Jackie's Rules Pt. 07 by Dreming_Alice_,Dreming_Alice_

Jackie awoke, feeling groggy and disoriented. She grasped for the usual spot she kept her phone, but her hand met an empty table. Immediately more awake she fumbled for the spot on the wall where the charger plugged in and traced the cable all the way to its termination, finally making contact with her phone on the floor next to her bed. Flipping it over and squinting with one eye, she discovered it was still early, 4:03 AM. She must have slept right through… Had Alice carried her to bed?

Starting to come round from what must have been a deep sleep, Jackie decided that there wasn’t much point in going back to sleep. She usually felt worse if she did. Her eyes growing more accustomed to her phone’s light, she began to scroll through social media, but quickly became bored. She opened the notes page on her phone and read through the list of her rules, realizing as she read number 22, now was the perfect time to wash her “Uniform”. She had been putting it off, but she now had to steel herself to wear the dirty thong, so something had to be done. She grabbed a few extra clothes to make the was worthwhile and padded to the door; Pausing for courage momentarily, before stepping into the hall totally naked.

The building felt still and quiet as Jackie tiptoed along the cold floor of her level. She had to get to the end of this stretch, then turn 90 degrees to the left, before traversing a slightly longer corridor to It’s very end, where the laundry room was. She walked, slowly, timidly, quietly. One step at a time and jumping at every minor sound, Jackie made her way to the corner and peered round. Hearing a minor noise behind her was the last straw, she sprinted for the laundry room, almost crashing into it with the basket, but coming to a controlled enough stop to open the door reasonably quietly. She clicked it shut behind her and dropped to her knees. It wasn’t even time to get up and her heart was already racing, she contemplated her situation as she stood up and began to load the washer. She needed to find a way to manage her rules better, she had to get on top.

Jackie slumped on the plastic chair in the corner of the room and began to read through her rules thoroughly on her seemingly dimmer phone screen:

1. Wake up every day at 05:30.

2. Run every Weekday Morning.

3. Go to the Gym with Alice Every Saturday

4. Play tennis twice a week.

5. No using Elevators.

6. No shoes in my apartment.

7. Always walk to class, don’t use the bus.

8. Don’t lock dorm room when I am in, so Alice Can enter.

9. When dressing myself, seek approval from Alice(selfie or in person).

10. No using antiperspirant deodorant.

11. When Alice gives me an order, I should always call her Ma’am.

12. On Fridays, I will study in the library, wearing my princess plug a with my panties round my ankles.

13. If I’m not wearing any underwear, I must not wear shoes in the apartment block.

14. No orgasms on weekdays

15. No orgasms without verbal permission from Alice

16. No orgasms in the apartment building

17. When I sit at my desk I must be sat on my largest dildo

18. Whenever & wherever I study, my panties must be round my ankles.

19. I will wear a butt plug during all classes.

20. I will never wear a butt plug and panties at the same time.

21. I must wear a uniform when in our dorm rooms: Over knee socks, thong and neck tie.

22. When I wash my uniform I must remain naked until it is dry.

23. For every hour of study, I must take a break and edge.

24. I must never be late to Miss Carlson’s Class and will always sit in the front row.

25. I must not wear sports bras as well as another top.

26. I must not shave my pubis. Shaving below is fine.

Jackie read the list four times, trying to find ways she could optimize her days to more easily complete the rules. As a side note, she thought if she got more efficient, then Alice would give her more rules. The realization brought her momentarily back to the here and now, a here where she was naked in the laundry room and a now where she found herself subconsciously rubbing her pussy gently and rhythmically. She didn’t stop, and she didn’t change pace, but her thoughts turned to current matters, she looked at the timer on the washer and realised it had over an hour left, it was now 4:45 and Jackie had to go for her run by 6am, or She’d be late for class. The rule stated she had to remain naked until her uniform was clean and dry, the socks would be soaked coming out of the washer, even with a spin!

She couldn’t run naked! Panic rising in her, Jackie messaged Alice. “Please may I have an exception to rule 22 Ma’am? I fucked up.”

Alices reply took 5 minutes. “I was asleep, what?”

With shaking hands, Jackie took a deep breath and typed out her situation, how she’d started laundry and was naked in the laundry room and how she wouldn’t be able to go for her run if she had to remain naked.

Alice was taken aback, stunned by how seriously Jackie was taking the rules. She didn’t think Jackie was ready for a naked run. No matter how quiet and dark it might be this early in the morning. There had to be a middle ground…

“Meet me in the parking garage.”

15 minutes later, Alice walked into the parking garage, dressed for the day. She realised she wouldn’t get back to sleep, but this should be fun.

Jackie was leaning on Alice’s car, looking pensively at the elevator doors as they opened. But she didn’t hide. Alice smirked, she looked like a rabbit in the headlights.

