head to bed somewhat early.


I woke up needing to make the journey to take a wicked piss. Surprised that Leah hadn’t come to bed yet, I thought I might rejoin the party once I got back. When I unzipped the tent the fire was dying and everyone was gone. ‘What the fuck?’ I thought. I believe I loudly said “Where is my fucking wife?” My stomach dropped then I heard a rustle from Kyle’s tent. I looked in with my flashlight but it was just Kyle shifting in his sleep.

I checked the time, “Fucking 1 am?” I walked to the bathrooms with the thought that she had to take a piss at the same time as I did. I went to the men’s room and came out but didn’t see or hear her. I went back to camp and still no Leah. My anger was spilling over now. Why would she leave without letting me know?

There were a couple explanations in my head. They went to a store for something or they went to the other campsite. The latter scared me. There would be no good reason to go there when the fire is already going here. I never found out what site they had taken so finding them would be a large feat. I had to look though, otherwise my insides would disintegrate.

I began walking with a flashlight and checking site after site. Almost every site had two or three bikes. I started by looking at the bikes until I almost got beat up by an angry biker. Instead I realized that the plates had to be from Massachusetts so if there were any other plates on them I kept going without another look. My nerves got even more frazzled the few times I passed a tent with the sounds of sex emanating from them.

I jogged back to our site to check but still no Leah. I was getting very determined even after only a part of the campground was covered. Then I thought of a shortcut. I knew most of the empty sites when we arrived were up the hill in the woods, so I decided to hike up there and backtrack. Soon I stumbled upon a site with three bikes with Mass plates parked at the access point. Sure enough these were their bikes.

There was a trail that led out to the site so I shut off my flashlight and walked silently closer. It didn’t look like anyone was around until I heard something from one of the tents. I crept around behind to get close enough to hear when my world collapsed. “OH YES, Fuck that’s good! FUCK ME.” It was my wife’s voice. All I could think was ‘Why did I fall asleep? It’s my own fault.’ But then I came to my senses, ‘No, it’s her fault, she was heading this way.’

I crept closer. I could hear flesh slapping flesh. A grunt from Leah. ‘What am I doing? I need to go stop them.’ I thought. A long low moan from Leah and a grunt from Roy every pump.

I started a video on my phone if only for the audio. There was a lantern in the tent but I dared not get closer. Leah erupted into a cacophony of a slut. “OH GOD, FUCK ME HARD!! YES, YES, YES. I NEED YOUR COCK. I’M CUMMING!!”

The onslaught of whorish sounds continued when I noticed Manuel heading from another tent into Roy’s tent. “Fuck her face, we need to spit roast her,” Roy said in an evil tone.

Leah made my heart crumble more when she responded, “That’s right baby, give me another cock.” I knew the sounds of sex were not enough, I needed video. I eased closer and put my camera under a rain fly pointing through the screen.

“Oh fuck, you have a tight pussy,” Roy mumbled through gritted teeth. Manuel seemed to only be moaning. I could hear the sound of Leah’s little moans and whimpers even with a cock in her mouth.

Manuel started to lose it, “UH, UH, UH, Siii, swallow my cum, puta.” I couldn’t see my phone so I was still going by sound. I would check out the video later. Roy was breathing hard and Manuel’s cock must have dropped out of her mouth. Now Leah was vocalizing again.

“OH, Fuck me harder,” she wailed. It sounded like he was pounding her senseless. She screamed out, “YES, OH YES.” It had to wake up everyone in the sites at this end of the campground.

“I’m gonna cum,” Roy stated. I think he was waiting for instructions. Without any protest he continued pounding and cumming into my wife.

“That’s it baby, cum in my pussy. Oh that feels so nice.”

Roy said, “Manny, you want sloppy seconds? She’s still going strong.”

Manuel must have accepted the offer since soon I heard slapping flesh again and moaning from my wife. Manuel’s voice yelled, “Dios Mio!! OH, OH, OH, SI.” At the same time I heard the unmistakable sounds of another orgasm from my wife.

As they settled down from their orgasms I noticed Doug walking over to the tent. Leah again shocked me by saying, “Come over here Doug, it’s your turn.”

I couldn’t see Doug but from his voice he was as shocked as me. “What the fuck is going on? She’s married to Rick!! Does he know about this?”

I don’t think Leah expected that reaction. She just assumed he would want to fuck her too. Roy spoke up, “You better not say a fucking word or I’ll pulverize your face, you understand?”

Leah’s voice sounded distracted and very soft. “I better go now, he could wake up and look for me.”

Roy bitterly said, “Fine, I guess we’re done with you tonight. Tomorrow is a new day.” The words were both foreboding and rude. He just told her they used her like a whore and planned to again tomorrow.

I heard no more words exchanged as I began to sneak out of the site. My heart was smashed and my mind was racing. What would I do? I had to get back to camp first. I needed time to think. I decided to jog back to camp and get in bed so I could think more.

When Leah arrived at the tent she came in and lightly called my name. When I didn’t respond she grabbed her bathroom bag and left. I assumed she was going to try and wash off the stink of treachery, the smell of deceit, and the scum of adultery. I would lay all night long thinking, deciding, crying, and at times trying not to think at all. It was all too much. My life had changed, my wife had changed, and I had changed as well. I still had no plan but confrontation was a no brainer and then I would have to go home with or without Leah.

Before any light from dawn was peeking over the horizon, I got out of my sleeping bag. I couldn’t just keep laying there. I lit a fire mostly for something to do. I thought about making breakfast but that would wake people up. Once the sun came up Kyle stirred and came out with me.

“I’m sorry about how those jerks have been treating you. I don’t think I’ll be hanging with them anymore.” I looked at Kyle with a crooked smile and tears welling up. He looked surprised and said, “Oh man, I didn’t think it was bothering you this much, I’m sorry.”

I smiled more sincerely, “You’re a good friend Kyle. I need someone to confide in right now. I’m not just pissed off about that stuff. Last night they took my wife to their camp and fucked her.” Saying it out loud made me cry once again. “That’s the last time I cry about it. Now I have to make things right.”

Doug, or “Old man” as they called him, was walking into the camp and it was still quite early. Kyle asked, “What are you doing here so early old man?”

He looked pretty down. “I came by to clear my conscience. I have some very troubling news to deliver to Rick.”

I looked at him with a sad smile, “Man, I don’t know you very well but you are a good man. I already know what you’re about to say so save your breath. I don’t really want to hear it again.”

I heard the text chime on Leah’s phone go off. A couple minutes later she unzipped the door and came out. At the very same moment I saw Roy and Manuel walking towards us.

I stood.

Roy bellowed, “Hey man, I’m taking Leah with us to the store.” Just like that, no asking, just telling. He was still getting closer. I looked at Leah and she quickly looked at her feet.

I turned and began walking towards Roy. I knew I would get pounded into a pulp but this was the only action that felt right at the moment. As I approached him he looked quizzical. I didn’t want to sucker punch him but I did want the first shot. As I got close to him I slammed a strong punch into the point of his chin with the heal of my hand. Adrenaline had provided some needed power making it a devastating blow. I thought I heard a crack and saw his eyes roll into his head. I heard Leah scream. I knew my opportunity was at hand and I knew what would work. I hauled back and with all the power left in me, I threw my fist, my arm, my shoulder, my whole body into a

body shot into his abdomen. There was no resistance from the muscles in his abdomen, he was never ready for it. He doubled over to the ground where he laid in the fetal position, groaning loudly.

I considered jumping on him to finish the beating but thought better of leaving myself open for retaliation from Manuel. Instead I looked at Manuel who looked at Roy and then back to me. He shrugged. I wasn’t sure what that meant but it was clear we weren’t going to fight.

