A Year of CFNM Ch. 01 by publiccfnmsub,publiccfnmsub

I opened up my eyes and looked under the covers. I was clothed. That was a big change. It’s a big shock how different today was from every day of the past year of my life.

Two years ago, I had just graduated from law school. I had broken up with my girlfriend and decided I needed some alone time. On a whim, craving a unique vacation, I decided to explore off the beaten path and make a road trip through random states no one thinks of before I would start working. Everyone thought I was crazy for exploring such a boring part of America, so I ended up packing my car and making the trip alone. So off I went, happy with a bit of alone time before I began my career.

The first part of the trip was uneventful, but then as I crossed state lines I soon got lost. It was dark and I was squinting to see when suddenly, I saw lights. What happened afterwards, I still cannot can’t you.

When I opened my eyes, it looked like I was either in a very spartan hospital or some kind of science lab. I looked down and noticed that I was buckled to the bed. I also was naked. And very hard and erect. Looking around, I only saw lots of computer screens with notes and vitals.

“Ah John, it’s good that you’re awake.”

I turned my head and in through the door walked three confident-looking women. They were all dressed professionally, wearing well-fitted pencil skirts, heels, and lab coats. Two of them were furiously taking notes on tablets while the one in the middle, obviously in charge, walked right up to me and placed her hand on my stomach.

“How do you feel, John?” she asked.

“I… how… where…” I stammered.

I was incredibly nervous. First, because I was naked and hard in front of a group of three women. And now, I was realizing, three incredibly attractive women. All were tall and slender, but clearly fit with curves in all the right places. They all had perfect skin, and flowing hair, and as I continued to look at them, were wearing blouses with deep cleavage under their lab coats. I was speechless and the woman in charge clearly picked up on that.

“You’re probably wondering where you are, how you get here, and where are your clothes. All very good questions that I will answer in due time. But first, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Dr. Ramona Baxter. But you can call me Mistress Doctor.

“Uh… ok, good to meet you, Mistress Doctor,” I said, even more confused than before. Was she really asking me to call her Mistress Doctor?

“Oh what fantastic manners you have, John.” Mistress Doctor cooed.

I looked down at the straps and back up at Mistress Doctor. “Well my manners would have me shake your hand but I’m a bit tied up he-” I choked.

I looked down and Mistress Doctor had grabbed my throbbing cock. She was shaking it just like a handshake!

“Oh you do have such great manners!” beamed Mistress Doctor. “Madame Beckett and Madame Hobart, please put down your tablets and meet our treasured guest!”

The other two women put down their tablets, walked up to me, and gave my penis the same grab and shake. As I looked at both of them, I could tell that they were both younger than Mistress Doctor. However, both were equally stunning in their own way. I noticed now that Mistress Doctor was your typical looking forty-something MILF with blond hair with a few streaks of gray. Madame Beckett on the other hand, was an athletic redhead while it looked like Madame Hobart was Asian and more petite. As I finished that thought Madame Hobart also began to stroke my balls and I grunted as I felt so close to cumming, but then she quickly let go and gave me a sly smile and wink.

“So… could you tell me what’s going on?” I asked as I squirmed under the straps.

“Yes, I do suppose you are owed an explanation,” laughed Mistress Doctor. “So tell me first, what do you remember?”

“I remember driving and then suddenly seeing headlights as I realized I was lost,” I replied. “That’s it.”

“That isn’t much,” tutted Mistress Doctor. “It seems we have a lot of explaining to do then. Well, what happened is that you had crossed over lanes and were driving into incoming traffic. Madame Beckett here actually was driving the opposite way. She had to swerve her car and you recovered in time to turn quickly back into your lane. Unfortunately, your car then skidded out and flipped over a bridge and into the fast waters of the Themyscira River. Madame Beckett acted quickly but your car was sinking fast. She managed to pull you out of the water while you were unconscious, but that was the only thing she was able to save. Thank goodness she is a varsity swimmer or else perhaps the current would have swept you away too. She then quickly brought you to my facility to receive medical treatment. You really should be thanking Madame Beckett, she saved your life. Go on, thank her now like a good boy.”

I turned my head to Madame Beckett. “Thank you for saving my life, Madame Beckett.”

“Oh it was my pleasure to save someone as handsome as you,” she beamed. “It was the right thing to do.”

To my surprise, she leaned over to kiss me to my shock and grabbed my balls once again. When she let go, I realized how badly I had to cum and desperately wanted relief. However, that didn’t seem like the right thing to share given the circumstances.

“So that explains what happened… but um, why am I like this and can you let me go?” I asked hesitantly.

“John, even though Madame Beckett saved you, you were still going to die,” continued Mistress Doctor. You had multiple broken bones and I diagnosed internal bleeding. We were also incredibly far from a major hospital so I had to do something that was really risky, but it looks like it worked. We gave you the first non-clinical sample of FMDM-1.”

“Which is…” I started.

“An absolute game-changer for the pharmaceutical industry. To put it simply, a miracle drug. The concept of a healing factor from comics and movies? You know, like how Wolverine and Deadpool can heal? One shot of FMDM-1 allows you to heal like that for one week.”

