The Start of Something Ch. 02 by ShittyVoyagerEpisode,ShittyVoyagerEpisode

Author’s note: this is the second half of a slow-burn enemies-to-lovers erotic romance. The first part was told from the perspective of Dina, and this is Oliver’s recounting of the same events. Enjoy!


It’s Friday night, and I just want to go home, not be stuck here in this noisy, crowded bar. But I promised Steve I’d come out with him tonight, so he wouldn’t seem like “a creepy loser with no friends”—his words, not mine.

Of course, Steve isn’t creepy, nor is he a loser—he’s a good guy. Smart and successful. And kind. Loyal too—he’s helped me get over a tough situation more than once—so he deserves my time tonight, even if it’s inconvenient.

As we drink and chat, as he scans the room and feels out of place, he suddenly runs into a friend of a friend, a beautiful woman who seems to have a bit of a crush on him. I soon notice my presence is no longer required, and I decide to give them some privacy. Steve’s smiling and grinning like an idiot, and he definitely wants me gone, immediately, like five minutes ago.

I pat his back, grin, and murmur, “good luck,” and he grins back. “Thanks, Oliver. I’ll see you later.”

I politely say my goodbyes, and am about to leave, when I see Dina at the bar. Dina, my smart, sexy, adorable coworker, who I can never resist sparring with. She’s sitting alone and looks breathtakingly beautiful. Her bright, glossy hair is pulled back, she’s wearing black eyeliner, and her dark eyelashes frame her beautiful eyes. At the mere sight of her, my cock twitches.

I think about Dina often, and my thoughts are usually pornographic. Right now, I’m picturing her on her knees, naked. She looks up at me, grips the base of my cock, then smiles and takes me slowly into her wet, willing mouth, her tongue teasing the head of my cock….

She’s probably great with her tongue, too, the little minx. God knows she loves to argue with me. She’s smart and talented, continually impressing me with her ideas, with the intense way she persuades others to follow her lead. I love being around her, seeing her bright, sparkling mind spin and spin.

I know I shouldn’t argue with her, shouldn’t antagonize her, but I can’t fucking resist. The way her eyes narrow at me, the way her nostrils flare, the way she eloquently and efficiently tells me I’m wrong—not in so many words, she’s far too classy for that—and the way she thoroughly impresses me and every other damn person lucky enough to be in a meeting with her. I’m addicted to it all.

Speaking of meetings, I need to stop thinking about fucking her, hard, on the conference room table. My fantasies have become just a bit too vivid, and, sooner or later, she’ll notice that I’m always trying to discreetly hide my hard-on when she’s around. I’ve had to stop sitting next to her—it’s just too dangerous to be so close to her.

She’s wearing tight jeans tonight, and I nearly groan when I see her firm, round ass. I want to grab that ass, worship that ass, and hold onto that ass… when she’s on all fours and I’m pounding relentlessly into her and making her cry and scream. Fuck, I’m giving myself a hard-on right here in this crowded bar.

I tell my cock to stop thinking about her as I approach, but pause and frown when I see she’s very animatedly talking to the tall, attractive bartender, smiling and pouting seductively at him.

I want her to stop looking at him like that. I want her to look at me like that, goddammit, with those fuck-me eyes and that full, pouting mouth. I want to grab her and kiss her and taste her, so passionately, so possessively, that she stops looking at all other men like that.

I sit next to her and smile, attempting my most relaxed, friendly tone. “Mind if I join you? My buddy is over there desperately flirting with a cute girl and it’s just too painful to watch.”

Why the fuck did I just say that Steve’s striking out? It doesn’t even make sense. I guess I just want her to think I’m desperate to get away from Steve, not that I’m desperate to sit next to her. To look at her beautiful face, those beautiful eyes, that beautiful mouth, and goddammit Oliver, just fucking ask her out already.

She looks at me and stops smiling. Damn. She doesn’t want to see me, talk to me, or even spend a minute with me, because I fucking annoy and antagonize and irritate her. And of course, I have no one to blame but myself. Christ, I’m a fucking idiot around her.

