Student Bodies – in Spain by WillingWolf,WillingWolf

Authored by Frankie and Friends and compiled by Frankie

Authors note. I wrote this story some years ago, and self-published it on a major e-tailer, before I realised how easy it was to find erotic stories on line, namely Literotica. I did sell a few dozen copies, and for those of you who bought it, a thank you. The main problem was getting ‘Star Ratings’ without buying them. I guess purchasers were reluctant to admit they were buying. Anyway, here it is for free. It is obviously a work of fiction, but does draw on my experiences as a student, in those days before mobile phones. All characters involved with any sexual activities are over the age of eighteen. WW

Chapter One Frankie

I guess writing this story takes me back to my childhood, you know, where in the first week of the new school year the teacher would ask you to write a story about your summer holidays. Well, as the only English student amongst us, although I am afraid that my grammar is not a strong point, I was elected to compile this book, partly for our enjoyment, partly for yours, the reader, and partly to make some money to pay off our student debts. The format is that each of us has written at least one chapter of a favourite, or momentous evening and I have proof-read and compiled it in some form of order. So blame me if it goes horribly wrong. Jane Austen, I ain’t.

Perhaps I should first explain that although every late teenage holiday-maker claims to be going to be sunny Spain to get shagged senseless every night, this is not always true. Sure, some of us may want that, others want romance, new experiences, culture, a skinful of booze, an illicit relationship with a ‘foreigner’, or at least a stranger, a break from the tedium of student life (yes really) and to establish European harmony through cross cultural ties. Well, we achieved most of these, with the definite exception of culture and European harmony.

We had planned this fairly late and like all student arrangements everything changed a dozen times before the final twelve agreed to go. We only had a full balanced complement of twelve ten days before we went out, and then we were a mismatched bunch. We did not all know each other well. It could easily have been a disaster.

Let me first establish the cast of players. At this stage it will be necessary to conceal a little of the detail in order to spare the blushes of our parents, and the wrath of the University, where we would all like to continue our degrees. We met up at a Midlands University where a few of us shared the same halls for the first year, girls on the first floor, boys on the ground. Jon and Luther were not in our block but played football with the other guys, Cindy was Pete’s girlfriend, Yasmin and Hannah were in a nearby block but on the same course as Sarah.

Before this holiday we were certainly not an inseparable crowd, in the future who knows. Our paths had at that stage only crossed, we all knew each other but we all knew some better than others. Cindy and Pete were an item as were Luther and Lucy. So here goes the Cast of Players

Me, Frankie — home counties spoiled. Long blonde hair, slim, a pony at home and personalised number plate on my convertible 206 (also at home).

Lucy — my best mate, as Northern as I was Southern, would call a spade a spade (or indeed a fucking spade) also blonde and a body to die for. While I had never had anything but passing Lesbian tendencies the thoughts had crossed my mind from time to time, especially when I looked at Lucy.

Sarah – Scottish and a little up herself. Really had wanted to go to St. Andrews University, where she would have met a better class of person. Long dark hair, tall with long legs and an attractive, if not haughty demeanour. She changes into a party animal after a few drinks.

Cindy — first generation Caribbean East London but with an attractive Jamaican accent. Legs that we reckoned were the longest in the universe. Fit as you like and doing a PE course. She is a potentially good long jumper who could probably be better if she did not believe that a good night of sex was worth 500 calories and 3 hours training.

Yasmin — Midlands born and bred with dark olive skin, and long black hair. She had a very strict family upbringing and was undoubtedly the brainiest amongst us. Her parents wanted her to live at home but she has fought relentlessly to lead a less restricted life. Otherwise she would never have been allowed to come away in a mixed crowd. A little shy and a bit of a loner. Virgin.

Hannah — Also a virgin but from choice. A romantic, waiting to meet Mr. Right. She has a Rubenesque body, magnificent big, but firm tits over a rounded non-pc body. Buddied up with Yasmin in class, now inseparable.

Simon — also a PE degree. Goodlooking, crew cut, what a body, firm six pack, pecs, the lot. Just a little shy otherwise he would be the campus stud. Yorkshire born and bred, he would love to be a professional sportsman but is I am afraid a Jack of all trades, good at all sports but not outstanding in any of them.

Josh — a background similar to mine in the Home Counties. Daddy was something in the city so money was never a problem. A bit too keen to try to buy a girl with his Gold Card but not unattractive. A bit too lazy to work out, but still plays football with the rest of the boys.

Luther — Captain of the football team and also doing a PE degree. He is the reason that I knew I wasn’t a lesbian. I had really tried to pull him in the first few weeks of term but Lucy had beaten me to it and, as a mate, I really did not think I should try to get him into bed until Lucy got tired of him. Amazingly considering his Caribbean London background he and Cindy had not met before Uni. They knew a lot of people in common and apparently had often visited the same bars and clubs without meeting.

Pete — the funny guy. He is taking a business and marketing degree and you just know that he will eventually be the world’s best salesman. His Irish background and easy smile could charm any girl into bed within minutes. I think he got Cindy there in 27 mins flat after meeting in the Student Bar. They have been together for a long time now — over three months.

Chris — the ginger minger. No he’s all right. They say the quiet ones are the worst but he has a gentle humour that hides the passion. That’s what he tells us anyway. A little naïve or maybe just shy, he has always claimed that there were no local girls, only untouchable holiday-makers where he grew up in Cornwall.

Jon — We have always had him lined up as a natural partner for Hannah, a bit shy, certainly still a virgin, and a body that could be shared around. Built for comfort. He was the one that surprised me the most over the weeks to come. Where the others may have had bodies to die for, he had a cock to die for. He was a little embarrassed about it and would never let us measure it but I reckon ten inches and four inches around would just about cover it. As would four hands.

Well here we go, on our holidays.

We had rented a biggish house with a small pool on the Costa Brave on the edge of a small coastal resort for just short of a month. Not a Faliraki but still a few bars and a couple of night clubs. We got it fairly cheaply for the month of June and found it fairly easy to pair off in the rooms, Pete & Cindy, Luther & Lucy then two pairs of boys and girls. Yasmin and Hannah,leaving Sarah with me. Josh was with Simon, leaving Chris and Jon.

