A Lunch with a Korean Woman by kiwi857

A Lunch with a Korean Woman by kiwi857..,

It never fails. Anytime I decide to take a break from online dating I have an encounter. During these breaks I’m usually in a zone where I don’t want to do much outside my circle and only want to spend time with my son or close friends.

It was Saturday around 1pm and I had gone to the gym, rested by the pool, ran a couple errands and decided to grab some lunch. Typically I would go through the drive-thru at In N Out but it was warm and went inside. When in line I saw an attractive Asian woman walk in all alone. I figured she came in because the line of cars was long outside and she would be grabbing lunch for her teenage kids–she didn’t seem like the burger type to me, especially eating here alone. She looked 35 to 39 and sexy in a very subtle way but knowing that Asian women typically looked younger figured she was ten years older.

She was in the line next to mine and we exchanged smiles when the kids in front of each us were being teenagers with their gossip and laughing. My line was much slower and she sat down in the corner. I couldn’t help but follow her walking away with her nice shape. I got lucky when the only seat available was the table two away from hers. I sat down and she said hello and started talking about how hot it was. I made small talk back. They called our numbers at the same time and we walked up to get our food. When we came back she changed to the table next to mine and smiled. I was very surprised when she kept talking about that she actually eats here a couple times a week. She was quite the chatterbox.

“Hi. I think the burgers are getting smaller and smaller,” she said. It was obvious she wanted to talk. “I know the manager and some of the others here,” as she waved at him.

“Interesting. I didn’t place you as a In N Out groupie,” I said with a big grin and she laughed.

“My name is Nina by the way.”

“I’m Greg. Nice to meet you.”

We talked and talked. Turns out she was 44 and had a nice smile. I told her I was 61 but that didn’t seem to have any affect on her. She was divorced once and no kids. After 45 minutes it seemed like she wanted to ask me something but we kept talking. Somehow the conversation went into sports injuries and it turned out we went to the same Korean acupuncturist.

“How do you like her? She really helped my back pain.”

“She was okay. I went in for shoulder pain and all she wanted to do was try to fix everything else. Told me to stop drinking cold drinks and cold salads because it’s not good for your circulation. After five visits I stopped due to her bossiness. I had a past Korean girlfriend and they can be a bit bossy,” I said with a grin because I suspected Nina to be Korean.

“Haha. Yes we can be,” she said looking at me to see if I would retreat from my statement but I didn’t.

“I’ve actually had two Korean girlfriends so I can speak from experience a little,” I said as we both laughed.

“So you like Asian women or just Korean ones?”

“Well I guess it appears that way, doesn’t it?”

“That’s okay I prefer white men.” She was not playing hard to get. As a matter of fact she was being obvious and even turned her body towards me when sitting.

The eye contact was growing between us. I was a little surprised with the substantial age difference but I am told I look ten years younger and I keep in great shape.

I began to wrap up my lunch and Nina kept talking. So I decided to see if she was interested.

“Would you like to talk again sometime?”

“Yes. I would like that,” she said but made no move to give me a number.

“Well I need to run,” I said getting up and she quickly tossed her napkin on her half eaten fries.

“Me too. Sorry if I talked too much and took up your time,” she said.

“Not at all, it was fun.”

“I do need to run. My friend is out of town and I need to bring her mail in and water her roses so it looks like I’m doing my job,” she said laughing.

We walked outside and as it turns out she was parked next to me. We talked more and I decided not to push it further to see if she was really interested or was just being polite earlier.

“So give me your number and I’ll call you now so you have my number?” she said.

Sure enough she instantly called me.

“Got it.”

“So maybe we can meet for a drink or a walk? I’m free tomorrow,” Nina said without an ounce of shyness.

“That sounds fun,” I said and played it cool and innocently ignored the reference about tomorrow. We got in our cars and she waved twice as she drove away.

About an hour later she texted me and said she enjoyed meeting me with a couple emojis–boy those Asian women love emojis I thought laughing.

The following day she texted me and we agreed to meet for a drink. At the restaurant she walked in with a completely different look. She looked like a different woman–sexy makeup, tight jeans and a skintight top that showed she was very small breasted but her nipples were showing–she looked good.

We sat and talked for over two hours and had a nice time. I can’t say I was fixated all that much but she funny and could talk about any subject. We decided to call it a night. I walked her to her car and gave her a little hug and kiss on the cheek. We had agreed to meet again but I was not 100% sure about it as I drove off.

About 30 minutes later I got a text from Nina.

“Greg I had a nice time. Was everything okay? You seemed a little indifferent. Actually I found that a little appealing though. Most men are all over you,” she said. “As a matter of fact I find that such a turn-on.”

“Hi. I didn’t mean to seem indifferent but glad that you found it appealing I guess–LOL”

“Would you like to come over now? My roommate is out tonight. I know this sounds forward but we are both adults.”

“I’m flattered with the invite. Sure that sounds nice,” I replied.

Nina gave me her address and making the 15 minute drive I was not sure what to expect and I was not going to assume she wanted to get laid and was going to let her drive the direction of my visit. Having two past Korean girlfriends I know they can be assertive.

Her house was nice. It had to be 3,000 sq ft and in a very nice neighborhood. When I arrived I noticed the front door was open but knocked and called her name.

“Come on in Greg. I’m in the back.”

As I walked past the entry and dining room I saw her standing in the living room looking out the very large picture window overlooking her great view.

“Hi Nina.”

She didn’t reply but just smiled. I could see she was breathing a little heavy and looked like she wanted to be taken. I walked up to her and we said nothing. I took her in my arms and we began kissing. Our tongues were aggressively working. She still didn’t say anything. She dropped to her knees and unzipped my pants. I was surprised how much she wanted some cock.

“I need this Greg,” she said engulfing my shaft.

She worked my cock and balls. For some reason I flashed on our first meeting and decided she wanted to meet someone fast and to fuck as soon as possible–I just happen to be the man that fell into her path.

“Ahhhh, ah Nina. Mmmmm. Yes. Suck my cock. Take it all.” I began to really pump my cock into her throat. She was gagging a little but seemed to like this way.

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