Lorna sat on the side of the bed and pulled Alex by his belt so he was standing before her with his crotch in front of her face. She unbuckled him and opened his fly.
“You’ve earned this vacation. We both have. I’m gonna start it off right,” she said.
Lorna pushed his pants and boxers to the floor. She slid her butt to the very edge of the mattress and pulled him close. She fondled his penis, kissed it and gently sucked his balls into her mouth. It quickly took shape and she traced her tongue along the length of it. She stuck her middle finger into her mouth and sucked on it, soaking it with her saliva and the placed it at the rim of his sphincter. Alex sighed with a loud, breathy rasp when she pushed her long finger in.
She took his now-stiffened cock into her mouth and sucked him and fucked his ass with her finger and Alex could feel the piercing jabs of her fingernail deep inside him. Then they became one, working together as they had countless times before, in their yin/yang, black/white, salt/pepper carnal harmonic balance.
Bonded and blended, Alex’s hands were on the back of Lorna’s head, his cock fucking her face, her finger fucking his ass, and her mouth sucking him, drawing up his cum like an oil drill digging for crude. They swayed and pumped in unison and Lorna’s gurgles and gags were punctuated by Alex’s grunts and the slapping of the flesh of face and groin.
A low groan came from deep down in Alex’s gut. Lorna sucked and reamed him harder and Alex’s legs half-buckled as he shook and swung his ejaculating meat into her mouth, and he released spurts of sperm into her mouth and throat.
When his hose was empty, she continued sucking, getting every drop, and then licked off the excess that had escaped her mouth. She stood and kissed him, ramming her syrupy tongue into his mouth, her finger still wedged all the way up his ass.
“What a way to start a vacation!” Alex said, beaming.
“Thought you’d like it, Baby. Now let’s go hang out by the pool for a couple hours before dinner.”
They spent some time poolside sipping cocktails under a big umbrella—Alex was not much of a sun-worshipper—and then had a nice dinner at a table with a panoramic view. They went back to their room for dessert: pussy and ass for Alex and more cock for Lorna. After, they were lying in each other’s arms.
“You know something Lorna? Without being crude, the first time I saw you I knew I wanted to fuck you. I didn’t think I ever would, but even if I had, I never could have managed it would be so good, that you’d be so good. And so addictive. You’re a sexual dynamo.”
“Oh, Please,” Lorna said.
“No, you are! I can’t believe I have you.”
“You’re not too bad in the old sack either, and I’m glad we have each other. I gotta please my man. I don’t to lose you.”
There was an awkward silence as the words hung.
“What do you mean?” Alex asked.
“Just what I said. The way to a man’s heart is through his penis, so I want to please you. I don’t want to lose you.”
“Lorna, why do you say that? You’re not going to lose me. I worry I’ll lose you.”
“I love you but sometimes I worry I’ll lose you,” she said softly.
Alex rose up onto his elbow and looked at her. “Why do you say that?”
“Do you ever think about having children? Did you think you would be a father some day?”
“I guess when I was younger I did. But I haven’t thought about that for a long time.”
“Why, because I’m older?”
“No, not really that. I just figured that you’ve already done that…and did it well by the way, Savannah is an incredible kid because of you…and you wouldn’t want to do it again.”
“I have thought about it,” Lorna said. “I’d love to have a child with you. And I’m afraid you are going to want to have children but I can’t give you any.” She cried softly.
She explained about some female problems she’d had in the past and the operation that would prevent her from becoming pregnant again.
Alex kissed her and held her tight until she calmed down. They talked in bed for two hours about adoption, about surrogate mothers, about whether Lorna really wanted a new baby in her late thirties. Alex assured her that when he fell in love with her having a baby was not even on his radar. But he could tell her emotions were mixed.
He started kissing her again. First on her lips, but then her neck and her revived nipples. Lorna moaned when he slipped his fingers into her vagina. She again was sopping. He mounted her missionary-style and stuck his expanded cock into her. They made love again, slowly fucking, building toward their climaxes, all the while Alex cooing sweet and salty in Lorna’s ear, telling her how hot she was and how much he loved her and loved kissing her and how good of a fuck she was and how much he loved eating her pussy and sucking her clit and loved the way she pleasured him with her mouth and he treasured fucking her like he was now and licking her ass and putting his cock up there. She made him feel so desired and so loved he would never leave, kids or no kids.
The vacation was a welcome diversion and it ended all too soon. The days ran together, a collage of swimming, touring, eating, drinking and fucking. Then they were back to work.
All of the carts were staying busy and making money and they had a reasonably stable group of employees that were working out. Savannah was doing especially well in school and with her college cart. She worked school days weather-permitting and was constantly seeking out weekend venues to make more and more money for herself and her college fund. Her cart had paid for all of her college expenses to date, and had a hefty surplus as she headed into her junior year.
One Sunday afternoon while Savannah was out with friends, Lorna and Alex had a little horizontal rodeo in their bed. While lying together basking in their after-sex glow, their conversation drifted back to the issue of children. No matter how much Alex tried to assure Lorna that he loved her with or without kids and was fine without, Lorna couldn’t shake her fear that one day he’d change his mind and she’d be unable to deliver. They talked again and rehashed all the things they’d said before. They agreed that adoption was a bad idea: despite all the screening they still would not know what they were getting. A surrogate would be a crap shoot too: half of the gene pool would be an unknown, and probably not the better half. And even if they went that route, and all of the expense, what if the mother had a change of heart and decided she couldn’t give up the baby after carrying it? Who needs that kind of angst? They would be accepting of their fate and be thankful that they had each other and a successful business.
Lorna and Alex didn’t realize that while they were in the midst their throes and voicing their noisy comings, Savannah had returned and slipped into the house unheard. And standing in the hall just outside their bedroom door, which was ajar, she had heard their whole conversation.
Over the next few days Savannah thought a lot about the conversation she’d overheard and it saddened her. Her mother wanted to have a baby with Alex but was unable to. Alex said he was okay with the idea of not having a child, but she had a feeling that maybe he was being a stoic to reassure her mother. She thought about the struggles her mom had gone through to provide for them for years with limited assistance from her father. But they’d done okay. And then Alex came into their lives and things had gotten better, life became easier in many ways. She was doing well in college, on the Dean’s List, thinking about graduate school, and was earning and saving good money for her education thanks to Alex’s business plan, which initially seemed so bizarre. After days of deep introspection Savannah told her mother she had something on her mind and wanted to talk to them.