James and Tony

I like seeing people naked, too. I knew I was a voyeur at a young age. I once worked at a health club doing bookkeeping and would stay an excessive amount of staring time in the locker. Saw lots of ass and dicks over the years, of people I knew. It was hot.

I had a friend (James) who is straight but was in love with me. The sales and racquet club manager (I was hot for him for years. He has your body frame, tight and toned, cute face) had shaved his chest and was working out after hours with no shirt. James sees him as we’re going to shower to go out for the night… he says “why do you have your shirt off? Are you trying to turn Chris on?” I almost died and kept walking to the showers.

James gets in the shower, and I just ended up getting dressed. He called me to the shower and asked me questions leaving the curtain a bit open for me to peek. I was embarrassed about what he said to the manager, and I felt odd that he’d call me out like that even as a joke. James is 6′ tall, big boned, and has that “don’t fuck with me” look. Blonde/blue, German guy. His best friend once made fun of me for being a vegetarian (I was one for four years). James turns to him and tells him if he talks like that to me again, he is going to punch his lights out. I sat there silently, like oh shit.

James was getting very clingy, so much in fact that my friends started to notice. I have a marine friend who was also my mechanic. He and his gf had me over a lot (his gf and I would later become housemates). I once went over without James, and they were shocked. Right away they asked if he was outside or where he was. “You guys are attached at the hip.” Then a beeper goes off, a beeper James gave me for the night to keep track of me. I explain to my straight-laced marine buddy that James wants to know where I’m at tonight, so he can easily find me later. My buddy sat me down and asked me if I’ve questioned why James wants to keep tabs on me. Mmmm were friends? Naive answer. I was young and feeding off James’s attention – his attention made me blind to the big picture.

James started taking me to his home. His parents never called me by my name, and when they asked about me it was “the Mexican kid.” They were racist as fuck. Dad was military, mom was a teacher with with the local school.

As summer started my friends threw me a huge party with a band. I invited him and the girl I was in love with (still friends to this day) and told them it was their party, too. He was attracted to her and asked me if she’d be interested in him. I told him that’s something he needs to find out. I knew she wouldn’t, so that was my security.

Not only friends noticed, but coworkers started to ask questions about how close we were. I’d always talk about him just like any guy would talk about his best bud. We’d spend time looking at apartments together, he started to know my friends, and he introduced me to his only sibling. He didn’t have but 2 or 3 friends at the time, so I always thought he just wanted friendship. Some of my friends noticed things I didn’t. But again, his attention made me blind.

The summer we graduated; my family was going to be in Texas for a week. I never had him over to my house because he was rich and lived well, and I was a poor brown kid (with more class in my pinky than his father will ever possess). I invite James to spend the night and try not to feel… poor lol. He drives up to visit in his new Jeep (graduation gift). His mom tells him she’d be more comfortable if he stayed the night instead of driving back home. It’s 35 minutes, 40 tops from his parents’ home to mine. Go figure, even his mama was helping him get at me lol.

I had bought some liquor for us, and he brought some movies from Blockbuster. I don’t know how the conversation got there, but sex was the topic. He told me something right off that to this day I call myself a moron for not facilitating him better. He asks if I have condoms… “I wouldn’t want to give you anything.” I did have condoms and we glazed over to other topics. We get inebriated and he tells me, bring the condoms out.

I don’t know if it was that I was drunk or just not quick enough to know how to act. I’m not sure how I felt about it all. I liked him a lot, but this was sex were talking about and he’s talking like he’s gonna fuck me. And oddly, he cares enough to protect me from…I wondered if he had VD for a second lol. He said he hadn’t been tested since his last gf, so get the condoms. He whips out his dick. He has a nice 6-inch cock with a nice shape and skin tone. He had dark blonde and light brown pubic and body hair. I’d seen him seminude during hikes or changing in his room.

I put a condom on him and jack him off with it on. We were in the living room with the couch hide-a-bed pulled out, but we decided to go to my room. I’m hard and leaking precum. He stands up facing my bed and I get behind him. I asked him if he ever rubbed his morning wood on his pillow and told him to do that to my pillow. He bent over and my cock ended up between his ass. He pulled my pillow against him and thrusted twice and came inside the condom. But as he lifted the pillow, the condom slid off and his load ended up on my pillow. He apologized and said that was gross. I didn’t think so, I mean, it was him. I tossed it in the washer, and we went back to the living room. Oh, he came because my dick touched his hole.