Now I turned to my so-called wife. She was crying of course. It’s hard to be mean to a crying woman. She didn’t look up, “H-How did you know,” she said through hiccups, sniffling, and sobbing.

“Does it really matter at this point. The question is Why? Why would you ever do something like this to me? Don’t you still love me?”

She stood still in the same spot not moving for a solid minute. “I don’t know why. I don’t think I could ever answer that. I’m so sorry!! I do still love you and I would do ANYTHING to fix this. PLEASE DON’T DIVORCE ME!!! PLEASE!!” She fell to her knees sobbing uncontrollably. I was not about to console her.

I wasn’t paying attention but apparently Roy and Manuel had decided to take off, Roy still slumped over. Kyle looked at me with concern in his eyes and Doug was just shaking his head at the whole situation. I realized at that moment that I didn’t want a divorce either, I still loved Leah. But I needed to gain some self esteem and respect after this humiliation. I couldn’t just take her back and forget about it.

After a few minutes of contemplation it hit me, REPARATIONS!! She needs to prove that she REALLY wants me back. I need the assurance that she IS willing to do ANYTHING to keep me. I put together a quick sketch of it in my head but all I needed for now was a couple steps to get started.

“OK, slut, I have a plan for you to stay married to me, a roadmap per se. You will have to follow this roadmap to keep me. I’m not simply going to fuck another woman. That wouldn’t be equal, you would know about it ahead of time and there would be a good reason why I was doing it. My plan is reparations to your faithful husband. Do you understand?”

She was still sniffling and just above a whisper said, “Yes.”

“That’s going to be ‘Yes Sir’ from now on. Do you understand?” I looked at Kyle who had a bit of a smirk on his face.

“Yes Sir,” came her response.



I waved Doug and Kyle over to the picnic table where we sat down. “Get your worthless ass over here and kneel next to me, slut” She did as I asked. “Now I’ve read some stories about submissive women. This gave me an idea. You are going to make reparations by being my sub for one year. Or you can choose divorce. If you choose to stay with me you will quit your job so you can be home for whatever I need. You will do everything I ask you to do without question. You will only speak when I tell you to. You will not talk back or say no to anything I ask. Their will be punishment for mistakes. You will endure an initial punishment for what happened last night. If you fail I will divorce you. It won’t be easy. At the end of one year you will be absolved of your transgression completely. In fact we will never speak of it again. You will be free to be yourself again including being my loving wife. I wouldn’t be giving you this opportunity if I didn’t love you. Do you accept this plan or do you prefer divorce?”

“I accept….sir. I am just so happy you are giving me a chance to prove myself, sir. I won’t let you down.”

“Fine,” I looked at Kyle and Doug. “Sorry guys, but we’re leaving today to start a new life.”

Kyle said, “I’m leaving too, can I ride with you?” I nodded.

Doug nodded, “Me too man, I’m done with those two, can I ride with you guys from now on?”

I looked around thinking I really didn’t want my camping equipment with it’s shitty memories but we couldn’t leave it so I told Leah to break camp and get ready to leave. Once we were packed and ready to go I told Leah to get on the back of my bike. She got on without complaint. Somehow I suspected she was going to make it through the year with flying colors. “Leah, lose the bra.”

She looked around, “Where should I change?”

“Right here, and in the future you will ask me if you may speak.” With no bashfulness she pulled off her shirt and handed it to me. She pulled her bra off and stowed it while not trying to hide her tits. She put her hand out for the shirt but I changed my mind. “That will be fine until we get to the highway.”

The drive home gave me time to think of all the things I was going to do this year. I knew that I needed to confirm Leah’s level of commitment. I wanted her to experience pain and humiliation, but also some good things from me. In Lowell, I split off from the guys to head home. The first thing I did at home was command Leah to take all of her clothes off and kneel in the living room while I went to the store.

When I returned Leah was a little shocked that I had brought Kyle and Doug back with me. She stayed put, naked and nervous. “I bought you a present,” I said with a sinister smile. “And I brought my friends to witness your punishment.” I pulled out a riding crop and handed it to Leah. She caressed it then handed it back.

“I’m ready for whatever I deserve,” she said stoically.

“Whenever you are being punished you will lay over the arm of the couch with your face down and your ass over the arm. Now assume the position.” She did so with a look of trepidation. “Leah, as a physical reminder of the pain you have caused me, I will be whipping your ass ten times with this crop. Ten is a severe lashing, you will never receive ten again because that would mean divorce not punishment. For minor infractions you will receive up to three lashes.”

I began whipping her and found it not at all satisfying. In fact I found it unbearable. I think the guys were also horrified. Leah however only let out a couple screams when the crop came down. She didn’t cry. She took it better than I think I could. Her ass was a mess of welts that looked extremely painful. I hoped I would never have to do it again. “You may stand.” She got up and stood naked facing us. She reached back and gently patted her ass trying to feel the damage. “Why are your pussy lips wet? Did you enjoy that? What a fucking slut! Lay on the couch on your back and spread your legs.”

She pushed her knees apart now fully exposed to me and my friends. “Now masterbate for us until you orgasm.” She looked at me for a second then lowered a hand to her crotch. She got worked up more as she played with her clit. “Put two fingers in your pussy.” She complied using her free hand to plunge two fingers in while the fingers of her first hand glided quickly back and forth on her clit. She kept going and was getting close. She opened her eyes and looked into each of our faces as she orgasmed heavily. I’m sure all three of us were hard as diamonds now watching this carnal display. I sent Doug and Kyle home to jerk themselves off so that I could talk to my wife for the first time since her betrayal.

“Come in the kitchen and stand across from me.” She stood, naked, across the table from me. “You gave me an apology at the campground, short as it was. I don’t ever want to hear you apologize about that again. If you do, it’s three lashes. Now I want you to tell me the story of what happened. Don’t lie and don’t leave anything out, including what you were feeling. If you lie, we are done. If I think you left something out, one lash. Do you understand?”


“Go ahead. Start from when I went to bed.”

She cleared her throat. “Ok, well, I had felt good about the attention and compliments I was receiving from Roy. He also made you out to be a pansy.” She started to cry. “I know you don’t want me to apologize for cheating but can I apologize for not sticking up for you?”

“You just did, go on.”

“Once you went to bed, Roy started getting frisky. He dared me to take off my shirt again, so I did. Kyle wasn’t impressed, he quickly retreated to his tent. Doug took off too. The guys didn’t want to wake you up but they gave me their groans of approval. I walked around the fire letting my tits sway in front of them. Manuel reached out and caressed my tits and pinched my nipples. Then Roy grabbed my hand and pulled me into his lap. His cock was hard. He played with my tits as well. All the attention to my nipples got me all worked up. I thought about going in the tent and fucking your brains out but then Roy slid his hand down my pants. He found my wet hot pussy and started fingering me. He got Manuel to come over and take my pants off. Manuel sucked my nipples while Roy continued fingering me. I was so horny by then. They suggested we go to their camp since you didn’t even know where it was. They made me walk across the campground naked. A few people saw me but it just got me more horny.” I couldn’t let Leah know that I was now sporting a raging hard-on.