“If you want,” she says flatly, and clearly no, she does not want me sitting here, but I decide to ignore her and sit there anyway. Maybe I can turn things around. Maybe I can finally make a good impression, and resist the urge to fight with her every goddamn second she’s around.

I resolve to do better, and just when I’m trying to think of the right friendly-and-charming thing to say, she suddenly tenses and grabs my arm. “My ex is here. I have to go,” she gasps. She’s panicking, frozen. I frown when I see how badly her hands are shaking.

I touch her arm and softly say, “Let me walk you out.” I guide her to the door, gently putting my hand on the small of her back. “I get it,” I say, even though I’m not quite sure I do. I just see the pain and hurt in her eyes, and I know that expression all too well. So… maybe I do get it, after all.

I notice her hands are still shaking, so there’s no fucking way I’m letting her drive home tonight. I want to comfort her, to hold her close and tell her it’ll all be ok. A goddamn cliché, I know, but there it fucking is.

“Let me drive you home,” I say, and, amazingly, she agrees. I guide her to my car, half-afraid she’ll bolt once she remembers she hates me. But she gets in my car without any protest. As I drive, I’m quiet, not wanting to probe or pry. If she wants me to know what’s going on, she’ll tell me.

After a bit, she does just that, telling me the jackass had lied about being married, had used Dina to cheat on his wife. And tonight, he was at the bar, having dinner with his wife.

No wonder she’s so upset. At this very moment, I want to turn the car around, demand she point him out to me, and punch his fucking lights out. I’m not ordinarily a violent man, but in this case, I think it’s warranted. He hurt her. He hurt Dina.

With a start, I realize that this is more than just a crush. And, amazingly, I discover that I don’t really mind.

I try to find the right words to comfort her. I remind her that she’s a strong person, that this is just an echo of the pain he’d already caused her, and, amazingly, my murmured words seem to help. I’m grateful for that, because I don’t have the first fucking clue what to do or say right now.

I must be doing something right though, because suddenly, hesitantly, she invites me up for a drink. I’m thrilled, of course.

Oh, honey, I want to say, I always want to go up for a fucking drink with you. I just want to be near her, spend time with her, listen to her witty banter, and look at her beautiful smile.

. . . . .

Now, we’re in her apartment, and I have to tell myself to relax. This is my opportunity to finally convince her that I’m not some juvenile idiot who can’t resist the urge to pull her pigtails and snap her bra.

Speaking of her bra… it’s slightly chilly in here, and I can most definitely make out the outline of her nipples through her t-shirt. I have to force myself to look away, as I ask for a gin and tonic. I also have to discreetly cover my crotch with my arm, so she doesn’t see just how hard I’m getting. How hard she’s making me.

Fuuuck, Oliver! Stop it. Just, stop. Don’t be a jackass. Don’t be a goddamn horny jackass. She deserves better than this.

As she hands me the drink, our fingers briefly touch, and it’s like a bolt of electricity flashes from her hand to mine. I can’t stop grinning at her, but perhaps she’ll forgive me that. After all, I’m no longer acting like an immature schoolboy with a crush on a pretty girl. No, I’m behaving like an immature man who is desperately trying not to grab her, throw her down, grind against her, and give her a long, hard kiss.

She picks up her pipe, a smooth glass pipe with orange lines snaking around the sides, presses it to her lips, and I’m completely transfixed. Now, I’m imagining she’s on her knees and her lips are on my cock, instead of that goddamn glass pipe. I want to grab the pipe, throw it across the room, and demand that she take me in her beautiful, beautiful mouth—right here, right fucking now.

Instead, I ask for a hit. I want some weed, sure, but it’s also an excuse as to why I’m looking at the pipe, and her lips, with such intense desire. I hold the pipe as she lights it, her knee lightly brushing against mine. I feel a rush of delight and pleasure coursing through me, and it’s not because of the smoke I’m inhaling. No, it’s all because of Dina and how close to me she’s sitting.

