New Beginnings – Part 1 – The Aftermath by NCfan

“They’re evil for what they do to us. But they feed us well and it gets so it doesn’t hurt as much. How old are you? I’m Sarah and this is Gwen and Terry.”

“I’m Kelly. I’m 19 and trying to get back to where I went to school, in Albany.”

“Oh god, so young. We’ve been wondering what they’ll do with us if they found some younger women. Believe me, every day we talk in our group about how to escape. But they have guns and knives. And they keep us moving so we can’t talk so easy.”

“How long have you been? With them.”

“It’s been two weeks for me. Seems like years. I’m 37, but feel twenty years older now.”

“And they?”

“Morning, noon and night there’s always someone looking for it. And that idiot who likes to do it in the ass is the worst.”

“That hurt so much.”

“Sorry to say, that doesn’t really get easier.” They sat back against the tree. As Sarah had said, they were brought bowls of stew. It was pretty good. Then true to his word Hank untied Kelly and took her aside.

“Now that you’ve been initiated it won’t be so bad. Mostly one at a time. You’ll get used to it.” And Hank had her again. It wasn’t as forceful, or quite as painful, but it was still as awful as anything Kelly had endured. Off to her right she heard another couple going at it. When he was done, Hank let her put on her sweater and jeans. He also got her a wet cloth to clean herself. “We may be sex crazed old degenerates, but we’re not animals.”

In the morning they broke camp and trudged south. They made slow progress. Mainly because the women weren’t used to walking distances. The group had found Terry and Gwen with a car that wouldn’t start. Sarah had been sitting on her porch alone. Kelly, being younger and more athletic, had less trouble keeping up, but she was more on call for the men’s needs when they did stop. It seemed with six of them, someone always had a hardon. The women had their own names for the men that they used between them. Most of it had to do with their equipment. Fortunately for them none of the men was packing anything too large. So there was “Little Luke”, “Stinky” Steve, “Skinny” Pete, and Dirty Pete, that just seemed to be his name, Connor, who was quiet and actually seemed considerate, in comparison. Hank was called “Big” Hank. Mostly because he was in charge and it seemed safer to be deferrential. And we did have a little more than the other guys. Kelly didn’t really care. Each time was a violation and it angered her that there was no one to provide justice. She listened in on the women’s plans, but all were impractical, and dangerous. Maybe in another week or days she’d be desperate, or just beyond caring.

As he had told Greg, Will kept to himself. He had no problem with the cold weather and random snowfalls. He was dressed in weather appropriate clothing and knew how to find or make shelter on the worst days. He was angling down southwest using the sun, stars and a compass. Some days he had trouble reading the compass, but usually he could focus. He had no real plan but if there was talk of people gathering somewhere in West Virginia he’d head that way. He had a vague notion of where he needed to go but reading a map was out of the question. He wasn’t concerned. If roaming the country fending for himself was his fate, so be it. People had lots of plans, but look where that had gotten them.

Over the past couple of days Will had heard people noises off to the west. Voices, and other noise. Screams maybe? Didn’t people realize that keeping quieter helped keep the game around? Still he was drawn, slowly and carefully, towards the sound of people. He was curious. And they might have information. Will was resting in the hollow of a tree out of the elements when he heard what seemed to be cries coming in with the wind. He listened, the wind shifting and covering or enhancing the sounds. Yes, he was sure there were cries. He gathered his gear and slowly, quietly eased himself along the ridge.

It had been a long morning of walking for Hank’s group, as Kelly thought of them. It was cold and it had started to snow. With Sarah and the other women dragging along and asking for a break they had found a clearing and started a fire. When it seemed they might be staying awhile a couple of the men started eying Kelly. She saw them talking together making motions with their hands indicating her tits. That’s when she saw Dirty Pete coming her way. Oh shit. She didn’t need this. He grabbed her by the arm and led her away from the group. When Steve and the other Pete joined him she knew it would be a rough time. Pete and Steve had been the two talking together. They took her deeper into the woods away from the group. Away from Hank. When they had her alone Steve ordered,


“It’s too cold.”

“We’ll warm you up good, Bitch 4.” They knew her name but some preferred to use this designation so it wasn’t personal at all. When Kelly was slow to move skinny Pete held her and put a knife to her neck.

“Come now. Don’t fight it. I don’t want to damage this pretty face. It will just piss off Hank. We just want a special show. Let us see that sweet body under all these clothes.” Feeling the knife point against her cheek Kelly was deciding whether to maybe end it and fight them until they killed her. Not being ready yet to give in she slowly let her coat fall and pulled off her sweater. Her bra had been lost back at the first camp. When she pulled down her jeans the three men passed her around, grabbing at her tits, her ass and pussy. They were admiring her young body in their own disgusting way. Steve noted,

“Look at that tasty bush. Kind of red like her hair.” Dirty Pete said,

“You can have the bush, I’m getting me some of that fine ass right now.” Dirty Pete pushed her to the ground and as was his habit, spit on her ass to serve as lubricant. Steve added,

“I’m not waiting.” He knelt in front of Kelly grabbing a handful of hair, “Suck me bitch.” With one in her ass, Kelly now had Steve who rarely bathed pushing his cock into her throat. As always, she gagged and barely controlled herself as he used her mouth. Skinny Pete watched and stroked himself. Kelly was shivering from the cold and the snow beneath her. Then she shouted as Dirty Pete began slapping her ass, hard.

“There you go bitch. How’s that? You can sit your ass in ice when Petey fucks you later.” He began thrusting hard into Kelly’s ass while slapping at her cheeks.

Will heard the voices now. They were close. He eased himself through the trees. A little more and, there they were. It looked to be three men and a woman. He looked through binoculars, the woman was naked. The men were grabbing her, then it appeared maybe they were…

Will thought about what to do. Maybe she was with them and liked being with three men. Will knew so little of these things. He hadn’t gone to high school. He’d never been on the internet. Magazines were mostly useless to him, though he had seen some with pictures of naked women. His father had explained how people have babies, but that was it. What people did and why he didn’t know. Then he heard the woman scream.

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