Let me take up the story of the first of the fun nights, eight or nine days into the holiday.

Frankies Story.

There I was lying on the bed having a small siesta after we had been in Spain for just over a week. We had had a pretty heavy week, drinking and dancing, but no SEX. Not unnaturally therefore I had my hands down the front of my panties. A couple of the girls were lying by the pool, I could hear some of the guys working out, right outside my bedroom window and the thought of their now tanned bodies was making me horny. It was all right for the two couples, they were getting it all right. You could hear Cindy trying to stifle her giggles and screams every night in the next room. There was Sarah and I most nights surreptitiously diddling ourselves under the bedclothes hoping that the other one was asleep. I played my fingers over my outer lips, peeling them back as they juiced up, gently dreaming of Pete who I could hear outside the window. I took a firm grip on my clitoris, easing it from its little hood and squeezed. I cursed that I could not use my new toy, the Rabbit, with the clitoral stimulator. It was too noisy even at a low speed. I pushed up the first then a second and then a third finger. My chest was heaving as I massaged my left nipple, squeezing and pulling. All too quickly, stifling my cries, I bounced on the bed, driving my fingers further and further up my steaming cunt. I could feel the juice trickling down my thighs as I came. Great — but still not SEX. I lay there glowing, thinking where my next lay was to come from and saw Pete in my minds eye. I thought about how I would enjoy a game of strip poker with him, particularly as I could not play poker and would therefore undoubtedly lose embarrassingly. I sat up straight as a little scheme ran through my mind. I hurriedly threw on a bikini, picked a couple of beers out of the fridge and strolled outside to where I knew Josh would be lying after dropping out early from the workout group. I chose Josh, firstly because he was lying on his own and secondly because even I could not approach somebody else’s boyfriend with what I had in mind.

‘Hi – fancy a beer?’ as I sat down beside him.

‘Sure,’ he said ‘What’s up, looking for a man for the afternoon?’

Too close to the truth that one.

‘Yes, is there one handy? Do you know one?’ I joked, sitting down close to him.

‘But seriously,’ I started, ‘I feel a little guilty that we are spending too much money every evening when we go clubbing. You and I are probably okay and I may be wrong, but I don’t think some of the guys can afford a month at this rate.’

He gave me a strange look. I guess I am not usually known as a philanthropist.

‘Got any ideas.’

‘Well,’ I tried to look casual, ‘how about a night in and a game of trivial pursuit. We can get a bucket load of wine and get pissed indoors.’

‘Sounds like a fun evening. But I think I was getting somewhere with that blonde barmaid in the G-spot Bar down the road. I thought I might try again.’

‘Listen, if you boys lost the first game, maybe we could have a little bet on the second game, say washing up for a week.’

‘Why would I want to risk washing up for a week, and anyway we could beat you easily.’

‘Now listen, stupid. If you lost again then maybe we could increase the stakes a little.’ I thought that maybe he would now get the hint but his blank look forced me to add, ‘Maybe some clothes or something.’

He got there, and smiled broadly.

‘Maybe a night in wouldn’t be too bad,’ he laughed.

‘Don’t go spoiling it by telling too many people. Talk to Simon and between you I reckon you can answer enough questions wrong to manage to lose the first couple of games for your team, and then you can increase the stakes and start winning. As Pete and Luther are partnered up with girls already, they might not like the idea.’ I could see that Josh was already thinking of the likely benefits of winning after losing the first couple of games.

I yawned, winked and said ‘I am going for a nap, might be a late night, I guess I will see you at tea time.’

We sat later around the dirty dinner plates.

‘What time are we going out?’

‘What about a night in’ says an eager Josh. We all looked at him as if he had two heads.

‘Some wine, beer, a couple of bottles of vodka and a game of Trivial Pursuits. Seriously though we have been hitting some expensive nights and just this once a night in may be fun.’

‘Sure’ I said, ‘Why not’, and Hannah, Yasmin, Lucy & Chris were quick to agree, thinking about their purses I guessed.

Well the first game, Girls v Boys of course, we girls won by six wedges to two wedges in almost indecent haste.

‘I can’t believe we lost that. Let’s have a little bet on the next game?’ says Simon.

‘Washing up for a week,’ I suggested.

‘You’re on’.

Again, six to two and the girls had a few celebratory drinks, another vodka bottle joined the pile.

‘Let’s make this more interesting, an item of clothing for each wedge,’ said Josh as if he had just thought of the idea.

‘OK Girls this is easy’ I said,’ We could each have won the last few games single-handed.’

‘Yes,’ Lucy agreed, always competitive and like me, a roving eye, even if she was paired with the best body in the room. You cannot be criticised for looking. I thought that this was where our luck may change but the boys were trickier than I thought.

Again we won. The boys all lost their shirts- big deal, so did I, the first to offer, and Lucy, Sarah and eventually Hannah. As we girls won six wedges to four. Cindy in a vest and shorts had whispered that she did not have a bra on so Hannah volunteered eventually. The boys had seen three of us topless on the beach, but Hannah, Sarah and Yasmin had always worn a full bikini.

The drinks were beginning to have an effect. ‘Great tits’ says Simon looking at Hannah as the girls chorused ‘If you’ve got ’em flaunt ’em’.

Hannah blushed but straightened her back and shook them to cheers.

‘Right’ says Josh, ‘chance to get our own back. The winning team of each wedge chooses the donor — lose one item, if that person won’t take one off then the losing team chooses the donors of two items, plus a total four items on the overall win.’

Hannah whistled gently. Yasmin looked scared.

‘Unless of course you are scared you can be beaten,’ says Josh.

‘Bollocks’ said Sarah, which was definitely the drink talking. ‘We have won every hand. We’ll start.’

‘Mugs away,’ cried Chris. ‘We lost, we start’, and we were off and they were trying.