When I hand the pipe back to her, my fingers accidentally brush hers, and I let them linger for just a moment too long. She reddens and I freeze, worried I’ve made her uncomfortable.

So, I smile, lightly touch her arm, and say, “You deserve so much better than that jackass. You’re smart, talented, successful.” I don’t add, and I want to fuck your brains out, because then she’d really run screaming. “And beautiful,” I add, “though you don’t need a man to tell you that.”

At my kind words and gentle tone, she tears up. Immediately, I’m wrapping my arms around her, comforting her. I hate that she’s crying, but I can’t deny how wonderful it is to have her in my arms. How wonderful she is. Her eyes, her smile, her scent, her breath. All of it. I stroke her hair as I comfort her, unsure of what to say, but saying words, nevertheless. “It’s ok. Let me help. Let me make it ok.” And I fucking mean it. I really do.

She looks up at me, a beautiful gaze in her eyes, and puts her hand on my chest. She inhales sharply as she runs her fingers over my pecs, and, shockingly, actually compliments me. “My god, you’re ripped,” she breathes, thrilling me, making my cock twitch.

“I like your curves,” I murmur, noticing my heart is racing and my breath has become slow and ragged.

She blushes, bites her lip, and keeps touching me with her soft, elegant fingers. I’m rock-hard right now, but I no longer care if she notices. Actually… I think I want her to notice.

I look at her and murmur, “Keep going, and you’ll know just how much,” and she gasps. It’s a small, delighted gasp, and now she’s most certainly thinking about my hard cock.

Oh, the things I can do with that cock, honey. If only you knew…

I’m staring now, a hard, wanton stare, and she’s staring right back at me. Her eyes have darkened, her lips are red and parted, and she’s gently biting her lower lip. She’s a fucking vision.

I lean forward and whisper in her ear, “Touch me, Dina. I’m hard for you.” Her eyes widen in shock and arousal, and then, slowly, teasingly, she runs her fingers down my chest, still looking up at me with those big, beautiful eyes. She pauses when she reaches my abs, admiring them breathlessly.

And I’m completely under her spell. How else can I explain the fact that I’m letting her torture me like this? I think that at some point, she even asked if she should keep going, but that was a stupid question, so I ignored it. I don’t ever want her to stop. Not. Fucking. Ever.

Finally, after a few years have passed… she grabs my cock, leans forward, and kisses me—and I nearly roar in pleasure. Fireworks are exploding in my brain right now. My head is dizzy and spinning, and I decide this is the best damn kiss of my life.

I groan loudly and pull her onto my lap, facing me, desperately needing to feel her body against mine. As I kiss her and grind my hard cock against her, she sighs and moans, and I pause for a moment to gaze deeply in her eyes. I want to tell her so many things. Tonight, I want to tell her, tonight, I’m going to touch you and feel you and fuck you and taste you, until you know you’re mine, until there’s not a single fucking doubt in your mind.

. . . . .

We’re finally in her bedroom, after I’ve discarded her t-shirt and bra on the living room floor and slowly stroked and admired her soft, curvy breasts. And now, she’s staring at the tent in my boxers, her tongue on her lips, her mouth a seductive pout, and a lustful stare in her eyes. I love the way she’s looking at my cock, and it twitches under her gaze. She reaches out to grab it, but, amazingly, I stop her. I don’t want any distractions while I give her body a long, hard stare.

I adore her body. Her skin is pale, soft, and smooth, with gorgeous olive undertones. She smiles and blushes, and I’m delighted to see her nipples harden under my hard, steely gaze. I pull her to me, kiss her, and slowly, teasingly, take off her jeans. I run my warm fingers over her thighs, and grin when I see her shiver. She’s curvy in all the right places, with a slim waist, flared hips, and the roundest, firmest ass I’ve ever laid my eyes upon.

And, her panties…. They’re purple, lacy, and perfectly hug her gorgeous, curvy hips. I can’t decide if I want to tear them off or admire them on her. “Turn around,” I order, my tone hard and commanding. She does so, slowly, and I fucking growl when I see her backside. I run my fingers over her panty-clad ass, lightly, slowly, reverently.

