Jessica’s Epiphany Ch. 03

An adult stories – Jessica’s Epiphany Ch. 03 by uk_writer_53,uk_writer_53 This story comprises of 16 short chapters (all written) that will be released in turn as I edit them.

Like many of the submissions on here this could have been placed in a variety of genre’s; Loving Wives, Fetish, Novels & Novellas but I felt it was best suited to Exhibitionist & Voyeur.

As always constructive comments are welcome but please don’t tell me where the story is going after reading one chapter…. You might be wrong!

Please remember it is just a story and like with so many of them, there are always a few liberties taken with reality.



Jessica’s Epiphany

~~~ Chapter 3 ~~~

He was right, if we didn’t get Richard Danville’s signature on the contract our business was finished.

I’d already screwed up once by not arranging a back-up model and had had to step in to save things for us. If we lost the deal now because I wouldn’t have dinner with him then it would have all been for nothing.

However, my concern was that he had more than food on his mind from the way he had been watching me.

Biting back the retort I wanted to make I simply replied, “Yeah, I know we do.”

I was trying to control my emotions as I pushed up off the bed and went to collect my normal clothes from the bathroom.

“Did Kelvin say when the photos would be ready?” My husband called out as I started to pull on my jeans.

“He thought he’d be able to get them to you in a couple of days.”

“Perfect, It’ll take the guys a day or two to work them into the presentation, then we can set up a meeting with Richard.”

“Oh shit, the office. They’ll see my pictures in the office.” I blurted out at the sudden realisation.

“Well yes, that’s how it works when we do a shoot for a client.”

I groaned inwardly. I hadn’t thought about that part when I had offered to stand in for the model.

“Is there a problem babe?”

There was no point objecting now, the session was over and done with and if we didn’t put forward a proposal for our client we would be certain to lose the contract.

“Did he say anything more about signing with us?” I changed the subject as I came out of the bathroom, fully dressed for the first time since earlier that morning.

“Not really. We’re still on probation for three months until we put our initial strategy forward and he either likes or dislikes it.”

I sighed and started to collect up all of my things, bundling the lingerie into the bag it had arrived in, before we set off home.

“Shall I get us a take-away on the way?” Tom asked as we carried the things down to our cars.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I’ll head home and get this stuff unloaded.”

“What would you like?”

“Umm…. how about Chinese?” I suggested after a moment’s thought.

“Suits me.” He grinned.

Our choice for our evening meal agreed we loaded up my car with everything and I set off, leaving him to follow on and collect our dinner on the way.

It was late by the time we fell into bed and while Tom was quickly asleep I spent a while reflecting on the day and the revelation it had brought me.

‘Did I really have a hidden exhibitionist streak?’

After my initial concerns I had quickly taken to modelling and had certainly found it a turn-on. However, the real test for me would come when the rest of the office got to see the pictures and I had to hear their comments.

‘Would I do it again if I was asked?’

Richard Danville had certainly hinted at wanting me to be one of the models for his campaign but could I do it if it came down to it. Would my husband even agree to it?

‘What did our client want from the dinner he expected me to agree to?’

If I was forced to choose what was more important, our business or our marriage. what would I do? Could I live with myself if Richard didn’t sign and we lost everything?

“How far did Tom expect me to go to get a signature on the contract?’

He had enjoyed watching me posing for the camera half-naked but did he want me to go further?

I turned the same few thoughts over and over in my head, trying to find the answers I needed but only ended up with the same concerns every time.

In the end I gave up worrying and rolled over, waiting for sleep to take me.

Spending the weekend doing my normal household tasks; cleaning, shopping and the like, I tried, unsuccessfully, to keep myself from fretting about the upcoming week.

I was curious what the other people in the office would say about the pictures I had posed for, but what really concerned me was just what our client might be expecting if I agreed to have dinner with him.

There had been no update from Kelvin by the time I arrived at work on the Monday and the urge to call him and ask how he was doing was almost irresistible. Somehow I stopped myself, consigning myself to waiting.

Of course there was enough to keep me occupied. We had a couple of minor clients that needed work done for them but every time the door opened or the phone rang I stopped what I was doing and held my breath.

“Do you think we should give Kelvin a call?” It was about four o’clock when Tom came out of his office and perched himself on the corner of my desk.

“I’m sure he’ll be here tomorrow.” I resisted his suggestion, my anxiety about seeing Richard again and having to go to dinner with him foremost in my mind.

“You’ve been on edge all day. What’s bothering you Jess?”


