Julie Shows Off Pt. 01 by Krazy_Organized_Chaos,Krazy_Organized_Chaos

The work day had already been long, and the only thing getting me through the day was looking forward to my evening hike, and possibly running into Brian. I had gone hiking in the same area for months, and began running into him more often every week around the same time. We had casually flirted back and forth, but never anything more. It was my favorite trail for how secluded it was, and for seeing Brian. I never saw more than one or two people.

I was already running later than usual, and ran to the bathroom to change into a new sports bra that zipped in the front, a thin see through t shirt over it, and a pair of shorts.

I pulled into the parking lot of my normal hiking trail, got out of my car and began stretching. I saw Brian’s car in the parking lot, he must have already started on the trail. Usually he got there after me but somehow always caught up to where I was for the end of the trail.

The day was still warm, but you could feel the cool breeze of fall creeping in. The leaves had already begun to change colors, which was my favorite time of year to go for hikes. I was happy with my choice in clothing, every time the breeze blew past me, I felt my nipples perk up and push against my clothing. I picked up my pace, faster than normal, hoping I’d catch up to Brian before he left.

It wasn’t more than 20 feet before I ran into Brian walking towards me. Shit, he’s almost done and leaving, I thought to myself.

“You’re here late.” Brian said while smiling at me.

“Gotta love late work meetings.” I replied, smiling back. I began stretching my arms out above my head to try to hide my nervousness.

“You know what they say about all work and no play,” Brian replied, “Are you going to be out here long? It’s a bit chilly today.” Brian stated while looking at my chest.

As soon as he looked at my chest, the zipper on my sports bra popped open, fully exposing me. My nipples hardening more against the cool air. I placed my hands on my hips not caring, as Brian didn’t divert his gaze in any way.

“Well,” Brian said while laughing, “I have to say that’s the first time I’ve been able to look at a bra and it practically fall off, usually I buy a lady dinner first.”

“Is that your way of asking me out?” I asked.

“I am pretty sure you offered first, or at least your bra did.” Brian stated, looking at me intently. He moved closer to me, so we were only inches apart, and brushed a piece of hair behind my ear.

I blushed, and my arms got goosebumps at his touch. It could have been the cool breeze, but I could feel the heat coming from Brian’s chest. I leaned forward, pushing my chest against his. I looked him in the eye, and pushed a leaf off of his shoulder before taking a step back while giggling.

“Well if I could get your number, I would be glad to discuss dinner.” I stated as I began walking back towards the parking lot, my bra still wide open. I began to fold my arms again around my chest as we neared the parking lot.

“You should leave your hands at your sides.” Brian said in a low voice while heading to his car. “Give me a minute. I will grab you my number.”

Something in me wanted to listen to him, I normally would make sure I was covered up unless I was at home, but I put my arms down and walked over to my car. There were no other cars in the parking lot, so I decided to put on a show.

I waited until Brian was getting back out of his car. I slowly took off my shirt, and pretended to be stuck in it and unable to get it off my head. My arms over my head, and my breasts and nipples perked up from the cold. I could see through the sheer fabric that Brian was stopped at his car, staring at me, while adjusting his crotch with his hand.

Brian began walking towards me, and I pulled the shirt fully over my head. I could feel the heat in my cheeks at the way he stared, looking me up and down. I smiled and winked at him, as I turned around to grab my spare shirt in my gym bag. I could hear Brian walk up behind me. I turned around, shirt in my hand, with Brian about a foot in front of me. We were close enough that I could smell the minty gum he was chewing.

“You are so fucking hot,” Brian stated. Staring me in the eyes and not breaking his gaze on me. I looked away, feeling aware of my nakedness with him standing so close. “If you were mine, I would be kissing and then bending you over your seat and taking you from behind, after spanking you for exposing yourself in public.”

I could feel myself getting wet from the tone of his voice. I decided to be bold, and pushed my chest into his. I ran my fingers through the back of his head, gripping his hair and pulling him into a kiss.

