Carnal Maturation Ch. 03 – The Concert by AlmostTrue,AlmostTrue

Author’s Note: After initially posting the first five chapters, I decided to remove them to make some needed modifications. They mostly add details to explain the protagonist’s motivations, with no major plot changes.

I will continue to add chapters after reposting the first five. I have mapped out fifteen installments that weave through several different categories. Each chapter contains a unique sexual experience, but a larger plot continues throughout.

Please follow me to receive notifications when they are posted.

This chapter is an immediate continuation of chapter two’s cliffhanger.


Chapter 3: The Concert


Terror flowed through my body as I stared at Erica’s mom. Erica and I had managed to get dressed in time, but it came at a cost. We hadn’t had time to clean ourselves, and my hands, face, and cock were still coated with the remnants of Erica’s pussy. Worse, Erica had pulled her panties on with my cum still seeping from her cunt. A few feet from us, a pool of my spunk, covered by her comforter, soaked into her sheets.

While Erica and I had escaped her mom catching us naked, I feared my unchaperoned presence in Erica’s room was still frowned upon. I was sure Erica would get an earful about this, and if her mom recognized the lingering scent of sex in the air, we were both toast.

“You must be Gavin,” Erica’s mom said, reaching her hand out for me to shake. “I’m Mrs. Stevenson. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

I shook her hand and hoped she couldn’t feel the lingering crust from her daughter’s pussy.

“It’s nice to meet you. I was just helping Erica with her bags and was about to head home,” I said, hoping to slip out before she grew suspicious.

“It was good of you to give her a ride home. Did you two have fun camping? Any wild stories to tell?” Mrs. Stevenson inquired with raised eyebrows.

I blushed while Erica glanced at the floor nervously.

“Nothing too wild. We just went on some hikes and ate some great food. Scott’s dad’s an amazing cook,” Erica regained her composure and hoped to shut down any further inquiry.

“Well, that sounds fun. I wish we had more time for things like that, but you know how busy your father is,” Mrs. Stevenson rolled her eyes at Erica. “Gavin, you should stay for lunch. We picked up some fixin’s from the deli down the street.”

“I’d love to, but I need to get home. I’ve got a ton of homework, and I really need to shower,” I said, hoping to duck out before it became too awkward.

“Nonsense. I’m sure you’re starving after all that hiking,” Mrs. Stevenson said with an emphasis on hiking and a glance toward Erica. “Plus, we need to get to know you if you’re spending this much time with our daughter.”

My hair had dried since our activities in the shower, but Erica’s still looked damp. If Mrs. Stevenson was looking for something to be suspicious of, the evidence was in front of her. I was sure she insisted on me staying in order to wring out the truth.

Contrary to my fears, the meal went smoothly, with the conversation focusing on Mrs. Stevenson getting to know me. She didn’t dig deep and thankfully steered clear of any religious or political questions. I answered with a smile and slowly began to relax, but I couldn’t help but think of my cum soaking her daughter’s panties as I looked Mrs. Stevenson in the eyes. I was putting on the act of a good kid, but the lingering secret gave me joy as I grew confident it would not be revealed.

By the end of lunch, I had the feeling Erica exaggerated how strict her parents were. At least her mom, as her dad remained a mystery, having hardly spoken during the meal. I couldn’t tell if he was naturally stoic, pissed off that his wife had invited me to stay, or could smell what his wife couldn’t. I hoped it was just his personality.

“It was nice to meet you. Maybe you can stay for dinner one of these days,” Mrs. Stevenson said while she escorted me to the door.

Stay? Does she know I come over every afternoon? Does she know I’m fucking her daughter? I began to panic, hoping Erica wasn’t about to get punished after I left.

“I’d like that,” I lied, “but I really do need to get going. It was great to meet you.”

I gave Erica a brief hug as her mom walked away, thinking it best to forgo a kiss.

“We lucked out,” Erica whispered, “she’s in a good mood.”

“Your mom seems a lot cooler than you let on.”

“She can be. Especially when my dad’s not around. He’s the real pious one, but she has her days as well,” Erica said, walking me to my car. “I’m just glad the mess didn’t soak through my jeans.”

I wanted to grab her ass, to work my cum into her skin, but her mom was still watching from the door.

“Next time I’ll have to get that photo,” I winked as I got into my car.