“Bend over,” I demand, and she complies, wordlessly. Then, I nearly gasp at the sight before me. That ass… Jesus. I grab her pussy from behind, and then, just… groan. “Fuck… you’re soaked,” I gasp through gritted teeth. I pull her up, holding her tightly against me, and finally allow myself to push my cock against her soft, firm ass. She feels like heaven.

I kiss her neck, place my hand on her throat, and softly whisper in her ear, “God, I’ve wanted this. I’ve wanted you.” My cock twitches against her when she moans and shudders. “And I’ve thought about you… more than once,” I continue, my voice thick and hard. Now she’s gasping and panting at my words, at my soft breath against her skin. Exactly the effect I was going for.

I kiss her neck, lightly teasing her with my tongue, chuckling at her surprised gasps. Then, I turn her around to face me and give her a deep, passionate kiss… and she kisses me right back. I groan as I palm her breast and stroke her hard nipple, and now she’s practically panting with arousal.

I bend down and whisper, “Dina… It was torture being in a meeting with you. I wanted to fuck you right there on the conference room table…. You gave a hard-on in a roomful of people, you little slut.” All true, too.

She gasps and smiles, clearly delighted by my words. I grin and add, “If avoided looking at you… well, that’s why.” She moans, leans forward, and kisses me, and I respond like a fucking animal who has been waiting for that kiss all night.

And now, I just want to throw her down like a caveman and ravish her, but manage to merely push her down on the bed. At this, she actually starts panting, and I’m starting to suspect that yes, she very much wants me to act like a caveman around her. Oh, I am going to have so much fun with you, Dina. Just you wait and see.

I’m still standing, completely taken by the vision lying before me, and she’s giving me the same wanton stare right back. This incredible, gorgeous woman wants me in her arms and in her bed, just as much as I want her. I’m floored.

I pull off my boxers, and she actually gasps when she sees my hard cock spring out. I know I’m bigger and thicker than average, and I know I’m standing at full-fucking-mast right now, but her reaction is so much better than anything I could have hoped for. She’s openly staring now: her mouth open, her tongue on her lips, her chest visibly rising and falling.

She shivers, and I give her a deep, throaty laugh. I am just so delighted by her, everything about her. Her face, her lips, her voice, her scent, her mind… it’s just all so delightfully Dina.

I stroke her lower lip with my thumb and whisper, “I love these gorgeous lips.” Roughly, urgently, I press my mouth to hers and finally lay on top of her, enthralled by how small she is compared to me. I just want to take her and taste her and ravish her and make her fucking mine.

I hold her tightly, and slowly push my cock against her. I’m desperate to be inside her, but tonight, I’m going to take my time. I’m going to kiss and stroke and taste every inch of her beautiful body, worshipping her for the goddess she is. Because, somehow, by some miracle, I’m in bed with this goddess.

I kiss her forcefully, ferociously, plunging my tongue deeply into her mouth, and groan when she responds by sucking it. Then, I grab her hair at the root and gently pull, and she moans against my lips. I pull harder, she moans more loudly, and now I really know she likes it rough. Oh Dina. You’re really going to moan and scream tonight.

I kiss down her neck, eliciting some very satisfying, delightful moans from my goddess, stopping when my lips reach the top of her breast. I palm her other breast, stroking her nipple teasingly.

“So soft,” I murmur, as I kiss her pale, perfect breasts. “You’re more gorgeous than I ever imagined. And believe me, Dina. I’ve imagined you a lot.” She laughs, a low, sexy laugh that makes my cock twitch and my heart stop, and says “I hope I was good.”

“You have no fucking idea,” I groan, as I slowly and gently suck her nipple, now hard and standing at full attention. And I’m driving her absolutely mad with my teasing fingers and tongue. She’s moaning and writhing, gasping and clawing at the sheets, so I up the intensity and bite one nipple while pinching the other—gently at first, then with more and more pressure.

