I Dream of Angels: The Series by Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path

“Come on, you should get some rest.”

I grabbed a towel and the two of us stood up. Just as Angel was about to step out of the tub, she slipped and landed in my arms. Holding her wet naked form pressed against me, I felt my manhood become so erect that I almost thought it would pop. I just had to hope that Angel would not notice the bulge in my pants. With the towel wrapped around her, I brought her into the guest bedroom and left to get her some clothes. My sister Emily was the same size as Angel, so her clothes would fit. Giving a sigh, I closed my eyes and looked away while I opened my sister’s underwear drawer. Shuddering from the shear amount of wrongness, I grabbed the first pair of panties my hand touched and quickly wrapped them in a t-shirt.

With a pair of sweat pants, panties, and an undershirt and blouse, I walked back to the guestroom and stood in the doorway, watching as Angel dried herself with the towel. It was not a physical arousal I was feeling, but an emotional one. I wanted to make love with her, not sex, not the act performed by porn stars and drunk teens. I felt a physical attraction to her, but it was an emotional one that was far more powerful. I walked in and handed her the clothes and she got dressed, save for the blouse. With a smile in the back of my mind, I regretted seeing her clothed. She lied down in the bed and I wrapped her in the blankets.

“Just try and get some rest. I’ll be downstairs if you need me.”

“Do you promise that I’ll wake up and still be here, and you’ll still be with me?”

I leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. “Of course.”

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. On the island table, hidden behind a box of cereal, was my bottle of pain meds. A shiver ran down my spine as I realized something. There was no pain. The whole time I had been with Angel, I had been feeling no pain, just like whenever I dreamed about her. I pulled the suicide note out from my pocket and stared at it, my eyes fixed on the teardrops that she had left when she read it.

“I don’t feel any pain…”

I walked into the living room and grabbed the lighter above the fireplace. Igniting the small butane torch, I held the flame under the suicide note and then tossed it onto the bed of cold ashes, letting the flames destroy was could have been.

“I’m not sure I believe in God, I honestly don’t know what to believe after this miracle, but I do think that fate has brought you to me, Angel. You took my pain away.”

For the next three hours, I simply sat in the easy chair in the living room, thinking about my future and the life I would live with Angel. As fantasy after fantasy passed through my mind, I heard the front door open, signaling the return of my family. My sister, younger brother, and parents stepped inside.

“Marcus, you really need to start getting out of the house. You need to spend time with people,” my mom nagged.

“I have,” I muttered under my breath as I stood up and walked over, carefully choosing my words.

This was going to be difficult.

“There is something I need to tell you…”

“What?” my dad asked.

“I haven’t been alone. A girl showed up at the backdoor, naked and covered in blood. She’s alive, I managed to save her before she froze to death, but says she can’t remember anything.”

“Marcus, that is messed up, even for a joke,” my brother said squeamishly.

“She’s upstairs, sleeping in the guestroom. Sorry sis, but I had to give her some of your clothes.”

Finally my family was convinced that I was telling the truth.

“Marcus, is there really a girl here? Is what you’re saying true?” my mom asked nervously.

“Either that or I’ve finally snapped and I just hallucinated the last four hours.”

“Well have you called her an ambulance? The power is on,” my sister asked.

“The phone lines are still down and you know I don’t have a cell phone. I’ve been waiting for you to come back so that we can drive her to the hospital. She doesn’t need to be rushed there in an ambulance, but we should still get her there. Want me to wake her up?”

“Sure,” my dad said, rubbing his forehead as he tried to process the sudden information, “get her down here.”

I walked upstairs, taking deep breaths and trying to calm myself from the conversation only moments prior. I approached the guestroom and stood in the doorway. Angel seamed to be shrouded in a veil of light through my eyes, but I knew she was really there. I silently walked towards the bed and crouched down. I placed one hand on Angel’s forehead and my other on her hand.

“Angel?” I whispered.

She opened her beautiful eyes and hummed a reply.

“Sorry to wake you, but we need to get you to a hospital. We need to get you checked out to make sure that you are really all right.”

“You’ll come with me, right?”

I moved my hand to her cheek. “Of course.”

She stepped out of the bed and I immediately realized that I couldn’t show her to my family, not in her current state.

“Here, put this on,” I said, holding up the blouse I had taken from my sister’s room.

“What? Why?”

Unable to suppress my grin, I pointed at her chest, where atop the colossal mountains that were her breasts, her nipples were poking through the thin fabric of the undershirt like fingertips.

“I don’t want you accidently poking one of their eyes out.”

Blushing in embarrassment, Angel covered her chest with her arms and turned away. “You pervert!” she giggled.

Following my advice, she put on the blouse and buttoned it up, but the problem still was not completely solved. Unlike the tank top she was wearing underneath, the fabric of the blouse did not stretch. It merely clung and constricted when the wearer’s proportions weren’t… fitting. Suffice to say, the bottom of the blouse barely came down to her belly button, and the buttons were silently screaming as they struggled to hold in Angel’s breasts. This time, I made no attempt to suppress my laughter, to which Angel playfully smacked me.

Once I was done laughing, I looked into her eyes. “Ready?”

She nodded and took my arm. Walking out into the hall, I could hear my parents and siblings talking downstairs. They were all certain I was either hallucinating or just playing a practical joke. My brother actually said that I had found a blow-up doll out in the storm and was just using it as a gag prop. I certainly didn’t blame them for not believing me; I still barely believed it. However, when they all heard the sounds of two pairs of footfalls on the stairs, all doubts were erased. Eyes widened and gasps were suppressed as Angel came into view, cute as a button with a blush of nervousness and her arms wrapped tightly around mine.

“Everyone, this is Angel. Angel, this is my family. That’s my sister Emily, my brother Phil, my mom Laura, and my dad Alex.”

Everyone stared at her with shock. Not only was it strange just to finally meet her, but also her beauty was incredible. Shocked most of all was Emily, not only by Angel’s existence, but by her… appearance. She certainly couldn’t remember any of her blouses clinging to her like that, and she had to fight the urge to look down at her own chest for a miserable comparison.

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