They won the first one and nominated Yasmin. She had a dress on and thought long and hard before drawing it over her head to reveal a heavy, dense white bra & knickers over her attractively slim body. Nothing lacy or see-through but the boys went quiet. This was getting serious. The drinks flowed.

They also won the second. ‘Cindy’ was the cry and off came the vest. A gorgeous pair of coal black breasts with nipples standing out like corks.

We won the next and told Josh to take off his shorts, which he did to reveal a pair of soft, tight-fitting boxers, which in turn revealed a handsomely built semi-erect cock.

Theirs was the next win and Cindy was chosen again. She probably had got the fittest body and some of them may not have seen a naked black girl before.

Cindy whispered to Hannah sitting next to her who blushed and said ‘We choose two items’, and slipped off her skirt. I looked at her sideways wondering why Cindy had not wanted to take off her shorts and why Hannah had reluctantly agreed, but offered my support and slipped off my shorts. I had fairly modest panties on but Hannah’s were pink, pretty and just faintly see-through, showing just a hint of muff. I had known beforehand what was likely to happen and had worn probably the least see-through set in the drawer.

Luther looked at the other guys and said ‘Commando, Cindy’s gone commando. She is not wearing knickers.’

Cindy blushed. That’s not easy if you are her colour but she did.

The girls saved their modesty with the next question and told Josh to take off his boxers.

A quick pow-wow and Chris and Luther took down their shorts. Chris like Josh had boxers but Luther looked good in regular jockeys. Lets face it, they all looked good with erect or tumescent cocks stretching their underwear.

We lost again to go four to two down in the number of wedges won.

‘Cindy’ was the cry and she looked helplessly at us.

Lucy and Sarah stood up. Lucy slipped off her skirt. Her panties were lacy and pretty but covered her fairly comprehensively. Sara stood and stood and then took off her bra to cheers.

This was the first time that the boys had seen her tits so it went quiet for a second or two, but their grins stretched from ear to ear. They were a good size with strong dark nipples and deep dark aureoles, surrounded by her pale body which had never tanned under her bra.

Yet again the boys won and again chose Cindy.

I stepped up, took off my bra and looked at Lucy Hannah and Yasmin, who all looked at each other, hoping that someone else would volunteer. Lucy eventually reached behind her to slip off her bra.

We began to try to cheat asking harder questions but still the boys won another round.

Cindy knew they were going to choose her again and started to stand, but both Hannah and Yasmin started to unhook their bras to cheers of delight. This was now very new territory. Not only were these timid girls showing them for the first time but unlike being on the beach it was okay to stare. I cannot have believed that both Yasmin and Hannah had entered so easily into the spirit of the game. Especially Yasmin. Hannah had gorgeous large tits with big brown areolae. A lot of boys would love to have their head buried in them. Yasmin’s tits were small compact and very firm but with quite prominent nipples.

At last we won a round, chose Josh and watched Pete and Simon peel off their shorts.

Another round to the boys. They must have forgotten to choose Cindy in their haste to see the complete set of panties because inexplicably they chose Sarah. She stood up and tried to quickly slide off her shorts so no one could see. As she sat back on the floor we could see that the thong that she was wearing was just a string at the back and sheer, clear see-through gauze at the front. She might as well have been naked.

Their cocks rose as a man and I really started to enjoy myself.

‘Come on girls, still all to play for. One more win and we start seeing some cock,’ I urged.

And so we did. The next one.

Having chosen Luther who appeared to have the biggest bulge, Jon stood up, ‘Don’t leave me out boys. We choose two items,’ and pulled down his shorts to reveal a pair of straining boxers. He obviously felt hurt that no-one wanted to see him get his kit off. Was he too tubby, he must have been thinking?

They all sat there with their one item of clothing each, knowing that one had to go.

Josh found a dice in the pocket of his discarded shorts. Why? I wondered.

He allocated numbers one to six, shook the dice and up came number four Pete.

‘No,’ called Cindy, ‘I have seen that one.’ And we all laughed tensely as he peeled off his boxers to a ripple of applause.

I would be very happy to be playing with that particular fun stick. Not hugely long but thick and growing by the minute.

He tucked it under him and sat down.

‘Come on boys we need to win this.’

They had their six pieces and were only going for the middle to win and receive four items. We only had six between us.

They reached the middle and to cheers answered a question on history correctly.

It went quiet as they looked at us.

Cindy had no choice after putting us all in trouble by going commando.

She laughed, peeled down her lycra shorts and walked over to the fridge to get another drink before sitting down.

What a body.

We were all a little bashful after that. We could not compete with her brand of fitness, but we had to. I knew I had started this game.

I stood, moved to the middle of the room and shimmied them down, twirled and sat down. I was beginning to leak juices from my sticky little quim. I felt that the smell of arousal would be obvious but I guess we all felt the same. The air of sexual tension was getting to me. Two to go.

Sarah stood and shucked them off. ‘It was like not wearing anything anyway she said.’

We all looked at Hannah Yasmin and Lucy.

Lucy stood up, put one hand over her crotch inside her knickers and shucked them off. She just stood there holding her hands over her pussy. Two of the boys were quick off the mark.

One handed her the peanut bowl and the other held out a drink.

We all laughed which broke the tension as she laughingly cried’ You bastards’, and held out both hands for the drink and the nuts, exposing herself completely. And how completely. There she was, my best mate, and for the first time I found out that she was shaven. Bald as a billiard ball.

She went back to her place and the room went quiet. The game had ended.

I could not stand the ache in my crotch any more. I had started this game with one thing in mind. SEX. I grabbed Simon, who had a great body and happened to be sitting next to me, by the hand and pulled him out towards the pool. ‘Fuck me, quick.’ I moaned and he picked me up and carried me onto the grass. He lay me down but struggled to pull off his briefs. They were being held up by his erect cock, which seemed at that time to be a good eight inches. I lay there with my legs wide apart and just waited.

Without preamble he pushed it into me. Neither of us needed the fore play and I just screamed ‘Fuck me, hard. Come inside me.’ as he emptied himself into me.

