I Dream of Angels: The Series by Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path

“Hmmm, I never realized how much I missed calories,” I groaned in happiness while shoveling a third helping of chicken onto my plate.

Even foods I normally despised like salad and string beans practically vanished as soon as they touched my plate.

“Careful, you don’t want to put all the weight back on that you had before,” my dad warned while smiling, happy to actually be able to say something like that to me.

Before speaking, I shoveled a forkful of noodles into my mouth, making Angel giggle. “Don’t worry, I won’t let that happen. I’m skinny for the first time in my life and I want to keep it that way.”

I had just stepped out of my room and was planning to take a shower when I saw my sister pulling Angel towards her room with surprising lightheartedness.

“Come on, I want to show you the clothes mom and I got for you.”

The way she was talking, I only heard her talk like that with her friends. It seemed that since Angel was now living with us, Emily had received a new best friend and the sister she always wanted.

“Hold on, I want to see this,” I said, walking over.

She turned to me with sudden coldness. “No way, Marcus.”

“What’s wrong? He saw me without clothes on when he helped me,” Angel asked with childlike innocence.

“Yeah, but I don’t want to see my brother pitching a tent. Besides, you and me need to have a little girl talk.”

Feeling like I had been both badly portrayed and robbed, I sighed and walked to the bathroom. Even after the marathon Angel and I had experience an hour before, I would now need both a hot and cold shower.

Emily nearly jumped when Angel pulled off her shirt, letting her breasts spring forth without restriction. She had just assumed all this time that Angel had been wearing a bra, if she had known that she wasn’t… she would have been more hesitant in staying in the room. Angel seemed to have no fear about going topless in front of Emily, but Emily was feeling sick with envy. She couldn’t help but switch her gaze from Angel’s chest to her own.

“It’s just not fair,” she muttered.

“Thank you so much for getting these for me. I’m really sorry about having to borrow your clothes,” Angel said gratefully as she pulled on a pink top from a pile of clothes on Emily’s bed.

“It’s no problem. But, uh… you can keep the panties. Now… this the first time we’ve actually talked, and I know that you’ve probably told your story a hundred times, but I have to ask: do you really not remember anything?”

Angel lost her smile. She had regained her memories, but they weren’t the kind of memories that she could tell anyone about. She had to keep up the act of amnesia.

“No, I’m sorry. It would be nice if I did, simply to ease everyone’s worrying. But to be honest, I don’t want to remember. I’m sorry, I know that makes me sound really sketchy,” she chuckled sadly.

“Why don’t you want to remember? Is it so that you can stay here?”

Angel turned to her and smiled. “You know, don’t you?”

“Luckily I was the only one upstairs and the room beneath the guest room is rarely used, so I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who knows. I will admit, the fact that you two moved so quickly is really suspicious. Under normal circumstances, I would never be able to trust you. I would be certain that you were just using Marcus.”

Whether she was intending to be blunt or to sugarcoat it, it was impossible to tell.

“So what makes these non-normal circumstances?”

Emily sighed. “I can’t help but believe you. I see the way you look at my brother, and it is with true happiness and love. A con artist could easily trick me into believing that, but I’m just unable to see any evil intent in you. Besides, you make my brother happy, and that is something that he has needed so badly that it is beyond description. When he was introducing you to us, I saw him smile, and he literally hasn’t smiled in years. During dinner, he was so carefree and full of life. If it keeps Marcus happy and alive, then I’m willing to take a risk on it.” She then began to laugh. “But how the hell could you two immediately jump to sex?! Either the two of you are lying and you actually know each other, or it’s something else.”

Angel laughed as well. “We’re in love, it’s as simple as that. When I opened my eyes and found him beside me, clutching my hands, I felt so safe and secure, so cherished and cared for, I knew that no one could love me as much as Marcus did. In him, I saw a broken heart that needed to be mended but was capable of so much love, I saw kindness beneath layers of pain, and I saw someone who would treasure me forever. He told me that he saw me as an angel (no pun intended) that had come to save him. He said that I had the kindest heart and the sweetest soul he had ever encountered, and that I was the light of his life. He wanted to protect me, to support me, to bring me happiness and love me. Quite simply, he sees me as the one thing in this world that he can actually bond himself to. I know that wherever he is, is my home.

Yes, it formed quickly, but we truly need each other, and we want to spend the rest of our lives together. I don’t care if my past ever comes back, as long as I can be with Marcus. We were truly meant to find each other, to be together. It’s beyond simple love at first sight, our lives were intertwined from the beginning,” she said, speaking so cheerfully that Emily could not ignore the warmth in her heart.

“Well if Marcus has things his way, you’ll never have to leave us, and that’s good enough for me. Welcome to the family.”

For the rest of vacation, Angel and I tried to keep our love secret, but the passion between us doing those intimate times was inextinguishable. During the night, I would wait for everyone to fall asleep before sneaking out of my room and into hers. In the darkness, we would make sweet love before falling asleep in each other’s arms. Early in the morning, my watch alarm would wake me up, and I would sneak back into my room.

With Angel, I found there were two kinds of sex: physical and emotional. When we were physical… holy shit. We were a couple of wild animals on PCP and ecstasy. We would go for hours, burning calories we never even knew we had and exchanging fluids like our bodies were actually completely liquid. It wasn’t simply hormone-driven; it was like we were fully exploring each other’s bodies and letting our deepest instincts come forth. Our bodies were more compatible than humanly possible, and just being close filled us with so much energy that we could be intimate for hours and never grow tired. We basically ran through the Kama Sutra like it was a pamphlet and did every position we could think of. Angel remarked upon my newfound strength and stamina with great joy, as her sexual hunger was just as great as mine.

The other kind was slow and gentle, loving and intimate. Like when we were physically based, we would make love hours on end, but the rhythm was completely different, completely tantric. While our bodies were linked, we allowed our souls and minds to merge. It was as if we became telepathic, being able to read our feelings for each other without ever speaking them. When we fucked, it fed our bodies, but when we made love, it fed our souls. Just holding onto each other, making as much contact as possible, and being so close that we could feel each other’s hearts beating… it brought us a bliss that no physical feeling could match. Holding each other after making love was as nice as the act itself.

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