I just realized I have to back up in this story, me and my adventures lol. So the night before I had James over, I had my buddy Tony spend the night. He also worked at the health club. He was a trainer, sort of a meathead. Built like he could tear a phone book in half. Tony and James were friends before I started to hang out with them. We’d spend time at Tony’s playing Mortal Kombat for hours.

Tony introduced me to MMA and underground wrestling before it was called UFC. Tony treated me like I was his little brother. He didn’t let people talk shit to me. He had my back like I hadn’t experienced but from uncles/brothers/cousins.

The night Tony stayed over, we bought beer and smoked a lot of weed. I should mention, Tony is 10 years older than me. Since my family was gone, I had pulled out the hide-a-bed for myself and left it open. Tony asked if that’s where he was crashing, and I said yep. Well, I crashed with him. I tossed and turned towards the morning time. I leaned up to him and felt his body against mine. He rubbed on me but not on purpose. He was asleep.

I was still buzzed from the night before and apparently had liquid courage, so I grabbed his crotch. He laughed and said what’s up? I didn’t hesitate and asked if he wanted a bj. Without responding he whipped his thick brown Hispanic dick out. I wasn’t much shocked because he would sometimes wear singlets at the gym and his bulge was evident. I stared at it for a few minutes. He tells me that he’s going to put it away if I don’t start. So I got to my job. Mind you, I had only 2 or 3 guy experiences at sleepovers, so sex was new to me.

I started using my hand a bit and he said that he’d feel better standing up. I walk him to my room, sit at the edge of my bed and let his cock slide in my mouth until it hit the back of my throat. His dick is 7.5″ cut. His dick head looked like the shape of a diamond or pyramid. I put my hands on his wonderfully sexy ass. I looked up at him and said, “tell me when you’re gonna cum.” He slightly pushed my head back on his dick and took my hands from off his ass and placed them on his thighs. Fuck no, I’m not having that and put my hands back on his ass.

Every time my hands got near his crack, he’d flinch then try to pull my hands off. I think the small battle got him turned on because I could taste his precum. In all, the elapsed time had been about 3 minutes. I grab his ass and pull him to me and suck. I keep looking up and can see his flat belly and big muscled chest. I was turned on. I grabbed his butt a bit gentler, and he didn’t remove my hands instead I could see he was in bliss, eyes closed headed tilted back and a huge smile.

Ten seconds later and he’s saying he’s close. I clinch his dick at the base to prevent him shooting his load in my mouth, but some ended up in my mouth, and then I let go, his load just oozed out. His cum smelled very different from mine. It wasn’t gross, which was a relief. I told him that and he said, “that’s what the ladies say.”

After he’s done, he tells me, I never refuse a blow job, then he laughed. He got a bit serious and said, “We can’t do this all of the time, I’m not gay.” I didn’t know how to feel about all that happened and him saying all that.

I went to the bathroom to shower. He followed me, and while he was brushing his teeth, he kept asking me if I was okay. I kept replying that I was. But he was asking as if he was worried. I got out of the shower, and he tells me that some guys have wanted him to fuck them but he never has. He gave me a look like, do you want me to fuck you? I didn’t know how to respond. So, I just kept getting my clothes on. He said something but my head was so full of uncertainty.

I think I had a crush on him, but not a sexual one if that makes sense. He was very popular, a total Casanova with the women. Too bad I was young and inexperienced. I should have ridden him long and hard lol.

Tony finishes washing up and comes to the living room without a shirt. We’re gathering things to head back to his house. Out of nowhere, my sister and her husband pull into the driveway and honk. I ran to the front door and see my sister and nephew heading to the gate. I scream, put your shirt on! He’s like, why? I tell him my sister is here and she WILL think something of an older man being here without a shirt on and not knowing who you are. They meet and greet. I was so anxious to leave and take him home. My sister gave me the “hmmm I wonder” look. As she walks me to the door, she asks, “Is that your friend? My sister is older than Tony by a few years. Years later I’d visit her and come out to her. She said, “I already knew. It doesn’t matter, you’re my little brother and I love you.”

