Blond Exhibitionist Neighbor MILF by Sneakimeet,Sneakimeet

This is a true story. My neighbor is a hot little platinum blond and divorced mom who gets me hard every time I see her naked … which is all the time!

She’s also determined and hard working. She’s struggled through some pretty serious issues with her kids, her divorce, and herself and came out bruised but undefeated. Every day she stays positive, gets it done, and lifts up everyone around her. Plus, she’s got the energy of the Energizer bunny.

But I know! I know! You’re not here to read about how wonderful a human being she is!

So this sexy story begins soon after we moved into the neighborhood, across the street from a sporty family. Her family. She has a few kids and was still married then. It didn’t take long before I noticed the drapes in the master suite never seemed to close. I hadn’t seen anything at that point other than clothed neighbors (sometimes in robes or jammies) doing normal, non-sexy things. I’ve just never had neighbors who didn’t close their drapes at night, that’s all. So ok, whatever. They didn’t close their drapes. Different strokes for different folks, right?

Then I got to know her a little bit at a couple neighborhood parties. She was cool and had emotional range. She was mostly a fun, feisty little firecracker but she was also trusting and vulnerable enough to talk about real, deep emotions. And when she spoke, she was present and earnest. A phony she is not. I liked her!

On top of being fun, she is also fun sized! And hot. She’s average height, around 5’4″, and skinny. I’m guessing 100 to 110 pounds. She’s a sexy little pixie. A waif. A nymph. A fit, petite hottie.

She’s got straight, platinum blond hair styled into a bob. On top, her hair parts neatly in the center and curves in slightly around the bottom to meet the back of her neck and jawline. She doesn’t have bangs so often has to toss her hair from her eyes. It seems like not one platinum hair is out of place which gives the impression of a sleek, stylish helmet.

Her face reminds me of Angelina Jolie with her big, bright eyes, full lips, big teeth, big smile, slightly sunken cheeks, and square jawline. Her little button nose is much cuter than Angelina’s, though. She doesn’t need and barely wears makeup. She’s beautiful.

She wore baggy sweats to the parties which seemed out of place since it didn’t jive with the occasions or her coiffed platinum helmet. Looking back, I think I understand why. She’s very much into warmth and comfort but baggy cloths also have another benefit … they hide her crazy fit body. She probably didn’t want all the fat wives hating her tight little ass! A wise choice but I could still see that everything about her body was long and slender. What I didn’t know then was just how sexy her body was and just how well I’d get to know it.

Then, a few months later, right as I was opening my bedroom drapes one morning, she came out of her bathroom completely naked! Wow!

In the few seconds I had, I saw a body like a budding teenager! Sex was just dripping off her as she pranced around naked except for the white towel wrapping her head.

She was lean, fit, and so very healthy and obviously worked very hard for years to stay tuned up. She was feminine and lithe with no tattoos, just acres of clear skin. Her tummy was flat and her waist tiny. And then there was her tits and ass.

She had perfectly shaped A-cups, so erect and firm, with small aureoles and stiff, pointy nipples standing at attention. I love, love, love, her perkies!

And her ass! She was so fit that I expected flat and bony. Plus, there had to be something not 100% awesome, right? Nope. Somehow her ass was so tight that she barely had a butt crease yet was still curvy enough to have a fantastic booty bump … an absolutely mouthwatering little round bubble butt. She also had a prominent tailbone … just to complete the whole picture.

My first time seeing her was a terrific 10 seconds or so! Haha! I got quite an eyeful in those 10 seconds.

For a long time after that, I’d catch her partially or fully nude every once in a while, mostly by random chance. I mean, I developed a general idea of her routines and had some clue about luckier times but I wasn’t taking time out of my busy life just to sneak a peek. I’ve had too many steamy experiences with gorgeous women to go out of my way just to see but not touch.

Then COVID hit and I started working 8 hours a day in my office which has a terrific view of her bedroom! And to add a little extra spice to this plot, a few months before that, I jokingly asked if she killed her hubby (I hadn’t seen him in a while). Nope, she didn’t kill him but was separated and getting divorced!

Oh, Lordy!

The extra benefit of working from home became clear almost immediately. She wakes up very early for her job and gets home very early around noon always looking like she’s just come from a fabulous fashion shoot. She’s one of the best dressed, most stylish women I’ve ever known. Never garish and always striking the perfect balance between responsible professional and tastefully sexy woman. With as much care as she puts into her outfits, you’d think she’d want to wear them longer but she can’t strip them off fast enough! If she’s home for the day, she’s usually back wearing her sweats within minutes of coming home.

The movement of her zipping around from one side of her bedroom to the other is what usually catches my eye and pulls my attention away from my work and onto her. It’s the highlight of my day when I get to see her throw off of those sexy but constricting work clothes and slip into her warm, comfy jammies! There’s been exciting weeks I’ve seen her naked every single day. There’s been disappointing weeks I didn’t see her naked at all. Most weeks I catch her at least once or twice. She’s usually topless but also bares her ass often enough. Although she has been completely naked after work, the norm is she swaps tops then swaps bottoms.

She does things a little differently each time which is part of what makes her so exciting. I never know what she’ll do exactly!

She might take her blouse and bra off in front of the mirror and I’d see a fantastic reflection of her perpetually stiff nipples as she pivots side to side checking herself out for a minute before throwing another top on. She seems proud of her tits and while she checks herself out, so do I!

When she looks at herself in the mirror, does she sometimes wonder if she’s good enough or pretty enough? If she ever does have that tinge of doubt, I wish she could reach her hand back, all the way back across the street and into my office and give a nice, firm squeeze to the rapidly growing bulge in my pants. If she could do that, she’d feel the reassuring, undeniable, growing truth right there in her hand. Without any words, she’d feel how hot and fuckable she is!

Anyways, she also might take her blouse and bra off directly in my line of sight. No need for mirror reflections! If this happens, her side is facing me and I’m seeing a beautiful profile of a gorgeous tit. Her tits are so firm their profile is pretty much the same with her standing up or bending over.


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