Since the camping trip, Erica and I had hung out with Sharon and Scott at least once a week. We flirted in front of each other and often got a bit handsy, but it never progressed like the night in the tent. Nor did we talk about it.

We weren’t ashamed. We just didn’t feel the need to talk discuss it. Leaving it unspoken made it more exciting, like it could happen again if the circumstances were right. We weren’t about to have a foursome, although I am sure we all thought about it at some point.

Erica and Sharon had become good friends and often hung out with Andrea. They’d formed a strong bond, and it started to take some of the pressure of entertaining Erica from my shoulders. Although, more often than not, I was invited to hang out with all three, which was not a horrible way to spend an afternoon.

At first, Scott was around as well, but as the semester progressed, he became more overwhelmed with his course load. We all understood, but Sharon was starting to feel abandoned in their relationship, which meant she sought connection elsewhere.

“Do you mind if I use you as a pillow?” Sharon asked me one afternoon.

I was confused, as were Erica and Andrea.

We were at Sharon’s house, piled on her bed, zoned out, listening to music. I had been thinking how nice it would be to be stoned when Sharon made the request.

“What?” I responded.

“Scoot down. I want to lay my head on your stomach,” Sharon explained.

I looked at Erica, checking if she had an issue with it. She shrugged her shoulders, not sure what to make of the request. I was worried I’d get an earful later, but I decided to see where Sharon was going with this.

“Okay,” I said, sliding down the bed until my stomach was flat.

“Thanks, I love doing this to Scott,” Sharon said as she rested the back of her head against me. “Don’t tell him, but you’ve got better abs than he does.”

“Oh, I’m definitely telling him,” I joked.

It felt weird to have another girl make contact with me like that, especially in front of my girlfriend, but I wasn’t going to turn it down, as it fueled my imagination, and Erica had given her consent for it to happen.

I had to flex slightly every time I took a breath, but soon it felt normal as we continued to lounge with the music blaring.

Sharon was a free spirit with more than enough hippy in her, although she still shaved her legs and pits. She was outgoing and fun, with a bubbly personality, but she had little respect for boundaries. I didn’t think she would cheat on Scott, but she was certainly willing to diverge from what was socially acceptable.

The strawberry blonde strands of her hair draped over my abdomen, but I resisted the urge to lay my hand on her head and stroke her hair. I guessed it was a line Erica would not want me to cross.

I could feel my dick stir, but surprisingly I didn’t get hard, even with a cute face inches from my manhood. I’m sure it would have been different if we’d been alone, as the presence of my girlfriend made the situation too awkward.

“Do you guys want to go see Green Day next month?” Andrea asked, jolting me back to reality.

“Isn’t that like three hours away?” Sharon asked. “I’m not sure I can go. I’ve got rehearsal the next morning.”

“I’m in, as long as I can convince my parents,” Erica added.

“Me too. Shouldn’t be a problem,” I said, “plus, we can stay at my aunt’s after the show. She lives near the arena.”

“That’d be awesome,” Andrea said, “are you sure you can’t go, Sharon? It’ll be fun.”

“I know, but I really can’t,” Sharon lamented. “They’re a little loud for my taste, anyway.”

“Suit yourself. I’ll get three tickets then,” Andrea said as she turned the music up.


“Do you want to come over and study for the calc exam this weekend?” Melanie asked as the class filed out of the room.

Melanie was dressed in her usual preppy chic. It turned me on despite my general distaste for Abercrombie and the like. I’d had a crush on her since we’d met Freshman year, although I’d never had the balls to ask her out during the brief periods she was single. Still, we’d become friends and always had math together, providing enough contact to continue my infatuation.

I usually avoided studying with other people, but when it was a group of girls headed by Melanie, who was I to say no? Plus, she was single for the first time in a while… but I was in a relationship.

I’d seriously contemplated dumping Erica to pursue Melanie, but it was too big of a gamble. I was thinking with my dick, but I wasn’t going to give up good sex for an unknown. Melanie and I had been friends for so long now that I doubted she would date me, although she continued to flirt.

“Maybe. I’ll check with Erica and see if she wants to do anything, but if not, I’m all yours. Who’s going to be there?” I wanted to go, but I figured I’d ask Erica before blowing her off to spend time with another girl.

“Kim, Beth, and maybe Paul,” Melanie said, “I thought we could jump in the pool when we were done.”