He smiled, “I know when something is up with you. So, what is it?”

“It’s nothing really.”

“Somethings worrying you babe, I know you to well.”

Avoiding his gaze, I looked at the floor, “It’s just …. Well, just what is Richard Danville expecting from this dinner?”

“He says it’s something he does with all the girls who model for his company.” My husband said soothingly, “Just a peculiarity of a wealthy old man I guess.”

“But is it? What if he…. he expects more than just dinner?”

“We need this contract Jess.” He avoided looking into my eyes, “Just keep him sweet and get his signature at the bottom of the page.”

“And what exactly does ‘keep him sweet’ entail Tom?” I responded rather tartly, “How far do you want me to go to get him to sign?”

“You know what I mean.”

“No, I don’t know what you mean.” My irritation at his ambiguity must have been obvious to him from the tone of my voice, “Are you telling me to sleep with him?”

“I’m not telling you anything babe. Just make sure he signs that fucking contract.”

Compressing my lips I glared angrily at my husband’s back as he returned to his office, my fears over the proposed meal with our client, Richard Danville, growing.

That night at home was as frosty as I can remember.

Apart from a few necessary exchanges, required as part of sharing a house, we barely spoke to each other and our evening meal was conducted in total silence.

There was certainly no intimacy in the bedroom either. I simply turned my back on him and kept to my own side of the bed while he stayed on his.

The following morning was no better and our usual chat on the journey in to the office, about the day ahead, was replaced by a tacit, icy ambience.

It wasn’t until mid-morning, when Kelvin appeared with the photographic proofs, that I finally relented and joined him in Tom’s office.

“Well, how do they look?” I asked nervously, closing the door behind me.

The photographer glanced up and grinned, “They’re absolutely amazing Jess. Your client is going to love them.”

“Can I see?”

My husband looked up at me a little apprehensively and moved aside so I could view what was on the computer screen.

The image staring back at me left me speechless and for a moment I found myself thinking they had done the whole shoot again, this time with a real model.

In the photograph I was wearing the emerald green lingerie with black stockings and laying back on the table in the hotel suite’s sitting room. However, while the outfit was one of my favourites it wasn’t the underwear but the way Kelvin had me posing that took my breath away.

With one arm flung back above my head my eyes were half-closed and my lips were slightly parted while my hair lay in disarray around my head, giving me an erotic look of ecstasy.

“Is… is that really me?” I managed to whisper unable to drag my eyes away from the screen.

“I told you, you’re a natural.” My husband chuckled, “Richard’s definitely going to want you for the rest if we get the contract.”

“When, not if.” Kelvin added, “I can’t see him not signing when you show him these.”

‘But what if he doesn’t get what he wants when we have dinner?’

The thought leapt into my head the moment Kelvin said it was a foregone conclusion.

I remained silent though while we scrolled slowly through the rest of the pictures, only making the occasional comment from time to time, until we got to the ones of me posing with the waiter.

“Oh God, these are….”

“Soft porn?” Kelvin suggested with a chuckle.

“Exactly.” I glanced at Tom looking for his reaction but his expression was completely neutral as he stared back at me.

“They are what our client asked for.”

Turning back, I studied the image on the screen.

I was standing by the bed in a red thong and black hold-ups with my breasts pushed up and out by the quarter cup bra I was wearing.

With my hands twisted in my hair, pushing it up, my tits would have been totally exposed except for the fact Stephen was standing behind me with his hands cupping them.

It prompted me to recall how his fingers had been discretely toying with my sensitive nipples, sending little jolts of pleasure down to the top of my thighs.

“W… where is he intending to use these?” Anyone could see there was no way we could publish these pictures.

“He said he wants to branch out and test more adult oriented alternatives to the normal channels.” Tom stated frankly.

“You mean like X-rated web sites and magazines?” I asked.

“Pretty much, yes.”

I swallowed apprehensively and thought about my photos appearing on that sort of media even though it would only be in an advertisement.

The idea of it sent another rush of warmth straight to my most intimate parts and I could feel the moisture soaking into my panties.

For the next hour or so I kept my thighs pressed together, hoping the dampness didn’t show through my skirt, as we went through the rest of the pictures, picking out those we wanted to use for the mock-ups we would give to the client.

My new found euphoria over how my photographs had turned out took a downturn when Tom called in our two copywriters to show them what they had to work with. No one, apart from my husband and myself, had known I had stood in for our absent model so I was extremely anxious about what they would say.

“Fuck, is that you Jessica!” Jason exclaimed after a moment, “You’re a babe….”