“So we got to their camp and built a fire. We fooled around for a while and eventually Roy pulled me into his tent. I started feeling guilty but I didn’t think I could stop this from happening now. I was worried you would wake up. Manuel went to his tent like a good little sidekick. We laid in his tent kissing and groping until Roy got all his clothes off. My pussy wouldn’t stop craving his cock. Finally he just unceremoniously shoved it in and started pumping. It felt really good and really bad at the same time. I mean he wasn’t any better than you just different. Then he turned me over on hands and knees. He entered from behind and Manuel walked in. Roy told him to put his cock in my mouth so they could spit roast me. I’ve never had two cocks at once so that was exciting for me. I made Manuel cum in my mouth which I happily swallowed. I felt so good about making him cum. I don’t remember when or how many times I came. Roy asked me where to cum and I didn’t answer because I wanted him to cum in my pussy. Then Manuel got behind me and fucked my cum filled pussy, adding another load. Doug came into the tent and I asked him to fuck me but he wouldn’t. It really scared me that he had more self control than me and he might blab to you. But I figured he thought you were a pansy too. I got scared and decided to go back to our camp. When I told Roy I was leaving he made it clear he was done using me for today. That was the moment I knew I was just a cheap whore. I came back and found you asleep so I went and showered. I probably could have showered in my own tears. Then I came back to sleep with you in the tent. I probably shouldn’t have been able to sleep but I did. You know the rest.”

Her head was down waiting for my response.

On top of being mad at her, almost hating her, I was starting to feel bad for her. Maybe not, I empathized with her feelings though. I still had questions, but for now I was satisfied with her story.

“From what I know, you have been honest with me. I may want to ask questions, all I ask is for your full honesty. In fact, for the next 12 months I expect you to be brutally honest with me. Do you have any questions?”

“Yes, did Doug tell you about it?”


“Then how did you find out?”

“You will get that answer when I’m ready. Let me ask you one question. Did you enjoy masterbating in front of the boys today?”

She looked a little horrified, paused, then answered, “In all honesty, yes, it was thrilling actually.”

“Leah, I’m going to be pushing your limits this year. I truly hope you make it. Come into the living room and give me a blow job.” I took my pants off and layed face up on the couch. Leah followed dutifully like she was going to show me how god damned determined she was to fulfill her punishment, as it were. I was kind of hoping that she didn’t consider this part to be a chore or punishment for her. She got to her knees by the couch and slumped over my hard cock. She started off tentative and nervous but soon started getting into it. My wife gives great head but not perfect. “Leah, start working on getting it down your throat, I want you to be able to do it by the 4th of July. I want to watch fireworks with my cock down your throat. I’ll let you practice every day if that’s what it takes. If you don’t get it done by then you get 3 lashes.” Honestly, after starting from a dead stop, she made me cum too fast, but I had a lot of sexual energy pent-up.

“Did that get you worked up? Do you want me to fuck you? On second thought, I still need to reclaim you. Get up here and ride my fucking cock like a bitch in heat.” I’ll be damned if she didn’t jump on me, get me stiff again, and ride me like her life depended on it. She came before I did. (Slaps self on back even though he just came) But then a second time. The sheer lust in her eyes and in her actions made me cum seconds later. Right now she was becoming everything I ever wanted her to be. I think it’s going to be a good year.

“I think you and I will enjoy some parts of this year. Unfortunately, tomorrow we will be going to Manuel and Roy’s houses to apologize to their wives for fucking their husbands. It’s going to be an even longer day because we have plans with your parents for dinner.” Leah looked horrified by that news. She put her head down and sobbed. I thought about making her confess to my parents but that would be more humiliating for me. I would cross that bridge when I got to it. “You better get to bed now but first give me a kiss.” I wanted a passionate kiss and was surprised to get one. She seemed to find me more attractive now for some reason. We broke the kiss and she retired. I sat up alone thinking about how the next 12 months would play out. I had some pretty crazy ideas.


We set out the next morning early to try to make sure we caught the wives at home. Manuel’s apartment was in the heavily Hispanic end of town. I never figured out the woman’s name that opened the door. She wasn’t fluent in English but we got our apology across and she looked livid once she realized why Leah was apologizing. This would have been dangerous for Leah to do alone but the two of us made it out unscathed.

We pulled up to Roy’s apartment which was in a good part of town and very nice looking. The woman that answered the door was very pretty. She said she was Katie, Roy’s wife.

“My wife is here to offer an apology.”

“For what? What did you do? I don’t even know you.”

Leah very straightforwardly walked Katie through her offense. Katie also was livid but I could understand every word.

“That MOTHERFUCKER!! I’ll fucking kill that motherfucker!! I bust my ass so he can live in a nice apartment and be comfortable, and he thinks he’s gonna ride around on the bike I BOUGHT HIM and screw around? Motherfucker is gonna be on the streets. The fucking lowlife motherfucker can go fuck himself!!!”

I was pretty glad she didn’t turn her anger onto me and especially Leah. I don’t think both of us together could have taken her in her present state of mind. I apologized as well then she actually said, “I’m sorry, I realized a second ago that you’re in the same boat as me. How is it you are still standing next to her.”

I felt good about my answer, “I still love Leah. She has accepted an offer I made for her to regain her status as my wife. If you’d like to learn more, please take my card and I can explain what I’m doing over the phone. This here today is one of the first few steps. Thank you for seeing us.” She glanced at the card and smirked through her tears.

We turned from the door and Leah looked relieved. “Are you ready for tonight?” She immediately looked uptight again.

“Do we have to do this? Please don’t make me go? I know what your going to do!”

“Leah, I told you not to talk back. That’s one lash tonight. I told you it wasn’t going to be fun. In fact some of it will be downright unbearable, but I hope your love of me will overcome it.” She looked thoughtful for a moment.

“I’m sorry, sir. You’re right, I made it through the wives, I can get through my family.” Fuck I forgot all about the stupid ‘sir’ thing. I wonder how many times she got away with it. I have to get better at this dom shit. Tomorrow I’m reading all day about doms and subs. In one year this will be over along with the whole dom/sub thing but for now I want to do it right.

Dinner with Leah’s parents started off very tense. Leah obviously had no idea how tonight was going to go. Her nerves were on edge every time I spoke. When dinner ended her father, Dick, asked what the news was I mentioned. They probably thought we were pregnant.

“Leah, would you like to tell them or would you prefer I do it.” Dick and Mary smiled like ‘Yeah, we’re going to be grandparents.’

Leah covered her face and said, “Would you please?” I could hear her crying.

“Ok, well, we wanted to let you know that due to an indiscretion, Leah and I now have a different relationship for a while. Therefore, if you want to see your daughter, you will have to go through me. We hope that after a year we will be back to normal.”

It was just registering in their minds what was going on. Mary looked puzzled, “Y-You cheated on Leah?”

I looked at my feet, “No, I would NEVER do something like that. The other way around.” They both looked tentatively at Leah. “Look folks, we are going to deal with this head on. I just wanted to make sure you knew what was going on in case you get some bad vibes or see things that don’t make sense. Leah and I are on a path to work this out. If we are still married by next year, we will be trying to get pregnant, so all your grandparenting dreams will come true. OK?”

Dick said, “I guess as long as you two are happy, we’re happy. Good luck and if you need anything let us know. We really want you to stay in our family, Rick.” We left hand in hand. Leah now looked very relaxed.

“May I speak, sir?” I nodded. “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it could be. Thank you sir for making it almost bearable.”

We got home late. “Assume the position. I owe you one lash.” She took the swat on the ass very well considering all the welts left from her last beating. Not a sound out of her. She looked turned on before and after her punishment. Leah looked a little shy. “What’s on your mind,” I asked.

“Would it be alright if I practiced some before we go to bed?” I smiled widely which made her smile brightly. I nodded. If I was thinking right, she wasn’t just doing it for practice, she was having fun pleasing me.


Tuesday was a hard day. I was very happy with the way Leah was handling her new situation, but today I had to follow through on one of my punishments that was part of my plan. “Leah, get dressed. We have to go out today.” She may have thought she was due some rewards or something. Instead I pulled out a box full of jewelry and some receipts. She looked confused. “We are returning this jewelry or selling it for whatever we can get. I bought this for my loving faithful wife. Now seeing it makes me feel like a fool.” It literally hurt me when she broke down sobbing. It was part of the overall plan that I refused to deviate from.