I disliked Paul. He was one of those kids who had to impress every teacher and gave off a vibe that never clicked with mine but he made it a co-ed study group, something Erica would be less worried about. Although, honestly, I was in as soon as Melanie mentioned the pool. I was always down to lounge by the pool, especially if it was with her.

“I’ll try and make it. What time?” I played it cool, not wanting to give away my excitement.

“Noon on Sunday,” Melanie smiled before playfully spinning and heading to her next class.

What am I going to do about Erica? If I’ve got a shot with Melanie, I’ve got to break up with her. I thought to myself as I watched Melanie walk away.


I found myself in bed with Erica and Sharon that afternoon. Andrea had to work, but that only meant more room on the bed. I had my head in Erica’s lap while she played with my hair, and, once again, Sharon had her head on my stomach. It was becoming a pattern, but I wasn’t going to complain. Not unless Erica did first.

“Where’s Scott?” I asked, breaking the silence.

“He had to make up a test. He should be here in an hour or so,” Sharon responded, adjusting her head slightly lower on my abdomen.

How is Erica so cool about this? I thought she’d have lost her shit the first time, much less every time since. I wondered if I didn’t give her enough credit as a girlfriend.

She still called me every night, often minutes after I’d left her house, which bothered me. Why did she need to talk to me so soon after seeing me? But she could be worse. She could be jealous of every little thing like so many other girlfriends at our school.

I didn’t know why I wasn’t falling in love with her, but unfortunately, I wasn’t. It was fun having sex, but as she got more serious about me, it was growing unfair to continue the relationship. We couldn’t continue with the feelings being so one-sided, and I would have to talk to her eventually.

“Just to let you know, I can’t hang out on Sunday. I’m going to Melanie’s to study for the calc test,” I said, not letting her decide what I was doing.

“That’s cool. I think my parents want to have a family day after church anyway,” Erica said, continuing to surprise me. “By the way, Andrea can’t go to Green Day, and she already got the tickets, so do you want to invite Melanie? I’d love to get to know her more.”

“Um, okay. I’m not sure they’re her type of music, but it’d be fun if she wants to go. I’ll ask her on Sunday.”

The girl I’m dating and the one I’ve contemplated dumping her for, spending the night with me? This will either be the best night of my life or pure torture, I thought as I returned my focus to the third girl, who had her face three inches from my half-erect penis.


Melanie’s parents had money. By that, I mean they had a pull-through driveway and a pool that overlooked the houses lower on the hill. It wasn’t Bill Gates money, but it was more than I was used to.

When I arrived at her house, there weren’t any other cars outside. I checked the time and sat in my car for a few minutes waiting to see if anyone would arrive. I didn’t like being the first person anywhere, as it always made me uncomfortable — like I was intruding before I was truly welcome.

Finding the courage to ring the doorbell, I was startled when the door flew open immediately. Melanie stood behind it, waiting to hug me. She pressed her body against me, wrapping her arms around me tight. She was always a hugger, and it was not unusual for her to greet me with one, but this hug felt different as her cheek slid against mine.

“I’m so glad you could make it. I really need help studying for this test,” Melanie greeted me with her usual bubbly enthusiasm.

I barely heard what she said, as I was too busy trying not to stare. She was already wearing her swimsuit — a baby blue two-piece, which displayed her breasts perfectly. It wasn’t super revealing but showed enough skin to lure my gaze.

“I can see you are ready to dive into our notes,” I joked.

Melanie’s breasts weren’t huge, and neither was her ass, but she was perfectly proportioned, with enough curves to make you speculate where your hands would go first. I’d fantasized about her many times, and tonight would be another unless Erica called and diverted me.

“Kim and Beth are going to be late, so I thought we’d jump in the pool before they got here. Did you bring your suit?” Melanie asked.

“Yup. I’ll get changed. Is Paul coming?” I managed to say calmly, not wanting to sound too excited about being alone in the pool with Melanie.

“I doubt it. He seemed to lose interest once he knew you were coming. You two don’t get along, do you?” She asked rhetorically. “I’ll meet you in the pool after you get changed.”

Figures, I bet that piece of shit thought he’d get lucky if it was only him and three girls.