His voice trailed off and his cheeks coloured scarlet as he realised who he was talking about.

“It’s ok Jason. Thank you for the compliment.” I giggled.

“Oh my God, you look amazing Jess.” Katrina leant over her colleague’s shoulder and added, “How come you did the shoot?”

Flattered by their comments, my confidence sky high, I filled the two of them in on what had happened getting more compliments from them in the process.

It took a while to hand everything over but eventually Kelvin and our copywriters left and the icy mood returned now that I was alone with my husband.

Not knowing what to say I turned to go.

“Jess.” He grabbed my wrist and gently pulled me back onto his lap, “I’m sorry. This is all getting to me. I’m not sure what we’ll do if we don’t get this contract.”

I looked into his eyes and, just as I always did, melted, “I’m sorry too, but we won’t lose it.”

“How can you be so certain?”

Taking a deep breath I thought about my answer.

“Because I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure he signs on the dotted line.”

For a moment we stared at each other and then slowly our lips came together in a kiss that was tender, passionate and apologetic all at the same time. Our mouths opening so our tongues could play as he held me against him. Surrendering to him I felt his hand slide up between my legs, tracing over the tops of my stockings, to tease a finger along the soaked gusset of my knickers.

“Shit Jess, you’re bloody dripping.” He exclaimed in surprise as he pulled back from my lips.

I blushed, “I… I know.”

“Does it turn you on that much?”

“Yes.” Biting my lower lip I nodded, “So much that I need you in me, right now.”

My husband stared at me for a second before lifting me off his lap and, taking my hand, he led me out of his office and down the stairs into the basement.

“Where are we going?”

There was no answer. Instead, he opened the door to the cleaner’s store and pushed me inside.

“Tom what…. oh!”

I had barely managed to open my mouth before I was spun around and bent over, my hands grabbing at the shelving unit in front of me for support when my skirt was hiked up around my waist.

“What are you doing?” I gasped as my feet were kicked apart and I heard the sound of his zipper being undone.

Yanking my knickers down so they were stretched between my knees he pressed the head of his cock straight up into my dripping slit, forcing me to moan out loud as he entered me.

“Tom…. oh fuck.”

Balancing on my toes, my stiletto heels off the floor, I took every solid inch of his cock in that first thrust, the thick girth stretching my labia into a soft fleshy cushion around his hardness.

There was no finesse, no subtlety, he simply wrapped the fingers of one hand in my hair, hauling my head back as he began to piston his manhood into me from behind.

“Oh my God! You’re in me…. oh…. shit!” I couldn’t help but squeal loudly as he started to fuck me, letting anyone that came down to the basement know exactly what was happening in the store room.

Grunting breathlessly, he gripped my long hair tighter, pulling my head up even harder as he drove his length into me with an increasing ferocity.

It was obvious to me neither of us was going to last very long and it was just a matter of which one of us finished the race first.

With my orgasm looming closer every time he vigorously slammed his rampant cock deep into my squelching sex, I started to push back onto him, my ears filled with the sound of his hips slapping loudly against my bare rump.

“Aaahhhh…. Yes, oh yes, yes…. I… I’m…..gonna….”

The very idea that we were fucking in the building we worked in while everyone was upstairs was intoxicating and closing my eyes I rocked back onto him. Jerking violently, my pussy clamped around his prick, my moans of delight turning into a loud wail of ecstasy when I went over the top.

“I’m cumming…. Oh God…. I’m cumminggggggggggg!”

My husband was now driving every inch of his throbbing manhood into me, prolonging my ecstasy for what seemed like an eternity as he searched for his own. However, in reality it couldn’t have been more than a few seconds before he slammed all the way into me one final time, his shaft fully sheathed inside me when his buttocks tightened.

“Fucking take it……. take it all….. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Throwing his head back he roared out, clearly not bothered if anyone heard him, his cock spasming deep inside me, pulsing hotly as he spewed his seed into my womb.

We remained locked together for what seemed an eternity but, in reality was just a minute or so. My vaginal muscles flexed, tightening on his slowly softening erection, ensuring every last drop of his man cream was deposited in my belly before he pulled out of me.

“Fuck… that was amazing. Why haven’t we done this before?” Tom chuckled, his dick slipping effortlessly out of my gaping slit.

Taking my arm, he helped me upright and I turned to face him.

His cum was already streaming down the inside of my thighs onto my stocking tops while my skirt was still rucked up around my waist and my panties stretched between my knees.