She didn’t speak until she was toe to toe with Jackie, and then she leaned in and whispered “ready for some track laps?”

Jackie nearly cried. “Oh god, please no… I can’t.. What if… Can I… please?”

Alice grinned ear to ear. “6 laps of the garage, and we’ll call it even.”

Jackie visibly deflated. The tension leaving her body all at once. “I can do that.”

She didn’t even seem to see how daring that was, just the reassurance that she didn’t have to go outside was enough.

She smiled at Alice and set off. Totally naked. Barefoot, with her soft skin reflecting the morning light. Alice timed and watched the athletic girl run confidently round the large space, admiring every detail of the figure she was helping create and thinking of ways to mold it to her liking…

After 10 laps, Alice allowed Jackie to stop. Her feet were sore from running on the hard tarmac, and she was well and truly out of breath. She hadn’t wanted to slow up at all in front of Alice.

Alice led the sweaty girl back to their rooms and stood in the hall. “Sit outside your door and masturbate until your clothes are ready, then get dressed in your uniform and come see me.”

Jackie’s stomach knotted. Outside her dorm! Until just before 6, when some people would be up! She started to open her mouth to plead, but stopped when she saw Alice’s stern expression. She shrank to the floor and began rubbing her rapidly slickening cunt.

For the 30 minutes Jackie sat there, lazily stroking herself, trying not to get too close to the edge, she thought about how Alice had just treat her. How she had felt small and insignificant, totally helpless. But how turned on she immediately became. She knew she had to be a bit submissive, but this felt like a revelation. The embarrassment and the shame fueled a further wave of pleasure. She found herself close to the edge now with the smallest, almost imperceptible touches. She was panting and starting to writhe when her alarm finally went off. Gathering herself slowly, she rolled to her knees and then pulled herself up, heading for the laundry room.

Soon Jackie was stood outside Alice’s room in her tie, thong and slightly damp long socks. Alice took her time to answer and when she did, she wore the same stern look. “You don’t deserve a shower this morning.” she said to the red-faced girl.”

Jackie almost melted. Her sweat was starting to dry, her hair was matted from that and her sleep, her thighs and half her legs were still slick from her own juices, her pussy was still practically leaking and this didn’t help. She’d be a total mess for class and the worst possible thing about it, was that turned her on even more!

“Yes Ma’am” was all she managed.

It would soon be time for class, so Alice lead the way into Jackie’s room and quickly grabbed two items of clothing, a pair of denim shorts and a cropped sweater.

Clad in these, Jackie noticed a few things: Her freshly grown out pubes were nearly visible over the low waist of the shorts and the tight crotch meant the seem pressed against her pussy; the sweater was full sleeve and stopped just below her chest; but it was a heavy cable knit, it would make her sweat on the hot day, despite not covering much.

She was in a horny daze as Alice handed her some ugg boots. Despite that she remembered to wait until they were outside to put them on, as she hadn’t been given any underwear…

The girls went their separate ways and Jackie found a quiet bathroom. Closing the stall door, she opened her bag to find an unfamiliar plug. It was shiny metal and was a ball shape far larger than any of her others, despite that it had a very discreet base, just a small circular hook, that disappeared between Jackie’s cheeks when she stood up.

Getting it in had been embarrassingly easy. Alice had removed the lube from her bag, but her pussy had been wet enough to lubricate the cold metal ball. Providing extra stimulation her body surely didn’t need before class. Then she had relaxed her muscles and eased the thing in. Feeling incredibly full after the deed was done.

Jackie arrived at Ms. Carlesons’s class with 5 minutes to spare, earning her a smile from the teacher as she took her seat in the front row. Pulling out her notebook and looking across the row, she realised that barely anyone else was sat at the front of the class. She was sure that hadn’t been the case last time, but perhaps she was wrong. She wanted to do well, so less distractions would be a good thing.

5 minutes passed and the lesson began. Jackie maintained perfect focus, despite feeling very uncomfortable. Her ass felt even fuller now she was sat down and her pussy lips parted a little, so the shorts pressed directly against her tender clit.

Her midriff was on display which felt naughty in college and her top half was too hot, making her sweat and her whole body flush slightly pink. All she could do was focus on the class and try to push it all to the back of her mind.

During this class however, she realised why no one was sat at the front. Every time Miss Carelson had a question she singled someone out on the front row. Jackie answered two questions easily and felt a huge sense of accomplishment. She really wanted to impress her favorite teacher. Ironically, Jackie seemed to be the most comfortable answering the questions, although she did have to try and ignore all the eyes she felt on her, that very much made her uneasy when she thought about it. Yet she felt the wetness in her shorts as class drew to an end.