As I changed, I wondered if Erica would flip out if she knew I was alone in the pool with Melanie. There wasn’t much I could do about it without looking like an ass, nor was I sure I wanted to. This would be a great opportunity to determine if Melanie liked me or not. Plus, Erica had been surprisingly at ease with me around other girls.

When I got to the pool, I saw Melanie had already been for a dip. She was lounging in the sun as water dripped from her body. Her eyes were closed, and I took the opportunity to catch a better look at her. The pool’s cool water had caused her nipples to pop, and I could make out their outlines under the cups of her bikini that clung to her chest even tighter than when dry.

“Enjoying the view?” Melanie said without opening her eyes.

“I am. It’s amazing how far you can see from here,” I replied.

We both knew what view I was actually enjoying. As usual, we danced around the truth of our desires. I couldn’t figure out if she liked me or liked teasing me. Either way, I enjoyed her attention when she directed it toward me. I still clung on to hope that we’d be together someday, but with time running out in high school, my chances were dwindling, especially since I had a girlfriend now.

I jumped in the pool to avoid further discussion of the views, but I made sure my splash hit Melanie, continuing the flirting.

Seeking revenge, she leaped into the water, slapping her hands against the surface to direct the spray at my face. We continued to splash water at each other, occasionally bumping into each other as we moved about the pool.

The longer it went on, the more I wanted to pull her tight and kiss her, but I resisted, knowing my relationship status would be a turn-off for her. Nor did I want to deal with having cheated on Erica. We were comfortable flirting, especially with no one around, but kissing while I had a girlfriend would be too much.

“When you two are finished flirting, do you want to get some studying done?” Kim asked from the edge of the pool. Beth stood next to her, looking slightly more disapproving.

Kim and Beth were childhood friends of Melanie, and I’d grown close to them over the last few years. Not so much that we hung out without Melanie, but we enjoyed exchanging banter when we got together.

Melanie and I reluctantly climbed out of the pool to get to work.

The four of us diligently studied for several hours until we hit a wall of diminishing returns. New information wouldn’t stick any longer, and we all decided we needed a break and headed back to the pool.

No longer alone, Melanie and I dialed back the flirtations. We still got some jabs in from time to time, but there were fewer sexual undertones, and we tried to include the other two in the fun. Still, I am sure they knew what was going on between us.

We bailed on the pool as the sun dipped below the tree line, and the air grew cold. The girls climbed into the hot tub, which looked inviting, but I had other homework to finish. I also didn’t want to wind up alone with Melanie again, as I wasn’t sure I could keep my hands off her.

“I’ve got to head home,” I announced, wrapping a towel around my waist.

“You’re passing up three girls in a hot tub?” Melanie teased.

“Believe me. I would prefer not to be doing biology homework,” I replied.

“Well, clearly, you aren’t interested in anatomy,” Kim joked, catching me off guard.

I had never heard her be so directly sexual in her banter, especially not when directed at me.

“He’s got a girlfriend for that,” Melanie cut off the escalation, sounding slightly jealous.

Melanie walked me to the gate and thanked me for helping her study. She seemed to know I’d only come over to be social and that I would’ve preferred to do my studying on my own.

“Hey, I forgot to ask. Do you want to go to the Green Day concert in a few weeks?” I asked, feeling weird despite Erica’s insistence. “Erica and I have an extra ticket, and we’ll crash at my aunt’s after.”

“That’d be fun. I’ve never really been to a concert. I’ll have to ask my parents, but I’m sure it’ll be all right,” she said before giving me a hug that left wet imprints of her breasts on my shirt. “Something to remember me by,” she added, nodding towards my chest.

“I’ll cherish it forever,” I joked, climbing into my car before my cock stirred in my pants.


“Hey, Erica. What’s up?” I answered my phone, annoyed she was once again interrupting my homework.

“Nothing. I just wanted to hear your voice,” Erica responded.

“You can’t keep calling me this much. I have shit to do, and it is driving me insane. Can’t you call someone else from time to time?” I griped.

“I haven’t seen you all day. Is it so bad that a girl wants to talk to her boyfriend?”

“No, it’s not. That’s not what I meant. You just take it too far sometimes. Like when you call me right after I leave your house and shit like that.”

“Don’t you want to talk to me?”

“Honestly, not always. I need alone time, like actual alone time. I have shit to do, and I don’t need to be in contact with you all the time,” I said, my anger rising. “I tolerated it when we started dating because you didn’t have friends, but now you have other people to bother.”

