All Three Holes by TheRedChamber

She started to stand up, but Mr Collins was suddenly there behind her, stroking her hair. “It’s okay dear, don’t be nervous. We’re just going to have a bit of help to get you ready.”

Susan entered. Katie had seen her on the way in, but not really taken any notice of her. She was an attractive enough woman, though nearing thirty and just starting to put just a little bit of extra weight. She carried on old style doctor’s bag and a purple bottle.

Mr Collin’s smiled at her. “Susan, could you prepare Ms Lewis here for anal sex please. Take your time, she’s new and quite nervous.”

“Yes, Mr Collins.” She came over to the desk where Katie was still bent over. She put the doctor’s bag on the desk and pulled out a disposable plastic glove which she put on her right hand. It took her a moment to awkwardly straighten out the fingers. She poured a drop of lube onto her index finger, then gently spread it around with her thumb.

“Now, Susan, I’m just going to dilate you a little bit. The lube will be a little bit cold, but I just want you to relax and we’re going to take as long as we need to get you ready.”

The first touch of the finger on her hole was indeed cold. Susan moved it around her crack, spreading the lubricant gently around and above and below the hole.

“Whisky, gentleman?” Mr Collins went to the display cabinet behind his desk and pulled out a bottle and three glasses. “So, what’s the hold up on this deal? Government not playing ball?” The men retreated to the other side of the room, and started to talk shop.

“Ok, darling, I’m just going to stick a finger in, and start to work you loose.” Susan’s voice was calm and reassuring, but at the same time weirdly professional. She pulled the glove tight again and added just a little more lube to her finger. Twice she pushed gently, like pressing a button. The third time, the slid in just a millimetre. These were new sensations for Katie and she gave out the tiniest little yelp.

“Do you think we should offer the girl a drink?” Katie heard Bill muse from the back of the room. “Might help her relax a little?”

Susan was gentle moving her finger at this point, back and forward by mere millimetres, but also round and round, widening the hole.

“I wouldn’t,” Mr Collins replied “she probably has data entry or some such to do this afternoon and we wouldn’t want her getting it all wrong.”

“Good point, good point…mind if I have another? No you stay there, I’ll get it.”

On his way over to the desk, Bill stopped behind Katie for just a second, taking in the view. “Say, Michael. How about we go for a full three-holer? Been a while since we did that.” That was the first time Katie had heard Mr Collins first name.

“Hmm, yes. When was it. That conference in Tokyo. The little Vietnamese girl, wasn’t it.”

“That right. God that was one hell of a night. Peter, you would have loved it. Totally uninhibited. Come to think of it, was she a pro or was she part of the hotel staff?”

“I know we paid her like a pro in the end, but I think she was one of the waitresses.”

Katie wondered if she should ask what a three-holer was. The basics were kind of obvious, of course, but she wondered about the details. Would it be all three men each in a different hole all at once? Would it be each man trying out all three holes? She kept quiet. She’d moved far beyond any kind of informed consent. They would do to her what they would. Increasingly, she was sure she was going to love it.

“Okay, honey. So now I’m going to be going a bit deeper. Just the same finger.”

Then Susan’s voice dropped to a whisper. “I’m also going to be checking for cleanliness. Mr Parish is not going to be wearing any protection, so it’s important that we keep the passage unobstructed for him. Did you go to the loo this morning?”

Katie was incredibly grateful that she had. “Uh-hu,” she said.

“Okay. That’s good. There shouldn’t be too much, but just let me check.”

The finger went deep. With a couple of strokes, it was all the way in. Now Susan started to bend her finger, probing round the hole in all directions. She was methodical and precise, checking all the angles. Finally, she said, “I think you should be alright.” Katie wondered if that was it. If she was officially deemed ready.

Susan drew the finger out. She inspected the glove for a second. Katie wasn’t sure what if anything she’d seen, but she took it off, wrapped it in a tissues for a box on the desk, and threw it in the bin. She then put on another glove and lubed up again.

“Ok, you’re doing great. We’re going to go for two fingers now. It’s all about loosening you up as much as possible.”

Despite what she had said, for the first thirty seconds or so, it was still just the one finger. Then, as she withdrew one stroke, Katie felt the second finger start to press in on her ring. It didn’t go in at first and Susan didn’t force. With the rhythm unbroken, she kept moving the first finger back and forth and for six strokes didn’t increase the pressure on the second at all. On the seventh stroke, she pushed just a little bit harder and both fingers suddenly popped inside her. Katie let out a scream.

“God damn Susan. Don’t make her cum yet. That’s our job.”

“No, Mr Collins.” Susan said in a respectful voice. Katie didn’t need to look backwards to know she was smiling though. In any case, it was now clear to Katie that Susan was no longer just probing, or exploring or loosening, she was finger-fucking her.

“That feels….amazing!” Katie said. She blushed. “Does that make me a lesbian?”

Susan laughed. “No, not quite yet.” The way she said it suggested that if Mr Collins wanted Katie turned in that way, Susan would have a conversion process all ready to go.

And then, for the second time that day, Katie was back in her zone. There were no more residual worries about what she was doing or why she was agreeing to do it, just the touch of another human being. She wasn’t worried about it being her first time having anal sex. She wasn’t worried about it being her first time with a woman, or if it even counted as a first time. She was lost in sensations.

After some time, Katie had no idea how long, Susan pulled out again. “I know you were enjoying that, but we’re ready for stage three.” God, thought Katie, how many stages are there and how much more intense can they get?

Susan went back to the doctor’s bag, pulled out three objects and arranged them on the desk. They were butt plugs, in three different sizes. The first one looked small, not much wider than the two fingers she’d already taken. The second one looked, well, okay. Maybe she wouldn’t have thought so ten minutes ago, but it now looked manageable. She didn’t want to think about the third and largest one.

“Okay,” said Susan, “These should be clean, but you can never be too careful. I’m going to give these a thorough wipe over.”

Again, she reached into her back and pulled out two sets of wipes, wet and dry, and went to work on each one in turn. When she had finished with each, she struck it down with force on the glass of the desk so the suction pad on the bottom locked it in place. When she was satisfied, she went back to the bag and pulled out another two doctor’s gloves, this time one for each hand. She then put all the other items away, again very methodically and shut the doctor’s bag. She picked up the smallest one and started to lube it up thoroughly. When she was satisfied she moved behind Katie again. This time the object went in without any resistance at all. Katie felt her ring widen and then close again, the base of the plug remaining outside and locking it in place.

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