“But… I still don’t understand why I am naked?”

“The procedure causes the body to perspire and heat up to high levels. Our clinical tests have shown it is unsanitary and actually unsafe to be wearing clothes while you recover under FMDM-1. So we had to cut off your clothing to complete the procedure. And in case you are wondering about why you are strapped to the bed, thrashing under the medication is common too. You just woke up after 7 days and you are completely healed.”

“So I can go home now?”

“Yes you can!” smiled Mistress Doctor.

“Ok, thank you. I feel pretty good, so I’d like to go home now.”

“Ok, follow us!” said Mistress Doctor with a big smile. Something about her smile though, looked off. She was hiding something for sure. But before I could think more Madame Beckett and Madame Hobart were unstrapping me and helping me up.

“Um can I have some clothes?” I asked.

“Oh no just follow us it’s fine.”


“Don’t worry, I am in charge of this whole facility. I’ve vetted all the staff and they are not allowed to bring cameras or personal cell phones past the front gates.”


“Oh and I hope it’s alright if we follow standard guiding principles for guests through the lab,” Mistress Doctor said over her shoulder as she walked out of the room. “Follow me please!”

“Ok I guess, WHAT OH!”

Madame Hobart just grabbed my cock and was leading me like I was her pet on a leash. I didn’t even process or think I began walking and following her. Even though we were just walking, I was breathing so hard, like I was running 5 miles. I couldn’t help but notice her tight ass and beautiful calves in her heels. I swear she was able to feel my cock pulsate. As we left the room I looked around the hallway and was shocked at how busy it was. Staff were pushing carts, talking in groups as they walked with a purpose, or almost running carrying stacks of files. Surprisingly, none looked at me more than a quick glance, as if three women leading a naked man, one of whom was pulling him by a raging hard-on was absolutely normal. As we continued to walk, entering an exiting an elevator, I also noticed that all the staff were women and also looked like Mistress Doctor, Madame Beckett, and Madame Hobart. They were all physically fit, very well-dressed, and walking confidently. Being paraded like this, with an amazingly hot woman like Madame Hobart pulling my cock in public made me incredibly horny and I could see that I was leaking pre-cum onto her hand. Repeatedly, she looked back at me and smiled as she continued to lead me as we followed Mistress Doctor and Madame Beckett.

“Ok, here we are at the entrance!” beamed Mistress Doctor.

“Ok great, but I can’t go outside like this…” I gasped, beginning to get a little exasperated and irritated. “Can I please have my…”

Mistress Doctor cut me off, “release? I suppose that is only fair. A young man like you hasn’t ejaculated in a week at least. That isn’t healthy.”

“What, no that’s not what I meant I mean I need-”

Mistress Doctor cut me off again, and said, “no need to ask. Madame Hobart, I can tell you are itching for the task. Why not help our guest. Do what you wish. Although I doubt that is hardly… needed.”

“What? Oh FUCK!”

Madame Hobart was on her knees and was sucking me off in the lobby of the building. This time, people did stop to watch. I stumbled as she continued. She was using her tongue and bobbing her head, looking up at me with her gorgeous brown eyes. My knees buckled and I fell backwards onto a wheelchair that Mistress Beckett somehow was able to provide. Throughout, Madame Hobart did not stop. I should be embarrassed to be naked and being blown by a smartly clothed Asian bombshell, but for some reason, I liked it. I was told I had the biggest smile on my face as I closed my eyes.

“Oh, please don’t stop, I’m so fucking close! I’m almost there!”

Madame Hobart gagged as she shoved me deeper.

“I’m CUMMING!!!! Ahh, AHHH!” I screamed and made noises that could not be put into words. That truly was the best blow job of my life. As I opened up my eyes I looked around and could see the crowd of women that had surrounded me. Madame Hobart smiled and swallowed, with a few drops of cum about to drop off her chin. Before the drops could hit the ground, Madame Beckett slipped a coffee cup under her chin and caught it.

“I always love some cream with my coffee,” she whispered to me as she walked past. “Yours looks like it will be excellent.

I looked around and in my daze I was confused but was gradually coming to my senses and realized that Madame Hobart was wheeling me to the front doors in the wheelchair. Suddenly, we were outside the front doors.

“We do need that wheelchair back now, dear,” smiled Madame Hobart. Her voice was sultry and intoxicating, but I was more focused on other things.

“What but I’m still naked…”

“Goodbye, John,” she smiled, giving me a kiss.

She tilted me out of the wheelchair before she walked away, back to the entrance, briskly pushing the wheelchair. I stood there dumbfounded and realized she was walking back into the facility. I looked the other way and just saw a parking lot and a ramp I assumed would take cars up to the highway. And there I was, standing outside in the cool summer morning air, completely naked and now with a much smaller cock.

“Uh, wait, wait!”

I turned back around and Madame Hobart locked the door and gave me a flirty wave through the glass. At the same time, I heard honks and realized that cars on the highway had now visibly slowed. Many of them were honking and it looked like a few interested cars were even driving down the road, right at me.

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