Rooms for Rent Pt. 01 by olderhormones,olderhormones

© Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. All characters depicted are 18 years and over.

Sherrie was finishing getting ready to go out with her Mom on this Saturday morning. She had just finished graduating from high school the week before and was actually looking forward to spending the day with her Mom. She dressed in a nice pair of slacks and a pretty blouse so she would look the part of a trainee accompanying her Mom for the day.

She took a last look in the mirror and smiled at herself. Sherrie thought of herself as cute, but others would say that she was beautiful. She had long wavy brunette hair down to her shoulder blades. Her eyes were light brown in color and were as bright as her smile. She was almost tall at five foot five inches. She was also slim with just the right amount of curves and prominent breasts. Basically, she was a copy of her mother, which was not a bad thing at all.

Katherine, her mother, had been a real estate agent for as long as Sherrie could remember, and she was really good at it. She owned her own agency of three other agents and they specialized mostly in high value homes and small retail properties. She made a very good living in her business and of late had begun to branch out into the rental properties business.

Stephen, her Dad, was project manager for a software company. He was also very good at his job. He was playing tennis this morning.

Sherrie’s parents were both very much still in love with each other. Between the two of them they made a very good living and were able to afford a really nice house and cars for everyone. Sherrie sometimes wondered why she was an only child, but for the most part she was very happy with they way her family turned out. She had everything a young person could want plus parents that loved her very much.

After running a brush through her hair one last time Sherrie proceeded downstairs to wait for her mother. It was not long before she came in to join her.

“Morning, mom.”

“Good morning my sweet. Are you about ready to go?”

“Any time you are.”

“Are you still sure you want to waste your day with me? I mean, you could be out with your friends if you wanted.”

“It’s okay, Mom. I want to go with you. It might even be fun.”

“Alright then. Let’s go.”

They went through the house to the garage. After getting in the car Katherine pulled it out of the garage and they proceeded to meet a potential buyer for a property represented by her mother’s firm. Once they got there they proceeded inside to wait for the possible buyers.

Sherrie looked around the house while they waited. It was a huge five bedroom with both a formal living and a den. The kitchen was very high end with two ovens, space for a refrigerator and freezer, the biggest microwave Sherrie had ever seen, and a large breakfast area. Out back was a huge patio with a nice size pool and several trestles for shade. When she finished looking around she returned to her mother.

“This is a really nice house, Mom. How much is the owner asking for it?”

“They would like to get $1.2 million, but my guess they will have to come down to right at $1 million to make a sale.”

“And your commission will be 6%?”

“Actually, my lowest commission will be $60 thousand and in any case will be 6% of anything over $1 million.”

“Wow.” Sherrie was impressed. No wonder her parents were so well off.

They didn’t have to wait long for the potential buyers to show up. It was a family with four kids and they drove up in a really nice car. Katherine introduced herself and Sherrie and took them on a tour of the house. Sherrie stayed mostly silent during the tour as her mother made sure to introduce them to all the features of the house.

Even though she stayed silent during the tour, Sherrie was fascinated watching her mother interact with the potential buyers. Her mother made sure each member of the family was involved in the tour thus getting them all excited about the house. She took her time and made sure that any and all of their questions were answered on the spot without them having to wait for an answer.

After about an hour the potential buyers told Katherine they would get back to her no later than Monday with a decision on the house. Katherine and Sherrie bid them goodbye and they left.

“Well, that went better than I thought it would.” Katherine said.

“Good enough for a sale?” Sherrie asked.

“Maybe, we’ll see. The kids were certainly excited and that is always a good sign.”

It was late in the morning and close to lunch time so Sherrie’s mother took them out to lunch at a place where they could eat outside and enjoy the early June day.

“So are you excited about college this fall?” her mother asked as they ate lunch.

“Oh yes! Especially since Craig will be there with me.” Craig was Sherrie’s boyfriend of three years.

Sherrie’s mother smiled at her. She knew that her daughter had a thing going between the two of them and was very happy for her. Craig was a very nice young man and always seemed to respect her daughter, so the fact that they were intimate with each other always made her smile because Sherrie was always happy when she came home from a date with him. She had few worries about the two of them with her daughter on the pill. And now that they would be together at college her only worries were about the potential of a broken heart as college was not a good place when it came to being faithful as a couple. But she might have a plan up her sleeve to alleviate that worry.

“Speaking of Craig, how would you like it if you two could live together during college?”

Sherrie was flabbergasted. “Oh, Mom. That would be fantastic. Are you sure that arrangement would be okay with you and Dad?”

“Yes. Your Dad and I have already discussed it and we both agree that if you both lived in dorms it would cause you to waste a lot of time just trying to get together. If you came home to each other every night it would save time, money, and hopefully give you both more study time.”

Sherrie got up and hugged her Mom and then kissed her on the cheek. She sat back down and her mother continued.

“I’m currently looking into housing for the both of you, but I don’t have anything set just yet. I will let you know when things get a little closer.”

“Thank you, Mom. This means more to me than you could know.”

“Oh I think I have an idea what it means to you. But just remember, it may take some time until I can get all the arrangements made.”

Sherrie let the topic go at that. She was sure her mother would find something for them before school started in the Fall.