“Because we didn’t think of it maybe.” I responded a little more brusquely than I intended as I pulled up my knickers and smoothed down my skirt, hoping I didn’t look like I’d just been thoroughly fucked.

“Are we good now?” He enquired.

I could feel his semen starting to soak into my thong as I looked at him, my mind going back to my proposed dinner with Richard Danville.

‘Would I really be able to do whatever it took to get him to sign?’

‘Could I live with myself if I didn’t and we lost everything?’

One thing I knew for certain, it was my problem and it would be my decision.

“Yeah we’re good.” I smiled, trying to sound a lot happier than I felt, “We had better get back though.”

Fortunately, no one gave us a second look as we walked back into the office despite the guilty expressions that were plastered across our faces.

It was another two days before Jason and Katrina finished their work and the mock ups were ready for our client.

“What do you think?” Tom asked for my opinion as we stood in the copywriting area to review the presentation.

Standing back, I looked at the slides and couldn’t help but be impressed.

I had already seen my pictures but now, after being integrated with the copy, they were even better.

“I think it looks amazing.” I turned to smile at our two copywriters, “You guys have done brilliantly.”

“Thanks.” Katrina grinned back at me as Tom and I collected up the stuff, “And I still think you’re so brave standing in for the model.”

“Yeah, you really are a natural.” Jason added, with a wink.

Back at my desk I still had a smile on my face when I picked up the phone to call our client.

“Hello Richard, it’s Jessica Prescott.”

“Hello Mrs Prescott. It’s a pleasure to hear from you. What can I do for you?”

“I thought I should let you know we have the first mock-ups ready to show you.”

“Excellent. I’ve been looking forward to seeing them after watching your delightful performance in front of the camera.”

“When would you like to come in?”

There was a brief pause before he answered.

“How about three o’clock tomorrow? Then we can have dinner later to chat about everything.”

I shuddered involuntarily as I thought about what having a meal with him might lead to.

“Err…. yes, I… I think that would be fine.”

“Good. I’ll see you about three and I’ll book us a table somewhere nice for seven-thirty.”

There was a feeling of dread in my stomach as I finished the call, saying goodbye and assuring Richard we looked forward to seeing him the following day.

Putting the phone down I shuddered wondering what the next forty-eight hours would bring.

‘Why did Richard Danville want to have dinner with me?’

‘Would I be able to do whatever it was he wanted?’

‘Could I get him to sign the contract?’

All my worries and concerns came flooding back, filling my head, and in the end, unable to concentrate on my work I went home early.

I hadn’t mentioned anything about the arrangements to my husband and left it until he came home and we sat down to our dinner later that evening.

“Did you speak to Richard?”

“Yes, he’s coming in tomorrow at three o’clock.” I didn’t look up from my plate.

“Did he say anything else?”

I could feel my heart start to race as my husband brought up the subject I was trying to ignore, “He… he mentioned taking me to dinner.”

An immediate air of tension settled over us and for a few seconds nothing more was said.

“Are you going?” He finally broke the deafening silence.

“I said I would didn’t I.” I snapped back coldly.

If he heard the tone in my voice Tom ignored it.

“Will you….” He hesitated for a moment, “… will you sleep with him?”

Looking up I glared at him, pursing my lips, “Is that what you want me to do?”

“We need this Jess. If we don’t get Richard’s account then the business isn’t going to survive past our three-month trial period.”

“You made that bit very clear Tom.” I could feel myself getting angrier at his prevarication, “But you’re not answering my question.”

My husband refused to meet my gaze, turning away from me, clearly embarrassed.

“I…. I don’t know.”

“You don’t bloody know.” My voice rose several decibels, “You expect me to go to dinner with Richard fucking Danville, sleep with him to save the business and you don’t…. fucking…. know!”

Slamming my knife and fork down on the table I pushed my chair back and stood up.

“Don’t worry about it I’ll make sure he signs.”

I was still awake staring at the wall when Tom came up to bed and slid in next to me.

“I’m sorry Jess, I really am.”

“Me too, me too.” Turning around I snuggled in to his arms and let him hold me as I fell asleep.

With the chilly atmosphere between us we forgot to set our alarm and slept late so there was little time for discussion or recriminations of any sort the following morning.

However, despite the need to hurry, I still spent far too much time putting on my make-up and deciding what to wear; selecting a knee length dark grey skirt with a side slit, a peach blouse and black stockings with my 2″ heels.

“Hurry up, we’re late as it is.” Tom told me for the fifth or sixth time.

“Just a minute. I want to look good for this presentation.”