“Fuck, yes, Oliver,” she pants and moans, still clawing at the sheets. She looks so entirely sexual and erotic in this moment, that I can hardly stand it. I’m openly grinding against her now, my mind filled with visions of her tight, wet pussy wrapped around my aching cock.

I slowly run my finger down her body, stopping when I get to those evil panties that she’s been wearing for far too long, and rip them off in one quick stroke. She gasps in surprise and pleasure, and I grin. She’s now in bed with me, stripped completely naked, and we’re both gasping and groaning and panting.

I’m in awe of her pussy. It’s so beautiful, so wet, so absolutely fuckable, that I can only groan at the sight of it. Her hair is trimmed in a landing strip, with just the perfect amount of hair.

I slowly stroke her with my middle finger, teasing apart those gorgeous cunt lips… and then I fucking groan. I stroke her clit with my thumb as I push two fingers inside her, growling when I feel just how tight and wet and warm she is. I pump my fingers in and out of her, gradually speeding up as her moans become louder, more insistent. Damn, she really does like it rough. I’m more than happy to oblige.

As I speed up, her moans turn into yelps, then screams, of pleasure. Then, and only then, do I put my tongue on her clit, licking and sucking as I continue fingering her relentlessly. She’s screaming and babbling now, “Oh fuck… yes… Oliver,” and hot damn, is she a screamer.

Soon, she’s writhing and bucking against me, as I growl against her clit. I love feeling her hips and thighs slam against me, my lapping tongue between her legs, my fingers still pumping furiously into her wet, hungry cunt.

“Hold still, darling,” I laugh, in between licks of her delicious pussy. I could do this all fucking night, I really could. Her thighs wrapped around me, her taste on my lips, her intoxicating scent surrounding me, enveloping me.

She’s desperate to cum, but I’m not quite able to push her over the edge, so I demand that she tell me what to do. “Talk to me, honey. Tell me how to make you cum.” She’s unable to reply, too overwhelmed by the pleasure I’m giving her, so I slow down and growl, “You have to cum, darling… so I can fuck your brains out.”

Between moans, she gasps, “On my stomach… with a vibrator on my clit. And… your fingers in my pussy.” Perfect. Now I know exactly what to do to make her fall apart, to make her come undone.

“Let’s do it,” I command, swiftly flipping her on her stomach. “Get your vibrator,” I order in a low growl, but she’s too blissed out to respond.

I’m really fucking impatient now, so I pull her hair, hard. “Darling. Get your goddamn vibrator,” I demand forcefully. “Don’t make me ask you again.” She looks at me and her eyes widen, and I can tell she’s deciding whether to obey me, or keep pushing me, but, finally, she gets her vibrator. I grin when she also puts a condom on the nightstand.

She lies back down on her stomach, places the slim, pink vibrator on her beautiful little clit, and grinds against it rhythmically, practically humping the damn thing, and I am shocked and enthralled by her deep, wanton sexuality.

Her ass looks fucking gorgeous in this position, big, round, firm, and absolutely fucking spankable. I can’t help but marvel at the sexual beast before me. “Your ass is even better than I expected,” I mutter, transfixed by the way her ass moves up and down as she grinds against the bed.

She moans into the pillow as I put two fingers inside her and start pumping. I grab her ass for leverage, still pumping hard, and then I really hear her scream. Damn, even muffled, her cries are loud.

I don’t let up. I just keep pumping, matching her pace, reacting to her cries and moans. She’s so damn responsive that it’s easy to find just the right spot to really make her go wild. As she clenches and moans and grinds against my fingers, I can tell she’s close.

“C’mon. Cum for me, princess. Cum on my fingers, so I can fuck you. Give it to me,” I repeat softly, over and over again, and her moans and cries become even more urgent, her motions even more frenzied.

Then, finally… I push her over the edge, and now she’s crying and moaning and drooling into her pillow and my fingers are completely soaked. I can’t help but grin at the beautiful sight before me.