“Today you will call and let work know you are quitting without notice. If they ask why, you will say “because I’m a filthy whore.”

Since I was still on vacation, I relaxed around the house the rest of the day. Leah served me hand and foot. She also serviced my sexual needs. Practicing her deepthroating more than I thought necessary. Watching her walk around the house naked had me bending her over and fucking her what seemed like constantly. I no longer made love to my wife, she was my whore, I fucked her like a whore, hard and mercilessly, she seemed to love it. I enjoyed making her walk around with cum running down her legs and then fucking her again after she was a mess of dried on cum. She was actually very sexy to me that way.

“Leah, I have a surprise for you today. Come sit next to me on the couch.” I pointed the remote at the TV and turned on the power. “Take my pants off.”

“Yes sir,” she said as usual. I started the video which only had sound at first. She didn’t realize it yet but it was the video of her night with Roy.

“Stroke my cock while we watch.” She did. Then the sound on the screen became familiar.

“Oh my God, you were there? And you recorded it? What the fuck? Why am I giving you a hand job during this?” Her face was a big question mark.

“I want you to know what I experienced. I was there too late to stop it.” Shortly the scene in the tent was visible. I hadn’t seen it yet myself. My heart was breaking again, but my cock began squirting high into the air and more than I thought any man held in his balls. The look on Leah’s face was priceless, a combination of shame and surprise.

“May I speak sir?” I nodded my head. “If you are getting off on this then why am I going through all this?”

“My emotions at the time were anger, humiliation, and feeling totally betrayed. It didn’t even start to affect my cock until long afterwards. Every time I thought about watching the video to make you feel bad, I got aroused. Since I expect total honesty from you, I will do the same. Watching this for the first time, yes, the video makes me horny. I’m just hoping it still makes you feel ashamed. Now get down here and suck my cock.” She was getting it part way down her throat already and seemed determined to make me proud. “Just relax your throat and you will have it. “She did as I said and managed to put my cock fully down her throat, at least for a second.

She came up for air and hugged me with a huge smile on her face. “I DID IT!!” The doorbell rang. We jumped up and I got dressed quickly while Leah headed to the bedroom.

I answered the door shocked to see Katie with Roy standing a step behind her. He still had a bruise on his chin. We spoke on the phone last night about how I was handling my situation. “I took a page out of your playbook. I brought Roy here to speak to you face to face. And fyi he is going to be selling his Harley and helping with the bills more if he wants to stay with me. His next Harley will be bought by him. Roy!! You’re up!”

Roy stepped up, looked me in the eye and gave a pretty heartfelt apology. I was pretty impressed at how articulate he was. He swore off cheating and said he loved his wife very much. When he was done we shook hands.

Before leaving, Katie had one more comment. “If this doesn’t work out for me and Roy AND you and Leah can’t work things out, I’d like to call on you. You are a really great guy.” I could feel my face go red and I smiled. Roy looked like he could rip me apart but I didn’t feel too bad for him.


I awoke to the sound of dishes clanking and the combined smell of bacon and coffee. I arrived in the kitchen to the perfect sight of my wife making breakfast. “May I speak sir?” I nodded. “I hope you don’t mind that I’m wearing an apron, the bacon was splattering my tender parts. I will take it off when I’m done cooking.”

“That will be fine.” We had a wonderful meal. Leah looked genuinely happy. “Leah come in the living room. There is something we need to do.” I directed her to sit on the couch. “Leah, the next training you will require in order to fulfill my sexual needs is in the area of ass play. We will begin today. Assume the position for punishment.” Leah got up with an unexpected smirk on her face and layed over the arm of the couch.

“May I speak sir?” I nodded. “Would you like to punish me before the training?”

“Not today. In the future, if that’s something that makes you enjoy things more, I may oblige. Today is mearly an intro to ass play. You will have homework and once again you will have a deadline to keep. I have to go get a few things, I’ll be right back.”

I went to my study and retrieved more items that I picked up at the sex shop. First is a bottle of Astroglide personal lubricant. “I’m going to put some lube in your ass.” I applied lube to my fingers, then worked it around her cheeks and sphincter. Next I inserted one finger to a slight gasp and added more lube directly to her hole. I worked it in and out while Leah moved her ass around apparently liking the feeling. We have never had anal sex before. She wasn’t into the “dirtiness” of it so I gave up. I soon added a second finger into her rectum with a slight protest of “ow” from Leah. I lubed up my cock and put my purple helmut against her tight ring.

As I started to push, I heard a sharp inhale of apprehension from her. My head popped in and she said, “ow, ow, ow.” I stopped and sat there with my cock an inch into her ass for a minute or two then retreated. “These are for your homework, start using the small one right away and keep it in as much as possible. When it seems easy to put in and take out, start using the bigger one. I want to be able to pound your ass by my birthday.” The two butt plugs were very stylish and not cheap. They were stainless steel, the small one with a clear glass jewel and the large one with a bright red jewel. She had over a month to work on it until my birthday on July 28th. I put the smaller one in and she wore it for several hours.


We went grocery shopping together because of Leah’s new found love of cooking for me. We ran into Leah’s friend, Jenna, at the store. Leah danced around the subject of why we were home from camping already. Then she had to explain that she doesn’t have a phone and to contact her husband (me) if she needs to get hold of her. I suggested that Leah have the girls over for dinner to explain things. She readily agreed, surprisingly. I think she is not only getting used to confessing her sins, but is starting to be proud of how we are fighting through our problems. I suggested that Jenna contact the girls to come over for dinner on Saturday. She agreed and will rsvp for the rest of them to my phone.

I texted Kyle and Doug to see if they wanted to go riding tomorrow (Friday). They both responded yes, enthusiastically. I was excited to get back out riding. I asked Leah if she would like to go. She jumped into my arms, crying happy tears. I took that as a yes. I told her she needed to stay within the submissive role while we ride and she was still super happy.


Leah wore tight jeans and a t-shirt (with a bra). Today was going to be a leisurely ride around northern Mass, no funny business. We stopped periodically to get drinks, hit the head, and let Leah’s ass recover.

When we got back, I wanted the boys to come over for dinner. Leah was instructed to strip and cook dinner for us. She did so with a smile. I was beginning to think she liked my so called punishments. The boys enjoyed the free show with dinner. We sat around drinking and watching Leah cook. Then after dinner we retired to the living room where we continued drinking and Leah knelt next to me.

It was difficult being half drunk with a naked woman in the room. The conversation drifted into inappropriate circles several times. Leah seemed to be getting antsy then asked, “May I speak sir?” I nodded. “It seems to me that if you were so inclined, instead of you three looking at me longingly, Sir could command me to gratify the men in any way he chose.” She looked at the floor waiting for my response.

I was shocked a bit but not totally. I knew she was becoming more open to new sexual experiences. “Leah, am I of the understanding that you would consider that a punishment or is that something you wish would happen? Remember that we are being completely honest.”

She looked me in the eyes. “I think I would like it and I believe you would like it too.”

The boys looked like deer in the headlights. I don’t think they believed what they were hearing. “Would you boys like a world class blow job? I’m thinking that’s a rhetorical question unless one of you suddenly got a new girlfriend.” They both smiled widely. “Go ahead, start with the old man. It’s going to be his bedtime soon.” Doug flipped me the bird while loosening his belt.

Leah crawled over to Doug, pulled his shoes off and finished removing his pants. She looked over at me and bit her lower lip. She slid his boxers down only to find a gorgeous maybe 7 inch cock standing straight up.