My husband regarded me sceptically, “For Richard you mean?”

“If you want to put it that way then yes, but just remember, you’re the one who said we needed to get this contract.”

“Yeah but…”

“But what Tom? What do you want me to do?”

Suddenly the argument of the previous evening resurfaced and we looked at each other, both wondering what the other wanted.

“It doesn’t matter, we need to get going. We’ve a lot to do.” He muttered and turned away.

Biting back a retort that was on the tip of my tongue, I finished getting myself ready and joined him in the car for a silent and exceptionally frosty ride to the office.

The morning flew by as I prepared for the meeting while Tom went over the presentation at least three times and suddenly, before we realised it, it was two o’clock.

“Coffee?” I suggested to my husband.

“Are we ok now?”

I nodded and stepped into his arms, “I’m sorry baby.”

“Me too.” He grinned, “And yes please to the coffee.”

It was just before three when Melissa on reception buzzed through to tell us Richard Danville had arrived.

‘Would he like the presentation?’

‘What was he expecting at our dinner?’

‘Could I sleep with him if that was what he wanted?’

A number of thoughts went through my mind as I sat in our meeting room, waiting while Tom went to collect him.

“Jessica.” Richard smiled at me as he came through the door and, ignoring my outstretched hand, leant in to kiss me on the cheek, “It’s lovely to see you.”

“Err…. you to, Richard.”

I tried to sound positive despite my concerns over what might or might not happen later.

“You know I’ve been really looking forward to seeing these photographs Jessica. I thought you were absolutely sensational that day.”

My cheeks coloured at the compliment, “Thank you.”

“Shall we get started?” My husband interrupted us, ushering our client to a seat.

“Of course.” Richard’s smirk made the tiny hairs on the back of my arms stand up on end.

The three of us sat down and Tom and I started to go through the mock-ups with him.

“Are you certain you’ve never done any professional modelling before, Jessica?” Richard asked after the first few slides.

“Honestly no. That was my very first time.”

“Well, these are amazing, I have to say you’re a natural. Don’t you agree Tom?”

“Err…. yeah, I suppose so.” Mumbling an answer my husband seemed embarrassed.

“Come on you can do better than that.” Our client chuckled and dropped his hand onto my thigh, “She was great wasn’t she?”

I knew Tom had been turned on watching me pose in sexy underwear but I could see he was obviously more than a little embarrassed to be discussing it with Richard.

“Yes….. I guess she was.”

He looked at me as he spoke, the expression on his face was one of sheer discomfort.

“I mean, take a look at this one.” Continuing on Richard either didn’t realise my husband’s uneasiness or simply ignored it, “She could be a porn star.”

I blushed.

The photo was one of me kneeling at Stephen’s feet, gazing up at him, my fingers splayed out at the top of his thigh almost touching his cock through his pants.

“Err…I… I reckon so.” Tom mumbled again as Richard’s hand stroked my leg outside of my skirt.

I bit my lip and tried to ignore what he was doing. Part of me didn’t want to make a scene and ruin our chances of getting him to sign while another side was becoming even more anxious about what he would expect after dinner that evening.

“I’m not sure being likened to a porn star is a compliment.” I stated, a little aggrieved.

Turning to leer at me, Richard sneered and squeezed my thigh, “Oh trust me Mrs Prescott, it is when I say it.”

The way he said and the way he looked at me reminded me of the warning Kelvin had given me.

He’s not all he seems, there’s another side to him. Be careful. He’s a man who gets what he wants. One way or another.

His words came back to me and made me even more apprehensive about my forthcoming dinner with our client.

“Err… perhaps we should…. get on?” Tom interrupted us.

“Yes, we should.” Trying to keep things moving along I agreed with my husband while, as discretely as possible, removing Richard’s hand from my leg.

I gave a quick glance sideways at Tom to see him frowning at me. His expression telling me he had seen it. Not that it made very much difference as, within five minutes, I felt our client’s fingers tracing up and down my thigh again.

Doing my best to ignore what he was doing I focused on the rest of the presentation, only pausing to push the wandering hand away when it crept under my skirt and too close to my most intimate area.

“And that’s it. What do you think?”

I felt a huge sense of relief, albeit a temporary one, when Tom announced we were finished.

“Coffee?” I asked, quickly getting to my feet.

“Excellent. Your company might be just what I’m looking for.” Richard Danville sat back and stated quietly.

“But?” My husband asked as I put the drinks on the table.

“I just need to think on it for a while.” Our client smirked, “Then if I have any questions I can put them to Mrs Prescott over dinner tonight.”