“So I bother you?” Erica snapped. “Are you trying to break up with me?”

“No. I just want you to give me more space. Let me do my homework without being interrupted for a change. Can you do that? I can’t keep going like this,” I tried to explain.

“Fine. I won’t bother you anymore,” Erica said before hanging up on me.

I had mixed emotions. I was glad I was free to do my work, but I didn’t like upsetting her. Mainly, I was angry because she didn’t understand I needed to be alone sometimes, especially when I needed to get work done. Whenever I brought it up, she acted like it was a personal attack, but I needed seclusion from everyone.

Every time we fought like this, I went to sleep wondering if this was the catalyst for our break up. This time, I realized I cared enough to try and stay in the relationship, but only if Erica was willing to change.

I needed to better control my anger as well. She didn’t deserve to be yelled at, even if she continued to do things after I asked her not to. Ultimately, though, she was the one that started the fights. I was just reacting. Although, I am sure that is how everyone sees it.

I would accept her apology if she gave one, but I was also willing to let her go if she chose that.

Erica was waiting for me as I parked my car the following morning.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have hung up on you. I love you and want to make this work,” Erica apologized.

“Thanks. I’m sorry I yelled at you, but sometimes I don’t feel like you listen unless I do.”

That was the extent of our discussion. It wasn’t the apology I was hoping for. Nothing was settled. There’d been no promises to change and no acknowledgment of what I was actually upset about but our tempers had cooled, allowing us to ignore our issues as we walked hand in hand into school.

I had doubts about the long-term viability of the relationship, but I didn’t have the desire to bring those up. I was tired of fighting and decided to keep riding the wave until it broke.


A few weeks later, Erica and I headed to the concert with Melanie. Our troubles were behind us, or at least unmentioned, and we were back to acting like a solid couple. Although, I suspected it was temporary.

Erica and Melanie spent most of the car ride talking — bonding by lightly making fun of me. I went along with it, knowing it was better than them fighting, but I secretly hoped they wouldn’t become friends. If I did break up with Erica, I didn’t want her to go crying to my crush.

We hit traffic and arrived late for the concert, missing the opening bands. I was disappointed but quickly moved on as the lights dimmed and Green Day took the stage.

The floor was general admission, and we stood near the back because the girls didn’t want to get caught in the mosh pit. I tried to convince them it would be fine, but Melanie, especially, was scared. I was disappointed but couldn’t blame her, this was a big crowd, and first concerts could be overwhelming.

As Green Day pounded out their hits, the girls stood on either side of me. We all bounced up and down with the crowd, pogoing to the beat and ricocheting off each other. Erica got most of my attention, but I was conscious of not leaving Melanie feeling like a third wheel.

More than a few times, I inadvertently pressed my arm against Melanie’s breasts as we flowed with the crowd. She was unfazed and seemed to turn toward me to facilitate the contact.

By the encore, we were drenched in sweat and swayed together as the band played “Good Riddance.” I draped an arm over each of their shoulders, neither seeming to mind the split attention as fantasies of a threesome raced through my mind, but unfortunately, the connections were severed when the show ended. The harsh house lights illuminated the reality of the situation.

It was almost midnight when we arrived at my aunt’s. She’d long since gone to sleep but left blankets and sheets for the girls in the living room. There was a pull-out sofa that they were supposed to share while I slept in the guest room.

Still wired from the concert, we sat in the living room talking, mostly about school and our upcoming finals. The academic differences between the three of us underlay the conversation. Erica acted cool, but I could tell she felt left out, as she wasn’t as academically inclined.

Melanie was the first to tire and lay down on the sofa, pulling the blanket over her as we talked. Soon she was asleep, blocking us from pulling out the bed.

Erica sat in my arms as we continued to snuggle, neither of us wanting to sleep yet. We sat on the floor, having moved the furniture to the side in preparation for the convertible sofa.

Knowing Melanie was asleep, I slipped my hand under Erica’s shirt, cupping her breasts as I teased her nipple to attention.

“What are you doing?” Erica whispered.

“Sorry, just a little horny.”

“You’re always horny.”

“So are you.”

I continued to play with her breasts as I unfastened her jeans with my other hand.

“Should we move to the bedroom?” Erica asked.