They returned home after they finished their lunch. When they got there Sherrie’s Dad was fixing some lunch for himself. He had gotten home earlier and showered after his tennis game.

“Hi, Dad. How was your tennis match?”

He smiled at his daughter. “Pretty nice. I lost six matches to three, but it was fun.”

“That’s what matters when it comes to exercise.” Sherrie said.

She continued upstairs to her room. She wanted to get out of her clothes and into her bikini so she could lay out by the pool in back. She grabbed a towel and her phone when she was changed and proceeded to the pool edge. She spread her towel on a lounge chair and lay on her back while slightly propped up. Then she called Craig.

When he did not answer she suddenly remembered where he was today. He was with his parents at the lake on their ski boat. She did not leave a message as she would see him tonight on their date.

After bringing up some tunes she put down her phone and laid back enjoying the June sun. When it got too hot for her she would swim a few laps in the pool, reapply her suntan lotion, and switch sides on the lounge chair. After an hour she decided she had enough sun for one day and returned to her room.

Once there, she stripped out of her bikini and took a shower to remove the suntan lotion and sweat from herself. When she was clean and her hair freshly shampooed, she dried her hair, pulled on a tee shirt and panties, and then she took a nap. She dreamed of her and Craig living together and making love any time they felt like it.

After an hour of sleep she woke up and opened her laptop to surf the web a while. She still had a few hours before Craig would pick her up and she was basically wasting time until then. After an hour surfing the web she decided to pass some time reading a novel. It was a good trashy one with lots of romance and sex which she really enjoyed. It made her horny and she decided to masturbate to relieve the pressure. She removed her panties and began to rub her clitoris until she was wet. Then she used her fingers to spread her moisture around her shaved vaginal area and vulva.

When she was wet enough she inserted two fingers into herself and used her other hand to massage her clitoris. She was imagining how Craig fucked her. He had a really nice cock and he always started out slowly when he fucked her. But she really needed release so she sped up her fingers going in and out of her cunt. When Craig got this fast he was close to release himself and she felt herself building to a good climax.

She pounded her cunt with her fingers and rubbed her clitoris with abandon. Suddenly her climax rolled over her, her body shaking as her ass lifted off the bed. She was determined to make it last as long as she could and so she continued to pump her fingers in and out of herself and rub her clitoris until it was finally all over. She lowered her hips back down on the bed only to discover she had leaked a little making a wet spot under her. A smile came over her when she realized this, it made her feel so sexy when she did that.

As she laid there basking in the aftermath of her climax she thought about how she looked forward to her date with Craig. As good as it was to masturbate, having a dick in her was what she really wanted. Craig was a great lover and she so much enjoyed making love to him. Making him cum in her was the greatest thing ever.

Finally, she got up off the bed and went to her bathroom to clean up. She washed herself clean and dried her womanhood. Then she went back to her room and dressed for her date tonight. She pulled on a nice bra and pantie set. Then she pulled on a nice frilly blouse and a pair of jean shorts. Lastly she put on short white socks and a nice pair of tennis shoes. She put a wallet and phone in her back pocket and her keys in her jeans pocket.

Lastly she ran a brush through her hair. She made a last check in the mirror and decided she was as ready as she needed to be. She went downstairs to get a snack and watch a little TV.

Her Dad and Mom were already watching TV together so she joined them on the big sofa. They were watching a tennis match and Sherrie had to admit it was a pretty good one. After a while she went to the kitchen to get a snack and returned with it to the sofa. Craig would not be there until seven so her snack was just something to hold her until he got there.

When the tennis match was over her parents turned control of the TV to her and they went to prepare dinner. Sherrie found a movie to watch until Craig arrived. She had seen the movie before so she surfed her phone while she watched.

Just as the movie credits were rolling Craig arrived and rang the doorbell. Sherrie rushed to the front door and opened it. She grabbed Craig in a big hug and then led him into the breakfast area where her parents had just finished their dinner.

“Hi, Craig. How was your day on the lake?” Katherine asked.

“It was great. It was perfect weather for water skiing.”

“How are you parents?” Stephen asked.

“They’re good. All of us had a great time today.”

Sherrie held on to Craig’s arm as they all talked. She loved it that her parents liked Craig and his family. And he always seemed to like to converse with her parents. But finally they had to leave so they said goodbye an got into Craig’s SUV. She immediately moved across the console to hug and kiss him. Of course he returned her hugs and kisses in kind. She felt so good in his arms. Eventually they broke the embrace.

“I’m hungry.” he said. “Where do you want to go to eat?”

“Anywhere you want. Just so I can be close to you.”

He smiled at her and pulled out of the driveway. He took her to a Mexican food place they both liked. They sat side by side in a booth and ordered their food.

“I have something to ask you.” She said. “How would you like to live with me all through college?”

He looked at her in surprise. “Are you kidding? That would be great!”

“Well, don’t get too excited. But my Mom is looking for us a place to live. If she finds one she already told me she and Dad would not mind if we lived together.”

“Oh my God!” Craig brought her into a big hug and kissed her. “So when will we know if this is real?”

“Knowing Mom, probably pretty soon, depending on the housing market near the campus. We just need to give her a little time to find the right deal. Then we can plan on moving in soon after that.”

