New Beginnings – Part 1 – The Aftermath by NCfan

Dirty Pete was relentless. Kelly had endured his anal fucking multiple times but this was too much. The force, the depth, the slapping of her ass. Steve’s cock being pushed into her throat, well beyond her comfort point didn’t help. She was naked, freezing, in pain. When Steve released his cum into her throat she gagged, swallowed, spit, cleared her mouth and screamed. Maybe Hank would come. Or reasonable Connor. Dirty Pete drove deep again and began wahcking her hard as he came and came.

Will looked again. The man behind her was hitting her with force. There was also a man with his cock in her mouth. When he moved she screamed again. Loud. The man behind her began hitting her harder. What to do? He was watching through his scope. What to do. She definitely wasn’t having fun. He listened.

When Dirty Pete pulled out of her ass Kelly rolled over. The ice cold snow a shock against her burning ass. Dirtly Pete was laughing, his cock slick from his cum. Kelly screamed again,

“You raping motherfuckers! I’ll kill you, all of you!”

Dirty Pete laughed again, then his laughed turned to a look of surprise as a red spot appeared in the middle of his forehead. Kelly screamed again as Skinny Pete fell beside her. She had barely moved when Steve said his last word,


Kelly curled up and looked around.

“Hank? Is that you? They were hurting me so bad.” She thought she heard something. Like a small animal moving in the woods. “Who’s there?” She heard a voice,

“Are there any others?”

“Who’s that. Yes, three more, back at camp.”

“Come with me.”

“Who are you?”

“Will.” Kelly stood trying to cover herself. Will stood just inside the treeline looking. He damned himself for looking but there she was, beautiful, naked and beautiful. He felt a warm glow. Then he took off his coat and held it out as he walked into the clearing. He turned his head to offer her modesty. Kelly stepped forward and took the coat. When she had covered herself she followed him.

“Where are we going.”

“Away from here if there are more.”

“Can I trust you?”

“I ain’t like them.”

“B-but you, you just killed three men.”

“Why we’re leaving, so’s I don’t have to kill three more.” Will led the way back up the hill where he had his pack. When they stopped to rest and listen Kelly asked,

“Will. Do you, have anything else I can wear?”

“Oh yeah, sure, look in my pack. Anything that will fit.” Kelly rummaged about in his pack, pulling out a thermal shirt and jeans. Will looked back to see the woman looking questioningly at a pair of boots. “Sorry, that’s all I have. We can find clothes that fit tomorrow.” Will continued looking at the woman. “What’s your name?”

“Kelly”, then as she twirled her finger, “would you mind turning around?” Will hadn’t even realized that he was staring. The coat pulled tight around her. Her bare legs showing below. Her face interesting, attractive. Catching himself he turned.

“Sorry.” Kelly didn’t know what to think. He looked young. He was looking at her, but not in the creepy way Hank’s guys did. More like the guys in high school. Kelly turned around too. She’d been naked and exposed against her will and now she was shy around the guy who saved her. Kelly dropped the coat and pulled on the shirt and jeans, heavy socks which helped the boots fit better. As she turned back around to offer him the coat she remembered. He looks like a kid, but he just killed three men like it was nothing.

“Will, here’s your coat.” He turned around.

“No, you wear it. I’ll put on another shirt. Are you ok? Are you hurt? It looked like they were hitting you.”

“You saw that?”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t faster. But I had to be sure and get close enough. When you called them rapers, I knew.”

“You knew. So you shot them?”

“It’s different now. That’s what my father said. Before… He said ‘defend yourself’.


“He couldn’t take the idea of the world now. He, killed himself.”

“Oh shit. And you’re alone?”

“It’s not so bad. Most people aren’t very nice. Now we better get moving.”


“The others may be looking for us. Do they have weapons?”

“Guns, knives.”

“Rifles, like this?”

“No nothing like that.”

“OK, then if we’re careful we should be ok. That bunch made a lot of noise. It’s what drew me closer.”

“There are three other women.”


“Not really, we met when I was captured. But they’re being used too.” Will looked off into the woods.

“I hadn’t thought about gathering a group. And I don’t want to make a habit.” He just lifted the rifle.

“I see. They would be grateful.” She looked at Will. She noticed that he had no real reaction to this. Interesting.

Will raised his hand to silence Kelly. He pointed down the hill and handed her his binoculars. Kelly gazed through them down towards the opening. She looked for a minute. Then turned and whispered to Will,

“That’s them. The dark jacket is Hank. He’s the leader.” Will instructed Kelly to follow him quietly. He checked his rifle and the handgun in his waistband. As they got closer he could hear them,

“Connor, look around for signs of where she’s gone. Luke what do you think?” Luke had looked over each body.

“Rifle. From some distance. We should move.”

Will looked back at Kelly.

“Which one?”

“Which? Oh oh no I’m not going to pick.”

“If I’m pulling the trigger, you are pickin’.” Kelly thought. She would spare Connor. Luke maybe could be reasoned with. Still.

“Hank.” She put her face in her hands. She couldn’t watch. She heard the shot.

“Let’s move.” Down the hill they went. Luke was scrambling for cover. “You, don’t move. I can kill you from here.” Luke froze as Will and Kelly stepped into the clearing. “Turn around, hands in the air. Check him for weapons.” Kelly walked across to Luke carefully avoiding the bodies. She retrieved a pistol and a knife whch she carried to Will. “Hold onto them. You lead us back to camp. Don’t think about running. They followed the now worn path back to their camp. As they entered the area around the fire Connor was standing by the women. He said to Luke,

“I didn’t see anything so I came back here to be sure she didn’t, oh. Oh shit.” Will moved his rifle from one to the other.

“Both, kneel there.” He pointed with the rifle. He glanced at Kelly. “Release the women, please.”

Kelly quickly released the three women she had been tied to. Sarah looked at the change in situation. She asked Kelly,

“What’s going on? Who’s he?”

“His name is, maybe I shouldn’t say his name. He freed me from Hank.”

“Where is Hank? And the others.”


Luke blurted out, “He shot them.”

Will aimed the rifle at Luke, “You be quiet.”

Sarah asked Kelly, “He did? That kid?” Kelly shrugged her shoulders.

“Not for me to say. We’re free now.” Sarah looked from Kelly to Will. Terry had the important question,

“What now? Where do we go?”

Will, “I’m moving on. You are free to do what you’d like.” Terry again,

“What about those two.”

“Same answer. Take ’em, leave ’em.” He shrugged. “Kelly has their weapons.”

Sarah, Terry and Gwen talked amongst themslves for a bit. Kelly found what was left of her pack and threw that over her shoulder. Sarah spoke for the group, “We’re going to stay together. Connor, you’ve been decent enough and we’d have you come with us. Or you can stay with Luke.” Sarah held her hand out to Kelly, who understood and handed her Luke’s weapon. She walked up behind Luke and sent him to whatever comes next. “Connor?”

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