ALBINO and REDBONE by tenorman

Alex was lying naked in the bed watching Lorna get dressed and wondering when he might summon the energy to get up. As she was tucking her red shirt into her white jeans she asked him what he was doing the following night.

“No plans,” Alex replied. “Why?”

“I’d like to invite you over to my house. I want to cook you a nice dinner. Would you like that?”

“I would love that. Any opportunity to be with you is fine with me.”

“Great!” Lorna said, as she pulled on her shoes and sat down on the bed. “Come over around six. I’ll serve you dinner and you can have me for dessert!”

“I’m there. What about Savannah?” Lorna had kept their affair outside of her home so far, not wanting to make her daughter uncomfortable.

“I think it’s time she got used to the idea. It’s not like she doesn’t already know what’s going on.”

Lorna kissed Alex and wrapped her long black fingers around his doughy dick and began stroking it. By the time she removed her tongue from his mouth his cock had begun to take shape. She lowered her head and took it into her mouth and sucked him. Within a minute Alex’s flagpole was again at full staff and Lorna took her mouth off him, kissed his lips again and stood up.

“Goodbye, Honey,” she said, pointing at his swelled cock. “If you want to try for number six, you’re on your own. See you tomorrow.”

She turned and Alex watched her tight ass sashay out the door. He closed his eyes and fondled his erection.


Alex arrived at Lorna’s house at six o’clock sharp. Lorna opened the door and immediately kissed his lips and briefly sank her tongue into his mouth. She looked great as usual: barefoot with cut-offs and a short sleeve white sweatshirt.

“Well, hello to you too,” Alex said. “Nice greeting!”

“Yeah, I thought I’d plant a good one on you just in case any nosy neighbors are watching.”

“Really?” he said, as she closed the door behind him.

“Oh yeah, everybody watches out for everybody in this neighborhood. And you’re surely the whitest face they’ve seen around here in a while.”

The enticing aroma of the spicy, succulent food simmering on the stove wafted through the air of the house. “Wow, Lorna, whatever you’re cooking up smells fabulous,” Alex said.

“I hope you like it,” she said as she handed Alex a bottle of beer. “It’s just about ready.” Alex sipped his beer while Lorna put the finishing touches on the meal.

“Hey, Maestro,” Savannah said as she entered the kitchen.

“Hello, Savannah,” Alex said, “Nice to see you again.”

“You too. You gonna play for us tonight?”

“No, you lucked out. It’s my night off,” he laughed. “Had to save my energy to eat whatever it is that smells so good.”

“That’s Mom’s specialty, you’re in for a treat. She saves it for special occasions and special people. That makes you pretty special.”

“Savannah…” Lorna said.

“I’m serious! Have him over anytime. More good food for me!”

Lorna smiled and said, “Okay, help me dish up so I can feed this man.”

They sat down at the dining room table to a small feast. Alex saw huge bowls of a thick, meaty stew, rice, cornbread and a giant bowl of a mixed green salad. A huge pitcher of iced tea.

Lorna said a short blessing and they dug in. The stew was chock full of vegetables and thick with ground meat and chunks of sausage and shrimp and who knows what else. The cornbread was obviously homemade, so sweet and moist you would eat it plain. Alex was quickly amazed at the sensation when the amazing blend of flavors and seasonings bombarded his taste buds.

Alex was trying hard to use good table manners but it was difficult not to wolf down his dinner. It was thick and tasty and full of meat and flavor that lingered after every bite.

“Lorna, this soup is delicious!” Alex said. “The best I ever had.”

“Thank you, I thought you’d like it.”

“Where did you…”

“Family tradition,” Savannah chimed in. “It’s Mama’s Chiligumbo.”

“Well, it is incredible! It’s like a taste explosion in my mouth.”

“Thank you, Alex,” Lorna said.

The dinner conversation meandered all over the place and Alex did more listening than talking—although he did punctuate the discussion with an occasional ‘Hmm’ or ‘Yum’—because he was too busy feeding his face and keeping his taste buds busy. They talked about the restaurant, Savannah’s job and her saving for college. Alex learned that Dear Old Dad would be stopping the child support and would not contribute anything toward college. This meant that Savannah would have to work as much as possible to save for school and help her mother with expenses.

“Wow, Lorna, this is good!” Alex said at one point. “I can’t believe you’re slaving as a waitress; you should have your own restaurant!”

“I don’t know if that’s a compliment or an insult,” Lorna replied.

“Oh, it’s a compliment, believe me.”

“Well, I don’t need the headaches of running a restaurant and dealing with crazy wait staff and temperamental chefs.”

With dinner over, Savannah excused herself and left the room. In a minute she reappeared with a backpack hanging off of one shoulder.

“Well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone,” Savannah said, and she kissed her mom goodbye. She looked at Alex and said, “You’re not just messin’ with my Mama, I hope,” she added.

Surprised, Alex just shook his head.

“Good, I hope not,” she said, and bounded out the front door.

“Don’t mind her, Alex,” Lorna said. “She’s just looking out for me. She’s staying over at a friend’s house tonight. “Giving us our space.”

“Ah, a considerate daughter. I like!”

“You know what that means…”

“I can stay over?”

“Yep. And we don’t have to be quiet either.” They both laughed.

They were standing at the sink cleaning up when Alex again complimented Lorna on the dinner.

“Damn, Lorna, I can’t get over it. That Chiligumbo is good! Not good, better than good. Fantastic! I love it; maybe I could get a small care package to take home with me?”

“You sure can,” she said, turning to face him. “If it helps you think of me.”

“Chiligumbo makes me horny,” he said.

They kissed and wrapped their arms around each other tight and they lingered in a long, emphatic embrace. Alex’s pecker was perking.

“It will be nice waking up together,” he said.

“Yes, it will,” she said, taking his hand. “Come with me, I’ll show you my boudoir.”


It was barely past seven p.m., and there they were lying naked in bed, side-by-side, their bodies pointing in opposite directions, and Alex’s dick was in Lorna’s mouth and his tongue in her twat. They were both sucking wildly, and soon each savored a mouthwatering orgasmic dessert.

Soon Alex was pounding away on Lorna’s ass, hearing her moans and groans and dirty talk, truly thankful she liked it like that. His dick was digging her tight ass and trying to coax up a second load of cum, but his mind was a little distracted. He was thinking more about Lorna’s Chiligumbo than he was about her ass and the job at hand.

It was a relief when he shot his wad. Pounding his hard drive into Lorna, with a raucous grunt he uploaded his program, and four, five, six spurts shot into the depths of her rear. Then he pulled out and with a groan collapsed onto his back and watched the ebb tide of his cum drip out of her asshole.


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