Their food arrived soon after that and they continued their conversation about living together as they ate. Both of them were really excited about the possibility of living together through college and could not help but make plans as though the deal was a sure thing. They took their time eating as it would not be dark until eight thirty, and the dark is for lovers.

When they were finished Craig drove them to their favorite place near the lake. It was off the man road and down a dirt road to a dead end overlooking the lake. It was just in time to watch the sunset as they held each other in the front seats.

There was no need for conversation as they pulled each other closer. Each was in love with the other even though they were unsure what that really meant. What was important to them was that they had each other, that they loved being with each other, and they they enjoyed the intimacy of sex with each other. They always began by kissing each other, making it last a long time.

Sherrie loved the feel of Craig’s lips on hers and the way their tongues intertwined when they kissed. When they hugged each other with their clothes on she always pressed her breasts into his chest making sure he felt them against him. She was turned on by him so much and she wanted to make sure he felt the same.

“God I love you, Sherrie. You always turn me on when we are together.”

“Mmmmm, I like the sound of that, because you always turn me on as well.”

The sun had slipped below the horizon and they were now ready to move to the next level with each other. They both got out of the SUV and opened the back doors. They dropped the back seat down so that there was a nice flat surface for them. Next came laying a blanket down and then a pillow that was stored in the back area. They moved inside and laid down on the blanket.

Sherrie moved so that she was partially on top of him so she could get as close to him as she could. The resumed their kissing and were soon pawing each other.

“I want to see you naked while there is still a little light.” She said.

She began to slowly undress him, first removing his shirt and then his shoes and shorts. With a short pause to admire his body, she lastly removed his briefs revealing his cock in all its glory.

“Now you.” he said.

First he removed her blouse and then her shorts. Her shoes came next and then her bra. Her breasts were perfect in his eyes as always. Slowly he removed her panties revealing her mostly shaved pussy which was already slightly moist. He embraced her naked body and returned to kissing her again. Their hands were now exploring each other as they embraced.

It was now almost dark outside as they continued their love making. The windows to the SUV were down as the mosquitoes were not out yet this time of year. A light breeze was blowing keeping their bodies cool as their passion grew hotter. Sherrie had taken his cock in her hand and was pumping him a little while also paying attention to his scrotum. He was massaging her breasts with one hand and exploring her pussy with the other.

“You feel so good.” she said. “I love it when you make love to me. Don’t ever stop making me feel they way I do towards you.”

He looked at her and said “Don’t worry. I won’t ever stop because I can’t help being in love with you. You are the best thing to ever happen to me.”

She moved closer to his cock and then laid on top of him in a 69 position. As she put his cock into her mouth he ran his tongue up and down her pussy. He loved licking and kissing her pussy, it always turned her on so much and usually made her cum, sometime more than once. He worked his tongue all around her inner lips with a short stop at her clitoris so he could suck on it. Then he would insert his tongue into her love hole as far as he could eventually returning to licking around her lips once more.

Sherrie was enjoying licking and sucking on his cock. He had a wonderful seven inch cock that was circumcised which easily became hard when she played with it. The best thing of all was that once it was hard it remained that way even if he had an orgasm. She loved that about him as she could cum over and over again while riding him.

Craig could feel that she was close to her first orgasm, so he concentrated on her clitoris. This shifted her into a new gear and soon an orgasm was rolling over her.

“Oh God! So good, so good. Ahhhh!” Her body was shaking now in the throws of her passion as wave after wave of hormones were released into her body. She was soon just holding on to his cock as she recovered. When she was energized enough she changed position so she could kiss him again. She could taste her juices on his mouth and that turned her on again.

“You are so good to me.” she said.

“I like being good to you. You are one sexy minx.”

“Now I’m really going to show you how much I love you.” She climbed on top of him and slowly inserted him into her pussy.

“God that feels good. You really know how to please me.” He said.

She smiled at him and said “It pleases me just as much. Now just enjoy me fucking you.”

Starting slowly, she moved so that his cock moved in and out of her. Craig always enjoyed when she fucked him like this. He did not have to do anything as she pleasured the both of them by doing everything needed to make the other cum eventually. Sherrie always loved being fucked and fucking him. It was the best feeling in the world.

As Craig watched her breasts bounce a little he could not stand it any longer. He moved his hands up to her breasts and held them lightly. He could feel her nipples harden in his palms as he massaged them with light motions.

“Oh Craig, I love it when you play with my tits. It feels so good.”

He smiled at her as she continued to rock on him. She was so beautiful when she was fucking him. The love and passion was written all over her body, but especially on her face. She always had a slight smile on her when she fucked him which made her look almost angelic. He could not believe how lucky he was that she wanted him this way. Of course he wanted her, but having her return those feelings energized him and increased the way he loved her every time she was with him, whether they had sex or not.

Soon she knew she was going to climax again.

“Oh Craig, I’m going to cum again. Fuck me, make me cum.”

He began to meet each of her thrusts with his own. She was moving faster now and he was also getting closer as they fucked each other. He always liked it when he was able to make her cum, it was almost as good as his own orgasm. As they got closer and closer they were now looking into each others eyes and watching their expressions. Both were smiling as their passion reach its climax together. Craig sprayed her insides with his love juice as she erupted with a gush of liquid from her pussy. It was a fantastic feeling cumming together and then having her collapse on top of him. They both were zonked after that for a few minutes.