I smiled and said, “And I was afraid you’d need some viagra first, haha.”

Leah pulled his knees to the side a little and pulled her hair around her neck so that I would have a birds eye view of her skills. She layed her head on his thigh while stroking up and down. “You have a very nice cock. I love my husband’s cock but yours is slightly larger.” With the small talk out of the way, she licked his balls for like 5 minutes straight just sloppily sucking and licking. I think we were all impressed by the way she was taking her time. She finally started licking the sides, balls to tip, being sure to take the precum drops. Doug was gasping regularly and saying encouraging and supportive words. There was no doubt he was enjoying the attention.

She finally rolled her mouth over the tip and down a few inches which brought on a deep inhale from Doug. She stayed there sucking hard and fast up and down the top half of his cock. When Doug seemed to be getting close to blowing his load, she dove all the way to his balls. His cock was deep into her throat. She moved it in and out some until he cranked out his jizz right down her throat. I could tell Leah wanted to taste and swallow because she pulled him out to her mouth while he dumped the last few squirts. She pulled his cock out and smiled at him with her mouth open, saying, “Mmmmm.” She put his cock back in to clean it and swallow at the same time. “That was fun, you taste good,” she said in a soft sultry voice still licking her lips. Doug let out a long exhale of satisfaction.

Kyle had a frightened smile on his face when Leah looked his way. She stood and sauntered over with her hips swaying sexily. He hadn’t started to get ready so Leah started by rubbing his cock through his jeans. She went on to unbuckle and remove his belt. Kyle was a bit more forward than Doug and had his hands on Leah’s cute b-cup tits.

My cock was straining in my pants but I was not comfortable jacking it in front of the guys. The memory will be nice but I had turned my camera on so I could keep this for posterity.

Leah finally had his cock out. Kyles cock is a little shorter and much thicker than mine or Doug’s. She started again with her hands. She was preoccupied with his massive testicles, sucking each into her mouth several times. When she finally took his cock in her mouth, Kyle moaned long and loud. She gave him a fast and energetic pace of sucking then tried and failed to get his fat cock down her throat. She continued her athletic display of fellatio until Kyle made some happy noises and exclaimed, “I’m going to cum!” I could see his cock start pulsing as this time Leah was getting the full load in her mouth.

When Kyle was done exploding, Leah rose and came to me. She opened her mouth showing me another man’s cum. Then she closed, swallowed, and grabbed my face to give me a passionate kiss. I wasn’t too happy about tasting their cum but the kiss was amazing. “That was a nice kiss but I think it deserves one lash and you know why.”

“May I speak sir?” I nodded. “Will you fuck me after my punishment?”

“After the day we just had, you know damn well I’m gonna fuck you.”

She looked deviously toward me. “Can we do it now?”

“Ohhhh, you want an audience? What do you guys think? You want to watch me discipline my slut wife?” They both nodded their heads vigorously. So I retrieved the crop from my den and told Leah to assume the position. She smiled as I stood next to her. I brought the crop down hard on her ass and everyone but Leah jumped. She looked up smiling again apparently excited for the next step. I rubbed my palm on her ass lightly then ran two fingers down and up her pussy lips. She was super wet after sucking off the boys and I suspect the whip helped as well.

I dropped and stepped out of my pants, pulled off my shirt, and lined my cock up with her swamp. “I don’t know if you deserve a good fucking. Do you want Kyle and Doug to see you get pounded?”

“Yes sir, if you think I deserve it.”

I sank my cock balls deep on the first stroke and started pounding on her as I spoke. “Do you like getting fucked by your husband?”

“YES,” she said in a needy tone.

“Do you enjoy having an audience for our copulation?” I said in between pumps.

“Yes sir, very much.”

Then I wanted the piece de resistance, the cherry on top so to speak. Something that would make me happy after discovering my kink through betrayal. “Leah, I want your full and complete honesty, would you like Kyle and Doug to fuck you?”

She stopped reacting to my cock for a second then began bucking hard on my cock. “Only if it would please you sir. Everything I do is for you, but if you’re asking whether I WANT that, the answer is a resounding yes. But I would want you to watch.” As she was nearing a release, I abruptly pulled out with a whimper of protest from her.

I said, “Doug? You game?”

Doug looked shocked again. “Oh my god. I mean yes, sure, oh fuck.” He pulled his pants back off and walked over to Leah’s prone position. He ran his finger tips over the welt on Leah’s ass then caressed her ass lovingly. “You have a sweet ass, Leah.” He flashed a smile at me before slowly entering her well lubricated and broken-in pussy. Leah moaned at the carnal act she was involved in. I could tell she was going over the edge.

“How’s my little slut liking Doug’s old wrinkled cock?”

She pulled her head up with glazed, far-away eyes and she answered, “This slut loves getting fucked by appreciative older men with nice cocks. He feels really good inside my cunt. Is it alright if he cums inside me sir? I want to feel his hot cum spray my cervix.”

“Doug is our guest, I will let him decide where to cum.” My cock was so fucking hard now. I still hadn’t cum yet and now my kinky fantasy was happening. The old man was now panting hard and looked to be turning japanese. His eyes were squinting and sweat was forming on his face.

“You’re gonna let me cum in her pussy? Fuck yeah!” Doug smiled widely. He started pounding faster and breathing harder. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum!!”

I smiled while my heart was pounding and my dick was loving life. “Just don’t have a heart attack, please.”

Doug pushed as deep as he could and stopped. “UUHHHH OHHH.” He was unloading his spunk deep inside Leah.

Leah lifted her head, “OH FUCK! YES, YES.”

She spasmed and quaked with beads of sweat on her face. Doug resumed pumping slowly while Leah enjoyed the end of her orgasm. “Oh, that was so nice. Thank you, Doug.”

I checked on Kyle who was still watching with his mouth wide open. “Kyle, since you have sloppy seconds, you can choose the time and place for your session. In the meantime, Leah will serve us drinks.”

Leah took drink orders while leaking cum down her legs. I could have told her to clean herself up but like I said, she looks sexy that way. We retired to the jacuzzi where Leah sat on Kyle’s lap and made out with him. Eventually his hard cock made its way into her honey hole. She faced me, looked into my eyes, and bounced up and down on his rod. I asked her, “Is Kyle fucking you good?”

“He is such a good lover, they both are. I’m sorry sir, but I think I’m liking this more than you want me to. OOOHHHH, MMMMM, so nice Kyle. Take it slow, I want to take my time.” Kyle cupped her sexy b-cups from behind. He let go and they went back to their rhythmic, erotic half bounces. They did show amazing restraint and kept a steady pace for some time while Doug and I watched intently.

Leah deftly stood, turned around, and dropped back onto his cock. “Kyle, I think it’s time.” She started pistoning on his cock like a bitch in heat with her arms around his neck and face pressed against his face.

Kyle’s face was red and sweaty. “I’m getting ready to come in that tight pussy of yours. OHHH FUCK, Ah, AH, AHHHH, OH YYEESS. That’s so fucking good! C’Mon Leah!! CUM FOR ME!!”

Leah continued riding Kyle while Kyle started slamming into her from below. She arched her back and I said, “Our guest asked you to cum, you better not disappoint or it’s two lashes.”

The threat pushed her over the edge. Her body snaked several times as she let out audible grunts. She slid very slowly up and down twice more then kissed and hugged him. “That was wonderful Kyle, thank you so much.”

It was late so the boys got dressed and left after thanking me and Leah for the “hospitality.” We made plans to go riding next weekend and have Leah cook for us again. Leah slept like a baby that night.


In preparation for dinner with Leah’s girlfriends tonight, we went out to buy the makings of Chicken Alfredo, garlic bread, chocolate cream pie, also some wine. Leah was excited to cook for her friends. When we got home Leah asked if she could talk. I nodded. “May I go on the laptop to order you a birthday present, sir?” I smiled and agreed.