Hearing him say it out loud my mouth went dry and I could feel my heart thudding against my ribs.

‘I should refuse.’

‘What would happen if I said no? Would he still sign with us?’

I had an opportunity, there and then, to refuse, to tell him I wasn’t going, that I was a married woman. But, as the thoughts of what might happen if I declined filled my mind, I stayed silent.

“I look forward to seeing you later Jessica. Shall we say seven o’clock? At The Royal?”

Richard smiled and, leaning in towards me, he kissed me on the cheek as he got up to go.

“I’ll just show him out and I’ll be straight back.” Tom told me getting to his feet.

Sitting alone I stared at the mock-up boards in front of me and tried to suppress the feeling of panic that started to overwhelm me.

‘I’ll see you at seven.’

It was very clear to me now that Richard Danville expected more than just dinner if we were going to get his business.

‘Could I sleep with him?’

‘Did Tom really want me to?’

Again, I was gripped with indecision about what I was going to do.

“That went well I thought.”

My husband’s voice jerked me back out of the trance I’d fallen into.

“What exactly did you think went well?”

“The presentation. He seemed to like it.”

“That wasn’t what I meant.”

“I know.” He paused and avoided looking at me before continuing, “He’ll be waiting for you in the hotel bar at seven.”

“You know he wants more than to just have dinner with me, don’t you?”

My husband nodded, “Yeah, I kind of figured that out from the way he was groping your leg.”

“And how do you feel about that?” I tried to keep my emotions under control, “I keep asking but you don’t seem to want to answer the question.”

For a minute Tom didn’t say anything and just stared at the floor by his feet.

Then slowly he lifted his eyes to meet mine, “If we don’t get this contract the business isn’t going to survive another month. We’ll lose everything; the house, the cars, everything.”

“What…. The house, how, why?”

This new revelation drove everything else out of my head.

“We can’t cover the loans we’ve taken out. If we go under the banks will want to take us for whatever they can. That includes our personal assets.”

Taking his time my husband revealed the true extent of our problem.

“Shit….. I didn’t realise…” I was pretty much lost for words as what he told me sunk in.

“So, you see it doesn’t matter how I feel. We need to do everything we have to, to get him to sign.”

“Even if it means me going to his bed?” My voice was little more than a whisper.

As I said it I felt a nauseous fluttering in my stomach. The idea of giving myself to Richard wasn’t particularly appealing. He was a predator, that much I was certain of, and from the way he had been caressing my thigh it was clear he had selected me as his prey.

I had never been with an older man, a much older man that is and Richard Danville was definitely that. More than double my age he was old enough to be my father.

“If that’s what it takes, then yes.” Tom’s voice broke into my thoughts.

I swallowed hard, “I’ll…. I’ll see you at home.

There seemed little else to say at that point so I collected my things and made my way down to my car.

Taking my time on the drive home I let myself reflect on the conversation I had just had with my husband. I didn’t have to be concerned about his reaction any more, it seemed that he was resigned to me sleeping with our prospective client, as long as it got the contract signed.

My own feelings were a little more confused.

One part of me, the sensible married side, was telling me that I should go to the dinner but make it clear to Richard that that was all it was and nothing more was going to happen. At the same time the other side was aware of the predicament we were in and that we risked losing everything, including our home, if we didn’t get his signature on the dotted line.

Parking the car and walking in through the front door I poured myself a glass of wine, unable to shake off my indecision about what I was going to do.

“Have you made your mind up?”

I was still sitting on the sofa staring into space when my husband came in a short while later and sat down next to me, handing me my untouched drink.

I took it gratefully, shaking my head and taking a mouthful, “No, not yet.”

“So, what’s the problem Jess?”

“You. Me. What you want me to do.” I looked at him incredulously, “Do you seriously want me to fuck him Tom?”

“Yes.” His answer was succinct and final.

“And afterwards? What happens to us after?”

“What do you mean?”

I gazed at him apprehensively, “I mean tomorrow, the day after and the day after that. Are you going to start to hate me for what I’ve done?”

“No, never.” He pulled me into his arms, pressing a long passionate kiss to my lips, “I love you.”

Staring into his eyes I found myself desperately trying believe him.

“I love you to.” I managed a half-hearted smile and said it back to him, “But now I’d better go and get ready.”

Standing under the jets of hot water I tried to make sense of what I was going to do.

I kept asking myself the same questions that I had since the shoot and kept coming up with the same answers. Answers I didn’t want to hear….

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