Eventually she rolled off of him and grabbed some Kleenex from the box close to them. She handed some to him and they both cleaned themselves. Then she laid next to him again with her hand on his chest.

“I love you so much.” she said. “Will you always fuck me like that?”

“I love you, too. And I will always make love to you like that.”

She squeezed him a little tighter as they continued to lay together.

“I sure hope your Mom finds a place for us. It will be nice when we can make love to each other whenever we want. Oh yeah, and sleep together.”

“That will be nice. Sleeping and waking up to each other. It sounds like heaven.”

“And taking showers together, being together more than apart, doing chores together, and kissing you whenever I want.”

She smiled at him. “Sounds like you have this all figured out.”

“No, just stating the obvious. I’m sure there are other things we will enjoy that we haven’t even thought about. But that is what will make it fun.”

They laid together for a while, just enjoying being close to each other. But soon they were kissing and exploring each other again. It was not long before they were making love again. This time their coupling was a little more frantic as they changed positions several times, searching for just the right one to bring them to climax together. They each seemed to sexually charge the other as they fucked each other towards a shared end. When it came they both were exhausted as they lay next to each other.

They looked at each other in the moonlight with big smiles on their faces. Their hands met and they held the other.

“I don’t know about you, but that was great.” he said.

“Not just great, it was stupendous.”

She rolled onto her side and kissed him.

“I love you so much. You make me feel so fantastic.”

“I love you, too.”

“Do you have another one in you?” she asked.

“For you, always.”

She rolled over to her other side and opened her legs by bending the top one to provide him access. He moved over on his side and entered her and slowly began to pump in and out of her. He also wrapped his arm around her to hold her breast. This time it took a while to get them both going, but they did not care. All that mattered was that they were together and making love with each other.

He kissed her ear as he pumped into her and lightly pinched her nipple. She was making little sounds of satisfaction as he moved his hand from her breast to her clitoris. This was something they both enjoyed, the leisurely love making they were now doing. It was a great way to end their evening together, especially since they were in no hurry.

But eventually they both were in the throws of their passion for each other. Sherrie climaxed first with Craig following right after her. This time they remained wrapped together until his cock finally slipped out of her.

“Damn, just when I was hoping for a little more.” she said.

He smiled at her. “You’re like a rabbit, you can’t get enough.”

“Not when it comes to you.” She turned towards him and embraced him. “Hold me for a while. I need to feel you and your heat.”

They held each other and almost went to sleep in each others arms.

“Wake up.” he said. “I think it’s time to get ready to go.”

“Mummm, if you insist.”

They cleaned each other up with Kleenex again and then got dressed. Lastly they put up the back seat and returned to the front seats. Craig turned the SUV around and proceeded to take her back home. She leaned against him as they drove, enjoying the aftermath of the sexual congress they had just experienced.

When he pulled up into her driveway they kissed one more time. Sherrie made sure her wallet, keys, and phone were in place and then went to her front door. She waved at him as he pulled away and then unlocked the door. She locked it behind her and she silently went upstairs to her room. She stripped and did her nightly ritual before going to bed in the nude.

As Craig drove home his thoughts were about Sherrie and how lucky he was. She was everything he could ever want in a girl. She was smart, athletic, beautiful, loving, and sexy as hell. He still could not believe that she wanted him, wanted to have sex with him, was in love with him, wanted to be with him, and most of all wanted to stay with him. My God he was lucky.

When he arrived home he noticed that there were still lights on in the house. He parked his SUV in the driveway and went inside only to discover his older sister watching TV in the den.

“Hey sis, you’re home early.”

“Yeah, Brent wasn’t feeling well. How was your date?”

“Really good. We went out to eat and then parked at the lake for a while.”

“Did the back seat go down?”

“A gentleman never tells.”

Nancy smiled at him. “That’s okay. I can tell by your smile that you had a good time.”

“Where’s Todd?” Todd was Craig’s older brother.

“Still out. He might not come home tonight if he get lucky. And Craig, I didn’t mean to pry into your private affairs. I like Sherrie a lot. I just like to know that everything is good between you two.”

Craig sat down beside her on the couch. “Everything’s wonderful.” he said with a smile. “She’s the best.”

Nancy patted his leg. “I know she is. She obviously makes you happy, and that’s all that matters.”

“Thanks sis. Mom and Dad in bed already?”

“Yeah. After the lake today they were pooped. Did you have fun skiing today?”

“I did, it was great fun. How about you?”

“Same here. I haven’t skied in a long time so it was wonderful.”

They continued talking for a while. Craig really liked his older sister, she was like a best friend to him. But eventually the day’s events caught up with him and he retied to his room. He stripped and climbed into bed and dreamed of Sherrie all night.


June seemed to pass quickly, too fast for Katherine. There were just not that many houses around the campus available for sale. When she did find one it was way too big for just two people. But then she realized that this might actually be a good thing. The extra rooms could also be rented out to students. And that brought up other ideas.

She quickly contacted the local real estate agent for the house to find out more about the condition of the house. Luck was on her side as the house had been occupied for many years by a old couple who were moving to an assisted living center. After some discussions with the local agent she made an offer on the house. She actually offered a little more than they were asking in order to ensure a deal could be made.