Around 4 pm the girls began to arrive. Leah was dressed in a sundress and sandals while she put some finishing touches on dinner. Leah served the girls wine while they chatted and laughed. When dinner was served they all came to sit at the dining room table. The room got quiet so I took the opportunity to speak.

“Ladies, it is a pleasure to have you all here. We hope you enjoy the meal. Before we start, I’d like to clear up a few things you may have been wondering about. Leah and I have begun a 1 year period in our relationship that will be different than usual. Unfortunately Leah has had a lapse in judgment whereby she had sex with another man or two behind my back. Therefore in order for her to remain my wife she has agreed to some rules and guidelines for a period of one year. This will result in her not having her own phone and she will not be able to go out without me accompanying her. These are the only things that affect you all. There are other things but that is the gist of it.”

Maryanne spoke up first. “What gives you the right to tell her what to do, she isn’t your slave!!”

I smiled even though I was a little peeved, “She doesn’t have to do any of it if she prefers a divorce. And yes, she is my slave actually.”

Maryanne looked livid. “That’s fucking bullshit!! Why can’t you just fuck one of her friends? Even steven!”

I was getting really hot now. “First of all I’m not a cheater. Secondly it wouldn’t be even. She snuck behind my back and betrayed and humiliated me. What you’re suggesting is just payback, not hurting her at all. In fact it just gets her off the hook quite easily. That’s not what I want. I want reparations.”

“Fuck that!! Leah, you tell him to fuck off, it was just sex, nothing more. If he doesn’t like it that’s his problem.”

That was it. I had had it. “Leah, come over here and kneel.” She stood and quickly got down next to me with admirable posture. “Leah, do you want to stop our plan? Do you feel like I am being unfair?”

Leah answered with a smile, “No sir, I am happy to serve you and make you happy.”

Maryanne was appalled. “What the fuck, you piece of shit. You can’t do that!!”

“Maryanne, I can do it, and I am doing it. You are not going to be allowed to see Leah for the next year. When this is over she can decide if she wants to see you again. I want you to leave now please.”

Maryanne looked around at her friends and Leah. “You people are just going to let this happen? Leah? You’re just going to take it?”

Nobody said another word and Maryanne stormed out, slamming the front door. It was tense but the others slowly relaxed after I let Leah go back to her seat. I smiled and said “Let’s eat while it’s still hot.”

The girls started asking Leah questions about her situation. “I quit my job to stay home and take care of Rick. He requires me to be naked at home unless he says otherwise, like today. He punishes me if I screw up.”

Rachel asked what the punishment was and Leah simply stood, turned around, pulled up her dress and pulled down her panties. There was a gasp from the girls at first. “That’s barbaric, isn’t it?” Rachel asked.

Leah turned back around, “No, I don’t think so, I think it’s very straight forward and simple. It has nothing to do with feelings. I don’t have to worry about how mad Rick is, he just whips me and it’s over, no hard feelings.”

The girls were quiet again so I spoke up. “If you girls want to go out tonight, it would be my treat.” Rachel smiled and chimed in, “I’ll go!” With her breaking the ice, all four agreed we should go dancing. I said that I would sit at the bar to watch from a distance while they had fun.

They had a favorite location for a night of dancing, “The Wolf’s Head Inn.” It has a big dance floor and lots of seating. I took my spot at the bar while the ladies chose a large booth. The bartender got me a scotch rocks as I checked out the other patrons. I tried not to stare at the ladies while they laughed and talked at their table. I could easily watch in the mirror without being obvious.

Jack, the bartender, got me a refill and asked, “Did you notice the table of milfs behind you? They’re pretty nice looking.”

I smiled and said, “Of course I noticed, do I look gay? You think I can get a dance?”

He chuckled. “It can’t hurt to ask.”

“Good point, watch my drink.” I stood and strolled over. “Any of you fine milfs want to dance?”

I was a little surprised when Rachel immediately said, “I’d love to dance.” But Leah spit her drink out and said, “No way, not until I get a dance.” So we danced, two dances that I kept less than intimate so we didn’t look like a couple. I figured if I broke the ice everyone would be dancing soon. When we returned, I held my hand out to Rachel and we boogied for one song. Then we stayed out for a second dance when Leah came out with a dance partner. After my second dance with Rachel I complimented her and went back to the bar. When I looked back, all four were dancing with other men.

“Why’d you stop? It looked like you were doing well!” Jack asked.

“Pacing myself, I got all night. Besides, my Dewars was calling.” I downed my half watered down scotch and got another. “Jack, can you let the server know that I’ll be covering the tab for that table.” He looked at me surprised and shaking his head with a smile. The ladies spent as much time dancing as they could handle. Leah had settled in dancing with the same partner until late. He even sat with them at the table for some time as did one other fellow.

The man Leah had been dancing with looked about 40 years old, about six foot with broad shoulders and slightly curly brown hair. I went to the table and made it look like I was hitting on Rachel. I was actually listening to and talking to Mark, the guy Leah had been dancing with. He seemed nice enough. Definitely not married anymore. He said he was divorced and I believed him.

Leah headed to the restroom so I did the same a minute later and caught her coming out. “You can kiss him if you want to, just make sure I can see.” I went back to the bar where Jack once again refilled my scotch.

Jack asked, “Which one are you after?”

“I already have one. The brunette on the end is my wife.” His mouth opened and then he smiled shaking his head. Leah got up and grabbed Mark’s hand to go to the dance floor. “Watch this,” I said. They stopped right in front of me and Jack. She turned around and planted her mouth on Mark’s. They kissed for a solid minute.

My cock was hard and Jack just kept saying, “Oh my god.” The dancing became much more physical. Mark was holding her ass through the dress and pulling up her hem. She kept rubbing her tits on his chest and pushing her hips into his crotch. Jack was gawking at them and asked, “Are you just gonna let this go on?”

I smiled at him and said, “She’s doing it all for me. Want to see something cool? Watch this.” I caught Leah’s eye and made the universal sign for a blowjob. She smiled and immediately took Mark’s hand and walked towards the parking lot.

“What the fuck. You are some fucked up couple,” Jack exclaimed.

I walked over to the table and talked to the ladies. I told them that the bill is paid and that Leah and I were leaving once she finished giving Mark a blowjob. I told them we should do this once a month but I would not turn a blind eye to cheating on their husbands. They all agreed.


The last day of my vacation was a day of rest. I explained to Leah my expectations while I’m at work. She is to stay at home, keep the house spotless, cook delicious food, pay the bills, and greet me from work naked and preferably horny. “Sir, may I speak?”

“Yes, slut, what is it?”

“I want to apologize again for my mistake. I was warned that I would be punished but I must. The apology at the campground was too little. I’ve had time to think about it now and want nothing more than to make my feelings heard. Would that be alright as long as I’m willing to take my discipline?”

I nodded. “I still can’t explain exactly why I was a cheating whore that day. Today I want you to know that I have never been anything but fully in love with you. Since that fateful day I have found myself more and more in love with you. You seem stronger, sexier, more masculine than ever before. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am right now.”

Her welts were now on top of other welts. Her ass has been beaten hard this week, but she was happy and so was I.

4th of July

Leah had already shown her tenacity by learning to deepthroat way before her deadline. Still, I had to fulfill my dream. We went to the fireworks in my town and set up way away from the crowd. I can’t explain how it feels to blow your load down your wife’s throat while watching the grand finale, but I want it every year.

July 28th

I usually don’t make a big deal about my birthday but this year was going to be special. Leah didn’t need to practice with me since she had butt plugs. She did wear them around the house some but once I went back to work I wasn’t sure how much.