After our moment of passion was over his hands started tickling my nipples before moving lower towards my dripping lips. His mouth followed eventually and he licked and nibbled his way down to my clit, which itched beyond belief. Managing somehow to avoid licking me out where his cum was dripping down my legs he still seemed to lick and tickle my clit for ages. His fingers played in the sticky mess between my lips urging me onto another orgasm. I needed it again, and, recognising that the only way to get him hard again quickly was orally, we naturally moved into a sixty-nine.

Eventually he turned me over onto my hands and knees and slowly fucked me again doggy style, this time slowly and with feeling.

After finishing we wandered back to the lounge to join the others feeling a little shame-faced about our sudden departure, to find the room empty and cries of passion coming from Cindy’s and Lucy’s rooms. I wondered whether the others had paired off but walked into my bedroom to find Sarah alone wriggling in the throes of masturbation.

‘Sorry I left,’ I said, ‘I did not mean to break up the party.’

She turned her back in a huff and I crashed off to sleep. At least I had got my first shag of the holidays.

Chapter 2 Jon’s Story.

Well, what an evening we had last night. I had no idea until next morning that it was planned. Josh told me eventually that he had approached Frankie with a plan to liven the evenings up a bit. Good man him.

My balls ached as I climbed into bed. Luther and Pete had done a runner with their girls as soon as Frankie and Simon left the room. We asked the girls if they wanted a drink but they seemed a little embarrassed sitting there with no clothes on and said ‘Great party, got to run’.

We all needed a wank I guess and certainly Chris and I were making the same sort of noises, me in bed and him in the bathroom.

But I was still a virgin.

The next day was quiet, most us went our separate ways and did not really talk until lunch.

‘What are we doing tonight.’ asked Josh and we looked at him and Frankie.

‘Look guys, I am so sorry to break up the party last night. As you probably could tell I was having a good time. Too good a time to wait,’ Frankie said.

The silence was obvious and slowly everyone ended up looking at Yasmin and Hannah. This was the make or break. Would they get involved again?

Slowly Yasmin said, ‘Well Hannah and I were talking and if you guys wanted to carry on this evening…’ and stuttered to a halt.

Hannah finished it off. ‘We don’t mind joining in. Just to make up the numbers like.’

Twelve big cheesy grins and a couple of clenched fists were obvious. I tried surreptitiously to ease my cock, which was beginning to tighten at the thought. Cindy saw me, pointed and laughed. ‘I guess we don’t even have time for a drink tonight.’

‘Let’s meet up at seven for a few drinks,’ said Pete and everyone drifted off to their rooms.

Knowing what was likely to happen we all assembled to find that most of the girls were wearing socks, shoes and probably for all I knew two or three pairs of knickers.

The drinks flowed and Josh eventually said, ‘Look we cannot do exactly the same as last night, it might be an anticlimax. We know what will happen.’

‘What do you suggest’ said a wary Hannah as if we just expected her to shed all her clothes this instant and start fucking.

‘Well, said Simon, ‘It’s all about taking some clothes off, in some form of game. If we are hearing you right Yasmin. We all enjoyed the fun last night so we need to find a way to lose a few clothes without too much embarrassment. Right?

How about we all pose like statues and people vote who takes their clothes off.’

‘How would that work?’ ‘Who votes?’ ‘What all together’.

A multitude of queries before Lucy said, ‘I know what you boys can do. Stand in the middle one by one and pose like body builders. Oil up. All over. In your boxers. We have all seen that on the beach anyway. Thats a start.’

We looked at each other. I knew that I had the worst body by far but I would have to take my clothes off some time if I was going to get laid, and as Lucy said they had already seen me on the beach.

‘That sounds okay, and all you girls can do a striptease. If we are down to our undies, you can be as well. Same as last night.’ I said and there were nods of approval from the rest of the boys.

Sarah stood up. ‘Girls I need another drink from the kitchen. Anyone want to help me with the glasses.’ Out they trooped.

We flipped the tops on a few more beers and waited.

We could eventually hear what sounded like lots of high-five noises coming from the kitchen and we looked at each other in delight. Back they came.

‘Ok get those drinks moving’ Sarah said with a gleam in her eye. ‘Who is first?’

We flipped a coin, the girls won and we got elected to go first.

‘I think we should alternate in case anyone wants to back out.’ said Luther.

They agreed easily enough and my cock got even firmer. We rolled the dice that Josh just happened to have in his pocket again amongst the boys to see who would go first.

Pete drew the first spot, slugged back a large vodka and disappeared off to the bedrooms. Five minutes later he came back to catcalls and applause, oiled and wearing nothing but a small pair of briefs. His erect cock was obvious, pushing the material out in a bid to escape.

He set about posing for a few minutes until Cindy, with just a nod of her head as approval, indicated to the other girls that if they wanted to feel her boy-friends muscles they could. Frankie was first up and then there was a rush as he was surrounded by five girls checking out his muscles. Cindy then changed the course of the evening with a cry of ‘get them off.’ I saw Frankie and Lucy look at each other and together they dragged his undies to the floor. He faced us covering his cock with his hands then took a deep breath and posed with his hands on his head.

Cindy, now managing the demonstration, got him to turn a couple of times and walk in front of them all before they let him sit down with his rampant hard-on jutting between his legs. I noticed the girls openly checking it out.

After her escalation of the way that the evening was going to go, it was only right that Cindy went next. She had obviously come fully clothed after last night’s bra-less, commando appearance and was wearing socks and a cardigan as well as her normal clothes.

She stood up, turned up the music and started to gyrate. One by one the clothes fell until she was left in bra and panties, and then they too disappeared to a curtsy and massed applause. I was disappointed that Pete didn’t give us the nod to explore her body, the way the girls had explored his. While we had seen it all before, she did have a magnificent body.