Two days later the offer was accepted and she made arrangements to sign a contract in a few days. She still had to lay out her plans to Sherrie but she was sure that she would be more than happy with them.

On the last Friday morning in June Katherine was having breakfast with her daughter when she decided it was time to discuss her plans.

“Sherrie, do you have some time this morning?”

“Sure, Mom. What’s up?”

“I bought a house for you and Craig.”

“Oh Mom!” Sherrie got up from the table and rushed to hug her mother.

After a few tears were shed her Mother said “Finish your breakfast dear and listen to what I have to say before you jump to too many conclusions.”

“Thank you, Mom.”

Sherrie sat back down but she was no longer hungry. She wanted to hear what her mother had to say.

“The house is three blocks from the campus. It is in pretty good shape and only needs a few small repairs and fix ups. But it is a big four bedroom house.” She let that sink in for a moment.

“Mom, we don’t need that much space.”

“I know, but this was the only house available. So here is what I want to do. You and Craig obviously get to pick the bedroom you want, but I want to rent out the other rooms to students. Obviously I can’t be running down there to approve a new renter every time someone moves out, so I want you to manage that for me.”

“Sure Mom, I can do that.”

“Don’t get too excited. There is a lot more I want you to handle. You need to not only to approve new renters, you need to advertise for them, collect their rent at the first of the month, handle any repairs that come up, hire lawn maintenance out, kick out unruly tenants, and any thing else that might come up. Basically, you will be my on site manager for the house.”

Sherrie was silent for a moment. It was a huge responsibility she was being handed. Could she do it?

“I don’t know Mom. This is a big responsibility. Do you think I can handle it?”

Her Mom smiled at her. “I wouldn’t be asking you to take this on if I didn’t think you could handle it. And it is right up your ally considering your major in Business Administration. And who knows, it could lead to a great job after college, maybe even in real estate with me.”

Sherrie got up again and hugged her Mom. She was overwhelmed with pride and joy in her mother. She was shedding a few tears of joy now. Her Mom was the best mother ever.

“Thank you again, Mom. I love you so much. I will do the best job I can for you.”

“I know you will. And I am just a phone call away if you have questions or run into problems you need help with. I have one more question for you.”

“Sure, anything.”

“Would you come with me next week for the closing on the house. We can take a look at it afterwards.”

“Can Craig come with us?”

Her Mom smiled at her. “Of course he can. He just needs to get the okay from his parents.”

“You’re the best, Mom.”

“And you’re the best daughter a mother could ever want.”

They talked for another thirty minutes but the main topics had already been covered. As Katherine left for work they hugged each other one more time.

“Oh, there is one more thing.” her Mother said. “Your dad and I talked it over and we want you to know that Craig is more than welcome to be with you here in our home. Specifically, in your bedroom, if you feel comfortable about that. We know that you love each other and will be together at school so we see no reason to restrict your activities here at home where both of you can be safe.”

Sherrie was now really in tears. She did not know just how to thank her Mom, so she hugged her tighter.

“I love you so much, Mom. Thank you from both of us.”

“You’re welcome. Now I have to get to work. I’m late already.”

They both smiled at each other as they broke their hug and her Mom left for work. Sherrie was so happy, and a little apprehensive. She wanted her mother to be proud of her and this was a test for her, or at least it felt that way.

She wanted to tell Craig about all this but he was coming over this afternoon and that would be soon enough. Her mother had given her the address of the house so she decided to learn what she could about the house from the Internet. She went back to her room and used her laptop to search for the house. She found it right away through the Realtor website that still had the house online in a pending state. She spent all morning obtaining everything she could concerning the house and its location. It was a wonderful place and in really good shape from what she could see from the pictures, except for maybe the kitchen. It was really exciting.

When she looked up it was already noon. Where had the time gone? Craig would be there any minute so she went downstairs to wait for him. In only a few minutes he was ringing the doorbell. She let him in with a big smile and brought him into her in a big hug followed by a bigger kiss.

“Oh Craig, I have so much to tell you.” she said with a smile on her face.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“Let’s get lunch started and we can talk.”

They went to the kitchen to fix some sandwiches for lunch. They added some chips, cold drinks, and some fruit for dessert. When they sat down Sherrie started the conversation.

“Mom bought us a house.”

“Oh wow! That’s great.”

“Well maybe not real great since it comes with some work for you and I, but great never the less.”

“What do you mean?”

“The only house she could find is a big four bedroom house. What that means for us is that we will not be the only people living there. We get our choice of bedrooms but the other bedrooms will be rented out to students.”

“That’s not so bad.”

“But there’s more. We will be the managers of the house. We have to find renters, manage their monthly payments, deal with any bad tenants, and some other issues. It means that some of our time will be needed to deal with all these issues, some of which may not be pleasant.”

“I can handle that, as long as I’m with you.”

Sherrie leaned over and kissed him. “I knew you would be good with this deal. When we finish I want to show you the house. It is on the Internet and you can look and read all about it.”

“Sounds exciting.”

“Oh, it is. But I have another exciting thing to tell you. My Mom and Dad have discussed it and they want us to use my bedroom for our activities whenever we want.”

“Does that mean what I hope it means?”

“Yes!” she said with a huge smile. “We can make love anytime we want in my bedroom.”

“Wow! Even when they’re home?”