I came downstairs in the morning to the smell of coffee and breakfast as usual. Leah was naked and beautiful today with a red jewel in her ass. When we finished breakfast she got all excited and pulled me into the garage. “May I speak sir?” I nodded. “Do you want to see your present?” I nodded. She pulled the cover off my bike to see that it had a brand new custom seat. “I already sat on it, it’s super comfy.” I was so happy, we went for a long cruise that afternoon.

When we got home I told Leah to strip. When she bent over I saw the red jewel between her cheeks. “Come over here.” She came over and knelt. I said, “Assume the position.” She complied. I began to slowly pull on the butt plug. It was stubborn. It must be bigger than I remember. Finally it popped out, nice and warm and slimy. “Are you ready to take my cock anally?”

“Yes sir, I’m looking forward to it. I hope to make you love fucking my ass, sir.” I stripped off all my clothes. My ass hammer was hard as steel since I refrained from sex for two days. Her asshole was still gaping open so I lubed up her ass cheeks and sphincter. My cock literally slid right in. Since the entry was so smooth I felt an urge to pound her ass hard. Watching her cheeks rippling with each collision was a sensory delight. My cock couldn’t hold out very long before I pumped the first of many loads into her sweet ass. It was almost anticlimactic. “I want to do that again. Suck me hard again, slut.” She didn’t flinch, taking my cock and shoving it in her mouth. It may not have had much taste anyway since I warned her to give herself an enema to start the day.

“Congratulations, you have successfully made your deadline. I’m very proud of you Leah. Now I will fuck your ass so that YOU can cum.” She looked back at me smiling widely. Her sphincter had closed back up by now, so I slowly rammed my cock up her poop chute. She gasped this time from the intrusion. I sawed in and out slowly at first then faster and faster until I was pounding her hard. Leah was making noises on every stroke until I put my hand under her and rubbed her pussy which may her explode instantly into a gushing, squirting orgasm. It was the first time she had done that. A minute later I asked, “Did you like getting your ass fucked slut?”

She looked up dazed and confused, “We should do that more often!”

September 16th

“Leah, come over here.” She quickly came over to kneel by my side. “I have one more task for you to make me a happy man. I want to see it happen once in my life. I want to see you have sex with a woman. I haven’t figured out the details yet but what are your thoughts?”

Leah smirked, “It makes me wet thinking about it. I can’t wait to accomplish this goal. May I make a suggestion?” I nodded. “Maryanne was my best friend before she lashed out at you. I think she just wanted to protect me. Maryanne and I had flirted and even kissed before after a girls night out. I think she would be into it if you would let her back into the fold.”

“I need her to respect me before that happens. She was out of line that night and I can’t just allow her to slide. She would have to apologize to me personally. You can use my phone to contact her. If she is willing to come here and apologize, I will veto my previous banishment. She will be welcome to our ladies nights out. The rest is up to you.”

Leah took my phone in the bedroom for close to an hour. In the end she was able to convince her best friend to come by our house to apologize.

September 18th

I was determined to be sure Maryanne wasn’t just giving me lip service. When she rang the doorbell, Leah answered the door naked. Maryanne looked a bit shocked but still hugged Leah back. “I’ve missed you,” she said.

“Leah!!” It’s all I had to say for her to kneel next to me. So far Maryanne was taking everything in stride.

She took a breath and started, “Look Rick, Leah talked to me for a long time on the phone. Everything she said made me realize that you are being a generous man and Leah is totally in love with you. I’m sorry about the things I said. I love Leah so much and just couldn’t understand what was happening. I understand so much better now. I’m happy because Leah is happy. I hope you will forgive me so I can be with my best friend.”

I smiled, “I’m glad you’re back, Leah has missed you. I hope you will join us at the next girls night out.” Maryanne graciously accepted the invitation.

September 26th

Maryanne joined us at girls night out. I took my place as usual at the bar with Jack. After downing my first scotch, I asked Maryanne for a dance. I figured it was the best way to show bygones were bygones. She was sweet and engaging. We talked about Leah mostly. When our dance was over I returned to my spot with Jack. “The new one is pretty hot, is she single?”

“She is indeed single. Tonight my wife is after her. Things could get interesting, Jack.”

Jack shook his head, “Things are interesting every time you’re here.”

The girls often danced with each other, but I instructed Leah to spend extra time dancing with Maryanne. While the other girls danced mostly with guys, Leah kept Maryanne for herself. The slow songs were especially interesting. Leah would hold Maryanne tight to her body with her head on Maryanne’s shoulder. After several rounds of drinks they both were caressing each other’s asses. Tits were mashing on tits.

When they finally sat down with everyone else at the table, Maryanne grabbed Leah’s neck and pulled her in for a long deep kiss. The other girls all stared in awe. When the kiss ended they both looked over towards me and smiled. I looked at them in the mirror and winked back with a smile. It looked like they had planned the kiss which made my cock jump to full attention. I wondered what else they were discussing.

It had become customary for me to drive a couple of the girls home after these nights so the husbands wouldn’t have to come out so late. Once they were delivered home only Maryanne was left. I smirked and asked, “Would you like to come to our house for another drink, Maryanne?”

She smirked back, “You know I do,” in a low sultry voice. Now my cock was throbbing with the implication that there was no doubt what was about to happen. My heart was pounding at the excitement. Leah had a look of many emotions. Even if she was tipsy, she looked lustful, excited, nervous, but also somewhat confident.

Leah immersed herself back into her submissive roll at home. She stripped and made us drinks. When she knelt next to me I asked, “Would you rather sit on the couch?”

“Yes sir,” she said, and slipped in next to Maryanne on the couch. I smiled and started to try to make small talk but the second I spoke, they dove into a passionate kiss. I was caught off guard and just shut my mouth.

Maryanne cupped my wife’s beautiful little tits while kissing her. She lightly twisted her nipples then messaged each perfect orb. Leah seemed to want the same thing since she impatiently ripped Maryanne’s shirt over her head and threw it to the floor. Maryanne was in a hurry as well, taking her own bra off and flinging it away. She has very nice c-cup titties with pink puffy nipples that currently looked highly aroused.

Leah wasted no time getting one hand on her left tit and her mouth sucking in the right nipple and slathering it with saliva, making obscene sucking noises. Both were now moaning in appreciation of the other’s attentions. This is when I discreetly pulled out my hard cock and started slowly jerking it.

Maryanne still had the advantage of a naked Leah, so she took advantage by moving her hand down over Leah’s pussy. She started rubbing her full hand over Leah’s womanhood. I could hear wetness and soon saw wetness spreading around her pussy and on Maryanne’s hand. Within moments, the middle finger started darting in and out of Leah on each stroke of the hand. The hand rubbing over her clit was getting Leah very worked up until she grabbed Maryanne’s hand to stop it.

“Take your pants off,” Leah demanded while breathing hard and fast. Maryanne stood and quickly stripped off her pants while looking at me stroke myself. She gave me a knowing smile then sat back down naked. Leah pushed her down on her back, then lunged on top of Maryanne for a kiss. She looked down between them to see her tits hanging on top of Maryanne’s and swung them trying to make as much nipple to nipple contact as possible. Then she gyrated her hips for some clit on clit stimulation. The two were getting very close when Leah stopped and Maryanne protested.

“I’ve got to taste you,” Leah whispered. She slid off the couch, dragging Maryanne’s left leg with her. Now staring at Maryanne’s snatch, Leah put her fingertips on the outer lips, making Maryanne shudder in anticipation. She spread the outer lips and began teasing her excited clit with her thumb. She covered her fingers in Maryanne’s juices and lubed her nubin with it, then took a sample to her mouth.