Soon Miss C was handing out homework and Jackie started to pack away her things. Looking at her phone she noticed a message from Alice. “Before you leave class, sit up straight and tie your hair back.”

Having filled her bag, Jackie had no reason to delay she grabbed a hair tie and with the other hand reached back, grabbing her hair in a practiced motion. It wasn’t until both hands were behind her head that the cool breeze hit her sweat soaked chest. Panic immediately set in. How high had the jumper risen? Was she flashing Miss Carelson? As she finished up quickly and pulled the jumper down, she thought the Teacher would know she didn’t have a bra on at the very least.

She risked a glance and got a smile in return. “Don’t forget your homework Jackie…”

Jackie tried her best to casually return the smile as she grabbed the paper and made her exit.

Her next class wasn’t until later in the day, so Jackie began walking home before Alice texted her to meet in a nearby park. Soon she was approaching the taller girl and wondering what was next..

“They call this lover’s clearing.” Alice said gesturing around her.

“The story is people have used it to have sex away from the thin walls of the dorm blocks.”

“There can’t be any daring people at College this year, because I’ve always found it empty.”

Jackie looked around and took it in. It was a clump of trees near the corner of the park, which opened into a small grassy area no larger than her bedroom, but perfectly maintained still. She thought someone taking the effort to navigate the trees to get there and cut the grass was a funny idea. She smiled to herself.

Alice broke her chain of thought “Seeing as you have awhile until your next class, you can do some homework here.”

“Of course, it seems quiet enough.” Jackie replied.

“My thoughts exactly!” Alice’s wicked grin slowly grew as she looked at the puzzled girl in front of her.

“Take off your clothes.”

Jackie only hesitated a second before complying, she’d started to trust Alice’s judgement and to be honest, she was still incredibly horny from this morning’s antics. Unbeknownst to her Alice had carefully tailored her morning to maintain her level of arousal. The outfit, the large plug with no lube, flashing the teacher, even the lack of a shower contributed. She knew Jackie got turned on from feeling dirty and insignificant compared to those around her.

Now the naked girl in front of her looked like the perfect picture of submission. No physical restraints, just the mind of someone ready to obey, needing to be controlled. Where Jackie saw rules, Alice saw opportunities.

Naked from head to toe, Jackie stood, bouncing uneasily from foot to foot. She allowed herself a brief look over her shoulder and regretted it. The trees were quite dense, but she could still make out the trails in the park beyond.

Alice opened her bag for her and got out her Math text book, lay it down on the floor and instructed her to kneel in front. She then pushed her forward onto her forearms and spread her legs apart, wider than was comfortable, leaving her plugged ass facing the park.

“I’m going to get you a change of clothes while you’re studying.” Alice explained calmly.

“I’ll take your bag and your phone too, so you stay focused.”

Jackie was mortified, but frozen in position as she heard Alice pick her way back through the trees.

Then there was silence. The breeze was still and Jackie could feel a warm sun on her back as she desperately tried to focus on her homework. She tried not to focus on it, but the lewd display she must be putting on stayed at the forefront of her mind as she picked her way through the questions.

Meanwhile, Alice was sat on a bench just out of sight. She already had the new outfit in her bag, she wasn’t going to leave the girl she was taking charge of totally vulnerable. She set a timer for an hour…

Having finished her homework, Jackie had her head on the closed textbook and was gently swaying her hips. Her traitorous pussy was aching for attention, but she didn’t want to move from her allotted position. She could feel it leaking and her lips would undoubtedly be wide open for anyone who came across her.

The worst possible thing happened. Jackie heard foot steps.

“I take it you’ve finished?” Alice asked, almost uninterested.

“Y.. Yes Ma’am” Jackie croaked. She hadn’t had a drink in a few hours and was desperately nervous.

“Good, I see you enjoyed yourself.” Alice appeared round the front of Jackie looking at the contents of a plastic cup and smirking.

Showing her what was in it, Alice laughed at the instant humiliation as Jackie realised it was a collection of her grool. She knew she had been leaking, but there was nearly half a cup in there! Was it Alice’s doing, or did she enjoy being put on display like that? Alice knew the answer was both, but Jackie still had a lot to learn about herself.

“Lie on your back…”

Still, in mild shock, Jackie slumped over onto her back and closed her eyes against the sun.

She gasped as a cold splat hit her stomach.

“Ssshh.” Alice mock whispered “We wouldn’t want to attract any attention.”

Jackie relaxed and pressed her lips shut as Alice’s hand joined the liquid, which she could only assume was her own juices.

Painstakingly, Alice rubbed the liquid across Jackie’s belly, up and around her neck. Her hands felt strong but gentle and Jackie flushed as they grasped her throat a little. Then lifting and stating back at the pool on her belly, Alice brushed tantalizing close to where Jackie really wanted to be touched, before coating the length of each leg. Running out of juice to spread just as she reaches the bottom of the second-long limb.