“Yes. They want us to be safe and they know we will be making love when we move into the house, so it just seemed natural to let us do our thing now in my bedroom.”

Craig leaned over and kissed her.

“You have the best parents.”

“Oh I don’t know, yours are pretty good too.

“I almost forgot.” she said. “I asked Mom if you could come with us next week when we close on the house. She said yes as long as you ask your parents. It would just be for two days.”

“I think I can convince them to let me go. I assume we would also see the house while we are there?”

“Absolutely, that’s why I’m going.”

They talked some more as they finished their lunch. When they were done they cleaned up the kitchen and went up to her room. She showed him the website with the house and they looked at it together. They fed off of each others excitement as they browsed the website. When they had seen all there was to see they moved from the desk to sit on the bed.

“So I guess it’s all real now?” Craig asked.

“It will be when we close next week.”

Craig laid back on the bed, his feet still on the floor. “Wow. I can’t believe it. I mean, I believe it, it’s just a lot to take in.”

She laid back next to him placing her hand in his. “I know. But it’s real, or as real as possible until next week.” She rolled on her side next to him and kissed him. He returned it and soon they had their arms around each other. They just held each other for a long time basking in the knowledge that they were going to be together for the foreseeable future.

“Want to go swimming?” she asked.

“Of course.”

They both stood up and started stripping out of their clothes. Craig had his swimsuit on under his shorts. Sherrie had to strip completely and put on her bikini. But before she could get the top on Craig came up behind her and softly grabbed her breasts and pulled her to him. He leaned down and kissed her neck as he squeezed her lovely tits and lightly pinched her nipples.

“We’re never going to get to the pool if you keep that up.” she said.

He smiled and let her go so she could finish putting the bra on. Then she put her arms around him and kissed him.

“That’s to hold you until later.” she said.

Sherrie went into her bathroom and grabbed some towels, sunscreen, and then her phone. Together they went downstairs and then out to the pool. They put their stuff in some chairs and then went down the steps into the pool. The water felt great on their skin as they frolicked with each other, just two kids having fun in the water.

They split their time between the pool and their lounge chairs, alternating between them. After an hour they retreated to Sherrie’s room to wash the sunscreen and sweat off them in the shower. They washed each other paying special attention to their special spots. It was just a prelude to what was to come. After drying off they both went to her bed and held their naked bodies together. For the next hour they made love in many positions bringing each to multiple orgasms. The smell of sex permeated the room as they pleasured each other over and over. They finally ran out of steam and just held each other again.

They both were tired but reluctant to stop what had been both fun and satisfying. So they just lay there holding and kissing each other, enjoying their post coital bliss. Eventually their eyes closed and they both fell into an afternoon slumber wrapped in the arms of the other.

They awoke around four o’clock and decided they needed another shower to remove the smell of sex from their bodies. They took another short shower together and put their cloths on. Sherrie still had to dry her long hair but Craig enjoyed watching her perform that task. Sometimes he just could not take his eyes off her. When Sherrie was done they went back downstairs to the couch in the living room.

“Would you like to stay for dinner?” Sherrie asked him.

“I’d like that.”

“Good. I was going to start cooking dinner in about an hour for Mon and Dad so it will be no trouble to add a place for you.”

They turned on the TV and watched it to pass the time. Craig put his arm around her as they channel surfed to find something to watch. They found a movie they had seen before but that did not matter to them as they just want to be with each other.

When it was time Sherrie started dinner for her parents and Craig. She was a pretty good cook and even had a dish or two that she excelled at. But tonight she just fixed some chicken and some vegetables. Craig watched her from the breakfast table admiring her physical attributes as well as the smells from her cooking. He helped her set the table in the dinning room as Sherrie’s Mother arrived home. Sherrie hugged her mother when she came into the kitchen.

“My, that smells good. Let me run in to change my clothes and I will help you.”

“That’s okay, Mom. I’m about done.”

Sherrie’s Dad arrived home just after that and also came in to the kitchen to hug his daughter and say ‘Hi’ to Craig. He also went in to change his clothes.

Dinner was wonderful. Everyone joined in the discussion mostly about the house her Mother was buying. They all made sure to include Craig in their discussion just like he was a member of the family. It made Sherrie feel wonderful that her parents thought so much of Craig.

After dinner her parents cleaned up as Sherrie and Craig said goodbye to each other. They kissed each other at the front door and then he was gone. Sherrie felt a little wistful as she watched him drive away. Then she made sure her parents did not need help cleaning up before she went to her room to read for a while.


On Tuesday of the following week Craig arrived early at Sherrie’s house to get ready to drive to the closing for the house. Sherrie and her Mother were almost ready when he got there and it was not long before they were on their way. The drive to Arlington, Texas was about 2.5 hours and they had plenty of time to talk. Craig learned more about Sherrie’s Mother that morning than he had in all the time he had known her. He actually liked her even more as the trip wore on. She was a lot like her daughter in almost everything.

They got to Arlington a little before noon and had time for lunch before the closing. They found a nice restaurant and stopped to eat a leisurely meal since they did not need to be at the mortgage company until two o’clock. After they finished their meal they drove around the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) just to see what it was like.

The closing only lasted about an hour and was pretty boring for Sherrie and Craig. They did not understand a lot of what was going on but could tell it was pretty serious. But is was soon over and the keys to the house were turned over to Sherrie’s Mother. Everyone shook hands all around and they were free to go.