Brian pushed me against my car door, kissing me back. His hand groped at my breast, pulling and tugging at my erect nipple. His hips pushed against mine and I could feel his hardness rub against me through his shorts. I pushed back onto him, wanting more, but he pulled away.

“It’s a good thing you’re not mine now are you.” Brian stated while slipping his business card into the waistband of my shorts.

I stood there mouth gaping as I fumbled with the card. Fuck… his business card is the same company who does maintenance on my apartment. It would be weird to go out with him now.

“Umm,” I said in a low voice, “You don’t possibly have plans on Friday afternoon do you?”

“I do, but could possibly do dinner around 6.” Brian replied.

“Uhh, no, maybe…” I stumbled over my words, “I’m going to have to think.”

“Well, regardless of what happened here today,” Brian stated, “The offer for dinner will stand, and shoot me a text any time. If not, no harm no foul, and I look forward to seeing you on the trails again.”

I pulled my shirt on, placing the card on the seat of my car and closing the passenger door.

Brian turned to walk away but not before saying “And I look forward to possibly seeing a show again.”

He got in his car and left, and I did the same. I thought all night about whether I should go to dinner, or even continue hiking at the same place. I decided to take a shot, and see how the next day with hiking would go. Tomorrow would be Thursday and depending on that hike, it would give me my answers for Friday.

The work day dragged on. I wrote out a text to Brian multiple times, but ended up deleting every one. He was nice enough, but what the fuck did he mean by ‘if you were mine’. I’d always loved randomly flashing people in high school, and walking around my apartment naked with the blinds open, but I’d never done anything more than that.

I grabbed my gym bag and headed to the bathroom to change. Luckily almost everyone was gone from the office already. I got undressed, and went to grab my sports bra, but decided to just wear another see through shirt, that was even more sheer than yesterday. I went to grab my shorts and began to cuss myself out internally, I accidentally grabbed a stretchy skirt by mistake. I threw those on anyways as it was better than my work pants, but it was a terrible day to end up going commando.

As I pulled into the hiking trail parking lot, Brian’s truck was in it’s usual spot. There was also one other car. Maybe two people will get a show today I thought to myself. I chugged the last of my large coffee hoping it would give me the energy to get through the hike and not bail out.

I started walking, and passed a random couple. The guy definitely noticed my shirt, but I just smiled and continued walking. At least I know it’s noticeable. I continued and was at about the halfway point, and hoped I hadn’t missed Brian and he wasn’t already gone. And that’s when the coffee hit me.

I continued on, increasing my pace hoping that my urgency to pee would go away. I didn’t make it much further before I started scouting trees and bushes that would give the most coverage. I guess the skirt and going commando did come in handy after all.

I chose a bush just off the trail, that was short enough I could still watch for anyone coming on the trail. I squat down and just as I was mid stream, there came Brian around the corner.

Damn-it, that last coffee was a terrible idea.

Brian stopped within 4 feet of me. He could clearly tell what I was doing. He just stood there and stared. I couldn’t help but look away. Once I finished I stood up and walked back over to the path.

“Umm, when you gotta go you gotta go?” I stated, forcing out a small laugh.

“It looks like I got a double show today.” Brian stated, his voice dropping low, as he stared me up and down, then stopping on my shirt, my nipples poking through the loose fabric.

“I guess so.” I replied, and began walking again.

“What did I tell you would happen if you wore something like that in public?” Brian whispered in my ear as he came up behind me, grabbing my waist.

“G-good thing I’m not yours,” I replied, “What does that even mean anyways?”

“Maybe during dinner tomorrow you will find out.” Brian replied, his chest pressed against my back, and his hands reaching around grabbing both of my breasts. He found my nipples through the fabric, and began to tug at them. “But you never confirmed if you wanted to go to dinner with me, so I guess we walk.”