We moved on with the aid of Josh’s dice. One by one we got up to pose. A couple of the later guys were obviously proud of their cocks as they stood preening them, playing with them as they squeezed them to their largest hardest extent. I thought that Simon was going to masturbate as he stood there apparently unable to stop stropping it. The oil and the atmosphere combined to make it apparently irresistible. I had drawn the last place and had the advantage of seeing the others perform. I knew by then that I had no need to be embarrassed about the size of my cock. I was going to be the largest. But so was my tum and bum. That was more of a problem.

We saw the gorgeous bodies of the shaven Lucy, then Sarah, who nearly fell over a couple of times after a considerable amount of vodka, then Frankie and now to Hannah. Where all the others had just stood up and danced she said ‘Back in a minute,’ and disappeared.

She came back dressed in a longish black cocktail dress and tights or stockings. Like me she had recognised that she did not have the sylph-like body of the others and came to offer an alternative.

She performed like a master stripper, teasing us as she removed her dress to reveal stockings and a suspender belt. Then the bra went and we saw those magnificent tits. We expected to see the suspender belt go next but she instinctively knew what we liked and off came her knickers to applause. She threw them to Luther who snatched them from the air and placed them under his nose to inhale deeply. That was all, she curtsied and her lips briefly parted as she sat down on the floor to tumultuous applause, still wearing the stockings and suspenders.

I was next. I went out to my bedroom and liberally covered myself with a cheap sun tan oil that not only made me shine but enhanced the tan. I massaged the oil into my prick, risking an early eruption. The buzz was getting to me after watching all those girls take off their clothes. I began to leak a few drops of cum and realised it was now or never.

I put a small towel around my waist and walked into the lounge. As the last couple of guys had come in stark naked, this naturally led to calls of ‘Get ’em off’ and ‘Chicken’. I had my reasons and posed and preened like the others for two or three minutes as my less than lean and mean body was displayed. I opened my legs, assumed a Charles Atlas pose and whipped off the towel. I was comfortably two or three inches bigger than all the other guys and thicker too.

It went quiet before whisperings of ‘Donkey’ came from the boys. I was more interested by the reaction of the girls who had fallen quiet. In a couple of cases, particularly Lucy and Frankie, I noticed this was quite extreme. Frankie was rubbing herself slowly and smiling and Lucy was licking her lips with a very saucy grin. I sat down before the shock wore off. I did not want any of the girls to get too close at that stage or they were going to get an eyeful.

As I sat down Yasmin stood up and disappeared. Sarah unsteadily poured another round of drinks causing us to laugh, while still admiring her tits and trying to peer between her legs, and my desire to cum eased a little. We were almost getting used to being surrounded by gorgeous naked women and while my cocks was not subsiding it was certainly under less pressure than earlier.

Yasmin appeared in a traditional Asian costume with her own CD, which she put on the player. She proceeded to entrance us for a good fifteen to twenty minutes with four or five minutes between items of clothing. Down to just a bra and panties she whirled ever more quickly and the bra came off and was discarded gracefully into the crowd. She slowed right down the dance changed into a more sensuous rhythm. I was enjoying the dance but wondering whether her panties would ever come down when she started lowering them to reveal the hairiest pussy that I had ever seen. She was covered in dense thick black hair. No wonder she had always worn substantial panties and bikinis. Even her bottom was hairy and appeared impenetrable.

She sat down to huge applause particularly from the girls who recognised firstly what a talented dancer she was and also what an effort this strip must have taken from this shy repressed girl.

Chris called for a vote from the boys for the best strip and Hannah, still sitting discreetly in stockings and suspenders won by four votes to two.

Frankie called for the next vote for the boys but before she got the first hand raised, Lucy said ‘I am not too sure. Can I see them again. Line up please’.

This was, not surprisingly, popular and we climbed to our feet and formed a line in front of them. Instead of asking us to turn Lucy got to her feet and started wandering around to see the back. As she ran a finger up the creases of our arses our cocks waved up and down automatically. The other girls were not slow to their feet, and soon they were parading round us, feeling our arm muscles, six packs, thighs and soon arse muscles before settling on what they really wanted, our cocks. They were particularly interested in mine and sure enough I won the vote, before blotting my copybook. Sarah was standing in front of me making little pretence of doing anything other than wanking me, when suddenly I came. All over her belly and pubes. Streak after streak, thick gobs of cum trickled down her body.

She groaned and scooped a handful into her mouth. ‘Fuck me please Jon’ she said and lowered herself forward over the arm of one of the large chairs, spreading her legs. This was not exactly the way I had expected to lose my virginity, surrounded by a crowd of people, but what the hell. Beggars can’t be choosers. I got on my knees behind her, pushed two fingers up a sopping wet pussy and licked away at the first real life clitoris I had ever seen. And it was close. A tongues length away. Having seen a few videos I must have got the technique right as Sarah sobbed and screamed ‘Now, now please, please Jon’. I was quickly hard again and eased my cock slowly into her cunt. She squealed and widened her ankles. ‘Slowly,’ she cried as I moved ever forward. I felt that I was halfway there. My knob was well buried but I moved inexorably forward.

‘Stop aaagh. Don’t stop.’ She cried and there I was with my pubes nuzzling against her pussy, looking down as her crinkled arsehole winked at me. It seemed natural to ease a finger between her sopping lips as I started to move back and forth and use the secretions to ease the passage of my finger into her arsehole. I pumped and pumped, she screamed and came like a gusher and for the second time that night I emptied my load. I slumped over her back onto the chair.

I looked around to an empty room. At what stage they left I do not know, so I curled up on the sofa with Sarah and cuddled until we fell asleep. I do remember waking her in the early hours of the morning with my fingers deep between her nether lips. She seemed pretty happy with the idea as my fingers stirred the remaining sticky secretions. It was not long before she slid down my body and kneeling on the floor gave me my first blow job. I was in heaven.

She then rode my cock until I came again. I watched her tits bouncing and knew that my life had changed for the better.

I next awoke alone about midday to the sound of coffee being made in the kitchen and Chris laughing ‘Go for it Stud,’ words which I had only dreamed of ever hearing.

