Moments in Time from My Life: Chapter 2 No Boys Allowed by hairybetsy

Uncle Mike almost choked on his beer as he was in mid drink when I had whipped the girls from my top. I gave them a little shake from side to side to tease him a little more. Uncle Mike sat there watching them sway from side to side.

“Better put them away before you give him heat stroke,” Aunt Lisa said with a smile and a laugh.

I slipped my breasts gently back into my top as the top of them were still burning. I slowly slipped the tee shirt I had with me over them as well. My Aunt winked at me.

“You may have to give her some of the other cream to take that burn away,” she said softly looking to Uncle Mike.

The sound of a motorcycle filled my ears and I looked to see John coming up the hill on his bike. Seeing him made me to forget what my aunt had just said. My stomach started to flip as John approached the trailer on his bike. My hands seemed to start sweating as well. I felt very nervous as he parked his bike. John walked over to Uncle Mike, they bumped fist, and then John walked up to me.

“Sorry Betsy, I got lost in working on my bike and forgot about giving you a tour,” John said very politely to me.

“That’s OK I understand if you are to busy,” I replied.

“I am never to busy for one as lovely as you,” John said.

I was once again without words to say. I looked at him then to my aunt who was smiling. John asked me if I was ready for my tour and suggested I put some sneaker onto my feet first. I ran inside to get my tennis shoes. As I came back into the kitchen, I leaned against the counter to put them onto my feet. I heard John, my aunt and my uncle talking through the kitchen window so I went to it and looked at them as they talked.

“She is a little shy and scared of boys and she has a good reason,” I heard my aunt say. “Remember our little deal,” she added just before she gave John a kiss fully onto his lips.

I made some noise in the kitchen and my aunt hurried away from John. I came out to them and told John I was ready for my tour. He grabbed my hand and he walked me well it was more almost as if he dragged me to his bike. He got on his bike and started it as I stood to the side of it. John looked at me as I just stood there.

“You have never ridden on a bike before I take it,” John said.

I shook my head no, as I stood there. John told me to get on the seat behind him and to place my feet onto the pegs sticking from the frame. John told me to wrap my arms around his waist and to hold on tight. I did as he told me.

John took off on the bike and I felt like I was going to fall off. I squeezed my arms tighter around him. I also buried my sun burnt tits right into his back. John rode me around the campgrounds showing me this and that. As he did, I got very comfortable with my arms around his waist and my tits buried into his back.

John pulled his bike up by the swimming hole and we both got off his bike. He grabbed my hand as he led me down to the swimming hole. We were standing by the waters edge when he turned to me.

“Can you swim?” John asked.

“Yes,” I replied.

The next thing I knew John swept me off my feet and up into his arms. I was screaming and wrapping my arms around his neck as he ran into the water carrying me. He slipped and we both went down into the water. We both started too laughed as we came up from under the water. I stood up and took my glasses off, as they were useless with the water running down them. John swam away and I started to get out of the water.

“Where are you going?” John asked.

“Going to take my shirt off that is all,” I yelled to him.

I made it to shore where I pulled my shirt off over my head. I placed it onto the ground with my glasses as well. I turned to John and he was but a blur to my vision, as I cannot see to good without my glasses. I ran back in diving under the water. I swam over to John and surfaced by him as he was in about waist deep water.

When I got to him, I stood up jumping from the water. I wipe the water from my eyes and my face. I could now see him very good what with as close as I was to him. John was standing there with his eyes wide open just staring at me. I also could tell he was not staring into my eyes.

His mouth was hanging open with his eyes glued to my chest. He was just like the other boys I thought. He was only seeing my big tits and not the real person behind them. He just stood there staring into my chest.

“Is something wrong?” I asked tilting my head to the side.

“Well not really other than you seemed to have lost your top,” John replied smiling and looking up from my tits.

I looked down to see that I was standing there without my hot pink bikini top on in front of him. I saw water dripping down from my breasts as well as from my hard nipples. I covered my boobs as I turned from him I saw that my top was floating a little ways behind me. I ran to it holding my breasts. When I got there, John surfaced from under the water grabbing my top.

He swam a little ways from me and he stood up in thigh deep water with it in his hand as he asked, “Is this what you are looking from?”

“Give that back,” I said with a little laugh covering my tits with my hands.

“Only if you promise to go have dinner with me tomorrow night,” John replied holding my top out to me.

I stood there thinking, as no one had asked me out before. I was once again speechless as I stood there. John walked a little closer and he held out my top still about arms length from himself.

“OK, I will go have dinner with you,” I said smiling at him still covering up my tits.

“OK and one more thing,” John replied as he held out my top. “You have to let me see those lovely tits one more time before I give you your top,” John added smiling from ear to ear.

I dropped my hands from the front of my tits. I started to walk toward him with my big tits swinging side to side. John’s eyes followed the side movement of my tits as I walked toward him. I just happened to have glanced down to the shorts he had worn. His shorts were sticking straight out in front of him. I think my mouth might have dropped open as what ever was causing that had to be huge.

John looked down to his dick and he tossed my top to me. He dove back under the water and swam out into deeper water. I put my top on and I joined him out there. We swam around splashing each other and having a good time.

John grabbed my hand as he led me from the water. He walked me up to my tee shirt. He stood there looking into my face for a second then John reached down and he handed me my glasses.

“Put those back on I like you better with them on,” he said.

I almost fell over, as no one has ever told me to put my glasses on only to take them off. Boys in my neighborhood did not even like to touch my breasts with me wearing them. I slipped them on to find John staring at my face.

The next thing I knew his hands were pulling my face toward his. His arms wrapped around me as his lips touched mine. His lips rolled across mine as he kissed me deeply onto my lips. I kissed him back deeply as our lips rolled against each other’s. My body went flush from his kiss.

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