Moments in Time from My Life: Chapter 2 No Boys Allowed by hairybetsy

Near the end of the tenth grade one of the girls in our little group got into some trouble. In fact, that girl was Mary as she had joined our little club as well. To get herself out of trouble she squealed about the little club that we had formed which was “NO BOYS ALLOWED.”

The shit really hit the fan over just what all of us girls had been up too. Linda left town however, I think she was ran out of town for what she had been doing with us girls. Janet and I also were in the most trouble. Most of the girls said we had lured them into doing the stuff they had done. They also told everyone we were the ringleaders. My mom became extremely angry when she found out what I had been up too.

Mom grounded me for life and told me that I would never leave the house again. I had never seen her so mad at me. Mom even slapped me across my face telling me I had brought shame to her in this town. She told me she would never be able to find a man or show her face in town with everyone knowing what kind of a daughter she had.

“If that is how you feel then I want to go live with my dad,” I said.

Which was not how I had put it? I had used a lot more of fuck you bitch I will go live with my dad. Mom was on the phone right away. She informed daddy of just what was going on over here. Mom told him I wanted to come live with him and that if he wanted me to come get the little bitch.

I was upstairs packing my bags when dad arrived. I heard dad and mom arguing over me. Mom was yelling that I had been nothing but trouble since I had been born. My mom even told my dad that I had even driven him away from her when I was little. I heard my daddy yelling back at her that it was not true.

“Your daughter is queer just like you,” mom yelled at him.

I flopped down onto my bed and cried over the mess I had made of things. I blamed myself for everything even splitting up my mom and dad. My mom even thought I was a queer awkward child. I finished packing my bags and I made up my mind as soon as dad left for work tomorrow I was running away.

I knew not where I was going and I did not really care. I just wanted to get as far away from here as I could. I did not even tell my mom good-bye as I walked out of her house. It was the last time I would see or hear from my mom for many years.

As daddy drove us to his house he said, “Your mom is just upset I am sure she will calm down in a few days.”

“No she won’t she hates me because I brought shame to her because I like girls and not boys.” I replied. “Daddy, your little girl is a fucking lesbian,” I added.

“Betsy, please don’t use words like that,” Daddy replied. “And you are right you are still daddy’s little girl however it does not matter to me if you like women or men,” he added.

“Sorry daddy I am just so mixed up right now after Turtle raped me I just lost myself,” I said.

“TURTLE, did what to you?” Daddy yelled loudly.

Daddy pulled his car over to the side of the roan throwing it up into park. I sat there for a few seconds then I busted into tears. I told daddy what Turtle had done to me that day at the lake during the reunion. However, I did not tell him that I had rather enjoyed it.

Daddy was furious he was cussing and yelling he was going to kill Turtle the next time he saw him. I told daddy to let it go and that we would probably never see Turtle again. I also told daddy that was when Janet comforted me and we became lovers.

“Betsy, not all men are like Turtle someday you will meet someone nice, you will see,” daddy said as he hugged me.

We soon arrived at daddy’s place where Daddy helped me with my bags into the house. After I got my stuff put away, daddy had me sit with him and we talked. Daddy told me I should have informed him about what Turtle had done to me. He also told me if anything like that ever happens, again I was to tell him right away and he would take care of it. We talked some more about what had been going on in school as well as on weekends. Daddy also wanted to know just how our little club had gotten started.

I explained to daddy about how I have been nothing but a misfit in school since second grade. I explained how the other kids would always make fun of me. I told him no one liked me at school until these came along as I stuck my tits toward him.

“A popular boy at school asked to walk me home one day,” I said to daddy. “I showed him my tits and he became my friend,” I added.

I explained to him how that boy made me feel good about myself. I told him how he had gotten the others to stop making fun of me. I also explained that at the time I had liked this boy a lot. I explained to him how it all went bad when I shared the boy with Janet.

Daddy sat there shaking his head as he replied, “Betsy, you share toys not boys.” “You realize that boy was just using you to get what he wanted?” Daddy asked.

“Yes, but I was just using him to get what I wanted which was to be popular with all the other kids,” I replied hanging my head down to the floor. I looked to daddy as I added, “Then I went to the reunion and Turtle had his way with me.”

“You should have informed me about what he had done to you,” daddy said.

“I was too scared to tell anyone daddy other than Janet,” I replied. “When that boy dumped Janet she turned to me and I turned to her for comfort and love.” “Janet and I became lovers and other girls wanted to be part of the fun we were having.”

Daddy wrapped his arms around me as he said, “Betsy, I blame myself I never should have walked out on your mother.”

“Did you leave mom because of me?” I asked him.

“NO Betsy,” daddy replied.

“Then why did you leave?” I asked staring at him.

“It was not because of you, Betsy,” daddy replied as he looked at me. “I guess your old enough now,” daddy replied.

Daddy told me a little story that I just could not believe. It seemed that my mom and dad used to be swingers. Daddy told me how they had an open marriage as well as an open relationship. He explained that my mom never really enjoyed that type of a lifestyle however he did.

“You could say I got caught up in it pretty much like the trouble you did,” Daddy said. “I left your mom with still loving her but also loving the lifestyle more,” he added.

Daddy went on to tell me how he would not judge me for liking women rather than men. He asked me if I knew what Bisexual was. I informed him yes when you love both sexes. My jaw hit the floor when daddy told me he was bisexual and my mother just could not handle that.

“Is that why mom called me queer like you?” I asked with a blank look on my face.

“Betsy, bisexual does not mean you are queer or gay,” daddy replied with a little laugh.

Daddy and I talked well into the night. He informed me that what I and the other girls had been doing was what he would just call experimenting. He would not tell me it was wrong or right. He told me that was something I had to figure out for myself.

“I will not stop you from seeing Janet,” daddy said. “However, I hope you two will be a little more discreet about it especially around town and around me,” he added.

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