Chapter 3 Hannah’s Story

I could not believe that I was enjoying this holiday as much as I was. Little Virgin Hannah, who wouldn’t say boo to a goose, doing a striptease in front of all these people and enjoying it.

And being voted the best. I was in control of all those boys for the first time in my life. As I stripped their cocks grew and grew. For me. I had watched the other girls just take off their clothes to the music but they had lovely bodies and would look good in anything, or nothing. Particularly nothing. I know the boys like my tits and to appreciate me I wanted them to see me at my best. I was not prepared for the buzz it gave me though.

As Sarah bent over that chair for Jon the room started emptying and I felt like crying. I hadn’t been that good. Nobody wanted me. Lucy and Cindy had grabbed their partners, Frankie had disappeared with Simon again and Sarah and Jon were stretched out over the chair.

I watched awestruck for a few minutes as that monster prick eased its way into Sarah’s fanny. How could it take so much. I know mine never could. I have trouble sometimes getting two fingers up there.

Yasmin had gone quickly out of the room and there was silence. I felt a presence and turned round to find Chris and Josh behind me in the act of leaning in to kiss the back of my neck. They did and I wriggled, mewing at their caresses. I was very conscious that they were both prodding me in the back with their cocks. They each put an arm round me almost simultaneously and tickled a breast each, wrapping their thumbs around my nipples. My legs started to give way. It may have been fun playing with my nipples myself but it was absolutely nothing like having two, not just one, but two lads doing it.

‘Come back to my room.’ said Chris, ‘It’s quieter there’. They half carried me through the door and laid me on the bed. In the half-light from the hallway Chris started to kiss me on the mouth, his tongue seeking mine as we sucked and nibbled. Josh meantime had his lips firmly around my right nipple and the feelings that flowed through me were pure electricity. He squeezed and bit softly and I groaned into Chris’s mouth. He took the message and lowered his head to match Josh’s and attacked my left breast. The agony of the nips matched the thrills as their hands crept lower towards my pubic hair. A fingertip ran gently through my belly button, squirming and caressing. Two hands dropped lower and lower until they were both playing with my lips. I was oozing juices and they were milking me with their fingers. I cried a little knowing that my days of waiting for Mr. Right had just disappeared. I wanted fucking and fucking now. Chris shimmied his way down the bed and lowered his chest between my thighs forcing my legs wider apart. He bent his head and the breath from his nostrils played in my pubes as his tongue squirmed between my lips. I really was in heaven and my hands tried to find something to lock onto. It happened to be Josh’s cock which was moving towards me very conveniently as he pushed himself up the bed. He lifted himself over me and straddled my chest so that his cock was right in my face. He stropped it gently and replaced his hand with mine. He concentrated on playing with my nipples as I scrutinised every hair and wrinkle on his cock.

‘Taste it,’ he murmured and automatically my mouth opened and my tongue reached towards the eye where a drop of cum was forming on the end. I licked it off to find it slightly salty and almost silky. Not distasteful at all.

He leaned forward and I accepted more and more into my mouth until I was licking the sides, sucking and sometimes blowing on the end. After all, while I had never done this before I knew it was called a ‘blow-job’ which presumably involved blowing at some stage.

My mind was lost in the clouds as the most exquisite feelings permeated through my vagina. Chris was licking the line of sensitive skin down from my lips right up to my arsehole, and then heavens, his tongue probed at the very hole itself.

‘I am a virgin,’ I whispered, ‘Be gentle with me.’

Chris would never have heard had not Josh told him what I had said and there was a moment when everything went still. I wanted to cry ‘No, don’t stop,’ but there was no need as his fingers started to examine deeper and deeper into my virgin hole. He found what he was looking for then started to move back up my body.

‘Are you ready?’ he murmured and I nodded. Josh moved off my chest but continued to feed his cock into my mouth. I felt his cock at the entrance and it so easily slipped in I hardly noticed it.

I gasped as it pushed once at my hymen and then again and then finally I could feel his body pushing against my crack. It was done with hardly any pain.

‘Yes,’ I cried and at that moment Josh erupted into my mouth. I gagged automatically and moved my head back to receive a face full of spunk.

Chris also excited by his actions could wait no longer but pounded away emptying himself into me.

We lay there exhausted. I was not a little sore so I lay there for maybe an hour before Josh kissed me gently on the ear and suggested that I might like to do it again before I forgot how. I laughed and started to caress his cock again, although this was pretty unnecessary. He put Chris on his back in front of me and I turned onto my hands and knees and lowered my head to his cock. This put my arse way up in the air and I squirmed at the thought of the sight that Josh had, even if it was only in the half light.

Josh had been stropping himself before he had the opportunity to enter me. He sank in as far as he could go and immediately started slow deep strokes. This time I was in a position to appreciate it. I felt his fingers at my clitoris, tickling, pulling, rubbing.

I was in no position to comment with my mouth full, but wanted it to last for ever. I knew that my concentration on Chris’s cock was wavering as I was transported into what I now realise was an orgasm. I screamed and screamed but the guys, thankfully, did not let up.

Chris in front of me who had been a most considerate and careful lover now started to push a little faster as I ceased gently nibbling around his cock and started playing with his balls. Under his guidance I started to suck as he bounced off the back of my throat. When I could feel him starting to come I put my arms around him, holding him into me as he shot two or three jets down my throat. I was prepared and there was not as much as before so I had no trouble in drinking it down. Josh now turned me over onto my back and started to pump, faster and faster. Again I experienced the earth move as a second orgasm ripped its way from my vagina to my brain. The last thing I felt before collapsing and falling asleep until the morning was Josh pulling away, his flaccid cock now soft and slimy to the touch. He kissed me gently on the lips as I dropped off into the deepest sleep I had ever experienced.

I woke up on my own but in Chris’s room. It was nearly midday I guess but for a while I just lay there wriggling into the dirty sheets. Well, they were now, if they hadn’t been before.

I was still laying in a wet sticky patch but it felt wonderful. I didn’t have a feeling that I had lost my virginity, I felt that I had gained a lover. In my case two. Thank god I was on the pill.