I give her ass a hard, satisfying smack, and laugh when she yelps. Then, I start pumping my fingers again, harder and faster. She has another orgasm in her, I can tell.

I was right. Almost immediately, she screams, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, yes,” and grips and clenches around my fingers, leaving me shocked and delighted by the intensity of her screams, by the intensity of her orgasm.

I gently flip her on her back and kiss her deeply, passionately, reverently. In between kisses, I whisper sweet nothings in her ear. “Dina… that was incredible. I could watch you cum all day long. You’re just… gorgeous.”

She runs her fingers through my hair and pulls gently, making me gasp and shiver. Then, she whispers in my ear, “Oliver… if that’s what you can do with your fingers,” and I can only growl in reply, a low, savage growl.

She kisses down my neck and chest, making me delirious with anticipation, making me groan and growl in frustration. She keeps going, and now she’s looking up at me, her lips a half-fucking-inch from my hard, straining cock, and it’s all I can do to keep myself from grabbing her by the hair, pushing her mouth onto me, and facefucking her like it’s the last fucking orgasm I’ll ever have.

And now she’s tantalizingly sticking out her tongue, a hair’s inch away from my glistening cock head, asking me, “Should I keep going?” I gasp and groan, my voice hoarse and ragged. “Don’t stop, Dina. Don’t ever fucking stop.” I put my hand on her head, silently willing her to stop fucking torturing me already and put those damn lips on my cock, and, finally, miraculously, she does.

I fucking gasp when I finally feel her mouth on me. She starts slowly, then takes more and more of my thick, hard cock, and now I’m really fucking losing it. Her mouth is perfect. She’s sucking and slurping expertly, teasing me with her tongue and lips. “Fuck… yes… just like that,” I mutter, in between my savage groans.

I’m letting her edge me now, and it’s exquisite torture. I just want to keep feeling those beautiful lips, that skillful tongue, that wet, wet mouth, on my hard, aching cock. Time and time again, she almost pushes me over the edge, but I grit my teeth and somehow manage not to cum all over her beautiful lips and tongue. I grunt and groan as I give myself over to the sensations I’m feeling, to the pleasure she’s giving me.

She’s eagerly sucking now, then tries to take all of me in her mouth. I can’t help but chuckle when she gags. “Careful, darling. Don’t choke,” I say. She pulls back and starts flicking my frenulum with the tip of her tongue… and fuuuuuck.

“Fuck, yes, Dina… just like that…. don’t stop… don’t fucking stop,” I gasp hoarsely.

She’s looking up at me, staring in my eyes as she pleasures me, and I feel something unexpected stir inside me. Something about the way she’s looking at me, something about our absolutely electric connection, is making me feel things for her. And—amazingly—I’m letting myself feel them. I’m stunned.

I pull her mouth off my cock, because I’m dangerously close to cumming. “Fuck, I almost came, you greedy little slut,” I gasp. Roughly, I wrap my arms around her, pull her hair, and plunge my tongue into her willing mouth. I press my lips to her ear and growl, “And now, darling, I’m going to fuck you. And you’ll love every second of it.” A command, not a promise. She moans against me, making me chuckle at the intensity of her desire.

I roll her onto her back and gently stroke her clit with my thumb, giving her a hard, dark stare. I’ve never wanted to fuck a woman more than her, right here and right now. I don’t want to ever stop fucking her. Not until she’s mine. Her mouth, her lips, her eyes, her cunt.

I put on the condom, not taking my eyes off hers. I’m taking my time, watching her watch me, enjoying the look of craving in her eyes. Then, I position my cock at the entrance of her wet, hungry cunt and slide it in slowly. Oh, so slowly.

And then—I’m overcome with pleasure. I knew her pussy would feel incredible when it was wrapped around my cock, but I wasn’t prepared for this. I’m completely overwhelmed, by the sensations, by my emotions, by Dina. My brain is sparkling and spinning and I never want this to stop.