“The walls are too thin, and that bed is super squeaky. We’d definitely wake my aunt,” I replied.

Erica didn’t protest as I slipped my hand beneath her panties. My fingers found her pussy, already soaked from my attention.

“See, always horny,” I said as I sank two fingers inside her.

I slowly pumped as she ground her ass against my crotch. I kissed her neck, keeping my movements smooth and silent, not wanting to wake Melanie.

My mind raced back to the tent. I thought about how we’d not cared if Scott and Sharon heard us, but I realized this was different. They’d been participants, while Melanie was an innocent bystander. She’d be shocked if she woke up to us fooling around.

That did not stop us.

Soon I had Erica’s bra unhooked and was massaging her bare breasts. Her skin was sticky from the concert, but that didn’t lessen my enjoyment. I could feel her breathing deepen as I focused on her nipples and clit. I’d long since learned how hard she liked me to pinch them, and she softly moaned as I rolled one in my finger, hitting the perfect pressure.

I ran my fingers in small circles over her clit, pressing hard against her to get enough friction. Her jeans were still on, and although they were unbuttoned, I was restricted in my movements.

I paused from pleasuring her and grabbed the waist of her pants, pushing them down as she lifted her ass. We both knew Melanie would have a direct view of my fingers inside Erica’s cunt if she woke, but I wasn’t about to stop so close to making her cum.

With my motion no longer restricted, I rubbed her clit furiously, not worrying about the squishing sounds between her legs. I didn’t want to rouse Melanie, but I was losing concern if it were to happen. It was too much of a turn-on.

I felt Erica’s body tense and knew she was about to cum. During every orgasm, she arched her back and curled her toes, and this time was no different. I did not let up, continuing to fondle her tits as I flicked her clit.

She covered her mouth as she attempted to withhold her moans. Still, she was loud enough that I worried Melanie would wake, but Melanie’s eyes remained closed as Erica came, shuddering as she pushed her ass against me, reminding me my cock was painfully hard, and I wanted relief.

I kissed Erica’s neck, but my eyes were fixated on Melanie. I’d made my girlfriend cum while I stared at my sleeping friend. A friend that I’d fantasized about fucking many times before. It wasn’t the threesome I’d envisioned earlier, but it was damn erotic nonetheless.

As Erica’s orgasm subsided, she let her body go limp, sinking into me. I idly played with her breast waiting for her to recover, but I wanted my turn. I needed to cum.

“I’m going to change into my pajamas,” Erica whispered as she pulled her pants on.

I was surprised. Would she not return the favor? I knew she didn’t like blowjobs, but she could at least give me a handjob in return.

When she returned, she wore an oversized t-shirt and the same baggy shorts she had sported camping.

“Let’s make a bed,” she said as she smoothed out the sheets and blanket immediately next to the sofa, right under Melanie.

Erica lay down and patted the blanket behind her, insisting I join her.

I was still fully clothed, but I knew I could get away with stripping to my boxers, even with Melanie there. She was used to seeing me without a shirt, and she’d understand me not wanting to sleep in my jeans, especially after some drunk guy spilled beer on them.

I slipped behind Erica, my hard cock tenting my boxers as it pressed against her. My erection nestled between her cheeks as I rubbed against her, working deeper into her crevice, trying to remind her I hadn’t cum.

Erica reached back and pulled my dick from my fly, giving it a few strokes before she guided the tip through the loose leg hole of her shorts.

“I’m not wearing any panties,” she whispered before pressing my head against her damp slit.

I shouldn’t have doubted her intentions.

I scooted down, giving my cock a better angle, as Erica continued to rub me against herself. I slipped my hand under her shirt, finding her breasts free from her bra. I took the weight of one in my hand as I thrust forward, driving my cock into her soaked slit.

I glanced above us, checking that Melanie was still asleep before I pumped into Erica. I knew it wouldn’t take long, as I was too excited to hold out, but I guided Erica’s hand to her clit anyway, wanting to give her the chance to cum again.

Her pussy was as wet, warm, and welcoming to my cock as ever, but knowing Melanie was a few feet from us made my mind wander from the girl I was inside.

I began to think of what it would be like to make love to Melanie. Make love, as she didn’t seem like the type to fuck. I imagined she would like to be face to face, taking things slowly as our bodies connected. I could almost feel her firm tits slipping across my chest as I fantasized.