The sounds of laughter and a game of ball going on in the pool aroused me from my slumber. I knew that I would find the bathroom quiet and boy, did I need a soak. I was still a little sore and I wanted to be ready again for this evening, just in case I got the opportunity of repeating it all over again.

Chapter 4 Yasmin’s Story.

The goings on for the last couple of days had shocked me at first, and were it not for the frissons of excitement that passed through me, I would have acted like the good family girl they thought I was and gone home. My parents would be very shocked if I were to tell them half of the things we were getting up to. After the first night’s partying in the lounge I assumed that I would be very quickly losing my virginity. To tell the truth my elder sister had lost hers at seventeen and recently got married without her husband ever suspecting that she was not still a virgin. I was more of a rebel than she was and I was eighteen and I was still intact. The goings on still took some getting used to and I was shaking in the bedroom as I changed into the formal clothes that my mother had insisted that I bring, even though I told her I would never use them. I will never be able to tell her that the only time that I used them was for a striptease, but I will tell my sister sometime. I knew that I had a good body and was pretty but I still worried that Asian girls are not as attractive as, say, Blondes. Nobody here would be impressed with my A* examinations, just my pussy. And that was covered with all that hair. I had read in magazines that some men found it attractive but this lot had seemed a little shocked with it. And here I was on my own again. After Sarah so blatantly laid over the arm of the chair for Jon to fuck her I had left to have a wee. While I was there I had the urge to play with myself as I had got very wet watching and touching the guys and their cocks. I quietly frigged myself in the toilet until I felt better and came back to join the party. Yet again they had all gone and left me. Not even Hannah was around like last night. I could hear her in the boys bedroom, in fact all I could hear all over the house was rutting and moaning. I covered my ears and fled to bed where I lay awake for the rest of the night thinking about going home in the morning.

I must eventually have dozed off because I woke to broad daylight and Hannah with a big grin dying to tell me what happened last night.

‘You should have stayed,’ she said. ‘It was great’ and gave me literally, a blow by blow account.

‘I wanted to,’ I told her and explained that I had only gone to the toilet.

Then the tears started. ‘Nobody fancies me. I am going home.’

‘I am sure that isn’t true. You are beautiful and exotic’, Hannah said. ‘Give it one more night.’

‘Well what about all this hair,’ I said and got back the answer that a lot of boys liked hairy women. I wasn’t convinced but the tears started to dry up. Realistically as I was not going to be able to get a flight now that day anyway I allowed myself to be mollified and promised to stay at least another day.

I wasn’t really looking forward to the evening and dinner again. I had made Hannah promise not to tell anyone about the tears and certainly not how much I wanted to get fucked. I was going to be nobody’s sympathy fuck.

‘Well,’ said Luther, ‘Anyone want to go dancing or shall we stay in again?’

There were a few embarrassed noises of ‘I am a bit broke, I bought a new Bikini’ and ‘I just bought in a load more beers and vodka’. So the decision was made Nem Con.

‘Tell you what,’ said Chris, ‘For something different how about we play spin the bottle. If everyone wears three pieces of clothing it will even up the game. Meet at seven again.’ It was decided

Well seven o’clock came and went and most of us were there by the pool having a few nervous drinks again. I certainly had commandeered a vodka bottle and was making a good start on it. Frankie arrived obviously intent on making a big entrance. She was wearing three items as we all were but in her case it was a pair of socks and a hat.

‘Let’s not fuck about, we will all be like this soon,’ she said.


Sure enough we sat in a circle and played spin the bottle. Gradually we shed our clothes, Josh the self-appointed ring master blatantly cheating until we were all naked.

‘Kisses next.’ Josh said. ‘No more than thirty seconds, tongues allowed, in fact encouraged.’

That was fun. Again, I think he cheated sometimes, but nobody cared. After about twenty minutes, he even said ‘I’ve tried to keep track, but is there anyone here who has not kissed everyone else. I will make sure it happens.’

I had been keeping track myself and I knew I had kissed everyone. All the boys were good but I think Chris was the best, and maybe Luther, and maybe well, what the fuck, they were all good. What had surprised me was the girls. One of my first kisses was Frankie. Well actually she was my third. First was Simon, then Chris and then Frankie. I expected a kiss on the cheek, that is what Luther and Jon had done. Just a little peck, because we had all shouted at them and egged them on to kiss. But Frankie came in strong, wet lips and her tongue flew straight into my mouth. I must have been thinking WOW, because my mouth opened automatically, and we had to be nudged apart after thirty seconds, which only felt like ten. After I had finished kissing Frankie I sat there in a bit of a daze. I had just kissed a girl. A sexy kiss. A very sexy kiss. Were all the girl’s going to kiss me like that. It turned out that they were. After we had shared that first girl kiss I noticed that all the others, even Hannah, were looking to swap tongues. I could get used to this. Once I had time to think about it, and I had kissed everybody, I realised that yes, I did prefer boys, but wow, if there were no boys around girls were going to be fair game.

Once everyone was happy that they had kissed everyone else, at least once and probably two or three times, Josh picked up the bottle again.

‘What about forfeits or dares?’ he said.

That in itself was a dare and so no one was going to chicken at this stage.

‘Dares it is.’

‘The one who the bottle points to nominates a dare for anyone else.’

The first call was Luther. He dared Cindy to touch her toes in the middle of the ring as we sat on the floor and shuffle round, so that we could all get a good look. Until now, we girls had been fairly discreet keeping our lower ends reasonably hidden unless we were walking around. This obviously did not apply to the boys who could not hide their blatant erections.

Sarah next dared Simon to sit for five minutes with ice in his lap packed around his cock. There were a few offers to warm it up later, I can tell you.

Hannah got next pick and looked at me.

‘Oh no,’ I thought. ‘What is she up to?’

‘I dare Yasmin to shave off all her lower body hair.’

I blushed to the very depths of my body, but got a strange tingle between my legs. I started juicing.

‘But, but, how can I go home without any?’ I said.