It was only three o’clock so they decided to go by the house and take a look. They drove to the house and were fairly surprised at the outside of the house. It looked even better in person than in the pictures. It really was only three blocks from the campus, an easy walk with only one busy street to cross. It had a detached two car garage that had automatic garage door openers. Both the front and back yards were in nice shape. They unlocked the front door and went in. The AC was still on but at a higher temperature since no one was living there.

The house was in wonderful shape with the master bedroom downstairs and the three other bedrooms upstairs. There was a living room, a small den that had been converted into a library, a dining room, and a kitchen and breakfast nook. There was a washer and dryer closet off of the kitchen and a bathroom attached to the master bedroom. Upstairs one of the bedrooms had an attached bathroom and there was another shared bathroom. The three bedrooms upstairs were all nice size with large closets.

The kitchen was the only part of the house that really needed renovation. The cabinets were not in good shape and the counter tops were also in need of repair. The floors of the entire house also needed to be replaced. Katherine was making notes on her tablet about everything. Sherrie and Craig spent a lot of time in the master bedroom and attached bathroom. The bathroom was in pretty good shape but it needed a new tub with a shower enclosure.

“Kids, let’s call it a day and find a hotel. We’ll come back tomorrow.”

They all piled back into the SUV and went to find a hotel. They found one and Katherine got two rooms, one for her and one for Sherrie and Craig. The rooms were next to each other and after they dropped off their overnight bags they went to dinner.

After dinner they returned to their hotel rooms. They decided to meet at eight o’clock the next morning and then retired to their rooms. Sherrie and Craig were overjoyed, not only were they excited to see the house, they were also excited to be spending the night together. This was only the second time they had done so, the first was the night of their high school prom.

“Your mom is the best. I can’t believe she got a room for us to spend the night together.”

“I know. But she appreciates how you make me feel. And I do too. That king sized bed over there shows just how much she trusts you.”

“Yeah, she must trust me a lot with her only daughter. I hope I can always live up to that trust.”

“Don’t worry, just be yourself. That’s all you need to do because I know you love me as much as I love you, and that means everything, both to me and my Mother.”

They took off their shoes and laid on the bed. They talked about the house and what needed to be done. They also talked about how the shared space in the house could be utilized by them and the tenants. Sherrie said that she thought her Mom wanted to renovate the kitchen at least before they moved in, and possibly the floors as well.

Craig suddenly had a thought. “What about furniture for the house?”

“I already talked to Mom about that. She will buy us all the downstairs furniture and the upstairs will be up to the tenants.”

“Wow, that’s generous of her.”

“Well, it will probably be pretty basic stuff since it will get a lot of use. But it will be good enough to last us at least four years.”

They talked for more than an hour about the house, but eventually they became more amorous. This time their lovemaking was more leisurely than in the past. As each piece of clothing was removed it became fresh ground for kisses and touches. Craig spent a lot of time at her breasts, neck, and stomach. He was enjoying himself enormously as he made love to each region of Sherrie’s body. He had never taken so much time just ministering to his love, and it was obviously having the desired effect on her.

Sherrie was also spending a lot of time with each newly exposed region of his body. She applied her tongue and lips to each part of his body that became newly exposed. She loved his chest and licked most it it with her tongue, especially his nipples. As his legs came into view she concentrated on the inside of his thighs, which seemed to be especially sensitive.

When they were both finally nude they held each other close for a long time, just enjoying the warmth of the other.

“I love you, Craig.”

“And I love you, more than anything else in the world.”

“Make love to me. Please! I need to feel you inside me. I want you to fill me with your cock. And I want to cum on your big cock.”

“Kind of needy aren’t you? But that’s okay, I understand completely. I want to be surrounded by your pussy, to feel its wetness, to become a part of you.”

They kissed each other as Craig rolled onto his back with her on top. Sherrie adjusted herself so she could guide him into her love tunnel.

“Oh God you feel good. You fill me up so nicely.”

“I love it too. You feel great around my cock.”

Slowly they began to move with each other. Even as slow as they were moving it was providing stimulation to the both of them. But the buildup was going to take a while, which they both were willing to wait for. They kissed each other as they made love, alternating with gazing into each others eyes.

This was something fairly new for both of them. Usually their lovemaking was frantic because they were trying to squeeze it into a restricted amount of time. But the situation had changed with the approval of Sherrie’s parents to their relationship. Now there was all the time in the world for them to be together. And it removed the stress they had put on themselves, which was an enormous relief for both of them.

Craig loved watching her as they made love. The expressions on her face, the blush that covered her upper chest when she was close to cumming, the slight smile in her face, the hardening of her nipples, and the sight of his cock slipping in and out of her seemed to be designed just for him. Sometimes her hair would fall over her chest and she would sweep it back with her hand. All of this was so sexy.

Sherrie loved watching Craig as his cock moved in and out of her. He was so handsome, his chest so sexy, his face was filled with love and appreciation for her, and his cock was so good, all of this she loved as they continued to make love.

The two of them were so in tune with each other that it was natural they they almost always came together, or at least close together. But that was still a bit in the future as they continued to slowly stimulate each other. By now they had both sped up a little as their need became more prominent. Sherrie was rising a little higher before plunging back down on his hard cock, her smile becoming wider as she fucked her lover. Craig was starting to meet each thrust of hers with his own thrusts.