It was too much for me, I shot my load and they didn’t even notice. Leah finally leaned in to take a lick. “MMMMMMMM.” Maryanne was squirming and moaning while Leah licked around her clit and then went down and plunged her entire tongue into Maryanne.

“Oh my god, oh my god,” Maryanne squeaked. Leah went back to work on her clit and replaced her tongue with two fingers in the hot hole. Maryanne began to thrash her hips. “FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, I’m gonna CUUUM!!” Leah removed her tongue and stopped moving her fingers. “No!! Don’t stop!! I need to cum!!” Leah slowly started pushing her fingers in and out again but gave no tongue yet.

Leah looked at me and gave a smirk. My cock was stiff again so I was back to a slow roll. Leah could see I was back in the game. She was waiting for me to catch up!!! Her focus was my enjoyment!! I was floored that she could be this deep into sex and still be aware of what her assignment was. “Good girl,” I said calmly. Maryanne was pushing her hips up trying to get the fingers in her. Leah went back to licking her inner thighs and labia but avoided her clit for some time.

“PLEASE LEAH!!!” Finally Leah gave in and sucked Maryanne’s clit between her lips, switching between flicking her tongue over it and sucking on it agressively. “OH FUCK!!! YES, YES, YES, SHIIIIT!!! I’M CUMMING!!” So was I for the second time. Leah just switched over to lapping up what juices she could get.

They rested for a bit before Maryanne said, “OK, now it’s your turn. Boy I’ve wanted to do this for a long time.” She turned to me and winked as I sat there covered in my own jizz. Maryanne stood up, grabbed Leah’s legs and dragged them over the armrest of the couch until her ass was on top and placed a pillow under the small of her back.

Maryanne looked dreamily at Leah’s sexy little snatch. She swished her fingers over the top just admiring the look and feel of it. Then she spread Leah’s knees wider and brought her mouth down. She started by using her tongue to separate the labia up and down several times. They both moaned from the stimulus. She darted her tongue into the hole several times making Leah gasp loudly. Finally she paid homage to her perked up button. Leah moaned long and loud with the attention now bringing her closer to release.

“FUCK, oh you are good at this. How are you so good?”

Maryanne broke off long enough to say, “I had a little training in college from my lesbian roommate.” When she resumed licking my wife she added a finger in her love canal. A moment later it was two fingers, and then three.

I was in awe. “Go for four,” I said. So she did, sawing her four fingers in and out. “You’re hands are so tiny, I feel like you could get the whole thing in.”

“I can try,” she exclaimed.

Leah looked apprehensive, “Wait, what? No, that’s not gonna work.”

I smiled at her and said, “Let her make you her slutty bitch.” She nodded at both of us. Maryanne pointed her hand as skinny as she could make it and started pushing in. She got to the last knuckle of her thumb before retreating. Then she pushed in again. Leah moaned very loudly as the last hump strained against her resistant pussy. I thought it was going in until Maryanne pulled back again. I pulled out the astroglide and gave her a squirt on the hand. She pushed in again with another loud moan from Leah. Pushing and pushing when finally her whole hand slid in up to her wrist.

“OH MY GOD,” Leah screamed. Then convulsed heavily in a bone crushing orgasm. Maryanne was smiling triumphantly. She twisted her hand back and forth a little as Leah’s orgasm continued to shake her body over and over. Leah reached down and yanked Maryanne’s hand out of her, but continued spasming uncontrollably several times before leveling off into mere aftershocks. Maryanne lovingly held her from the side of the couch until her body had recovered. “Fuck,” Leah said on a long exhale.

We all got dressed and drove Maryanne home. As we pulled up to her place I said, “Oh, I almost forgot!! Jack, the bartender at The Wolf’s Head Inn wants you to have his number. He thinks you’re hot and I told him you were single. I handed her the slip of paper.

“You mean that hot guy that was serving you? Fuck yeah!” Leah and Maryanne both got out and kissed good night.

June 16th (one year later)

The rest of the year was like a dream for me. Leah was a perfect wife in every way. My sexual needs were attended to no matter what I wanted. The kink I had found was expoited. I really only wanted Doug and Kyle to plow my wife for now. None of my other friends knew about any of this yet. I knew they would find out eventually but for now it was another case of being more humiliating for me. The girls nights out continued monthly. I had Leah giving deserving men blow jobs a few times.

Leah cooked and cleaned so well I think she was enjoying it. She also added some workout equipment to the basement so she could stay in shape for me. I was proud of the level of commitment she had put into the past year.

“Leah, would you come out here please?” I was stoking the fire while Kyle and Doug sipped their bourbons. Today was the last day of bike week. I had decided that going camping during bike week would become a tradition. Leah came out of the tent she had been tidying up. “Come over here and take off your clothes.” Being naked around other people, especially the guys, had become normal to Leah. She swiftly got naked and automatically knelt next to me.

“Leah, one year ago you hurt me badly. My plan to save our marriage was one year of reparations. Today is the last day of that one year. I never could have expected a better outcome from you. I am so proud of the way you embraced the situation and tried so hard.” Tears rolled down her cheeks and I could see the boys welling up as well. I started to choke up myself. “As of tomorrow morning we will never again speak of the incident one year ago. You will take your rightful place as my loving wife without any of the previous rules or punishments going forward. You may get a job if you want to and we will share household chores. Do you have anything to say?”

Leah looked up at me with tears now soaking her whole face. “Yes sir. May I stand?” I nodded. She looked me in the eyes as she spoke. “The last year has been incredible. Maybe the best in my life. I learned how much I loved you and you showed me how much you love me.” Leah had to stop while she sobbed. “Somehow you became the sexiest man alive for me. And you made me feel so special. I know all this was supposed to be some sort of punishment but every bit of it was enjoyable. Therefore, I don’t want any of this to stop. I want you to be my dominant and whip me if I’m bad. I want you to use me in every sexual way you want. I want to stay home to take care of you, our house, and our guests. I want to kneel naked at your feet and call you sir. And I want you to call me slut and whore anytime you want. Would that be alright, sir? Can I please continue being your sub?”

“Whatever makes you happy, I love you. I wanted to cry, but as a dom I learned that was not allowed. I hadn’t expected such devotion from my wife. I pulled her into a hug as she cried. When we finally broke apart I said, “I have something for you.” Kyle handed me a box and I opened it. I turned it around toward Leah and she collapsed to her knees.

“Oh my god, it’s beautiful. Thank you sir.”

“I want you to wear this diamond choker whenever you are naked at home or riding with me.” It was leather with gold and diamonds. “It will remind me of your wonderful year of reparations.” I kissed her deeply.

July 28th

We invited Leah’s parents over for my birthday dinner. They had been over at least monthly lately. We always have a good time with them, they love us and we love them. I cooked on the barbecue while Leah did her thing serving drinks and appetizers, entertaining, and above all else making sure I was happy.

As dinner wound down Leah took over the conversation by explaining in detail everything that happened over the previous year. She explained how happy we both are now and how she intended to continue living the same way. She even had the balls to give many of the sexual details. Nothing about sharing though. They both reiterated what they have always said, they’re happy if we’re happy.

Leah smiled and looked at her parents, “So it turns out I’m 8 weeks pregnant. You guys are the first to know.” With the news her parents jumped out of their seats and hugged us both. Her mom crying happy tears.


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Several times Leah told me she stopped her birth control while taking a load of man tears from one of the guys. I loved the thought of her having unprotected sex with another man, but it was never true. This baby was mine but we might take some risks for our second child. While I wait, I get a couple kinks off my list, fucking a pregnant woman and watching another man come in my pregnant wife. Haha, my wife makes me happy!


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