Brian let go and moved away from me, walking ahead of me on the trail. It wasn’t until now that I realized I was holding my breath, and could feel the dampness between my legs growing.

“It’s complicated,” I stated, brushing up against his arm as I caught up to him, “I don’t want to cause… issues.”

“I don’t see any issues unless you are married,” he replied, “and I am not married, so there is that.”

“I tell you what, I will text you at 5 pm tomorrow, and if you still think there are any issues after that, then yes I will go to dinner.” I said, “Oops, my shoe is untied.” I grinned as I bent over to tie my shoe. I could feel the breeze on my ass so I knew it was hanging out of the skirt.

I could see Brian’s feet walking towards me as I looked through my legs, fumbling to tie my shoe. He stopped directly behind me, hands resting on my ass. I began to stand up and Brian pushed me towards a tree.

“Place your hands on the tree Julie,” Brian stated firmly, “Let’s see if you are as turned on by me, as I am you.”

I grabbed onto the tree, half bent over, waiting to see what he had planned. He hands reached down and lifted my skirt so it was scrunched around my waist, my ass completely exposed.

“Whatever would you do if someone came walking down the trail?” Brian stated, while his hands rubbed my ass.

“I guess they would get a show too.” I retorted, smirking and pushing my ass back onto his hands.

Brian’s’ hand made it’s way around my waist and continued down my navel until it reached my pubic mound. His fingers parted my lips, before it began circling my clit but not quite touching it. I attempted to move my hips so that he was hitting my clit, but he pressed his hips against mine so I couldn’t move. I could feel his hard cock through his shorts and wished I could turn around to use my hands on him.

“I know what I’m doing, no need to move,” Brian chuckled, “Am I driving you as crazy as you drive me yet?”

“Yes.” I replied, and moaned as he slid one finger inside me, I could feel my wetness on my thigh as he thrust it in and out. The heel of his hand then pressing against my clit, and his other hand grasping my breast firmly.

I tried again to push my hips back against his, to rub my ass against his cock. I wanted to turn around and face him, but his grip on me was tight enough that there was no room to move.

Brian’s one hand continued to finger me, while rubbing on my clit until I came hard on his hand, liquid gushing down my thigh and squirting on his shorts and shoes. I continued to grip the tree, attempting to catch my breath.

“I am so sorry,” I said, trying to slow my breathing, “I didn’t mean to make a mess.”

“Julie, I don’t think you had any control over that.” Brian laughed, “I knew what I was doing. But for now, let’s pull your skirt back down and finish our walk. I think I heard another car pull in and today is not the day I want to share others ogling you.”

I straightened my skirt out, and we started back out on the trail. It wasn’t long before we were back at the parking lot, and Brian was right, there was another car there. Brian walked me to my car, and i dug in the backseat for my bottle of water. As I bent over I felt a hard *thwack* on my ass. I froze for a second, it had been years since I had been spanked and I was waiting to see if Brian would continue.

“Only one?” I asked, trying to hide the fact that I enjoyed it, “Not sure that counts as a spanking.”

“Oh you will know when I spank you, little one.” Brian replied, winking. His use of the phrase ‘little one’ clenched my insides and made me want to bend over and ask for another.

Instead I lifted my sheer shirt over me head, tossing it in the backseat, and grabbing my work shirt from my bag. I stood there, topless, and stuck my tongue out at Brian.

“Your actions makes me think you want to get a spanking.” Brian stated, gripping my chin and bringing me into a kiss, “Tomorrow. Dinner. I will expect your text by 5 pm.”

And then he walked away to his car, but not before turning back and waving bye as he drove off. I noticed a man emerge from the trails and begin walking towards the other car in the parking lot. I made eye contact before smiling and pulling my shirt over my head. The mad stood there, mouth agape just staring at me. I got into my car and spent the ride home thinking of how I was going to confront Brian tomorrow when he came to do the repairs on my home, and how I could even say no to dinner after today.

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