Touching her arm gently to bring her round, Alice then helped Jackie to her feet. And handed her a Summer dress from her wardrobe.

Jackie pulled it over herself, tugging it a few times as it adhered to her now sticky skin. Only now, as she took on her surroundings once more, did she realise how much she smelled of sex.

“You’ve got an hour to get some lunch before your next class. It’s public speaking right?”

Jackie managed a small nod.

“Good, that will be an easy class until later in the year, wear this.”

Alice handed her the remote vibrating egg she’d worn at the gym recently.

Resigning herself to her fate, Jackie hiked up her dress and awkwardly inserted the toy into her wet hole. Pulling her hand away from it with some difficulty. She would have given anything to masturbate here and now, but Alice lead her away for lunch…

Soon she was sat in class. Out on her own again. Squirming with every change that Alice put through the toy. The vibration was nearly always weak, but the subtle rumble had her constantly reminded of how wet she was.

She kept thinking how was naked she felt under the dress, covered in her own cum. The smell of sex filled the surrounding air, she was sure. She was sweating, she could feel beads forming on her neck and working their way down her electrified skin, all the was down to join the pool of sweat and cum she felt she was sitting in. The dress clung to her, and she daren’t look down at her tits for fear of seeing her traitorous nipples protruding obviously against the thin material.

Jackie was practically in a trance when the class finished, she closed her notebook with perfectly bullet pointed notes and hung her head. Why was she letting Alice get away with this? Did she really enjoy it? Could she live with the fact that she did?

Her slick thighs answered one of those questions.

Back home, Jackie peeled off her dress and slumped. She was exhausted from being aroused the whole day. She thought she could really do with some release, but she wasn’t allowed to cum in the apartment building and could she really handle asking Alice for permission over the phone, while hiding somewhere else.

Tears welled in her eyes but yet her hand found It’s way to brush through her newly acquired pubes and her finger gently rubbed her rock hard clit.

Eventually, she must have dozed off as Jackie awoke to Alice cooking in her small kitchen area.

“I thought you’d need to restore some energy.”

She smiled sweetly at Jackie, disarming her totally.

“Don’t bother with your uniform. Just sit at the table, It’s nearly ready.”

Jackie padded towards the table, not as surprised as she once would have been by the thick dildo on the chair she pulled out… Alice had moved it from her desk it seemed.

Feeling between her folds, she confirmed she was still very much slick enough to make light work of the dildo, although when lowering herself she was reminded of the huge plug she had in. The ball had been surprisingly comfortable for long term wear, but she was reminded of it now as the dildo and it competed for space. The plug forcing the dildo forward, pressing it firmly into her g spot as she sank onto it. Jackie trembled, but made it the last few inches down onto the chair.


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“Don’t straddle the chair, sit nicely whilst we eat.” Alice admonished, setting 2 plates of pasta down.

Jackie pulled her legs inward and over the front of the chair, squeezing the dildo and leaving her with her feet barely touching the floor. This left her full weight on it, forcing it deeper still, she whimpered with pleasure and pain.

Alice looked across at the naked girl in front of her. “You eat, I’ll talk.” she started. “You’ve had a long day.”

Jackie nodded.

“Today was a test. I was trying to break you, trying to find a point where you would say no, tell me it was too far, too much.”

Jackie looked up from her food eyes wide with realization. “Keep eating…” She did slowly, listening intently.

“You did everything and seemingly enjoyed it all from the looks of how I found you.”

“And whilst today will have been exhausting, I’m incredibly encouraged about what the future will hold.”

“If you can handle all that, you can handle anything the school or tennis throws at you.”

“I have something for you.”

Alice handed Jackie a collar. It was leather, a deep purple, accented with a matte white buckle and clasp for a leash. Instead of a tag, there was a small central loop, which held a dangling letter A, finished in the same white as the rest of the metal.

Jackie looked at it in awe. It was beautifully made, but what did it say about her? Alice answered the questions running through her mind.

“I want this to be the first mark of ownership. You’re a natural submissive Jackie and I want to nurture that in you, bring out the best version of you through my guidance.”

Jackie was still frozen in disbelief. But she couldn’t deny that she followed Alice almost without question already. Went making that more formal really change anything?

“Yes.” she said with more excitement than she intended. “Let’s do it.”

“Good.” Alice smiled. Relieved?

“That collar replaces your uniform and at the weekend we’ll move your entire wardrobe into my room.”

Jackie’s pussy tightened on the dildo, the involuntary reaction giving her body’s needy reaction to the revelation whilst her mind was still spinning.

“Yes Ma’am.” she looked Alice in the eye as she put the well fitting collar on.

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