I grit my teeth and force myself to take her slowly. I need to take my time, need to fully experience every inch of her wet, dripping pussy. To make her pant and moan and writhe against my throbbing cock. To pleasure her, over and over again.

I gradually pick up the pace as I lose myself in the sensations, lose myself in her. Her moans and gasps and grunts are becoming louder now, more insistent. After a few minutes of long, slow thrusts, I pull back and let myself really take her, relentlessly pushing and pounding into her delicious pussy. With every thrust, she clenches and grips my cock, already bringing me so close to the edge. “Fuck, you’re so… fucking… tight,” I manage to say, gasping and growling.

“Just like that. Don’t stop, Oliver… don’t stop,” she groans as I push into her so hard that her entire body shakes with the force of my thrusts. Her nails dig into my back, marking me, claiming me. She’s so delightfully sexual, so delightfully open and erotic, that I nearly fucking cum, right then and there.

I pull out just in time, flip her, and put her on all fours. I want to see that delicious ass as I’m thrusting and pounding into her. I caress her, then suddenly spank her, grinning when she gasps. Then, I roughly insert two, and then three, fingers deep inside her wet cunt, and simultaneously, we both gasp and groan. I pump a few times, then forcefully push my cock into her.

As I fuck her, I can’t help but give myself over to my animal instincts. She’s screaming and I’m grunting and growling as I take her mercilessly from behind. I’m grabbing her hip roughly, pulling her hair forcefully, not caring if I mark her soft, beautiful body with my bruises. When she arches her back, I pull her arms behind her, holding her up. Fuuuck. In this position, I can really feel Every. Delicious. Thrust. Into her perfect, perfect pussy.

I’m fucking like a savage now, my balls slapping against her cunt, our wet noises becoming louder and more urgent. She’s whimpering and screaming and I’m grunting and growling and it’s absolutely primal, absolutely perfect.

“Fuck, Oliver, fuck, just like that,” she screams, moaning, yelping, panting, whimpering, crying. With her words, I completely lose myself, thinking of nothing but her wet pussy gripping my cock, her soft, curvy body against mine, her screams of pleasure, and my complete and utter adoration of her.

Once again, I stop just before I cum. I pull out and roughly push her down onto her stomach. I push back into her, and gasp and howl as soon as I’m inside her again. She’s grinding on me, pushing against me, squeezing my cock deliciously, and the sensations almost overpower me. I hold her arms down, pinning her, as I continue to thoroughly take my goddess.

I can tell she loves the feeling of helplessness, and that just makes me thrust more forcefully, more ruthlessly. I can’t take much more of her squeezing and clenching—I’m just too close to orgasm. I need her to cum on my cock, and now.

“I’m so fucking close, Dina,” I groan. “Cum for me. Please… I need to feel you cum… Please cum for me.” I’m openly begging now, something I’ve never done before, and I don’t fucking care. I just need to feel her orgasm, need to feel her tense and clench her pussy around me, as we both cry and shudder our release.

And then, my beautiful goddess obliges, and I feel her twitch and tighten. “Fuck, fuck, Oliver, I’m cumming,” she screams, and I stop holding back. I finally give myself over to her as I gasp and groan and growl her name.

. . . . .

I’m holding her gently in my arms, kissing her slowly and passionately. I will never tire of her kisses, will never tire of her soft, beautiful lips.

“That was… fuck, that was incredible. You’re amazing,” I manage to say, still out of breath from my orgasm, still out of breath from fucking her like an animal.

She sighs and says, “I came so hard… and then, I felt you cum… Thank you.”

I grin. “No, thank you, darling, It was beautiful,” I murmur. I pause, cup her cheek, and softly repeat, “Thank you.”

That last “thank you” is not just for our amazing, mind-blowing sex. No, it’s for everything: our passion together, how she feels in my arms, how she looks at me, how she kisses me, how she touches me, how she fucks me. Everything.

As she looks up at me and smiles, as she sighs and rests her head against my chest, I suddenly realize that she understood what my simple words were trying to convey.

I smile. She finally knows, finally understands, how I feel.

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