ALBINO and REDBONE by tenorman


She sat them down in the living room, Lorna and Alex on the sofa and Savannah in an armchair that she’d scooted closer so she could look them both straight in their eyes. Alex sipped beer from a long neck.

“I want to start with an apology,” Savannah said. “I came home last Sunday afternoon and your bedroom door was open a few inches. I heard you talking. And I’m sorry, but I listened.”

Lorna and Alex looked at each other. They both had puzzled, deer-in-the-headlights looks in their eyes.

“You were talking about a child, a baby,” Savannah continued. “I heard it all, forgive me. I couldn’t stop listening. Because I found out my mother wants to have your baby, Alex, and can’t. And you say you don’t care either way, but my gut tells me you’d love to have a baby with my mother if you could. And you don’t want adoption and don’t want to risk a surrogate. Am I close so far?”

Alex and Lorna nodded and held hands.

“So here is what I wanted to talk to you about: I want to carry your baby.”

The bomb dropped and a silence ensued.


“No way!” Lorna said. “Thank you, Honey, but it’s out of the question.”

“Yes, Savannah. Thank you, but that’s not…”

“Why, Alex? You two love each other! She’s my mom! I love her too! I want her to be happy. You make her happy. You’ve done so much for me. I want to help you.”


“Mama, listen. You love Alex, I know that. I love him too, I’m in college because of him. What he did is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me! You want to have his baby and can’t, but I can. I’m half you!”

“Honey, you’ll never know how much it means to both of us that you even thought of the idea, and it just touches both of us so deeply that you’d offer. But you have your own life to live, you have your studies. You don’t want to take nine months out of your life and be pregnant and deal with the doctor’s appointments and the morning sickness and…”

“Mama, I’m in a position to help, and I really want to. And I think it would be a great experience. I would be doing something wonderful! It would make me feel so good to help you and Alex. Please let me help you. I would feel like I’m giving back. If I could get pregnant around Thanksgiving I would have the baby next summer so it would only affect me during one semester.”

“You’ve really thought this through, haven’t you?”

“Yes, I told you I had.”

“But the surrogate process takes time, the agency…”

“Mama, we don’t need all that. You don’t need them. They screen people and hook you up with them and monitor the process. You already have the perfect surrogate: Me. Plus I’m just dying to see what kind of baby we can make with a man as white as Alex!”

Lorna laughed and shook her head. “We’d still need them for the insemination, and it’s bound to be a long, drawn-out process…”

Savannah shook her head. “We don’t need all that. Why can’t I just fuck him?” she asked.


Over the next couple of weeks, every time Alex and Lorna made love there was a cloud hanging over the bed: the cloud of Savannah’s offer. The more they talked about it, and the more they appreciated the magnitude of it, the more they reiterated to themselves that they could not let her do it.

And then there was the prospect of Alex sticking his dick inside Lorna’s daughter, perhaps multiple times. Alex remained fairly mum on that subject, although Lorna gradually became more accepting of it.

But at the same time, the more they talked about it, the less outlandish the idea seemed, and the more open they became to the thought of it. Finally they agreed that if Savannah was truly willing then they would be too.


“Savannah,” Lorna began, “Alex and I have agonized over this for the last two weeks. We have talked about it until we were blue in the face. And as much as we’ve tried to tell ourselves no, this isn’t right, this isn’t fair to you, we have agreed that we would love to take you up on your incredible, loving offer if it still stands.”

They were all seated at the dining room table.

“Of course it still stands,” Savannah said. “I was dead serious. I wouldn’t change my mind.”

“Okay, good. But there are some conditions we will insist on,” Lorna said.

“All right, what are they?”

“Number one,” Alex chimed in, “We are going to pay you for it just like we would any other surrogate.”

“Alex, I’m not doing this for the money, I’m doing it because I love you guys and I want to help and make you happy.”

“I know and thank you, but that’s not negotiable,” he said. “You can do whatever you want with the money. You can use it for school, spend it, donate it to charity, it’s up to you. But your life will be altered for a few months so you deserve it. Your mother and I wouldn’t feel comfortable any other way. Okay?”

“Okay. What else?”

“Two more things,” Lorna said. “I will supervise the whole procedure. And I will be in charge of foreplay.” They all chuckled at that.

“Sounds like a plan,” Savannah said. She rose from her chair and gave her mother a hug and a kiss. Then she hugged Alex and said into his ear, “Thanksgiving is just two weeks away. An appropriate occasion to do it, don’t you think?”


There was an excited tension which increased day by day the closer they all came to their moment of truth. They had decided on Wednesday night.

Savannah was lying on her bed. She wore only a white t-shirt. She was covered up to her waist by a sheet. Alex wore a t-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants with a drawstring around the waist. Lorna sat on the edge of the bed.

“Are you ready, Honey?” Lorna asked.

Savannah nodded and said, “Yes, I’m ready.” Her eyes were wide with anticipation.

“Do you want me to mask your eyes?”

“No, I want to watch. I want to see your faces. Your smiles.”

“Okay, I’m going to get Alex ready now.” Lorna pulled Alex closer so he was standing right in front of her, his groin inches from her face. She stroked his cock through the soft cotton as she untied his pants and then she pulled them down and took him into her mouth.

Savannah watched as Lorna pulled down Alex’s pants and stared at the back of her mother’s head as it bobbed slightly as she sucked his cock. She fingered herself beneath the sheet.

Within a minute Lorna removed her mouth from around his cock and Alex moved into position at the foot of the bed and Savannah saw his hardened cock for the first time.

“Wow, Mama, now I know one of the big reasons you love Alex so much!” Savannah said with a grin.

“You hush, Girl,” Lorna said, laughing.

Lorna pulled the sheet aside revealing Savannah’s naked bottom half. Alex eyes viewed Savannah’s clean, nubile pussy, and he scooted closer on his knees so his cock was now inches from it.

Lorna squeezed Savannah’s hand with her left hand and guided Alex’s cock with her right.

“Is it okay if I enjoy it?” Savannah asked, her voice cracking.

With a weary smile Lorna said it was.

“I love you, Mama.”

“I love you too, Baby. And Thank You.”

“I love you, Alex,” Savannah said, her eyes wide and wet and staring right at him.

“I love you too, Savannah. You are a wonderful young lady.”

He kissed Savannah gently on her lips. Lorna directed his cock into Savannah’s vagina, which was already wet. Alex closed his eyes, pushed himself all the way in and started fucking.


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