‘Who sees it? your Dad, your brothers, I don’t think so. And if your Mother sees it, you say it was too hot and unsanitary in the heat out here.

The dare stands,’ she said.

I stood up and said ‘Ok I will be back in half an hour,’ and started walking towards the bathroom.

‘Hang on’ said Sarah, ‘Why don’t we girls give you a hand. I know how difficult it is to do it on your own.’ Everyone laughed.

‘Nooo,’ I murmured but it was too late, they were up and grabbing my arms pulling me towards the dining room.

This was going to be a nightmare I thought as four of them manhandled me onto the dining room table. Sarah went off to get a bowl of warm water and a towel and placed it on the end of the table

‘Lie down,’ she said.

‘Hold her arms and legs still.’ To the others.

Frankie then arrived and said ‘I went to borrow some shaving cream from the boys and they insisted on bringing their razors along themselves.’

I tried to sit up and cried ‘I can do it myself,’ but to no avail. They held tight to my arms and legs while Josh brandished a pair of nail scissors.

‘Lets start,’ he said. ‘I had a beard once and it is easier if you cut it down a bit first.’

Away he went, scissors snipping away, every so often accompanied by my cries as he pulled a hair rather than snipped it.

‘You are not very good at that’ said Simon and took over the scissors.

Soon they had all had their turn and I felt a lathered shaving brush covering the area above my slit where there used to be hair.

I felt the first few strokes of the razor and realised that I was holding my breath. Partly because I was worried that they would cut me and secondly because I was juicing freely and hoped that no one would notice.

‘Open her legs,’ cried Luther who was the one with the brush. I groaned but to no avail. Sarah and Hannah pulled open my legs until they were a metre apart and the brush was lathering away around my lips.

‘Woah,’ said Luther. ‘I am not sure we need the foam, there is enough lubricant here to shave a dozen pussies.’

I died of embarrassment. Still they passed the razor from guy to guy. The moment came that I was dreading that I knew had to happen.

‘Wider on the legs, girls. Bend them at the knees and pull them up a bit.’

Every bit of me that I had kept private for eighteen years was now on show.

And I was still a virgin. Not even Cindy in the first dare had shown as much as this, so close. Everyone was bending forward for a better look. I was the only one who could not see and I had not seen it down there since my hair grew at the age of ten. ‘

‘Pretty,’ said Jon and I glowed a little, the heat in my body making me juice even more readily. ‘Look how the pinkness inside shows through when you open the lips. Is that her clitoris inside that fleshy nub?’

I closed my eyes at that and then involuntarily jumped as Sarah said ‘Yes look how I can winkle it out further, and I felt her cool fingers prodding and pulling at my inner core.

They continued to shave away, pulling my legs up over my shoulders and baring, as I felt, my very soul.

‘What a lovely little hole’ said Pete and I realised that they were talking about my bottom, my arsehole. ‘We could have fun with that.’

I erupted with indignation.

‘Don’t you dare,’ I cried. ‘I am not having you touch that one when none of you bastards have even touched the other one. I think I am going to go home. Nobody wants me. There it is looking you in the face and all you can do is laugh about my other hole. You miserable bastards.’ I tailed off, with tears in my eyes and in shock at what I had just said and the thoughts of what might now happen. I was about to lose my virginity, hopefully as Hannah had yesterday. She had enjoyed it. Please not in public, I thought. I had probably lost any chance of romance but I didn’t need to be a side show.

It appeared that Luther was in pole position, literally. He was finishing the shaving and now he put down the razor.

‘Right guys, drag her down to this end of the table. Sarah, Hannah hold her legs out. Cindy, Frankie, hold her arms above her head. Now I want you to smother her in kisses. Take her mind off this in case it hurts.

Suddenly it all started to happen at once. Twenty loving hands teased and tickled me. No erogenous zone was left untouched. My neck, my waist, inner thighs, even my feet and fingers were being massaged. I could feel kisses all over my body. Little nips, licks, sucks and bristles rubbing gently everywhere. My toes were licked and sucked, as of course were my nipples and clitoris.

‘Please,’ I cried ‘Now. Now.’ The first small non-self-induced orgasm tickled away and I started twitching as they held my limbs down.

Within seconds I was gasping as his cock eased between my lips. I felt the bulge as his knob slid between them. I felt it push against me deep inside me and groaned. ‘Do it now.’

He did and I felt him force his way in. He rested while I became accustomed to his size and this feeling of completeness that was so new to me. He pushed again, and withdrew. He started a rhythm and I got this amazing feeling, spreading from my loins right through to my finger tips and toes. I screamed as I climaxed again to whoops of delight and support from the spectators. I opened my eyes to find a pair of cocks close enough to handle. I started to pump them as someone’s hands continued to massage my breasts.

I felt Luther start to push again. He had not climaxed. He had held himself back to make sure I was comfortable. I squeezed my thighs together and purred. I felt liquid trickling onto my lower stomach and looked to see Pete ejaculating over me. This was followed in quick succession by Jon over my tits, Chris on my stomach and Simon and Josh whose cocks I now held in my hands, over my face. I opened my mouth to breathe more deeply, only to receive Josh’s directly into it. It was my first taste and, not sure what to expect, I ran it around my mouth before swallowing it. Warm, sticky, a little salty, a slightly sticky version of the water an oyster sits in.

I felt Luther pull out and come all over my tummy. ‘I was not sure whether you were on the pill.’ He explained.

‘I can do this again’ I thought. ‘I am no longer a virgin.’

I was sated and limp, and not a little sore, but happy. Romantic it possibly wasn’t. But what a feeling. And what a memory of my first time. No sweaty groping in the back seat of a car like my sister. Hannah and Sarah helped me up and into my bedroom. Hannah wiped my face and body with a flannel and before she had time to leave, I was fast asleep, aware that nobody in the world had ever lost their innocence in such a heavenly manner. I dreamt of days and nights to come when hopefully I would like to try a little romantic one on one. Well maybe two on one. Who am I kidding, six on one plus helpers was fantastic.

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