My mind spun back to reality. Melanie wouldn’t fuck me on my aunt’s floor with a friend sleeping next to us like Erica was. She was a good girl. Then again, so was Erica before she gave in to her wanton lust.

I still didn’t know how much she got off doing things like this or if she did them to please me. Either way, I would cum inside her with Melanie sleeping near us. I was a lucky guy.

My libido begged me to speed up and I gradually gave in to my desires, increasing my speed while staying as quiet as possible. I’d never realized how loud sex was until I needed it to be silent.

Erica played with herself as I plowed her from behind. My hand continued to massage her breasts, pinching her nipple. Her body tensed, and I realized she might cum with me after all.

My thrusts were hard, but I was pulling my punches. I would pull almost all the way out, but when I plunged into her, I stopped short of burying myself completely. This prevented the slap of our bodies colliding and still felt amazing but was slower to bring me to climax.

Every time I fucked her, I thanked her doctor for putting her on the pill and questioned why it took me so long to screw her without a condom.

My actions and clothing muted the slapping of our skin, but the sloshing sounds of me plunging her wet cunt grew louder as I upped the intensity. Still, Melanie showed no signs of waking as we sought our happy endings.

“Are you close?” I quietly asked Erica.

“Almost. Keep going, just a little harder,” she pleaded.

I rolled her onto her stomach, trapping my hand under her as I continued to play with her breast. I thrust into her full force, the carpet keeping her body from moving away from me. We were louder, but I didn’t care.

I could feel her fingers flicking her clit when they occasionally grazed my cock.

Each time I pulled from her, my dick skimmed along with the fabric of her shorts. They were smooth, felt good, and added an extra layer to the already complex sex. I liked fucking her while we were partially clothed, as it reaffirmed what we were doing was risky — Melanie could wake at any moment.

I arched my back as I used my hips to thrust hard, knowing I was close and hoping she was too. Normally, we communicated when we fucked, letting each other know what was or wasn’t working and if we were getting close, but we didn’t want to risk making too much noise. Instead, I relied on our experience to know when to go for the kill.

Luckily, I was right. I felt her ass push up as her cunt clamped down, contracting around my shaft as I fucked as hard as I dared.

Despite her best attempts, Erica let out a louder-than-desired shriek as she came.

My cock jumped and unloaded into her. I restrained my grunts as I made a few more violent thrusts, filling her with my cum. Her pussy was still spasming as I relaxed, pressing her firmly into the floor as I compelled the last few drops from my cock.

Erica shifted her hand from her clit to cover her pussy before I pulled out of her. I didn’t want to, but I knew it would be too much of a mess if I let myself go soft inside her, and I didn’t want to explain that stain to my aunt.

Withdrawing from her, I rolled to the side. Her hand caught most of the mess that followed my dick, and she scampered off to the bathroom to clean herself.

I glanced at Melanie. Her eyes were still closed, but I swore I could see a faint smile on her face as she lay there with her head tilted toward me. I held my gaze for a few seconds, checking that she was asleep before I joined Erica in the bathroom to clean up.

Had she been watching this whole time? I wondered.

If she had, she was even more desirable than I thought.


We were awakened early by my aunt cooking biscuits and gravy for breakfast. She overlooked that I’d slept in the living room with the girls and wished us a pleasant drive as we left.

The drive home was quiet, as we were tired from the lack of sleep. Despite falling asleep before us, Melanie didn’t seem any more rested than Erica and me as she napped in the back. Erica joined her in slumber as she reclined in the passenger’s seat, leaving me to drive in silence.

I didn’t mind, as I enjoyed driving in silence. It gave me plenty of time to relive what happened the night before. Part of me wanted Melanie to have watched, but I worried our friendship would be different if she had.

If Melanie had seen or heard anything the night before, she didn’t let on as she hugged Erica and me goodbye as I dropped her off. She gave no sign of unease or awkwardness and cheerfully waved goodbye as we drove off.

I dropped Erica off and went home, showering and finishing the homework I’d procrastinated on as usual. I masturbated that night, thinking about having sex next to Melanie. As I came, my fantasy morphed into a threesome, although it didn’t involve Erica.

I really hope Melanie wasn’t asleep. I thought as I dozed off, knowing if it was true, she was naughtier than her preppy good-girl persona.

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