Fast forward back to James the next day… so after the jack off and my dick rubbing James’s ass, we drink some more and pass out. The next day was awkward for me. Plus, two days of drinking was rough. James left and went to work. Later that morning my caller ID was full of calls from my work. I was in and out of sleep. I checked my messages and James didn’t leave messages, just the background of him breathing and ambient noise of the gym.

Things settled and I didn’t get calls for about an hour, then the phone starts ringing wildly again. I’m too hungover to worry about it and kind of embarrassed me and James had that experience. I noticed the next set of calls are from Tony, so I decide to finally answer. He tells me, “I don’t know what is going on with you and James, but you’ve got to call him. He’s going crazy at work because he can’t reach you. Are you okay?” I could feel my body get hot.

I man-up and call James at work. He’s relieved to hear my voice and tells me, “I’ve been calling all day. I need you to talk to me, I need to talk about what happened last night.” He explained he wasn’t mad or anything like that but wanted some security about the situation. I agree that we need to talk. My sister and her family showed up again. I felt bad they stayed at the KOA the night Tony was there, so I told them to stay the night.

I’m entertaining them, and James calls again. He asked if I could meet him at his sister’s house – she’s going to stay at her boyfriend’s house and me and James could stay the night at her place.

When I got there, he took me to her room immediately. He says, “my sister said she put clean sheets for us” at which point I wondered if this was all planned or what. She left us beer, so we drank. I don’t know how it happened, but there he is asking me to jack him off. I obliged because it was him, my good friend. As I’m fondling his dick and balls, I ask him to touch me. He responds, “I can’t, I’m sorry, I can’t.” I kept jacking his dick while he’s moving my hand to his ass. I move my hand back to his dick, and again, he moves my hand to his ass and says that is what feels good. At that point I just wanted him to nut and fall asleep.

The next day I acted in a hurry to leave. A month went by, and we didn’t talk much. I applied for and got my first corporate job. He was very envious. Out of the blue, he stops at my work while I’m in the parking lot. He starts asking who I’d been hanging with. I mentioned a friend we both know, and I think that angered him. Not sure how long after that, but he ended up crashing his Jeep. He had called and let me know. I sorted my way through the convo, and he said he had to get a new car after the insurance claim. I didn’t care what had happened to be honest.

One day, he waited for me to come out of my work. Who knows how long he waited. It was my lunch break and as I’m walking to my car, he honks and waves from his new car. I really didn’t know how to be or feel. He told me to get in, so I did, and we speed off. He’s driving around fast and furious, and telling me how much the ladies love his new car… “what do you think?” He takes me back to work and the tension is so thick it’s uncomfortable. We said goodbye and that would be the last of our friendship.

He continued working at the health club, I was moving along in my new job. Bought me a newer car, had lots of friends. I hear from old friends that James is dating this girl who has a child with my sister’s boyfriend’s son. What a small world! She’s a spoiled rich girl. I saw her one day and mention James. She said, oh no, I sent him packing a long time ago. She went on to tell me he was a violent man and affiliated with white supremacists. I freaked the fuck out.

A few years go by and James is but a small thought. I was able to get me a nice condo. I needed furniture, so I went back to work nights at the health club. I’d heard that James was headed for the military, so I thought he was out of state. I’m working the pro shop inside the gym and James walks in. We both stare at each other. I could see the glisten in his eye when he looked at me. I didn’t know how to respond but just smile. He smiled back and went to use the guest phone. His friend from years back comes out of the locker room and they leave.

I didn’t know if we were okay or what the temperature of our relationship was from that single interaction. Then about a month later, he comes into the health club with a small group of guys. He comes up to the register, places his arms and elbow on the counter and stares into my eyes. I know that look, and I was uncomfortable.

I reached to shake his hand. He looks at my hand, gives me the ugliest look and walks away. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried. Luckily, the Navy accepted him. He’s now a rather well decorated Navy man. I sometimes check on him via FB. The odd and messed up thing is that I miss him being protective of me, staying up talking for hours, how considerate he was. That more than anything was a huge turn on. He was considerate and kind to me. What a stark contrast from how he was with that girl.

That health club introduced me to a handful of “straight” married men who were subtle but inappropriate with me. I didn’t see it then because I was naive. One of the men would later become a secret lover who I had an off-and-on affair with up until about 2 years ago. But that is another story.

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