“God I love fucking you. It could not get any better than this.” he said.

“I know, I love it too. I love the way you make me feel, they way you can make me cum over and over again, the way you please me, and the way you love me. Just keep making love to me just like this.”

They both began to move even faster now, their slow pace all but forgotten. Sherrie could feel her orgasm start to build from deep inside her. Now she needed release, and she wanted him to give it to her.

“Fuck me, fuck me harder. I need to cum. Make me cum, please.”

Craig started fucking her harder and faster, so fast she could not keep up with him. His cock was now moving in and out of her at a pace designed to wring her orgasm from her. She was so close now, she grabbed her own tits and squeezed them which seemed to drive her over the edge.

“Oh God, I cumming, I’M CUMMING!”

And with that she was overcome with pleasure as hormones flooded her body. Her vaginal walls contracted over and over again around Craig’s cock. This was too much for him and suddenly his love juice sprayed into her from his cock. Spasm after spasm of semen coated her vaginal walls until there was nothing left for him to give her.

After a moment it was all over as Sherrie collapsed onto his chest. She lifted her head just enough that their lips met in a passionate kiss that seemed to go on and on.

“God I love you. It can’t get any better that that.” he said.

“Maybe not, but I want that same feeling from you every time we make love. I need that from you.”

“I know you do. I will always do my best to give it to you.”

They lay next to each other just enjoying the bliss of the moment. They held each other as lovers always do, not wanting to let the other leave while the feeling lasted. An hour later they were making love again, starting slow and ending the same as before. They just could not get enough of each other.

When they finished they cleaned up a little, set the alarm, and crawled under the covers next to each other. After cuddling a bit they were soon asleep in each others arms.

The alarm went off early the next morning waking the two lovers from their dreams of each other. They did their morning rituals and took a shower together. Craig shaved while Sherrie dried and brushed her hair. After dressing they repacked their overnight bags and went to meet Sherrie’s mother next door.

They all went out for a good breakfast and then returned to the house for another look. They took their time taking notes, measurements, and other tasks. After an hour they all got together to discuss ideas, problems, and anything else that came to mind. They all agreed that the main problems were the kitchen, the bathrooms, and the floors. All the others could be taken on as time and money permitted. It was still about a month until classes started and Katherine thought that was enough time to complete the three main projects. Craig was most concerned about the kitchen but Sherrie’s mother assured him she knew contractors that could do the job with time to spare.

Sherrie’s main concern was the furniture for the first floor. Katherine left all that up to her as long as the price was reasonable. Craig asked what he could do to help out. Katherine said he could help out Sherrie with the furniture, and to take care of her. It hit Craig hard and he hugged Katherine telling her that he would always take care of her daughter.

The trip back home was great with everyone being in a good mood. Excitement filled the air as they all looked forward to what was to come.


The next month was a busy time for everyone, there was just so much to do. Sherrie and Craig had never spent so much time in furniture stores, but in the end they made their choices and with her mother’s approval the purchases were made and delivery scheduled. Sherrie’s Mom was busy with contractors for the kitchen, bathrooms, and floors. She had to pick out everything, including appliances, schedule the installs, and approve the fixes to any problems that came up. But somehow everything came together by the end of July.

By then Sherrie and Craig were packing for their move and buying sheets, towels, bedspread, pillows, curtains, kitchen utensils, pots and pans, silverware, dishes, glasses, and a hundred other things they would need for the house. Food could wait until they moved into the house.

The first weekend in August they packed their cars, including her mother’s SUV, and drove to Arlington and the house. They arrived right at noon on Saturday. The house was transformed on the inside with the new kitchen, bathrooms, and floors. They unloaded all the vehicles and by six o’clock had most everything put away. They all went out to eat that evening and had a great time. When done, the parents went to a hotel and the two young adults returned to their new home.

After Craig parked his SUV they went and unlocked the front door. Before Sherrie could enter Craig scooped her up in his arms and crossed the threshold, shutting the door behind him. Then he set her down and brought her into his arms.

“We’re home, Sherrie.”

“I know.” She kissed him with all she had, never leaving his arms. “Thank you, I’ve never been happier than I am at this moment.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty great. I still can’t believe that all this is real. It’s like a dream come true. You here with me in our own home, headed to college together, a real adventure starting, it’s so exciting.”

They continued holding each other, still at the front door. Eventually they broke their embrace and started to look around. The living room and den both had a couch and nice chairs along with some side tables. The kitchen was now really impressive with a huge refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, toaster oven, and lots of cabinet space. The utility closet now had a washer and dryer. The master bedroom had their king sized bed (Sherrie’s mother had insisted on it), a dresser, and bedside tables. The bathroom had a shower/tub combination with a glass enclosure and new commode and double sink vanity. All in all it was really nice for two college kids.

Sherrie and Craig were still overwhelmed with what they had been provided. Sherrie still could not believe the generosity of her mother and father. And Craig was thankful that he was so lucky to be in love with a girl whose parents loved her so much they were willing to provide her everything she could want, including him.

Later that night they made love again, initiating the new king sized bed and the place they could now call home.

Much more to come.


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